Press the Meat: 'Tard v 'Tard

Posted On: Tuesday - December 10th 2024 12:14AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Immigration Stupidity  TV, aka Gov't Media  Trump  Media Stupidity

That's now a total of 4 and a half hours of my life I'll never get back, wasted watching Donald Trump as interviewed in a 3 hour Joe Rogan bull(shit) session and yesterday as interviewed by one Kristen Welker on Meet the Press. Yes, it's still on, having come a long way (down) in it's long history. In 1959, one May Craig of Maine interviewed Fidel Castro on that show, and 8 years earlier, in his last of his 5 appearances there, Senator Joe McCarthy, worried about an assassination, held a pistol on his lap during the interview. As Peak Stupidity pined here, "How much better would our political history have been if McCarthy had been on 8 years later, on the same episode with Fidel Castro!"

I only mentioned the Joe Rogan interview in comments here. I don't recommend the reader watch it, unless he can think of absolutely nothing constructive to do for 3 solid hours. Yes, in it Trump did prove that he's a decent guy and that he is not senile or a weird-ass batty creep, like his election opponent and her/his partner. He did mention this country's problems... Now, what got me to watch the hour and quarter Kristen Welker interview were a couple of clips on ZeroHedge. I should have left it there.

Why 'Tard v 'Tard? I don't think we're ALL the way to Idiocracy, but we have come a long way, Scrote Baby. I find it exasperating to watch the President-elect and some alleged Big-TV "journalist" talk over political plans as if the President is King. Constitutional issues were mentioned on only one point, and they both botched it there. More to this 'tard point, the level of discussion was, let's say, more than half way to Idiocracy from a discussion between President Reagan and a Bill Buckley or George Will type, or any of the talking head shows (Meet the Press, Firing Line, Face the Nation, Washington Week in Review, etc.*)

I am already used to Trump's "weave" (as per he and Joe Rogan), going off the subject, usually to say that he knows this and that person. Here in this interview, he also bobbed and weaved around like a typical politician. On only a few points did he actually settle on "This is what we're gonna do, period."

Trump was exasperating, and Welker was hostile, as Trump noted right to her face at one point. (I liked that part!) Her questions were that of a prosecutor trying to pin down a perp, her tone was scolding, and even her face was hostile. Kristen Weller came off as Nikki Hailey in the middle of one of her female, you know, things...

The most existential issue for America, the immigration invasion, was discussed, or I should say, Trump was grilled and scolded regarding his position thereon. As I'd suspected, Trump doesn't really have, or doesn't act like he has, any problem with large-scale immigration, so long as it's legal. He does at least, see the very important "Birthright Citizenship" (or "Bug-out Bab", as Peak Stupidity dubs it), "process" as the scam that it is. That's good. What was bad here was the way it was discussed.

I don't expect Trump to have all the details in his head as lawyerly Ann Coulter does. He doesn't have details about much at all in his head, as he is so much more a people person. Still, I'm sure he's gotten a clue on this issue from people who do know details, such as Steven Miller. Prosecutor , errr, interviewer Weller sounded retarded as she lied "The Constitution says, quote, if you were born here, you're a citizen." I can't recite all of Amendment XIV by heart myself, but couldn't Trump have at least called her out, as in "No, you are lying. That's not the whole sentence", bringing up "subject to the jurisdiction of."? He could have brought up that this Amendment had nothing to do with immigration when it was written - it was about freed slaves, or "recently-formerly-enslaved people". (You can't go wrong talking about the plight of the enslaved in America.)

Besides the general stupidity, what I really didn't like about Trump's testimony answers is that he was more politician-like than what I'm used to from seeing him in rallies. He seemed to be on the right side of the points, but then, after being grilled a while he'd go to "well, we'll look into this" and "we're going to look into every one" (yeah, right, for 30 million deportations?) and seeming to back off and put the responsibility for things Miss Weller wasn't happy with on his underlings. Even on pardoning the J6 he was a squish, and, back to immigration, he's backing off again on deporting the "Dreamers".

