20th Century Mike Pence

Posted On: Tuesday - March 19th 2024 7:14AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  US Police State  US Feral Government  The Neocons

Peak Stupidity has had it with Mike Pence. He is of absolutely no use to this country! (His use by the Potomac Regime - that's a different story.) We rightly railed on this Indianan, and former Vice President last summer - see GOPer Mike Pence - Another dumb Trump hire - - The stupidity of Mike Pence and More on Alleged Mike Pence Stupidity. Note that the "More" post was a rethinking of my disparagement of Mr. Pence from one interview, based on comments by E.H. Hail. From what you too can see, below, I think I'm reverting to thinking this guy's not just slow but well-meaning. He's not on our side.

First of all, yeah, he was a stupid hire by Mr. Trump, as I explained in that 1st post. My thinking now is that Trump wanted to make sure he had someone bland who would not get in the way of the spotlight on Trump. The latter's ego is so big, that this is more important than having someone more intelligent and capable than a Mike Pence, and, most importantly, loyally on, if not the side of Donald Trump, the side of Americans. This is why he will not pick the splendid Marjorie Taylor Greene for VP candidate. She's smart as a whip and truly on the side of Trump and Americans. However, she will gladly and competently do the disparagement of the ctrl-left Regime, especially its media arm, that Trump won't do must do himself. He can't have anyone else getting accolades from us. If he can't get the most followers and LIKEs, than what's it all for anyway? ;-}

I came across the following video from Face the Nation. I had NO IDEA that was still on TV, and therefore no idea who the woman is. I'm including just a minute of this, in which Pence says that Trump should not call the J6 Political Prisoners "hostages". (Oh, yeah, he explains himself more, and one can watch the whole 11 minutes. It doesn't get any better.)

Now, look, I could quibble with the use of the word "hostages" too, based on dictionary definitions. Because there are no demands being made by the Communists holding them in return for their release, the word hostage is not really accurate. I explained this already here.

No, the over 1,000 J6 prisoners are being held to discourage anyone else from even trying to hold a big protest against the Regime again. We also all know that their sentencing and treatment is much, much harsher than the consequences were for the Black! thugs of BLM and the Commies of antifa, for much more serious destruction, looting and burning. Almost all of the latter were never even arrested. Those on one side of a political divide are being held for visibly being in opposition to the other side, the ruling Potomac Regime. The proper term is "Political Prisoner".

However, Mike Pence didn't quibble about that definition. He deflected the question toward some American hostages being held in Gaza. The Peak Stupidity reader may note that WE DON'T CARE here so much about anything going on there. We want the American military and American taxpayer money to stay out, that's all. Yet Mike Pence obviously cares more about a conflict 1/3 the way around the world than he does about a very obvious Communist takeover right here at home. He has no idea how far this has gone already and how far it is going. The dude is living in the last century! That's my most generous take on the man.

A less generous take on Mike Pence is that he is playing his part in the politics of the Potomac Regime. American patriots should have nothing to do with him.

PS: At the beginning, there is a clip of Trump speaking to a crowd about the J6 Political Prisoners. He's soft. He never said clearly that he will pardon them. In that previous post, Hostages or Political Prisoners, I wrote "Finally, if Donald Trump gets elected this November and then doesn't pardon these people on January 20th of '25, then he is just the tool I often think of him as."

Comments (11)

Kung Flu PanicFest retrospective: Common Sense

Posted On: Monday - March 18th 2024 8:33PM MST
In Topics: 
  Educational Stupidity  Kung Flu Stupidity

"Common sense is not so common", they'll tell you. I agree. It's not something you're born with or not, IMO. Common sense comes from getting out and about, and with using what one's learned from all that getting out and about.

After finishing that 4-year retrospective on Peak Stupidity's stance on the PanicFest at the time, I felt I should add more explanation of this stance at the time based on common sense. I mentioned the school closings as that was the thing going on right at 4 years back.

This Kung Flu Infotainment had been going on already a month and a half when the various States closed the schools. You'd have to have been in permanent RTC - - Responsible Thinking Center, aka Detention*, to have not heard about the Covid 19 ("the Corona" being the phrase most used at the time, IIRC) by that date, Yet, out of a few hundred kids, we did not hear of ANY of them being hospitalized by this disease. Had one been, we would have heard - that's my common sense. Had one child DIED from it, believe me, there would have been no need for a mandated closure of the school. Every parent would have said "fuck this shit, absence warnings or not!" and kept the kids inside the house for a long while.

Yet, this is what the park/playground we hung out at our 2 hour recesses looked like for the next month or more:

"Well, maybe they're worried about the kids spreading this virus more quickly than it would if everyone stays home", I thought of. But, no. Most of the parents are young and in good health, and I'd not heard of any parent who'd gotten hospitalized or died from the Corona either. We would have heard, if so, and all those the kids would probably have not been out in the sunshine at the park either.

It was just common sense. This was an Infotainment PanicFest - good for governments and good for the media.

"Wait, now, but maybe others, with no kids in the schools didn't know wha you did. You can't blame them, right?" Perhaps they should have gotten out more themselves, so they wouldn't have been fixated on the Lyin' Press on TV and the internet. Then too, nobody, not even the fairly large number of old people around, was heard of dying from the Corona.

Well, was this some exceptionally good or lucky area? We weren't in Wuhan or New York City, but no, we had the big circles of "cases of Corona" covering our area too on those thematic maps that came up for every search on the news. Common sense would have helped a lot of people from getting sucked into the Panic vortex.

Back to the kids, even on this totally bogus bar graph - due to cases of the disease being defined as only people hospitalized with positive tests - the kids' numbers were small.

Why'd they close the schools, then? Exercise of Totalitarian tendencies, for the most part, is what I came up with.

* RTC is what they called it at the local school. They're not fooling anybody everybody.

Comments (13)

The Pretenders - Thumbelina

Posted On: Saturday - March 16th 2024 7:30PM MST
In Topics: 
  Music  Peak Stupidity Roadshow

Tonight we will continue* our Chrissie Hynde and The Pretenders music from their excellent early 1980s Learning to Crawl album with Thumbelina. Thumbelina is a little girl whose Mom, the song lyricist narrator**, is taking across this country on a road trip from somewhere in the northeast on the way to Tucson, Arizona... where her Mama's waiting, wearing a low-necked sweater, ... and the cat was cool and he never said a mumblin' word ... or something ... sorry, confusing my music here.

