Vienna no longer waits for you

Posted On: Thursday - July 25th 2024 6:50PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Music  History  The Future  World Political Stupidity

I've just seen an interesting but depressing video and read a little history from a guy named Raymond Ibrahim in an article titled Islam in Vienna: The Fate of Those Who Reject History.

I've been to Vienna, Austria just the one time, on a long-ago trip around Europe with an external-frame backpack, a rail pass, a youth hostel pass, and maybe 400 bucks cash total for the 2 months there. Because the dollar was down at that time and I wasn't a Communist anyway, I didn't spend my time in Vienna at the coffee shops reminiscing about Che Guevara. Instead, I rode the trolleys, walked around, saw a few sites and then became sick for 2 days, sleeping in a youth hostel that was in some tall bell tower. There wasn't a Moslem in sight.

Vienna can be considered the entryway to eastern Europe, depending on which way you come. Austria was a place a Westerner could easily visit during the Cold War, but it was the end of the line.

Going back a few years before this trip of mine, in the Year of Our Lord 628*, very early on since he'd cranked up the cult known as Islam, the madman Muhammad, per the link above, "sent an ultimatum to Eastern Roman Emperor Heraclius: aslam taslam, 'submit [to Islam] and have peace.' Heraclius rejected the summons, jihad was declared against Christendom (as enshrined in Koran 9:29), and in a few decades, two-thirds of the then-Christian world — including Spain, all of North Africa, Egypt, and Greater Syria — were conquered."

Spain, and for a much shorter time, Portugal, were under Moslem occupation until the slow reconquista, culminating finally with the Moslems being pushed off the Iberian peninsula in 1492. (It was a very good year...) Eastern Europe, however, had to deal with these fanatics too.

450 years ago, the Ottomans came into Poland led by Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa. He had Christian prisoners skinned alive. Within 9 years, the Muslemen, as they were called, had reached the walls of Vienna, and they laid siege to the city for 2 months. Just at the time the Viennese were ready to give up, help came in the form of Polish King John Sobieski, with his 65,000 horseman and then the biggest cavalry charge there ever was.
Although a spectacular victory, the aftermath was gory: before fleeing, the Muslims ritually slaughtered some 30,000 Christian captives collected during their march to Vienna — raping the women beforehand. On entering the relieved city, the liberators encountered piles of corpses, sewage, and rubble everywhere.
So, the Viennese people ought to know something about the threat of Islam. Going forward a few decades from my trip, like the rest of Europe now, the people, or at least the people who run things seem to have forgotten. (Or, just as likely, the people that ruin things are evil and want to destroy the Christian nations.) It's a damn mess now, considering that there have been no battles at the city walls - the Viennese have just let them all in.

This video discusses the demographic situation in 2024 Vienna:

Nobody's been skinned alive yet. More people have been murdered, more women have been raped, but more importantly if you weren't one of them already, the Christian Culture is being obliterated. What about those 65,000 Polish horseman? What would they think about 441 year-later Vienna, in the age of modern Western military weapons, cheap chain-link fence and barbed wire, cheap cameras, drones, and computers? What was it all for, a lot of men long gone to the grave may be asking.

Well before my trip, about the cultural/musical center of Europe - and don't forget the Kaffeehauses! - the Piano Man Billy Joel wrote a song called Vienna Waits for You.

This is a beautiful melody with a nice sound, prototypical early Billy Joel. The lyrics, uhhh, I'm gonna go with the take of a youtube commenter here. The gist of it is that the woman Billy Joel speaks to should remember to slow her life down, and don't fret about missing out. When she gets old, there will always be the wonderful cultural life awaiting her in the old Christian city of Vienna, waiting for her... I know, but Billy Joel wrote the song 47 years ago. How was he supposed to know?!

The too-frantic, ambitious juvenile of this song would be in her 70's now. I don't think she ought to go to Vienna after all.

Vienna (Waits for You) was an obscure "album cut" until he played it a lot in concert - and then, from what I read, Spotify came along. This was on the album called The Stranger, which had 4, yes FOUR, great hit songs, recorded this time of year in the Summer of '77 (2 years after Brenda and Eddie had had it already.)

* Anybody calls it CE, and I kill ya'. [/Francis Sawyer] OK, I'll correct your history books with an ink pen.

Comments (12) - bailing out to substack

Posted On: Thursday - July 25th 2024 11:46AM MST
In Topics: 
  Websites  Pundits

(Continued from this post.)

There has been a long-term business/political relationship between the "most reasonable guy in America" Steve Sailer and the soon-to-be lost website. VDare published Mr. Sailer's writings and supported him (at least) since the latter got fired from The Natural Review.*

I don't write this post today because of this relationship, though. It's one of these deals in which I REALLY DON'T want to drop promised post continuations for months**, as much as it might seem like it to the Peak Stupidity reader. So, anyway, more on the future punditry of Steve Sailer continues here, with more on VDare soon.

Steve Sailer has got his new substack site, as we noteed couple of weeks back. We provided a quick review of the place.

I can see that Mr.Sailer has concentrated on his new site, which said he had 3,000 subscribers (only precise to the nearest thousand)*** recently. Were he to get 1/2 that many paying - and pay you WILL, soon, if you want to read much - that'd be over $12 1/2 thousand coming in monthly before whatever cut substack takes and the IRS, California, LA... Even so, that's a very reasonable living.

I don't know what VDare paid writers. I know it couldn't have been THAT much just from crunching some numbers. I also have no idea what kind of arrangement Ron Unz had with Mr. Sailer for hosting his (same) posts on The Unz Review and supporting him with the web's best commenting system and the best commenters around.

How was Mr. Sailer's relationship with proprietor Ron Unz? Well, Mr. Unz is a strange bird. I greatly respect his support for free speech. Lots of it on the UR is not only outside the Overton Window, it's outside the whole Overton living room, and not even within the Overton's property lines! Good on 'em for that. Also, I've not run into a guy with a business like this before who hosts writers he not only doesn't agree with but argues with and calls nasty names in the comments section under their articles! It's pretty hilarious.

I don't recall that behavior within the "iSteve blog", but Mr. Unz has recently commented that this blog has gone down in (at least) relative views, compared to, say, Andrew Anglin (enough said about him here - Andrew Anglin and Anti-Social Media. That's too bad. At this point, not all of the posts appear on TUR, nor did they all on VDare before yesterday.**** So, he is migrating his work over to substack, as he clearly states on his "Subscribe" page.