One can take the black pill or the white pill to interpret all this:

The black pill would have one wondering about Trump's statement (I've heard this before too) that, to paraphrase "Two of the best issues for my campaign have been immigration and groceries so that's what I'm working on".

Let me digress on the "groceries" thing. He's going to bring prices down, he says. I am tired of this stupidity of not being able to distinguish between the value and the rate of change. Nobody's bringing down average prices. (The FED hasn't started burning Treasury bonds or something.) The best people could hope for is a decrease in the RATE of price increases. Trump is pretty clueless on the cause of inflation to begin with, so I don't expect much, and I wouldn't even if he did have a clue.

Back to THE issue, is it that Trump is only all over it because that's what satisfies the MAGA crowd? Is he backtracking already on his promises? Does Trump want to be liked - not by the Lying Press (out of the question!), but by the masses that watch this stuff - more than he cares about America?

The white pill would have me figuring that, no, Trump obviously cares about stopping the immigration invasion. His being mealy-mouthed in the interview, as per a friend, is likely a tactic to keep him from getting in more distracting legal trouble. Perhaps he even had lawyers telling him to stay mealy-mouthed. The "interview" as, after all, more like a deposition.

Here's a little big more criticism. I am very pleased to see that Trump will have an effect on the D.I.E. stupidity. Why then, was he politically correct, feminism-wise twice? He kept talking about the "people" rather than "men" killed in the Ukraine - Russia war**. It's always the men that do the dying. Then, when talking about his Secret Service agents, he felt he had to add on "Secret Service women" too.

A couple of points from near the end. Trump did not back down on his contention that the '20 election was stolen. In '24, it was "Too big to steal", he told Miss Weller. I agree. It's all about him though, always. As he was asked about the huge political divide in this country, and put it on Bai Dien***, he brought up the lawfare. He's not wrong. However, I expected something plural at the end of his sentence, I really did, but, nope, he only complained against the lawfare against himself. I didn't expect him to bring up VDare, as great as that would have been - a bridge too far, I guess. What about the imprisonment of Peter Navarro or Steve Bannon, though? Are they not additional good examples of this Banana Republicanism? It's all about Trump though.

I'd have liked to see Trump tell Kristen Weller, in answer to her questions, that this is what we are going to do, whether you all like it or not. I'm hoping the mealy-mouthedness was in the cause of avoiding distracting questions in the future and in not giving the game away. Trump does care about America. However, he cares even more about Trump. These 2 are in pretty good alignment this time around, so, yes, I'm still hopeful...

This interview, though? Yeah, it's a waste of time. We'll see about all this come late January.

* One of these has this great classical music theme song that I get in my head every time I think of these talking heads. "Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was!"

** Trump was a squish on this issue too. He talked about the money going to the Ukraine but not about getting out. I hope this too was just a feign as he makes his deals.

*** Of course the divisiveness goes back at least to Øb☭ma.

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Traffic stupidity, episode 3146

Posted On: Saturday - December 7th 2024 5:47PM MST
In Topics: 
  General Stupidity  Movies  Curmudgeonry  Peak Stupidity Roadshow

Peak Stupidity has been big into the Curmudgeonry stuff from Day Post One. With so much trouble and excitement going on politically (it never ends) these posts are likely boring for the reader. However, it's good for me and, after all, this is not a news site, but a record of our period of Peak Stupidity. I believe this post is in our lane, so to speak...

The image above hopefully will get readers' attention, but I can't always find one that fits exactly. It's not the 1st time we've written about full grown adults who don't seem to understand things I was taught by Kindergarten. - see Stuff a 10 year-old used to know - lost to history or lost to stupidity? and Two Peak Stupidity local anecdotes. Basically, Don't walk in the middle of the road!