No, but there's no doubt what this song is about, going along with the concept of this album. I'll put all the lyrics here:

Hush little baby. Don't you cry.
When we get to Tucson, you'll see why
we left the snowstorms and the thunder and rain
for the desert sun. We're gonna be born again!

What's important in this world -
a little boy, a little girl.

Hush little darling. Go to sleep.
Look out the window, and count the sheep
that dot the hillsides and the fields of wheat
across America, as we cross America.

What's important and here today -
the broken line on the highway.

All the love in the world for you, girl.
Thumbelina, in a great, big scary world.
All the love in the world for you, girl.
Take my hand, and we'll make it through this world.

Hush little baby, my poor little thing.
You've been shuffled about like a pawned wedding ring.
It must seem strange. Love was here then gone,
and the Oklahoma sunrise becomes the Amarillo dawn.

What's important in this life -
Ask the man who's lost his wife.

Even MORE IMPORTANT, to us listeners, is that this song has a great Carter/Cash style flat-picking sound. Even that fade ending sounds like a country song by Johnny Cash, this one, which is about not one road trip, but many road trips. I've been everywhere in this here land.

What a fantastic song! (... though it's only my 2nd favorite on the album.)

I want to again thank the illustrious and ebullient Peak Stupidity commenters and all the other readers whose mood I have no idea of, since they don't write. We've got something different about the yellow pages and hotel reservations scams, a story out of Harvard good enough for the Babylon Bee, were it not unfortunately real, something about Mexican quality roofing, and plenty of stuff I'll remember next week. Happy Sunday, all!

* The first 3 songs we featured were Middle of the Road - - Back on the Chain Gang and Time the Avenger.

** It's written by Chrissie Hynde.

Comments (5)

SCROTUS Case: Missouri v Dark Brandon

Posted On: Saturday - March 16th 2024 7:41AM MST
In Topics: 
  Websites  Pundits  US Feral Government  Orwellian Stupidity  Legal Stupidity  Kung Flu Stupidity  Zhou Bai Dien  Anti-Social Media

That one is no humorous title, (in PS's opinion) as we use here on many posts written to compare and contrast, as the old English teacher would say. No, State of Missouri v. Biden is an actual court case that has made it up to the SCROTUS, with oral arguments to be made there the day after tomorrow - Monday, the 18th.

Peak Stupidity can't cover every Supreme Court case, even those that do concern the material we write about. However, it so happens that Mr. Jim Hoft, owner/operator of The Gateway Pundit, is one of the 7 plaintiffs. He is one of 5 individuals, while the other 2 are the States of Missouri and Louisiana.*

Jim Hoft has really made the big time with this, and I am glad for him for that. Regarding Jim Hoft's site, our review of Gateway Pundit noted that he/it is a force for good - we just hate a couple of minor things about the site, the sick and overwhelming ads and the hype.

This case is about censorship and violation of Amendment I of the US Constitution by the Dark Brandon Administration. It's not just the big "TECH" Anti-Social Media "platforms" that are being accused of wrongdoing. Were it these companies doing it on their own, that gets into the discussion Peak Stupidity joined in October '20 with Big-"Tech" censorship and Section 230. (That was just before the election, and President Trump had just gotten around to thinking hard about this! "Oh, yeah, I was busy tweeting last year ... guess I dropped the ball on this one ...") In this case, as per the accusations, the Bai Dien (switching back-and-forth at will here) Administration was involved. They'd been directing these companies to censor information. From the Justia Law site linked-to above:
The Plaintiffs—three doctors, a news website, a healthcare activist, and two states —had posts and stories removed or downgraded by the platforms. Their content touched on a host of divisive topics like the COVID-19 lab-leak theory. Plaintiffs maintain that although the platforms stifled their speech, the government officials were the ones pulling the strings. They sued the officials for First Amendment violations and asked the district court to enjoin the officials’ conduct.
The Feral Gov't official defendants claimed that no,
... they only “sought to mitigate the hazards of online misinformation” by “calling attention to content” that violated the “platforms’ policies,” a form of permissible government speech.
Yes, just calling attention, as they happened to be following it all, and enjoy reading the legal disclaimer pages in their spare time, and were just trying to make sure the platforms' policies are being followed, like a good nosy neighbor ... sure, that's the ticket.

Back to the 7 plaintiffs, just below is the list of them. For 3 of the other 4 individual plaintiffs, seeing as he has his website, Mr. Hoft has interviewed these doctors, one by one. (There are videos and transcriptions.) The name-links go to his GP pages on these three, from today and last week.

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
* Dr. Martin Kulldorff
* Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya
* Jim Hoft
* Jill Hines
* The State of Missouri
* The State of Louisiana

The 5th individual, Jill Hines, is a Conservative healthcare policy activist out of Ruston, Louisiana, Without going to facebook (a no-go site in these parts), the best short bio on Mrs. Hines is here on the Citizens for a New Lousiana site - she is 4th one down, just below Tiffany with the big ta-tas.

I am familiar with the location of the States of Missouri and Louisiana. I assume the reader is too.

This case is about big violations of Amendment I by the Feral Gov't. That the Fed have been violating most of the Bill of Rights for arguably half a century is nothing new. I like that this one has gotten to the SCROTUS, but also, this one heavily involves the Kung Flu PanicFest. One can see another process by which the narrative was formed. Because I'm not at all an Anti-Social Media guy, I might now have missed anything blocked via the censorship anyway. I'd been avoiding the mass Lyin' Press TV and websites for years already, so I'd find my own material on the PanicFest. However, I've chalked up the narrative control to American's proclivities to still follow TV and other big media. After seeing the complaints made by Jim Hoft, Missouri, et al, we can suppose that during the PanicFest many Americans would have gotten more truthful news off of these platforms and not been so... damned panicked.

Will the SCROTUS show integrity? We need 5 black-robed people with integrity. I think that's a lot to ask. I'm sure we'll be hearing plenty more from The Gateway Pundit on Monday, and then, IIRC, a few weeks later, when the SCROTUS decision is excreted.

* I don't know why Missouri gets top billing. Did they start the lawsuit up?

** We also posted an Addendum.

Comments (6)

4 years later, and still...