I took a look, and I see that Mr. Sailer's UR posts now are really just phoning it in. RNC Speechs (Whaddya' think?), Dog Cologne (Whaaa? Still will be interesting...), Biden Drops Out ("What do you think the impact will be?"), Vp? (32 words), etc... Without the great commenters, he may as well have already left The Unz Review. Perhaps, as with those old rock stars, he's got a contract to fulfill.

Let me write something about the content on the new site. With his writings on the Deep State, or lack thereof, and new disdain (with some truth behind it) of the "low-brow" MAGA people, I see that he's trying to go more mainstream. Now, that doesn't mean I don't think this pundit is doing anything but laying out the truth as he sees it, as always. I just agree a little less. On the racial business - the big 'un - Mr. Sailer is a stalwart truth-teller still. There's no backing out of that stance, and he would not back out even if they'd let him. It is what it is. (However, where I differ is with Mr. Sailer's idea of solutions to our problems - that's another post ...)

Steve Sailer has apparently done better than expected with his book. (It's not his first book, actually, as he'd written one about Øb☭ma back in '12 -it's a real shame more people didn't read that one.) He's been interviewed by Tucker and been on all sorts of podcasts and whatever. His writing eggs will be all in one basket soon, unless somehow the wokeness lightens way, way up. I don't think it will until we "get to the other side".

I have reasons not to get sucked into another blog, but I hope Steve Sailer will get the support on his new site that he deserves. He's surely been a force for good.

* Being fired from NR seems to have been an important qualification for getting hired by VDare - 3 of the writers that I know of there have this important qualification.

VDare HR Dept: "From our background check, it sounds like you got fired from National Review. Tell me more about that." "No, that's wrong. I quit on my own to spend more time with my family. I am on good terms with the National Review staff." "Ohhhh, well, OK, listen, thanks for coming in... we'll... don't call us, we'll call you ...."

** That's the case with that series on the Depopulocalypse business, Part 4 being the most recent - 4 months ago - and with nothing but the intro. to Globalists in political peril: Europe v America.

*** That number was on the home page, but I don't see it now.

**** Mr. Sailer's latest TakiMag post, i.e., a intro. excerpt linking to the article was the 2nd-to-last VDare post. However, that article was honestly not a very good one at all.

Comments (3)

The Demise of VDare

Posted On: Wednesday - July 24th 2024 2:35PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Websites  Pundits

Peter Brimelow explains the demise of the long-standing immigration patriot site

(That's a still image. Peak Stupidity is dependent on help from out wonderful commenters, so, if someone, cough, cough, Adam Smith, cough, might be so nice as to host it on his own channel... we'll insert it. You can go to X in the meantime. Thanks, Mr. Hail. As usual, Adam Smith has come through. Thank you so much!)

I really didn't think I'd see the day. I've been reading the VDare site for at least 20 years. My recollection is that my Dad, who first clued me into this existential issue then - of course, at first I argued "we got plenty of land here, so whaddya'...?" - told me the best course would be to just talk about the numbers and the economics. Do any readers here remember the Numbers USA's* Roy Beck's famous gumballs video? That was confined to arguing against the ridiculous immigration by the numbers.

The racial, ethnic, and cultural aspects of the invasion were something my Dad understood were important but figured might not be good to emphasize, just as a political strategy. However, I came upon VDare, probably just via a search. They DO get into all that. It quickly became my daily go-to website for all the accurate news on EVERY ASPECT of immigration to the US.

From my reading of her book ¡Adios, America!***, it was obvious to me that Ann Coulter had gotten many facts and ideas from VDare.** Donald Trump, though said not to do a whole lot of reading, may have read Miss Coulter's book, leading to his famous announcement in the Summer of '15. Peak Stupidity was pleasantly surprised learning that rather than just hopefully a tenuous influence, Miss Coulter had been to the White House to meet with President Trump multiple times. We know what they talked about - she told us.

Therefore, we can say that Peter Brimelow and his staff of great writers have had a great influence in bringing the invasion problem to the forefront of politics.**** Love him, hate him, or just get really sick of his big mouth, it sure helped that Trump came along.

Peter Brimelow wrote his book Alien Nation*** about this problem a decade before Ann Coulter's book. He was a fairly well-known financial analyst/pundit type. If he'd just left his ideas and "kept his day job", he'd have done well for his himself and his family. Instead he worked to try to save America with the resulting loss of his Establishment status and his day-job writing and punditry work. Less than 5 years into the common use of the internet, appeared on the servers, and then the VDare foundation was created, incorporated in New York. (Hey, it was done for free, and who knew?!)

The Establishment has hated VDare for a long time. Their efforts over many years were concentrated along the lines of the conference cancellations and some occasional shut downs of payment systems and such. The 1st of these was defeated by Lydia Brimelow's brilliant idea of buying the castle. The 2nd was an annoyance for which work-arounds were implemented. VDare soldiered on.

The Establishment formed a new front in their war against VDare a couple of years back. The nasty Black! Attorney General of New York State Leticia James has been running a lawfare campaign, using unlimited NY State taxpayers' money, while VDare has tried to fight back with donors' money. Why the good VDare folks kept all legal-eagle in this fight is something we've discussed in the comments and a subject for another post.

Per Mr. Brimelow in that 8 minute video, the next couple of days will really bring the end of the site and the foundation. (The castle will remain for conferences, a small, but not negligible consolation - see some of you there?)

I'm not taking this well. I'll have more to write, but I'll also paste in Commenter E.H. Hail's obituary. This post was kind of one, but his is written more like the part of an obituary that discusses the cause of death.

* The site is still around.

** Miss Coulter has been one of the few syndicated columnists published there too, but that's got nothing to do with this. After all, successful weekly columnists, say Ron Paul for example, may be published on thousands of web-sites under an agreement, but Dr. Paul probably has never read The Unz Review. Readers there should not expect him to ever throw in a comment.

*** The full titles are ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole and Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster, respectively.