Oh, they apparently know better, these joggers. I'm guessing that the sidewalks that exist along over half the roads here have too many offset plates that might result in sprained ankles or worse. Fine. As a kid I was taught to walk or run on the left, so as to face the cars that will be nearest to me. The lady was in the middle. Drivers going against her could at least move way over, and she could see them. She couldn't see me behind her, AND, worse yet, she was wearing headphones! All it would take is one driver buying something on Ebay at a bad time, and SPLAT. What was it, she was too trusting in the competence of others, she thinks she's hot enough to be noticed anywhere, or she's just plain stupid? I pointed this out to my boy: "You don't do that. It's just plain stupid."

On the way back of the very same short trip, as I recall, I was behind a monster SUV at the 4-way stop. I'm a bit impatient and roll through some that have good views. (If a cop stops me, I'll bring up the fuel savings and ask him if he'd rather me kill the planet rather than bend the law a bit. However, it seems you just don't get pulled over anymore... at least I don't.) I was going to roll on through behind this SUV. He waited extra long, making me stop fully. Want to be extra careful? I GET THAT. At this point, though, the SUV was taking up most of the intersection. What's the point here? If someone WAS coming, the best idea would be to floor it! Stopping in the middle of the intersection to see if someone's coming is also plain stupid.

You know, I really like that scene in Patton in which the General is standing on a gasoline drum directing tank traffic somewhere in France. I have no idea if the scene was just artistic license or based on anything real. Either way, that's the idea. An intersection is a bottleneck. Move it!

Here we go:

It's a shock for me to realize that Patton was made only 26 years after the actual 3rd Army march to Berlin shown.

Comments (13)

China Corona - looking back 5 years

Posted On: Thursday - December 5th 2024 10:24AM MST
In Topics: 
  Music  Kung Flu Stupidity

The Four Five Horsepersons of the Apocalypse:

That now-notorious Bio-weapons Gain-of-Function virus lab in Wuhan, China was having some difficulties roughly 5 years ago. The resulting PanicFest Totalitarianism, with said Corona virus spread as an excuse, was the bread & butter for Peak Stupidity starting a few months later.

Yes, we did get more views and much more conversation at that time. No, we don't make any money. I wasn't happy that things went down as they did, but I did enjoy the camaraderie with people from The Unz Review and elsewhere who all understood the lies and violations of freedom that were going on. 4 years and 8-9 months later, we've been vindicated. Regarding the jab especially, but the whole PanicFest too, we all passed the test. General results were pretty sorry.

Anyway, I got back into thinking about this starting with a woman at the gas station with a face mask on.* She was a black lady with the thick black type, so there would likely be the usual, long-noted Communication Breakdown (driving me insannnnneeee...) More here. There was not much the young lady had to say, but I just had to ask (nicely): "Are you going to wear that your whole life?" I guess she was taken aback, so I just added "... or only at work?" The answer was "yeah", best I could tell.

Fine, but rather than get into the subject of the PanicFest, one Peak Stupidity has beaten like a dead Horseman, I'd like to remember a bit about the virus itself.

Per the title here, does anyone remember when it was called "The Corona"?** This virus was corona shaped, but then so is the common cold virus, I'm told. Of course, there are differences, but, anyway, that name faded out so we could hear about the more medical sounding "covid one-niner" for the next 3 years.

Your blogger here never claimed to know any more than the average Joe Blough about viruses and infectious disease. Therefore, back in Spring/Summer '20, I took to heart the idea that "The Corona" was just yet another more-deadly-than-average virus out of the Orient. Others had come, back in '09, a few in the decades earlier, and all faded out in deadliness and in the media due time due to mutation and lack of an agenda, respectively.