Posted On: Friday - March 15th 2024 5:20PM MST
In Topics: 
  Humor  Kung Flu Stupidity

I took this screenshot off of yahoo a few weeks back. 4 years after the start of the Kung Flu PanicFest, I'm not miffed by the advice given by yahoo, that after being sick with fever, we should return to our normal schedules. I'm miffed that someone at yahoo thinks there's anyone left on the internet who gives a rat's ass about CDC guidelines.

I looked at the Peak Stupidity posts that appear with the Kung Flu Stupidity topic key on or about the middle of March of '20.

Yesterday, 4 years ago, found Peak Stupidity somewhat miffed but also glad that that School's out For Ever! OK, too optimistic, but I saw the silver lining in this cloud of stupidity:
One really cool result of this Wuhan-Willies infotainment panic-fest may be what happens after the kids are at home for a month or more in a large number of school districts all around the country. The parents may get hip the to idea that these schools have served as not much more than social gathering places, welfare distribution facilities and expensive playgrounds. I think they would realize there's a better way.
3 days from today (still 4 years back), Peak Stupidity officially borrowed the name Kung Flu, naming the topic key and giving this plenty of use over the next 2 1/2 years. (I later regretted not using "Flu Manchu", which I'd first seen in an Allan Wall - VDare writer - column, a couple of years later.) In that post, Beware the Kung Flu!, I was wrong though, not on the location of origin, but on the origin process:
Why are they mostly from Asia? We all know that people over there have more exotic tastes, eating animals that we wouldn't even have as pets here. Some we would. I guess these animals are closer in some biological sense to humans, as we never seem to get anything viral from our best friends here, the cats and dogs. Also, the fact that there is just no damn extra room in most livable parts of Asia so people have to live quite a bit more like bats has got to be a contributing factor, allowing for a quick initial spread of these new strains.
Either way, by this date I was not worried about the disease itself, only the PanicFest. The question asked the next day was The Kung Flu - SHTF or Infotainment Panic-Fest? I affirmed it was the latter here:
Listen, I've been around. I remember quite a few of these viruses coming over from Asia over the last couple of decades. People died then too, mixed in with plenty of other people that were fairly old and/or susceptible to disease a lot more than your healthy < 60 y/o's down to babies**. I'm of the pretty solid opinion right now that this Kung Flu is truly an Infotainment Panic-Fest.
However, what I was more worried about was the effect of this PanicFest, if it kept going long, on the economies of the world. Hence, at the end of the post, I changed my reply to "BOTH", explaining:
In answer to the question posed by this post's title: BOTH. The Kung Flu Infotainment Panic-Fest has triggered a financial crisis, bound to happen someday anyway, that may lead to a SHTF situation, if the media and governments keep pressing their luck and don't leave the people the hell alone for a while to get things done.
The SHTF hasn't happened here yet, because, as the other Adam Smith said, "There's a lot of ruin in a nation.".*

That was 4 years ago. Yet that yahoo headline reads as if the average American is still falling for this garbage. I don't want to read about it, unless it's about admissions of wrongdoing, apologies or stories of mass hari-kari by government officials worldwide.

Now, to lighten things up, Peak Stupidity has posted many of the funny videos and (a few) memes that ridiculed the PanicFest. You may want to look for them. I did just find this one from 4 years ago. It may bring back some bad memories though...

* See also Part 2 and Part 3.

Comments (17)

IDs, please!

Posted On: Friday - March 15th 2024 1:07PM MST
In Topics: 

A couple of weeks back in this post I mentioned in the 2nd (**) footnote a must-post follow-up based on the video clip embedded therein. Below, I've got the same clip, but it should (initially) play only the portion that I want to write about. You'll see what my problem is, if you noted the the title here.

It's been a while since Peak Stupidity has gotten into the long-term stupidity of the US having lost its Libertarian principles, both as a people and in the Government. (I suppose the latter follows the former, mostly, but then there's that slow-boiling frog thing...) We broach the subject of the loss of our rights, but most of our writing on the specific subject here is from 6 years back - "Papiere bitte!" - "Your papers, please!" and memories of Mr. Vin Suprynowicz - - "Papiere bitte!" - "Your papers, please!" - Part 2 and "Papiere bitte!" - "Your papers, please!" - Stories from the real deal.

As I noted in the first post discussing this video, it was good to see decent sounding, reasonable black people refute the stupidity* of the lefty White Berzerkelyites of earlier in the video by stating that, no, it's not so hard - they can easily get an ID and all do. I note people mentioned driver's licenses most, but not all of the time, a small bugaboo that I'm sure commenter Adam Smith would have something to say about. He has regaled us of his stories of holding his Constitutional ground on the lack of a requirement for this in the comments before. (Some of us get in plenty of legal trouble trying to get down the road even WITH these things.)

I did not like seeing that brainwashed mindset in everyone who responded to interviewer** Ami Horowitz with "everyone knows you have to carry your ID with you" bit. It wasn't his point, but I guess the responses would have been mostly the same even if he'd broken out that question - carrying it vs. being able to obtain one in order to vote.

I shouldn't have expected anything different out of that crowd. Black folks are not known to be Libertarian. There's no African version of the Magna Carta - they're just doing good not going full Haiti. OTOH, how many White, especially young White, Americans would have made it clear to Mr. Horowitz that, other than for voting security, "I don't neeeeed no steeenking IDs!"? Other races/ethnicities? Nah. As we noted (also long ago), we're not importing the kind of people who will be pushing their kids to obtain their Citizenship in the Nation merit badges. The whole thing is #SAD.

I've had a wallet "on my person", as they like to say, for many years, well most of the time, for driving. However, I'd carry nothing but my keys and whatever cash I had for a number of years when I was already driving. During the dozen or so times I'd been pulled over already, the cop was satisfied with a DL # he could call in. Then, one day, after having done NOTHING wrong, I got the "papiere bitte!" treatment at a DUI traffic stop. That is, of course, a complete violation of Amendment IV that has had no Americans riled up about it for 3 decades***.

The fine of 80 bucks for not having my driver's license on my person was $250 in '24 BaiDienBucks, I'd reckon. Also, it was a lot more to me then due to my circumstances. I put a nasty note in the memo field of the check I sent in. It was sent back to me for that with a note about the bad language - I kid you not!