**** Let's not forget his 2nd wife Lydia, who ran the business end of things for the last decade or so.

Comments (23)

Not your Grandfather's Secret Service

Posted On: Tuesday - July 23rd 2024 4:46PM MST
In Topics: 
  Political Correctness  Feminism  US Feral Government  Female Stupidity

Yes, the wonderful D.I.E. initiative within the US Secret Service resulted in more women getting to do what only privileged White men got to do before. Being a head shorter than your protectee and much weaker than a man, well, it'd be sexism to claim that someone like that couldn't do just as good a job. You would and SHOULD get fired from this outfit for saying something like that.

Hence, Presidential candidate Donald Trump came an inch and a split second from being assassinated. On his new blog, Steve Sailer has an article showing a blatant lie about the qualification for protection agents at the Secret Service, he being a voracious NY Times reader and all. He's got the numbers: push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and 1 1/2 mile run times. See, that's good. I wouldn't have ever known the NY Times was lying, not due to my not being able to find the different fitness standards. I would just never go reading the NY Times is all.

I tend to agree with a friend that this discussion of the extremely incompetent Secret Service can be used as a distraction by those who want to bury the story of what subterfuge did go on that day, even if it was merely at the level of letting it all happen on purpose.* Is the incompetence story the only one the Lyin' Press will touch? At least it's putting the idea out there that diversity can really suck, if you get serious about it.

D.I.E.-hire herself Kim Cheatle has has resigned.** She'd had a plan to hire enough women to comprise 30% of the SS workforce by '30.

Mr. Sailer and others are missing something. As an opponent of AA and now its steroid-enhanced successor called Wokeness since understanding what the deal was as a teenager, believe me I'm against ANY these quotas. They will screw over the White Man as always. However, if that was going to happen, the Secret Service could have gotten to that 30% female goal without compromising the safety of Donald Trump.

That the Secret Service used to be part of the Treasury Dept. may help one understand why they have an anti-counterfeiting function too. The Tom Hanks character in the movie Catch Me If You Can*** is with the FBI. It could have been the Secret Service instead, as they are in this field, as I was surprised to found out by an SS guy I talked to a long time ago.

So, let the big strong guys do the protection. You can screw over White men as much as you like elsewhere. Looking at the site, as seen above, I wonder about who does what there. I really hope the intensely interested White and Oriental guys are getting to do the work shown in the drop down menu. Those diverse employees on the home page can do HR, D.I.E. initiatives, and, dare I say, be receptionists and such.

* We'll have more discussion on this.

** Sure enough, that quickly-chosen Fox News article has that "How could this happen? Failures!" take on the matter. They don't mean the failure of Thomas Crooks, but of the Secret Service. There is no mention of other possibilities besides incompetence.

*** That's a really fun movie - seen it twice.

Comments (6)

Dementia Joe and the Kamel Toe

Posted On: Monday - July 22nd 2024 9:22AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Zhou Bai Dien

Man, that would have been a great name for a band, and it's got a "Tippacanoe ..." ring to it too. Peak Stupidity could have used it to refer to the Executive branch for the last 4 years. I suppose that dementia had not really set in hard in '21 though. Maybe it's been only 1 or 2 years, but how would the Lyin' Press know to tell us? We'd had to have found this out on our own, by, like, watching the guy talk and all...

That's it, he's out. Poor, Dr. Jill! She may have to become a Senator somewhere and go from there. Well, I thought they'd keep the guy hanging on there through the November selection. The Deep State would have found this simply easier, as they already know the routine with Dementia Joe. A new candidate will require a little action to break in.

This is bad news for the GOP too. Especially after the additional support Trump has gotten after the assassination attempt on him, Americans would find it even harder to believe that a hateful, vile, traitor who can barely walk and communicate would somehow yet again break a record and get MOAR votes. Someone new creates plausible deniability.
Yes, he's got this amazing support from the massive BLT-G community ... and the sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads. They all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude.
That might just work for a Gavin Newsome. However, there's no way in hell people are going to believe admirers are going around scratching "Save Kamela" on the bathroom stalls... or tenement halls... (A little 3-way confusion is cropping up here, what with the movie-song Sounds of Ferris' Subdivision in my head.)

This lady got 95 million votes?! Come off of it!:

But, but, where's our plausible deniability?

Yet, she's sort of Black! (though maybe only 1/4) and gotta be a woman, I'm sure, or Willie Brown would have already called angrily demanding his money back. The Blue-squad is walking on a thin line*, angry all the time, with a tough call to make. They could piss off 1 or 2 of their biggest fringes or run someone that nobody would believe could actually fairly win this election AND will be made fun of incessantly for the next 4 years. Does the Deep State get embarrassed by these people, ever?

Or, they could recruit Big Mike who, physiological box-or-no-box notwithstanding, checks various important HR boxes. They could her promise that the Lyin' Press will never, ever, show her big ass, for starters.

Finally, I note that Steve Sailer, in his very short request-for-comment post on the matter, wrote:
I expect a wave of sympathy for the old man, although not necessarily in my comments.
Well, hell no, you shouldn't. You can be as nice as you want, but I don't know how one can live with himself this way.** Yeah, dementia is a sad thing for all concerned.

Dark Brandon, however, has purposely let 12 to 15 million strange foreigners from all over the world, hard core criminals among them, enter this country. He has been anti-White since at least '08. He's a plagiarizer and a liar, the former since at least 1988, and the former probably his whole adult life. He's caused incalculable damage to America in 3 1/2 short years, much of it likely irreversible.

No, don't expect sympathy for Dementia Joe from me. GTFO, Joe!

* ... That's all the Huey Lewis (and the News) we've got for you today.

** He makes up for that here. That was 4 y/o stuff, but it's still hilarious!

Comments (26)

State electoral power changes over one century: '24 to '24 - The Maps

Posted On: Saturday - July 20th 2024 10:54AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  History  US Feral Government  Geography

Let's look at the maps, finally! I'll comment some, and I hope we have lots of good comparisons and contrasts in the comments. 1924 v 2020 here is mostly good enough, but go to the gray map in Intro. just below for the exact century-apart differences. I'm gonna go backwards in time, from the familiar to the unfamiliar... the strange old country called Calvin Coolidge era America.


A Century Ago (almost):

There have been some major changes to the State power structure. I may miss a few, so if I don't see anything specific in the comments already, I'll add to this post. Then too, right now, I'm just thinking of the changes in power, but not as much the changes in the political leanings. Are these good elections to enable us to see the latter? Does Trump v Dark Brandon in '20 as compared to Coolidge v John Davis (with 3rd Party candidate Robert LaFollette getting a significant share, 16.6%, of the popular vote*) make a good comparison of that sort? I won't answer that now - I'll leave it as an exercise for E.H. Hail on his or this blog, perhaps. If you haven't already, you may want to read our post, granted, taken mostly from Wiki, about the politics of the Presidential election of (that other) '24.