Yeah, they eat some weird animals over there*** in the Orient, and some viruses mutate from being able to affect only certain of those weird animals to being able to affect humans. The speculation then was on the bats. Those bats came from caves a thousand miles away in Yunnan. You can't just find them at the average grocery. You experiment with bats in the lab in China, and, well, why wouldn't you expect some researcher, technician, or janitor along the way to take a few delicacies home? The pay is not stellar, compared to say, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (We'll get to that.) I would consider it a perk of the job... that is, if I were Chinese and liked bats.

Speculation that this virus was man-made was not unheard of even then. However, any speculation that somehow the Chinese were at fault, accidentally, or not, was what had our Woke officials in a tizzy. If the Corona were that dangerous, shouldn't we have tried our best to shut down its pathways into the US, from China? That obviously would have meant shutting down airline travel from China, and, hell, while we were at it, the land borders ought to have been closed too - what a concept!**** Nope, it was not cool to say "China Virus", as President Trump did - Kung Flu and Flu Manchu were probably out of the question too - and we were told to be tolerant of VPP++'s (Virus Prone People) to the point in which there was a big outdoor rally in New York City on (Chinese) Lunar New Year's - see Be Strong, Wuhan!.***** That was February 9th already (!), 2 weeks after the start of the appropriately named (after Anthony Fauci?) Year of the Rat.

I digressed back to the PanicFest, so let me just end that by saying that nobody "in charge" was THAT awfully scared of The Corona, if they cared more about Wokeness and the Immigration Replacement Programme. For me, anyway, it was not until May of '21 that I read and then wrote anything about the possibility of the Kung Flu having been made by the hands of man. I covered my thoughts about Ron Unz's "America did it!!" theory and the Kung Flu having been purposefully created in the lab in detail - Nicholas Wade on that Wuhan lab and origins of the Kung Flu. Before that, the PanicFest was the stupidity I'd been writing about. Being very busy with my important software work , I hadn't thought much about this origins business since the beginning, but then I read 23 papers about it on Thursday, right after Melrose Place [/Ron Unz], I read the easily understandable Wade paper and then wondered about the purpose of Gain a function, lose a function.

The ostensible purpose of the work done in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and outsourced to Wuhan (and plenty of other places) was "we've got to make these viruses deadlier, to where they can harm and kill humans, so that if we ever run into one like that, we'll have figured out how to make a vaccine for it by then, and like, cure everybody." WTFF? Nah, but as I wrote, the only difference between a Gain of Function viral research lab (has the lab gone viral?) and a BioWeapons lab is the name on the building.

Why outsource to China? It's the usual reasons, cost and timetable. Quality is not known to be Job 1 in China, and employees are paid less. Fauci and crew, who funded the Chapel Hill research, would have gotten things done quicker and cheaper in Wuhan. Additionally, as noted by our commenter "M", for good reasons the law had prohibited some of this bioweapons research from being done in the US. Just do it elsewhere and pay the Chinese by shuffling around some funding.

In that Nicholas Wade article, the fact that the Wuhan lab was operated as a Level-2 (BSL - Biological Safety Level?) when it should have, dealing with these dangerous microbes, been operated at the highest, BSL-4. I can imagine the difference.

I've been in facilities that were kept clean for other reasons, but I can see what would go on for Level-4 safety. One would probably have to wear a full non-woven-material suit at all times when working, then remove all parts of it, throw them into one of those metal trash cans to be burned later (not the can), go, perhaps naked, through an airlock, into a disinfecting shower, get through another airlock, pick up one's street clothes, maybe get disinfected some more, and eventually go home. It's a pain in the ass. It's hot in the suit. How can anyone get anything done?

So, you dispense with all that, and then eventually some germies get loose onto the streets of Wuhan, about 5 years go, that'd have been. Did people really keel over in the streets? That sounds like the Chinese PanicFest, but who knows? Could it have mutated quickly from a highly deadly virus to one that's not what it was cracked up to be within a few weeks or a month, still over in China?