Here's the relevant part of that video:

* ... or maybe it was lying excuses, if that's what they were really up to. It's not always stupidity, I know.

** ... not really surveyor, as he may seem to be.

*** That was Part 1 of When did the Feral Government get OUT OF CONTROL? There's a Part 2.

Comments (11)

Dead Commie Pi Day

Posted On: Thursday - March 14th 2024 6:56PM MST
In Topics: 
  Commies  General Stupidity  Holiday from Stupidity

That's not a tasty dish served by the current "leader" of Haiti. It's two separate things we can celebrate today and each March 14th.

From Instapundit, I learned something from this meme:

Good riddance to the instigator of what became a most violent and destructive ideology. That was 141 years ago today.

Also, one of the most important ratios in geometry, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius, 𝜋, is an irrational number that today's date comes closest to. It's 3/14, the first 3 digits of 3.14159.... It's not just about circles, but all sorts of engineering equations end up with that 𝜋 in them.

There are contests in which people try to recite the highest number of digits from memory. People get well over 100. I think 3.14, with 3 significant digits, is good enough for most calculations. Hopefully, I can keep the 3.14159 precision in my head for as long again as it's been there already.

So, friends, happy Pi and Karl Marx Death Day!

PS: Hmmmm, there's that number 141 again, hidden as the first 3 digits right of the decimal. Does it mean that Communism has come full circle today? I could believe that. If you believe in Numerology, well, become a number theorist, and you'll be able to find a reason for everything.

Comments (9)

Pizza Pizza

Posted On: Thursday - March 14th 2024 4:29PM MST
In Topics: 
  Environmental Stupidity  Big-Biz Stupidity

Yes, it's been an extremely slow blog-week so far, Peakers. It's not that there not lots of stupidity to point out, though. This is one of the minor instances that make for short, easy-to-write posts.

We have plenty more to say about the Climate Calamity™ scam, in which I've been sorely disappointed. I really thought that it'd been left behind sometime in the midst of the Kung Flu PanicFest. Alas, and probably BECAUSE the PanicFest did not "reset" humanity, the pedal has been put to the metal on this one. This post, however, is NOT on that aspect of what used to be called Environmentalism, though. We're talking actual particulate pollutants this time, that come out of the smoke stacks of New York City pizza jernts.*

Another mouth-watering Peak Stupidity image:

Some garlic powder, oregano, and maybe hot pepper would make it a perfect meal!

It's a big environmental problem, youse guys, says the apparently otherwise unburdened government of New York City, per (yet again) The Gateway Pundit, reporting thusly: NYC’s Green Rule Could Shutdown Upwards of 100 Pizza Joints [sic] in the City – March 20th Protest Announced. Green rules? Perhaps the use of more Bell Pepper toppings would increase compliance with the green rules, but then, my rule is YOU! DON'T! PUT! VEGETABLES! ON! PIZZA!

That's the rule, at least for my pizza, or I send it back:

This is more of that diminishing returns stupidity that the government of California is the most famous for. Is New York City a big hazy ball of particulate smog, full of smoke stack industries at this point? It may have been long ago, but Big Finance has been holding the city up pretty well (till the recent immigration unpleasantness). Cars don't pollute particulates, or even much of anything, like they used to. Is a small amount of pizza oven exhaust really something to worry about? It smells great - I'll take my chances. Of all the things that city is known for, a wide variety of eateries, I mean, as The Foodies would surely tell you, is one right on top there.

NY Pizza is known and loved by all. OK, not all - that statement may cause a lot of friction here at Peak Stupidity, Thick Chicago style vs. thin NY style - well there's no contest. I am happy to have a place nearby, far from New York, that does make this style, so I don't need to go to NYC to get some. Then too, last time I took a pundit to lunch there (you all would know him), he didn't really know the area and we ended up at freaking Unos.

That brings up the serious part of this story:
The NYC ‘rule’ will essentially require pizzerias with pre-2016 ovens to invest in a filtration system that will reportedly cost upwards of $20,000, according to the New York Post back in June.
As GP writer Brian Lupo noted, this tyranny that's screwing over the pizza jernts with highly burdensome regulation and fines is just great for those bland Big Biz chain pizza places, isn't it? Other than having had that old ad (our title), Little Caesars sucks. With these little guys out of business, Pizza Slut can solicit errr, serve more Personal Pan Pizzas - not personal, strickly bidness. One wishes the mob would get involved here.

Next time I'm at Unos in NYC, I'll check behind the toilet tank in the men's room, hell, maybe the women's room too - they have to let me in. If I see a gun duct-taped back there, I'll figure all is still right with the world.

* Think Archie Bunker here, who lived in TV NYC, and you'll know this word.

Comments (5)

History Lesson: Bring your own women

Posted On: Tuesday - March 12th 2024 11:39AM MST
In Topics: 
  History  Geography  Race/Genetics

As a likely welcome change from the recent Peak Stupidity discussion of all things immigration invasion (we WILL get back to it), the fixation on the stupidity of Zhou Bai Dien, Dark Brandon*, if you will, on The Gateway Pundit and all this not-so-secret admiring of Georgia Rep MTG, we'll try to branch out this week. This particular race/genetics tagged post is not on the usual suspects for a change, though they may be mentioned in passing.

The map above is in a hotel room in the Florida Keys. I like maps and all Geography, so I enjoy perusing these old maps where they appear, normally in touristy areas. Who was around when the explorers/adventurers were drawing these maps centuries ago? Well, if you've been to The Keys, you'll know they are pretty White. Without any stats, I could tell that from the way the hotel was run, far from the level of incompetence of a Hotel Haiti. (See also: - on Competence - - - on Caring and Conclusion.)

One can look up said stats quickly anyway, as I just did. Monroe County, Florida includes the Keys long chain of islands, though they are only 13% of the area of the county. However, the rest is all Everglade swamp, with, per wiki, 17 - yep, you read that right, seventeen - residents. (That's not counting alligators, of course.) So, Monroe County IS The Keys. (The county seat is Key West, naturally.)

66% White does not sound so high for comfort, but then the black proportion of residents is 5 1/2%. The rest are largely Hispanic - 24%. Yeah, the residents down there, maybe more than many, deem the service work unworthy of them and depend on that cheap labor. One of the Key's mayors extolled this crowd. "Industry" down there, besides the naval base, is Tourism. The White residents can live the relaxed life of the Conch Republic and depend on retirement income, real estate booms, and entertainment for income, hoping the tourists will leave them along for half the year.