Let's just discuss the weight of the votes across the continent. This is fun stuff - Peak Stupidity LUVS them some maps! There are a few very big things to note first.

Look at that New York and other pre-Rust Belt mighty industrial State in the lower northeast. Forget Michigan even, and we see that 3 States, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio alone accounted for 107, or 20%, of the total EVs! Today, those 3 States account for only 64, or just under 12% of the EVs. This formerly major regional power had decreased in representation by 41%.

The industrial might of the big cities in the prairie (as opposed to plains) States, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri** made for 85, 16%, of the EVs in 1924. Today, with that industrial having gone over to such "States" of GuangDong, Jiangsu, and Hubei, this area accounts for 55, 10% of the EVs. This region's representation has decreased by 36%.

Then there's California. Though the ideas had been proposed a few years earlier, the big water projects weren't started in earnest until a decade after 1924. I don't know if anyone had yearned to come to the near-Paradise in and of California yet. The State did just lose one - they've always got more legal immigrants and illegal aliens, but the good Conservative, mostly White folks are having enough and leaving - but their 54, right at 10% is still the tops for a single State. In 1924, California accounted for 13, a measly 2 1/2% of the EVs. California's representation has increased by a factor of 4.

How about the Deep Solid South? I'll make it really easy here and take that region as the blue States in the 1924 map. Why were they solid D-voting even still in 1924? Old habits die hard, I guess. In 1924 those 12 States provided 136, just over 25%, of the EVs. As of 2024, Texas has exactly twice as many EVs. Texans used to be citizens of their own country. Not many might consider their State part of The South. Florida south of Interstate 4 and the shoreline west of Panama City is not really the South either now. Based on its EVs allotted, Florida has grown the most proportionally of ANY State during the past century. (I'll have to check that for sure.) Still, we got what we go - can't go splitting off counties for this EV analysis, of course, so taken as a region called The South, these 12 States now provide 171, just under 32% of the EVs, That's a 28% increase in representation for The South, The South as depicted in 1924 anyway.

(Is Virginia even in The South anymore? I won't do numbers by county, but I'd guess that 90% of the land still is, but only 50% of the people are... sucks to be part of the FS metro area.)

I have to quit this for now. More to come on this end, and hopefully from the readers too.

* This may seem to not matter so much, since he only won his home State of Wisconsin. However, that's not the case, when you think about the voting results within States. I'd guess that Mr. Follette took votes that would otherwise have gone to Mr. Davis. I don't know - I wasn't there.

I was around in 1992, when Ross Perot got a greater percentage, 18.9%, of the popular vote (but no EVs). I would bet money that most of his votes came from erstwhile Bush, Senor, voters. I'd have been one of them, BTW, had I not voted L based on Ross's wishy-washedness that summer - I realize now that Mr. Perot was likely under pressure by the Deep State. I shoulda' supported him more... yeah, like I alone could have changed history, ha!

** One could rightly include Michigan and Indiana too.

Comments (19)

State electoral power changes over one century: '24 to '24 - Intro.

Posted On: Saturday - July 20th 2024 9:47AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  History  US Feral Government  Geography

Why not something non-political (in a way) and numbers-oriented today for a change? Peak Stupidity's post A more intelligent and civil '24 Presidential election of 2 weeks back discussed how different the high-level American politicians were a century ago. Mostly, we referred to intelligence. (Note our site name.) Aside from the people, the electoral vote results map in that post is very interesting too.

This is where we stand today, put here for the exact 2024 EV counts for next post:

(Pay no attention to the yellow circle around Ohio. These may be some sort of chem-urine-trails, I dunno...)

We discussed some of the numbers in the comments thereunder. A comparison of maps will show the great differences in the Electoral power of the various States from the 20th century's year '24 to the 21st's.

I wish "power" of the States meant a lot more than this 4 year periodic voting, probably for someone who doesn't have the real power anyway and the number of Congresscritters. Had the people defended Federalism since Roosevelt's time and through its almost total demise by 2 decades ago, we might talk about Texas' power to lock up its southern border, or, say, Tennessee's power to legislate that Affirmative Action is illegal in the State. The best efforts I've seen have been by Ron DeSantis in Florida, and, good-or-bad, the varying decisions made by Governors (ex: DeSantis vs. Strechin' Gretchin of Michigan) during that Kung Flu PanicFest.

Digression over with, we'll look at 3 maps here, so let me explain why 3. Without the (ass-backwards) red/blue schemes, which we obviously don't have for 2024* yet, the numbers are there, the political aspect of the State EV changes can't be seen. Therefore, I ask the reader to refer to the all-gray map in the 3rd segment of our previous post for the '24 EV numbers. There have been changes in 13 States from the '20 map we show here due to the '20 census, all of them small. due to population changes.** From (spit) NPR npr, here they are, as reflected in the '24 (gray, previous post) map vs the red/blue '20 one:

Down by 1 (west to east): California, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, W. Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York.
Up by 1 (west to east): Oregon, Montana, Colorado, Florida, and N. Carolina.
Up by 2: Texas.

Even Steven for the total.

Finally, there is a slight difference between, not these 4 years, but between 1924 and today, in the total EVs. The difference, 531 (a century ago) to 538 (now), is due to the addition of Alaska (3 EVs) and Hawaii (4 EVs). What about the 3 votes stupidity allotted by yet another of the bad-idea Constitutional Amendments**** ratified after the Bill of Rights? That'd be Amendment XIII, ratified in 1961. I haven't figured out where these 3 votes came out of yet.

BTW, not to sound like old Unz Review commenter Reg Caesar here, read that Amendment XXIII carefully. There is no Senator from the District (of Criminals), thankfully. Those 3 votes are 3 possibly based on population - I haven't looked at the numbers - but there's a limit of 3 right now due to the wording of Amendment XXIII. It would take all of these States: Wyoming, both Dakotas, Vermont, and Delaware to be apportioned at least 1 more, at the expense of others, for Washington, FS to be enabled to be apportioned more, if its population warranted that. (Perish the thought, or better yet, hope that nobody picks up that old parchment... on the website.)