I don't know, but now I have a Doors song in my head:
There's germs in the streets, they're up to my ankles,
germs in the streets, they're up to my knees.
Germs in the streets in the town of New Haven.
Germs in the streets out in Wuhan, Hubei.
Sure, why not - this music is mesmerizing - great keyboards by Rick Manzarek, and, of course, Jim Morrison comes across pretty weird and spooky, as usual. Perhaps drugs help...

Here's some irony for you. That it was purposeful "Gain of Function" bioweapons research work directed by batshit madmen that created caused the COVID-19 spread, rather than some natural process involving just bats, is not a good look for Anthony Fauci and his "EXPERTS!" Yet, they purposely created the PanicFest. Had they not created the PanicFest, I bet their GoF research and mistaken release in Wuhan would not have been seen as any big deal. Fauci has spoken on this matter - "My bad. Pardon me."

PS: While looking through the many, many posts on this Kung Flu Stupidity, I came across what I think was my first one about the jab. I was not as worried about the "vaccine", were I to take it (NOT EVER) yet, as I was effect on fertility and, more generally "much more of the increasing Orwellian Healthcare State", as I put it. The post is Don't jab me - I'm only the Piano Teacher, from late April of '21.

* Yeah, I mean, even with debit same price as cash, you won't get a receipt out of the pump even half the time around here - this requires a walk into the store. It's no big deal, but the incompetence (rolls of paper, anyone?) is showing. Thank you, both PanicFest and D.I.E.

** You can see how seriously (NOT) Peak Stupidity took this viral disease even on the very last day of February of '20. I note, a few days later in the comments, Bill Jones was already foretelling the vaccine stupidity.

*** That South Park episode with the Pangolins was just too much, even for my tastes!

**** President Trump used this as a great excuse to clamp down quite a bit. Also, there HAVE BEEN Chinese people crossing there and still are.

***** I understand that links to VDare don't work and changed 1 out in that post. However, even though Ron Unz has Paul Kersey archives back through 19 - with, BTW, no mention of the Kung Flu through that year's end - the one I was linking to on VDare is missing from the Unz archive. (Perhaps it was never published there.)

[UPDATED 12/06:]
Added info from commenter "M".

Comments (17)

An Homage to VDare (on Unz Review) and our hopes for its Resurrection

Posted On: Tuesday - December 3rd 2024 4:45PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Websites

I saw the following article - VDARE's Legacy - by one Peter Bradley on The Unz Review and felt like I should get on there and put a good word in for this fine organization. The comments had been negative, which really peeves me off because someone refused to let this go through.

In the past even with my disagreements* with Ron Unz - on a personal basis, in the comments on his site that is - I'd never had him refuse to let anything of mine get onto the page, and he'd never deleted one. This time, it was in moderation for the 5 minutes and, poof, gone. (I checked other devices.) I tried 3 more times, including in the middle of the night. ;-} Yes, California time 0400.

Perhaps a setting was wrong for Peter Bradley, but anyway, I stuck my commentary into a Steve Sailer thread, and I'm saying it here too. Thank you, Peter Bradley, for that very nice write-up.

Though I'd sworn off commenting here end-o-last-bidness-year due simply to time constraints, I just noticed Mr. Bradley's great homage to VDare here. Let me chime in to add my part.

I'd been a reader since about 5 or 6 years after VDare started up, as my stalwart-Conservative Dad got me hip to the seriousness of the immigration invasion problem. I would guess I've read 95% of the VDare articles since then, the non-read ones just due to my having missed them. I have met most of the people described herein, and they are all good people.

Mr. Brimelow himself, well, he could have stayed on the ins with the finance analyst and punditry crowd and had a cushy well-remunerated living. Instead he chose to proclaim the TRUTH about the coming (at that time) cultural and even financial destruction of America. That was simply the RIGHT thing to do.

Immigration* is THE EXISTENTIAL ISSUE. If the now severe damage is not somehow partially reversed, I won't really care so much about the other problems in America anymore, because it'll no longer be the America I cared about. (I'm thinking Uruguay or Portugal...)