That territory in the above map was Spanish with the rest of Florida, per their claims and deals. However, there were really not many people down there besides Cuban and Bahamian fishermen and pirates. Well, this Key West and Conch Republic story is too long for this post, but I'll get to the subject, which is what the above map brought up in my head.

The Spanish, with their better deal over the Portuguese, ended up settling most of South America, all of Central America, the Mexico, and for a while, that now-important land of Florida, while the other Europeans (mostly English and some French) got that still huge, but smaller, land which we call America and Canada. What is wrong with the Spanish that explains why their settled lands, civilized to an extent, became nothing like the organized, law-abiding, prosperous lands that the English settled? (Of course, that's with the later help of Germans, Scandinavians, etc, but still northern Europeans.)

I think of the Spanish people, in Spain, that is, as Europeans. That goes along the lines of the Italians and Greeks in southern Europe. Sure, things never were as organized as they were in northwestern Europe, most especially Great Britain and Germany (just as the biggest examples). Still, the Italians and Greeks in America (eventually) worked out pretty well... just don't let them run governments or anything.** The Spanish are tanned Europeans, like the others in the south of Europe. How about the influence of all the centuries of the occupation by the Moors? I'm not an HBD guy by the numbers - I'll leave that to Steve Sailer.

Though the answer to come is obvious, I did think a little about the fact that the northern Europeans got the more temperate lands, for the most part. The part of Latin America that does have a temperate climate is the "cone" of the ice cream cone-shaped S. America, the countries of Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. They DO run better and just seem a tad bit more organized and industrious than the rest of the Spanish-conquered New World. Is it all about the climate, you know, before it changed and all? Well, see, that southern cones of S. America is better because more Europeans immigrated, whether Spanish, Italian, German, or even English.***

Of course, it's obvious that the answer to why Latin America has sucked since the time of the conquerors compared to America and Canada is the large intermixture of the Spanish "newcomers" with the natives. Even though the native inhabitants down there had some big civilizations compared to those in our land, they were still civilizations based on worshipping Sun gods and tearing out live human hears vs ones based on a saner religion and things like science and technology. It didn't take very many Spaniards with Euro developed gunpowder-powered projectile weapons to overcome the mass of natives.

Things went differently down there. Up north, the English came to live brand new lives in a land of unlimited resources, unfettered by the rules back home that they'd had a problem with. They came to build a new and better civilization. You need women, and they brought them.

The history of the Spanish Conquistadors reads as an effort to claim land for Spain and officially convert the natives to Christianity, resulting in accolades back home from Government and The Church. Then, there was the gold and silver. You didn't need accolades, as becoming filthy rich was a worthy goal too. Up north, timber and furs were the exports, but that wasn't the be-all-to-end-all for the settlers, just a way to initially support the colonies.

As for the Spanish, still, horney is as horney does, so what'ya gonna do? Now, as big a Neil Young fan as your blogger is, I don't at all trust his lyrics on the beauty of the "Cinnamon Girl"**** natives. Most look more like previously deported literal heartbreakers than Las heartbreaking Usurpadoras.

Still, in the New World without other options, the Spanish had to make do. This mixture of the native genetics in Latin America is much much higher than that in the north, where women and even intact families were imported. One might surmise that had Ponce de Leon***** actually found that Fountain of Youth, the Spaniards might have imported their wives from back home. After a few pitchers, I'd imagine they'd look pretty good. (Same goes for beer.)

That component in the resulting genetics in Latin America had not just the codes to looks and skin color, but to that savage inner nature of the Aztecs, Incas, and such. (This is reminding me to write that post on Venezuela and Venezuelan "newcomers".) A few centuries later, that's what we're dealing with.

The thing is, you don't have to continually import women to your far-away settlement. After a few generations, your own people's genes can proliferate on their own. It's a shame that the Spanish did things differently.

The city of Seattle has a piece of history involving the importation of women not from over overseas, but from across this land. Seattle and the Puget Sound region was a fairly newly developed region, as American history goes, there being almost no White presence until the middle of the 1800s. One Asa Mercer imported these "Mercer Girls" or "Mercer Maids" ("maid" not being strictly about doing laundry) from long settled and established Boston and nearby Lowell, Massachusetts. Sailing still beat overland travel, so these girls came around the ENTIRE new world, around Cape Horn and back up. They did not settle in Latin America, or settle for Latin Americans. Per wiki, regarding Mercer's 2nd, larger effort that didn't go smoothly, the initial number of women being 500, but ending up at only about 100, @ $300 apiece. Three hundred dollars!:
When Mercer returned to Seattle, he had to answer a number of questions about his performance. At a meeting on May 23, public dismay softened, probably because the women were with him.

Mercer ended up marrying one of the women, Annie Stephens, a week later, and most of the others found husbands as well.
At the top of Queen Anne Hill*, on the east side of the main street, there are Boston, Newton, and Lynn Streets. At the foot of this neighborhood, just north of the "Seattle Center" Space Needle tourist complex, there is Mercer Avenue. All of them are situated east-west. I mean, 300 bucks, come on!

Bring your own women. Immigrant settlers or invaders, whatever the case, know this too. Idiotic Feral Gov't chain migration allows people to bring in wive, older relatives to babysit and collect SS, and even slaves to this new world of theirs. There's a lesson to be learned here. What other land is there to settle for us though? We could take this lesson to space even.

Then again...

* I REALLY like this one!

** OK, big exceptions should be made for Rudy Giuliani and Ron DeSantis.

*** Unfortunately, the Argentine government decreased Euro immigration a century ago to their detriment. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

**** Peak Stupidity has a post, but it was not about that song, but on Cortez the Killer. "The women all were beautiful..." I've been on the Res, and I beg to differ. Still, great guitar solos, man!!

***** ... and it's Lee-own' country for you folks in Tallahassee, if you want to get historic, not Lee'-on, as in Leon Spinks.

****** This is a leafy tony neighborhood ( with probably a few Tony's but not any To'niqua's). It sits just north of downtown and is 400-500 feet up above sea level with stupendous views on all sides.