That was a hell of an intro. I was about to put in the maps, but let me cut this post off and put the red/blue maps in the next one with my comments about the huge differences. Stand by for that.

PS: Electoral votes allocated to the States are determined by the number of US Congressional districts + 2 (for Senators).

* Don't forget that here's a lot of day- and week- after color changing, red-to-blue, done due, to the ballot harvesting, trashing of boxes of the wrong votes, laser-printer ballot production vote double-counting, errr, I mean double vote-counting and such.

** Note that "population" from the Census doesn't mean just citizens. Illegal aliens are not exactly living in the shadows***, so one can see that counts with large shares of them give power to States, even aside from the corrupt practice of allowing them the franchise, legally or not.

*** See also "Boston Woman" back in the shadows

**** 5, 29% of the damn things expanded the voting franchise. Not cool, Kyle!!

Comments (2)

The Battle Box, Trump's altered-Ego(?), and J.D. Vance as a Son of Ohio

Posted On: Friday - July 19th 2024 1:56PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Trump  Zhou Bai Dien

We'll put 3 separate small points into this one post that all pertain to this '24 election.

First, what exactly is wrong with this guy?

This time, the question is not asked rhetorically. I was trying to imagine Bai Dien's brain as he made this goof twice. Perhaps he's had the word "battle" in his head, with all the talk about "battling" this evil orange enemy before he becomes Hitler 2.0. Maybe not though, as "battle" and "ballot" aren't that far apart in pronunciation. However, Bai Dien said this twice.

Some expert in Linguistics and also Neurology could probably figure out exactly what is wrong with JoeMentia's mind here from just this clip. The (p)Resident* was somewhat clued in that he had said the wrong word, but his mind and mouth stayed in that same groove even so, a second later. The part of his mind involved in speech control failed twice in a row. I remember my son, at about 4 y/o, trying to pronounce "locomotive". He couldn't really get the consonants, so he'd say "mo-co-mo-tow". But he was 4. Bai Dien is 81 2/3... the cycle of life. No fun would be made of that here, had he not been a lying Totalitarian asshole his whole life.

Last I heard, Dark Brandon's got the Kung Flu. So much for the power of the vax, and, looking at the video again, talk about your comorbidities!

I did not get to see Donald Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention. (I may seek it out later though.) That very near death experience he just had has been described in detail all over by anyone who doesn't think the whole thing was faked (Whaaaa??) He can shake it off - he did VERY WELL at that - but he can't shrug it off, as with less well-documented things that have happened to some of us. If he hadn't turned his head right then to tell the crowd something about some old data in his border invasion graphs, that bullet would have gone right through his head.

What effect might this have on Trump's big ego? OK, all these high-level politicians are like that, is what I've heard. Yes, but here's a guy who would get a lot more done if he'd not make everything about himself. He does care about his country - better than the rest of that crowd up in there - but if it's between looking bad, being made fun of, losing face, etc. vs. harm to this country, he'd pick the latter. I've seen this during those years '17 - '21.

Trump is a spring chicken compared to JoeMentia. He's just turned 78. He really seems in great shape, in a comparison to almost all 78 y/o's, not to mention the current (p)Resident. (You'd get a "Divide by Zero!" error if you do the math.) People think they'll go on forever. However, anyone who just came within a split-second or a couple of inches of dying just last weekend, due to sheer chance, may very well consider that he won't be here forever.

I don't mean specifically that there's another attempt coming. (I don't know - there may very well be.) Being 78 even though pretty fit does not mean that one couldn't die of natural causes soon, and it be out of the ordinary. He may be thinking of this more since Saturday.

I am hopeful that this event has made a change to Trump's ego. I hope he realizes that what happens to this country is more important than what happens to him.

Trump has picked Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as the GOP VP candidate. We'll have more to say about Mr. Vance later. Let me just bring up something that I've tried to explain to people recently.

"This helps with the Ohio vote." Ohio IS one of those battlebox, heh, ballotground is what I meant to write, "Rust Belt" States. It's got 17 electoral votes, 2 more than northwestern neighbor Michigan and 2 less than eastern neighbor Pennsylvania. So, you got that going for you with J.D. Vance.

That's something the strategists would say, but I say that is ancient thinking and of no consequence today. This is not the 20th century (or 19th, for that matter). This country is greatly polarized! That J.D. Vance is a Son of Ohio means exactly Jack Squat to some purple-haired snowflake QUERTY-studies student born right there in Columbus... or even, Middletown, Mr. Vance's hometown. She's not only not voting for Trump anyway, she still has half a mind to shoot him... having first to learn how to operate a gun...

I wish that Trump had picked Ron DeSantis, he being a fighter who gets things done without the big ego thing. However, DeSantis' being selected VP candidate would change nothing for those 30 big EV's of the Sunshine State. Florida's probably not a great example, thankfully, but my point is that Americans have moved around to where there's no big State loyalties. (We used to have that real diversity.) The idea before was "He's one of us!" "Us" doesn't mean so much anymore. A Conservative in North Dakota will not be butt-sore that "North Dakota's Own!" Governor Burgum isn't the VP choice.

Then, there was Nikki Haley, who didn't do so very well as Presidential, not VP, candidate in her own State of South Carolina. OK, I've made my point. Political strategists, things are different now. Try to keep up.

* Thanks, Alarmist.

Comments (12)

This is what happens when you f__k an IT guy in the ass!

Posted On: Friday - July 19th 2024 9:43AM MST
In Topics: 
  Artificial Stupidity  The Future  Big-Biz Stupidity

You see what happens, Larry?!!

Our title today is a reference to a scene in The Big Lebowski, in case you're really wondering. John Goodman is hilarious in that scene.

It's not just the airlines, but all manner of Big Biz IT functions are having "outages", and it's been all over the world. From this ABC report:
A wave of IT outages swept across the globe Friday morning, causing over 1,000 flight cancelations and stalling internal and external systems across a variety of industries including hospitals, banks, stock exchanges and other institutions, as some Microsoft-based computers ceased to work.
Outages? I don't think that's the most descriptive word. Electricity being physically disconnected, yeah, that's an outage. All kinds of software running on an operating system that just got a bad update is more like an outrage.

Don't make the IT guys angry.

Or... maybe his name was Nick, but he doesn't look at all like this Nick. Is this outsourcing, D.I.E. in action, or what?