Comments (11)

The cashless agenda: Good new and bad news

Posted On: Monday - March 11th 2024 7:01AM MST
In Topics: 
  Globalists  Economics  Orwellian Stupidity  Big-Biz Stupidity

Most people want the bad news first. The cashless society concept being pushed by Globalists, Big Biz, etc. has been a recurring subject* here at Peak Stupidity. We simply realize that Revelation Chapter 13, verse 17 is not supposed to be part of some business best practices guidelines.

The bad news is that while traveling recently, in the big hub airport terminal I spent 20 minutes trying to pay cash for food. The place that would take cash looked open, but closed till an undetermined time, per an employee. This was more of the new lower competence level U.S. of A.

I hadn't eaten all day, and it was about 5P. I went to get a slice of pizza. "Cards only", the sign said. OK, never mind, but then I saw that the slice was 8 bucks! It was a good thing they didn't need my money - I don't need pizza that BAD! Next, there was a shop that had packaged sandwiches. I knew it would be pricey, but I remember these ones are good and more healthful than a slice of pizza. There was no sign. She wouldn't take cash. Telling the cashier lady that it was the law got me absolutely nowhere - I left the sandwich there on the counter.

I think I was just on the wrong concourse, as I know that airport terminal is not totally cashless. I won't patronize places that won't take cash now, hungry or not.

The good news is from Norway:

HUGE!?? Well, I wouldn't call this "huge". That's a Gateway Pundit thing.

The Norwegian government is proposing a new law that will FORCE shops to accept real cash as payment. In other words, they will not be allowed to be “cashless”.

The Ministry of Justice and Public Security want to change the law of the land to make sure that real cash can always be used as a form of payment.
Wait a minute! What is this guy saying? The government of the country is on the side of the people, not the Globalists? Unpossible!

You go, Norway! (... and Sweden. The article mentions the same policy in Sweden too.)

* If you haven't read the posts, see Chipotle - no credit, no debit, and hold the E. Coli - - Cash is King - (Part 2) - - Cash is King - (Part 3) - - Tubmania and a cashless economy - - Cashless Covfefe - - Keep Kash King! - - Keep Cash King II - the Tower of London. - - Keep Cash King II(a) - Follow-up on the muffin place and Cash is King, continued: Tipping in cash -, for starters. One might even say this is a fixation here.

Comments (11)

Time the Avenger

Posted On: Saturday - March 9th 2024 9:57PM MST
In Topics: 
  Music  Female Stupidity  Poetic Stupidity

This is the 3rd song* on The Pretenders' album Learning to Crawl. The theme of the album is obvious from the lyrics here. This one can't be strictly biographic, as it doesn't sound like it's about any musician such as her Ray Davies at all. The songs on this album, at least half of them, are about a family splitting up, with the woman (singer) being bitter about it.

Nobody's perfect, not even a perfect stranger.
Oh, but what a gal. She was such a perfect stranger.
And you're the best in your field, in your office,
with your girls and desk and leather chair.

So the guy was fooling around on her, but the women's biggest weapon is described. Let me skip a couple of lines:

Nobody is permanent. Everything is on loan here.
Even your wife and kids could be gone next year.
And with what you have left, you'll be forever, under pressure to support her.

Yep. However, the mistake the woman makes here is thinking Time, the Avenger is after the man more than the woman. Time is harder on women - it's just the way life works. Yet she sings:

Thought that time was on your side,
Now it's time the avenger.

then, later:

Time, time hear the bells chime
over the harbor in the city.
Time, one more vodka and lime,
To help paralyze that little
Tick, tick tick tick ...

Sorry, Chrissie, but you've probably learned by now that you had it backwards, and the man should be singing this.

It doesn't matter. Music is not so much about the lyrics. I really like this fast beat, the bass line, those chords (are they 6th chords?), and especially the long ending that sounds like it's a fade ending but stops abruptly. I could use 5 more minutes of that jamming.

Thank you for reading, maybe listening, and writing in this week, Peakers! I'll get to that genetics post - it's not developing very well anyway - a couple of more Climate Calamity™ posts, some odds and ends, and who really knows?

* The first 2 are Middle of the Road and Back on the Chain Gang. Peak Stupidity may not embed them all, but we'll probably feature most of the songs.

Comments (9)

Bai Dien on "Lincoln" Riley and Illegal vs LEGAL murder

Posted On: Saturday - March 9th 2024 12:07PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Zhou Bai Dien

First off, that in his SOTU speech, Zhou Bai Dien called the young lady murdered by an illegal alien in Athens last week the wrong first name is not much of a gaffe. These non-normal, often last-name first names that have been around more than a decade are difficult for me too... and I'm neither an android nor demented. Bigger gaffes were expected, but ... drugs, good drugs in a well-engineered combination.

Then again, this might mean, even in a heightened drug-induced state, Dark Brandon* had not considered this story as related to any cough big issues, cough, cough, America might have right now. That doesn't say much for him, but then Peak Stupidity's favorite member of Congress, MTG, made the effort to set him straight.

Did I tell you I'm in LUV with this woman? TMI there, or a later post, one ... I like that she got him to mention this, (without either of them close to tears either). Heckling? Yeah, that was heckling. Heckling is the least of the options that Americans will have to resort to soon enough.

Well, you've probably seen this scene.** My point in this post is about Dark Brandon's answer here. VDare's Former Agent brings up the first part of Bai Dien's answer: How Many Of The Thousands Of People Are Being Killed By Legals? Some may rightly call that a gaffe, as even the best of politicians do that sort of thing, telling the truth by accident. So, what if the violent Venezuelan Jose Antonio Ibarra was a bona-fide paper-signed LEGAL immigrant, something pretty easy to be right now?***

Any immigration patriot would tell you that it's the same problem. Even for the immigrants that are REALLY on the up-and-up, and not just by Peak Stupidity's sarcastic commentary, if America has more violent people coming, there will be more murder.

However, I would go farther than that. If America has more people, period, other factors equal, there will be more murder. Depending on who's been coming legally, that might mean a higher or lower per-capita rate. However, think about it - we're already here - they're not... yet. Do we want more murder? There's also a thing called Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome.