I just told someone last week out of the blue, not as advice, but just worry, that we are so dependent on software now that paper/manual back-ups cannot take over anymore. That's in addition to the feeling I've got that nobody would know how to use them anyway... many of them can barely use the fancy software when it does work.

Me, I've got Windows 7 on the one non-iCrap device. I DO NOT DO UPDATES! When something is working, you don't fix it!

Comments (8)

R.I.P. Bob Newart

Posted On: Thursday - July 18th 2024 6:05PM MST
In Topics: 
  TV, aka Gov't Media  Humor

Look, I don't know if he was a good guy in real life or not. I never was a People or National Enquirer reader (though I've heard the latter has become one of the most accurate print news sources now... by default).

Bob Newhart's biggest comedy creation was his guy on one end of the phone bit. You couldn't hear the person on the other end*, but Bob Hartley (in the show) would make it that much funnier on account of this.

Peak Stupidity won't go doing the Rest In Peace for everyone who this blogger likes in the entertainment/music industries, because pretty soon it will be too many. This site would become Dead People magazine, with no time for live stupidity.

The character Robert Hartley was a Psychologist living in downtown Chicago with his very pretty wife Emily. His patients were a big part of the humor. The scene below is from early on in the show, as he tries to overcome a fear of flying in some of his most regular patients and his wife.** This scene wasn't that awfully funny, relatively.

A better scene that I never have been able to dig up from the internet occurred in an episode in which Bob and Emily were planning a vacation. Emily was worried about the patients in Bob's various group sessions.

Emily: "But, Bob, what about your Fear of Humidity group?"
Bob [deadpan as always]: "I guess they'll just have to sweat it out, Emily."

And now, this scene is all too timely for the just passed-on Bob Newart:

(That "room for one more" part came from The Twilight Zone, I am told by youtube commenters.)

You mean the receptionist Carol had an Afro haircut? What? And she was White, you say. What's that? Oh, it was '73, '74... it was a different time I should understand.

OK, this is more of a reminder-to-self than a promotion here: We'll get back to some details of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, that comparison of electoral vote allocation over a century's time (almost), some Steve Sailer discussion (from the Tucker interview, his book, and his latest Takimag column), and WTH are the REAL Deep State?

* No, Millennials, dammit, you couldn't just press speaker!

** The stewardess there is Penny Marshall, later to become one of the 2 loudmouth funny girls of the show Laverne & Shirley, taking place up the road in Milwaukee. Penny Marshall was Shirley.

Comments (2)

Gateway Pundit Spanish-language "outreach"

Posted On: Thursday - July 18th 2024 5:58AM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Websites  Pundits

This post isn't a news post. It's not about anything important. Peak Stupidity brings up an annoyance at The Gateway Pundit site today only because it is one of our main sources of political news (after we separate the important wheat from the 50% clickbait chaff). See our site review and our addendum.

This matters a little bit, I guess, because, according to Natalie Winters, one of the two cuties in a video discussion post on that site - the subject here - Jim Hoft's Gateway Pundit, is "consistently I think, in, like, the top 20 websites traffic in terms of news, especially in Conservative media". Well, something like that, so I do wonder why the site was talking about bankruptcy a few months back while still serving up dozens of flashy and disturbing ads on each page that make it hard to get through an article.

I've written that The Gateway Pundit is a force for good, after taking annoyances into account. Many of the immigration invasion stories are followed up doggedly by these writers, even if half of them aren't so good at, like, writing.

I tend to think people are serious, keeping the existential issues in the case of America, this invasion, above such things as making as much money and fame as a pundit as possible. That's perhaps naive, as I wonder about this Jim Hoft now. Of course, more visibility means more people reading the Conservative opinion of the news. That's good, but now Mr. Hoft is very pleased to have launched Gateway Hispanic, a Hispanic version of the site. It can't be nothing but a translation, as there's already a function on the regular site for that. This is about Hispanic oriented stories from a conservative viewpoint, in Spanish, for the purpose of "Expanding the conservative populist message to the Spanish-language community in America and beyond."

I don't like it one bit. Most of the commenters* on Gateway Pundit don't either. Hey, what's wrong with a little outreach and getting these ideas out there? So wrote some commenters and a guy named Ted Slater, who is a never-before-seen-by-me Moderator. You gotta hate those moder... wait. This Slater guy seemed to have joined in just to defend the site and Mr. Hoft against all criticism of this move. His sneering, snarky, and silly attitude was one thing, but he'd even reply to comments that he'd just deleted. That sure didn't help elucidate his point, which, I guess, was "quit questioning the Great Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft, and me! We need more clicks."

Back to "yeah, well, what's wrong ...?" As many commenters rightly pointed out, this anti-Globalist site is working FOR Globalism by encouraging multi-culturalism in America with this move. Parts of the US are Spanish-only as it is now. Even Ron Unz, as clueless as he is about the invasion now, spent lots of his effort and money in the 1990s to get rid of bilingual education in California. "American" readers, if you can't read The Gateway Pundit in English, learn English, or GTFO.

That was the general great attitude of the commenters. (I suppose I'm only writing this post at all because I don't/can't comment there** and give thumbs up/down along with them!) Oh, but, you dummies, can you see that we're trying to reach out to the big world out there with 600 million Spanish Speakers? That was Moderator Slater's line over and over again. Yeah, but we saw the text saying "in America", and secondly, almost all the posts on GP are about American politics. Why should the rest of Latin America care about these details? Even the Conservative Libertarian Guatemalans, all 7 of them, don't care about the cucking out of Ron Johnson, for instance.

In order to fulfill the goal stated, Gateway Hispanic would have to post other stories, more pertinent to Latin America. This would be just a spin-off that doesn't help us Americans one bit. Reaching out to supposed Americans in Spanish is just more multil-culturalism. I'd thought Jim Hoft and his people were against it... but clicks and money ...

There was a 2nd post, here, with an ~ 10 min. interview of Jim Hoft about this "outreach" to Conservatives ion Spanish.

My, but you've got some huge outreach going on, Senora Mellado.

Ahaaa! One of the commenters noted this before I watched it. The cutie in the middle is one Natalie Winters, noted above, the interviewer. There's Mr. Hoft - I'd never heard him speak before, but then, there you go, the Hispanic White lady from Spain on the right is Miss Maria Herrera Mellado. Mr. Hoft was indeed impressed by the way she rolled her "r"s and "big blue eyes". So was I. That doesn't mean I want to invest GP donator's money into her idea. I will not donate. After all, where is MY Marrria, Herrrrara Mellado?!

Well, the serious point here is that I assume good people who care about the politics in America care about that enough to make it job 1. (After their day jobs,. that is, but I believe this is Mr. Hoft's day job - it's a decent-sized operation.) I have been naive to not expect them to have some ulterior motives. Sorry, I don't like this move at all, Jim Hoft, and Ted Slater can kiss my ass.

* I don't write in**, and I don't normally go very far through the comments. They are not bad, with some occasional outstanding humor, but the comments section there doesn't have the great discussion and community feel, engendered by Ron Unz's software partly, as the iSteve comments section does.

** That's for the usual reasons, so as not to spend so much time on-line. Additionally, I don't like DISQUS, which is the software used there. Also see note*.

Comments (8)

The Hill Street Secret Service Blues

Posted On: Wednesday - July 17th 2024 6:48PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Humor  Trump  US Feral Government  Deep State

Comments (19)

The Trump Assassination Attempt: Stupidity v Evil Conspiracy

Posted On: Tuesday - July 16th 2024 1:49PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Trump  Deep State  Guns

A Peak Stupidity favorite pundit that likely all readers here know has been writing and talking* lately about conspiracy theories, the Deep State, the non-reality of these ideas, and, finally, that the right should lay off this stuff. He's got so many common-sense good points. However, the examples of his don't cover the gamut of it all, and I don't agree with a few of his examples anyway. More broadly, I don't think he will ever see evil for what it is. He prefers to brush it all off as stupidity.

Now, you'd think that a site called Peak Stupidity would agree wholeheartedly, after all. I mean this whole event being an example of peak stupidity fits nicely with our URL. Well, we seek the truth (as does the guy - Mr. Sailer - mentioned) though, even if it doesn't always support the team our theme.

Which is the case, from the tons of information we've got already, regarding the shooting of Donald Trump for the purpose of assassination by Thomas Crooks.**, it having consisted of large doses of stupidity or an evil conspiracy?



After years of Establishment Lyin' Press and political rhetoric about Trump's becoming a dictator - hey, we WISH!, but we witnessed those last 4 years - a young man like Thomas Crooks could be naive and stupid enough to think he must put a stop to this. Maybe even no psychoactive drugs were involved this time, though no guarantees what with both his parents being in the mental health field. He could be a lone stupid nutcase who's also not a bad shot.***

Then, what of the Secret Service? We saw plenty of incompetence in both planning and in action in the many video clips. Peak Stupidity has written much about the decline in competence within all kinds of occupations - see posts with the Race/Genetics (hey, what are you tryin' to say here?) - - Curmudgeonry, and The Future topic keys, for starters. That D.I.E. programme has wreaked havoc, and it's most assuredly NOT over with. Things are getting worse. Witness the head of the Secret Service, a woman, with her goal of 30% female (or at least non-male) agents by '30. The early benefits of that program were seen this past Saturday.

As rally-goers tried to warn the local cops about this guy on the roof with a rifle, was it just the usual cop/"1st Responder" arrogance that I've run into multiple times?**** "Sir! Please. We've got this all under control. All you civilians [I HATE how they use that - they are NOT the military, or not supposed to be] just stay within the perimeter. Don't interfere with police work, Sir!" In a calmer voice, one might tell you "Don't you think the Secret Service would already know about this. They do this every day." Is it the case that the younger generations don't want to take any action without "orders from our superiors"? "Hey, I never got a text about this guy. Whaddya, whaddya' want me to do, man?"

People of all political persuasions, so long as they don't see the Establishment and Deep State for what they are, would be glad to chalk the whole thing up to Peak Stupidity.


EVIL Conspiracy:

"All you conspiracy theorists" want to claim there were multiple shooters hired by the Deep State. There weren't any big grassy knolls around, but there were a bunch of rooftops. Some on the ctrl-left are claiming the whole shooting was staged. Fake blood, Johnson-Smith company fake ear, photoshopped bullet wake picture, blank rounds, oh, and those 2 dead crisis actors, one on the roof and then the Fireman ...

No, OK, there are levels of conspiracy theories. Did the one wannabe assassin, Thomas Crooks, have some kind of other connections? (I'll discuss the Blackrock ad he appeared in in another post.) It doesn't have to be that complicated. As with 9/11 and even a step above (direct encouragement) on 1/6/21, the most likely conspiracy was one of letting this all happen.

Did the SS know this guy was planning this? I don't know how much Mr. Crooks planned things, but the NY Post (not gonna link cause the site is a PITA to view) claimed he brought his own 5' ladder in some small vehicle. He must have checked this place out beforehand, or else he'd not likely have gotten anywhere... unless his back-up plan was to bring his explosives up to the stage.

About the incompetent Secret Service agents: We are starting to think now that this incompetence is getting harder and harder to believe, the more we learn. That NY Post article said that it not just 2 or 4 minutes during which Mr. Crooks was on that roof. They are talking nearly half an hour that he was on site, implementing his plan(?).

Let me back up and agree with all those who see how thing normally work at these events. This wasn't downtown NYC. There aren't dozens of tall buildings with windows surrounding the site. No book depositories exist at this venue in Butler, Pennsylvania. Covering the few nearby roofs of these metal buildings with "man"power is kid stuff. I saw snipers on the scary-high roof of the State House when I saw Ronald Reagan speak (obviously) decades ago. Now there are drones too, making things much easier.

Nobody saw a guy pull up a ladder and start climbing up to the roof of a metal building less than 150 yards from the stage with a rifle slung on him? Even if that guy had dressed like a FED, if there's any question, a simple roll call can be taken over the radios. (I'll get to more on radios.) He didn't though. When he was spotted by aware people nearby, wouldn't just one cop call it in?

We see that Thomas Crooks was finally spotted and had rifles aimed at him by the SS well before he took his shots. Even, if for some strange reason, these marksmen didn't want to shoot yet, at least they'd have gotten on that radio first thing and given the code. Whatever it is, it tells the guys on the stage to get Trump down and out of the way. I mean, normally, these people are ultra-cautious. One guy starts moving too fast through the crowd, and their protectee is flat on the ground in a second with guys all over him like a 1970s San Francisco bathhouse orgy (as told by a friend, haha! Nah!) Then, they sort it out, and it's either "That's it, we are done here." or "OK, it was an unarmed 'civilian' in a hurry to get to the port-a-potty. Carry on."