That's one thing. It's the additional answer to MTG's point by Brandon that brings up some stupidity I haven't seen comment on yet. I can't find it written out****, but let me write here the gist of this (my wording):
People are paying 8 thousand dollars to smugglers to get taken into the US. When they get here they get notices that say they have to appear at a hearing in a year or two. That's no good. [Interruption by me: Hell yeah, that's no good, but then ...] We need to make it 6 months, no, 6 weeks, so the whole "dynamic" (Bai Dien wording) will be changed.

What the fuck?!

I don't know what retarded puppetmaster put this line in Dark Brandon's head on his teleprompter, but he's highly incompetent. The point is supposed to be the following, as I understand.:
Look, we need more BP and ICE agents to process the Newcomers at the border. That was all in the Senate border bill, that, errr, also allowed an illegal quota of 1.8 million entries yearly, but never mind that. You people were against that bill. More agents could have gotten these hearings scheduled more quickly. The aliens would then know that they'd have a hearing real soon, so they wouldn't even think about coming to begin with! Different dynamic! I mean, it's not like they can skip the hearings. They have to attend! It's all required... by law, dammit!
Who is supposed to believe this garbage? Yet, that was Dark Brandon's reply to MTG's, Senator Britt's, and most Americans' concern. Change the hearing schedule. That's his answer... to keep young women from getting brutally murdered on the running trails.

Oh, and fix those trails, why don'tcha'?

* I really like this one, but I won't lose "Zhou Bai Dien" completely.

** ... especially if you are a Gateway Pundit reader - their on every little word.

*** I mean, they are giving these people "Parolee" "paperwork" with apps now, when they aren't even here yet! The "t"s are crossed, and the "i"s are dotted, strickly on the up and up!

**** I'm in a location where I can't get loud, so let me find this later on today.

Comments (3)

GOP Estrogen Overdose v Dark Brandon

Posted On: Friday - March 8th 2024 3:49PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Pundits  Media Stupidity  Female Stupidity  Zhou Bai Dien

In his post today, Katie Britt’s SOTU Response Attacks Biden On Border, Fentanyl, Sex Trafficking And Laken Riley—But Doesn’t’ Use The Word Immigrant, VDare's long-term editor and writer James Fulford described the GOPe rebuttal to the SOTU speech of last night, with a big assist by Ann Coulter.

Even though I was around during Ronald Reagan's 8 years as President, I may have watched one or two of these State of the Union thingies at most. Surely you don't think this Peak Stupidity blogger would be able to sit still for an hour and 10 minutes* of Dark Brandon without hashing out a post. Of course not, and quit calling me Shirley Achmed. I did watch a couple of clips on The Gateway Pundit, and I'll just say this: I would not bet more than just make-it-interesting money ($20, the new fiver, at most) that the powers that be haven't turned Dark Brandon into an android.** It's just another kind of transition, and it might very well explain the comments about sex with Dr. Jill.

That surely can't be the whole post here, so let me get to the junior Senator from Alabama, one Katie Britt, who was this year's re-butt-er. In a substack*** post "Katie" Britt's Estrogen-Laden Response to the SOTU, Ann Coulter warned her readers not to watch this thing. James Fulford took Miss Coulter's advice and read the transcript instead.

That's all Mr. Fulford needed to do his job, which is compiling all things immigration:
I started by searching the transcript for “migr” which will catch all references to immigration, immigrant, and “migrant”. There weren’t any. I wonder if that’s the speechwriter wanting not to be “anti-immigrant” or GOP strategists who hope to continue importing cheap labor.

She does, however, talk about the things that immigrants bring over Biden’s open border—drugs, rape, sex trafficking, and murder.
That's all true. Had this and other points about the evil out of Dark Brandon been said by Peter Brimelow - leaving just a few people in the dust with that accent, unfortunately ;-} - Matt Goetz, MTG, or an old George Wallace - ditto on the accent - this would have been great to get out there. (I'd have even watched it, had it been said by Peter or MTG... hell, George Wallace too - that'd be a trip.)

No, but see, lots of people like to watch rather than read. I'd say a large majority do. So, I wanted to see what Ann Coulter was talking about, after, that is, her excellent introduction, bringing up something I hadn't known, because I don't watch this stuff.:
In the last nine responses to a State of the Union address (one “Address to Congress”) Republicans have chosen a woman or minority. This year, it was a tearful Sen. Katie Britt, literally sitting at a kitchen table, presumably because a nursery school wasn’t available.

The last white male to give the response was Mitch Daniels in 2012. Coincidentally, it was the last decent one.
The following ALL CAPS are Miss Coulter's:
You sure know your voters, GOP!

This would be like Democrats refusing to give any jobs to women or minorities, as opposed to what they actually do, which is give all jobs to women and minorities.

[OK, I went ahead and made it bold too.]
Yeah, or just the other wing of the UniParty.

I didn't have the restraint of, and a real job to do like, James Fulford. I checked in at about 4 minutes in. Mrs. Britt tells a horrible story. Others could have done that. It'd have been better if someone else had, as Ann Coulter was dead on. This is what an overdose of estrogen looks and sounds like. It was like a plane wreck, and I couldn't look away. (I like to figure out what went wrong. No joy this time ...) Katie Britt seemed on the verge of tears for her whole rebuttal on the outrages that have been occurring. Political solutions and threats would have been nice to hear about, but nope.

Seeing a woman in this emotional state is unnerving. One Senator's SOTU rebuttal can be turned off quickly or one can listen (dammit, shoulda!) to Ann Coulter. However, though it can take a long time in the course of one's life to figure this out, male Peak Stupidity readers may understand an important thing about the female emotional state as seen above. Many times, what the woman is talking about might very well have nothing to do with the real problem she's upset about.

Is it possible that Senator Britt is not actually that upset about inflation and the immigration invasion surge caused by Zhou Bai Dien? Her husband Wesley (mentioned at the end) may have found out a day afterwards that this is actually about his not having brought the car she scraped up to the body shop after 6 months! The neighbors' yards on both sides are much greener, as Wesley never weeded and seeded the yard as he SAID HE WOULD!

The video included a state change that occurred about 12 1/2 minutes in. Mrs. Britt's estrogen must have changed polarity, as her mood morphed within 30 seconds into a happy one, so happy that, yeah, she was on the verge of crying the whole REST of the time too.