Yeah, I know that the Bai Dien administration had recently denied more protection for Trump (and RFK, Jr. too). "We" weren't getting their best. Still, if the actions of the Secret Service agents we saw was all simply incompetence, that is a ludicrous amount of it, D.I.E. programs notwithstanding. Believing that this was stupidity over a conspiracy to allow Trump to get assassinated is naive, from what we now know. Did those who planned to allow this know of Mr. Crooks' plans? Or, did they seize this opportunity to let happen what they long wished for?

Another question that's pretty conspiratorial: Had they turned up the "evil Hitler Trump" rhetoric to 11 recently, knowing they'd likely have a Thomas Crooks come along? If so, as with Motel 6, did they "leave the lights on for him?

I don't know what those Deep State folks who need non-UniParty-member Donald Trump GONE from the political scene had and have planned. A friend just today suggested this too: That the Conservatives are using this event to say "I told you so" about the D.I.E. business, the withholding of better protection, and the rhetoric is perhaps just fine with those who want Trump gone. This is (somewhat of a) distraction from the plain common sense that they purposefully ignored an obvious assassin on Saturday...

... and their plan would have worked too, if it hadn't been for that meddling Trump and his old invasion data!

It's Evil Conspiracy over Stupidity by a mile 130 yards!

* Here, I refer to part of his interview by Tucker Carlson. We've been distracted, but I have more to say on that interview, which includes these points that I don't agree with.

** BTW, I didn't forget the fireman killed while protecting his family in the audience. He is the one actual hero I could pick out in this entire event, as of now.

*** I wrote in the comments that expert marksmen take better shots, but then, his missing Trump was really bad luck for him and those who wanted this. I don't know if a sniper would have known to take the shot when Trump was steady. More on this could go in another post.

**** I've told the tale of 2 personal incidents in the post 911 - The Phone Number 6 years ago.

Comments (17)

Good news

Posted On: Monday - July 15th 2024 4:13PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Immigration Stupidity  Trump

I am not sure what to make of J.D. Vance yet. I have heard of him, starting back when I'd read about his book Hillbilly Elegy*. That was on VDare, a few years after he wrote it - see Vance’s HILLBILLY ELEGY: A Dissent From Personal Experience - - Ohio’s J.D. Vance Shows That Immigration Patriotism Is On The March and Hillbilly Plight Only Noticed When a Hillbilly from Yale Law Points it Out. In the 3rd of these, writer "Anonymous Attorney" starts with:
By now we're 11 or so minutes into the 15 minutes of fame for J.D. Vance (right) who...
You never know. It turns out it's gonna be way over 15 minutes. I hope that's a good thing.

Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (only 39 y/o) being selected as GOP VP candidate is not the good news, though. Here's the good news:

This article was on the yahoo home page** from a while before he named Mr. Vance at the convention in Milwaukee today.

Trump has been known to do some really boneheaded, nay, flat-out stupid, stuff in his political career. He neglected to do that this time, well, as far as I know about Senator Vance.

I do know about Marco Rubio. That'd have been stupid. N. Dakota Governor Burgum is a Conservative on quite a few important issues, but he's a NeoCon. Though he's against any immigration invasion that is illegal, he's all for legal invasions, in that continuing quest by Big Business for cheap labor. Therefore, picking him would have been stupid too.

The pick of J.D. Vance makes me figure, from my reading of the 2nd of the 3 VDare posts above, Donald Trump really does understand that the immigration issue is THE MOST IMPORTANT. He would not be the man of the hour 2nd 8th of the 20th Century had he not railed about this problem to begin with 9 years ago.

* Full title: Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis

** Hey, no big weather stories were on there today. I've got one! The air conditioning is out, it's probably the compressor, but I'm going to try a Hail Mary with a new capacitor tomorrow, and it's 90.5 F inside per the very precise lab thermometer in the hallway. Global Household warming is real, people!

Comments (9)

The Trump Shooting - Save your work.

Posted On: Monday - July 15th 2024 2:36PM MST
In Topics: 
  Trump  Media Stupidity  Orwellian Stupidity

There's no way that picture above will ever get wiped from the internet or leave the memories of lots of Americans. It is, as they say, iconic.

As some of us try as best we can to get to the truth of what happened Saturday evening in Butler, Pennsylvania, we should recall how the Lyin' Press has handled the January 6th mostly-peaceful protest and concurrent rioting and fun-making 3 1/2 years ago. I'd seen lots of video clips on youtube within a couple of days or weeks afterward that I've had no luck finding since.*

I was lucky to be able to get some information personally, such as from a member of the Capitol Police, as related in Murderer of Ashli Babbitt revealed: Michael Leroy Byrd. However, within the media, by the time a few Conservatives got involved in trying to investigate the happenings of a couple of years earlier, statements were made that conflicted with obvious evidence in videos no longer able to be seen. Questions were asked that could have been answered with proof back in January '21, now suddenly up for discussion again.

There is a lot about the Trump assassination attempt that is fishy. The question of whether the fiasco of a lone gunman (this time) being able to get that close and take a 3rd of a magazine's worth** of shots comes down to stupidity or evil. (With another divide, that either the evil being a plan, or possibly just a purposeful "standing down" instead of taking obvious action - well, who planned THAT, then?). We'll get into this tomorrow here at Peak Stupidity, to continue from the comment section of our initial short news post.

We've all seen plenty of images and video clips by now. There were witnesses galore to the actions of the assassination attempt perpetrator. They've already made a number of statements that should help lead us to the truth. Let's not forget all of this, as the Lyin' Press tries to memory-hole lots of it. We need to archive what we can. As programmers, writers, and anyone else using software well knows, save your work! Otherwise, it can disappear.... somehow...

* There was the attempt to release many thousands, tens of thousands, maybe, hours of J6 footage last year. As I recall, the push for this by Tucker Carlson was one of the reasons suggested to explain his being fired from Fox news. There was also that $3/4 Billion lawsuit settlement by Dominion voting machines too, that was, if not peripherally related, part of the same overall conflict.

** I'm thinking 30 round magazines here. That's kind of a standard for the AR types.

Comments (6)