Just thinking of my dream girl Marjorie Taylor Greene (who also was quite involved in this shindig) for a bit, I'm sure she's got estrogen coursing through her veins too. She seems to channel it much better and maybe has 1/10 of the amount. Women need to have SOME of this stuff or they won't be womanly. However, you can't have them going on TV like this and shit, I mean come on!

Ann Coulter is right on the bigger picture. Women, except for herself, should not be involved in politics. My wife just said this same thing right after I showed her this video for 20 seconds.

As for the contest, Senator (R-AL) Katie Britt v Evil scum Dark Brandon, I will say that I'd watch the latter before the former, albeit only after having had a few beers with my pundit buddies Alex and Tucker. This Katie, she'd require a whole nother 6-pack. Oh, and Katie ain't gonna win that Oscar she's gunning for either. They don't take White people, last I heard.

PS: I'm curious what Jordan Peterson would have to say about this.

* Geeze, the search sites suck badly! It took me about 2% of the time of that speech to find out the one number. Yandex came through! Thank you, Yandex, and, well, I guess that means I'm a Russian sympathizer, so, go, Putin!

** Hopefully, an android that uses the Android OS rather than Windows. You want an hour and 10 minutes of operating time without any black & blue screens o' death.

*** Unsafe is the name of her blog area on the site.

[UPDATED 03/09:]
Added a couple of paragraphs (just below the video) and fixed one typo - "SOTU".

Comments (8)

Klimate Karma's gonna get you ...

Posted On: Thursday - March 7th 2024 7:05PM MST
In Topics: 
  Global Climate Stupidity  Science

Two big, errr, storm centers coming your way. I guess a string bikini wouldn't have been appropriate here.

I'm so glad I didn't deserve any of this Instant Klimate Kalamity™ Karma that was comin' down ... in dozens of feet, onto the Sierras and Intermountain West. Even the standared Lyin' Press sites had to admit it.

NBC News and Yahoo Finance, respectively, reported this weekend, Powerful blizzard dumps snow across Sierra Nevada with 145 mph wind gusts in biggest storm of the season and Western US to Be Whipped by Blizzards, Wildfires Through Weekend

Come to think of it, the people of the High Sierras and the Intermountain West aren't so much the types that deserve this pounding either. The general Karma is for those who keep claiming that they have a working mathematical model of the entire World's climate. Oooops! (Happens all the time.)

In the meantime, it probably wasn't so much Karma as basic bad luck involved in the story of a California Man Arrested for Smuggling Greenhouse Gases Into the United States. It wasn't the CO2 in his lungs he'd exhaled after swimming the Rio Grande. It wasn't the water in his Mayorkas-supplied water bottle either.

It was the hydrofluorocarbons in his trunk. Dammit, who knew the Border Patrol was so scientifically knowledgeable?! They let the cocaine and fentanyl get by, cartel members and Moslem terrorists are not even hassled, and you can still tote a couple of kilos in a spare tire for auld lang syne. However, this shit is SERIOUS, man! It's a refrigerant.
“This is the first time the Department of Justice is prosecuting someone for illegally importing greenhouse gases, and it will not be the last,” U.S. Attorney Tara McGrath said in a statement. “We are using every means possible to protect our planet from the harm caused by toxic pollutants, including bringing criminal charges.”
It used to be the stuff killing the ozone layer with a hole you could drive a Mack truck through, but now it's a massive greenhouse gas. So, too bad about your old fridge and your Trans Am air conditioning, ebay customers. We're tryin' a stop Global Warming here, so you're just gonna have to sweat it out... and eat rotten avocados... No worries, the fentanyl brings out the flavor...
If convicted on all counts, Hart faces up to 45 years in prison and $750,000 in fines.
Hell yeah. Keep that R-134a south of the border. We'll have a big beautiful wall to keep it out, with a big door nozzle in it ...

Comments (5)

Large Marge expanded version

Posted On: Thursday - March 7th 2024 10:28AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Trump  Media Stupidity  Americans

I am not sure why Marjorie Taylor Greene, MTG, in the modern parlance, is called "Large Marge" sometimes. Is this because she's a body-builder (and extreme endurance sports) type? I don't know why else, because she's in good shape. Maybe it's just her height or is it her political stature. She's got a LARGE personality, which is a good thing, so let's chalk it up to that.

I was going to update our last post with its shorter video clip, but I can see enough additions, with one correction to my comments in reply to Dieter Kief, to warrant this one.

The clip from the New York Post - usually on our side, BTW - used the term "rage" erroneously and cut out a prior 45 seconds of the Q&A with MTG. That's important. As with a lot of viral videos, only the part people want to go viral go viral. The death of the violent black reprobate druggie George Floyd is the best example of this that I know of.

Here in this post is the whole thing, at least from when the British lady "reporter", one Emily Maitlis, starts questioning MTG:

One can see here lots more of the personality of MTG. My impression, as usual, is very favorable. She is ebullient from the "Super Tuesday" Trump "big smashhhh" (picture Trump speaking this), of course. I see her here speaking very logically and honestly about Trump's possible VP pick. She is modest for herself.*

Now, you can see that Mrs. Greene was glad to talk to Miss Maitlis for a spell, but she didn't appreciate being hounded on the Jewish space laser issue just to be made fun of.

Finally, about the Jewish space laser errrr, issue, I speculated about what the deal was in the comments under the last post based only on the writing of commenters under that previous clip on youtube. I read on this one that this silliness was about the wildfires in California. I don't care. It's not Peak Stupidity's job to track down 100% of all world stupidity, at least not in our current organizational structure. But, look:

1) Strange things ARE happening these days.
2) No, I don't think that particular conspiracy theory makes any sense.
3) Yes, MTG and any politician, even the few smart ones, can be made fun of for numerous gaffes.
4) MTG is NOT an evil destroyer of the American nation. She's very much the opposite.

I think (4) makes up for all the rest, don't you? So, yeah, Emily Maitlis, why don't you fuck off?

* I'd never even thought about this, but since Miss Maitlis put the idea into our heads, Marjorie Taylor Greene as the VP candidate would be BRILLIANT, and not just in the modern British meaning! Holy crap - you'd have the entire ctrl-left worried about President Trump's health for 4 years and more! Unfortunately, Donald Trump's ego would never let him choose such a smart, outspoken, fun, and hard-charging woman like MTG. It'd draw away the spotlight from Trump, a big no-no for him.

Comments (6)