I have followed VDare's legal troubles to the "t", at least the last legal "t" I could understand. I have to say this again, that I think Mr. Brimelow is just so used to the high-trust rule-of-law America of most of his life, that he could not see fit to fight the NY A/G in a way the ctrl-left would: Stall, obfuscate, "lose" entire servers (in unfortunate boating accidents... in West Virginia? Somehow...), etc.

I doubt the incoming A/G has the fire in the belly like a Matt Gaetz does, but I hope Trump will find a way to go after Leticia James. The ctrl-left can say it's political payback, who cares, but the Constitution in fact REQUIRES that treasonous Communists like Merrick Garland, Alex Mayorkas, and highly-corrupt anti-White goons like Leticia James be prosecuted, tried, and punished. Trump, being still Trump, cares about himself foremost and the Banana Republican lawfare that was waged against him. However, VDare (as seen here in the Tucker/Lydia interview) was also targeted. James' removal would be a greatly welcomed development for the remains of the VDare people and their former readers.

Instead of at least all the (~60,000 articles/posts in archives) be spread around, how about a full revival of VDare, same format, and URL in this case? I have been hopeful about that. I see no reason they can't just get back running if the lawfare is ended.

It's just a bad time for me to have lost VDare. Though the writers have always been hopeful, now with Trump in office again and duly pissed and Steve Miller and Tom Homan raring to go, this would be long-due time of high excitement. I should be looking forward to lots of great posts on details of the political fight right now. I want my VDare back!!

2 minor points:

1) Maybe writer Peter Bradley didn't know ahead that his article would appear here, but why was there no mention of VDare writers being published on The Unz Review? The immigration issue is not one I agree on much with Mr. Ron Unz - he's under the impression it's all good because Hispanics have pushed Black! crime out of Palo Alto, where he lives - but Mr. Unz has been extremely hospitable by publishing Mr. Sailer's blog, John Derbyshire's stuff, and many of the other VDare writers (on occasion) over the years. It's also a place to add comments on an extremely well-working site, while VDare didn't have them.

2) Not to be a Grammar Commie or anything, but "fat ass" is two words.***


* That'd be most on his highly-speculative, OK, just wrong, America-did-Covid** theory, sometimes points regarding immigration, and some other minor things.

** I refer to the virus here, not the PanicFest. For that, we joined in on the merriment with most of the world.

*** See Mr. Bradley's article for reference.

Comments (8)

There was a crooked man ...

Posted On: Monday - December 2nd 2024 12:43PM MST
In Topics: 
  Media Stupidity  US Feral Government  Anarcho-tyranny  Poetic Stupidity  Dead/Ex- Presidents  Zhou Bai Dien  Totalitarianism

Note: I don't know how we ever got started with this blog without a Blatant Corruption or Banana Republicanism topic key. Anarcho-Tyranny will have to suffice for this one.

This was showing on yahoo today, after I logged out of email:

What a great example of Lyin' Press manipulation this is! It's yahoo's way of implying that Trump is a corrupt Totalitarian tyrant, unlike the guy on the left there, who took money for himself and his coke-head son in dealings with foreign governments in return for influence on American policy.

No, but President Trump is ready to pick on, no pounce on, Hunter Biden, maybe getting him thrown in jail... for stuff like drugs and gun charges (It was just paperwork. C'mon, man!) and underage girls in China and receiving other favors and money in return for influence on American policy. It's just that nit-picky stuff, yet, per the worries of yahoo, Trump would be just vindictive enough to sic the DOJ on Hunter Biden. What a crock, right? He'd have probably had to sell the best of his art work just to pay the bail!

Better Hunter's Dad take care of this while he is lucid and still in office and before the Totalitarian Trump administration implements some kind of Leticia James style lawfare, even easier with a guy who has done worse things than give inflated assessments on his real estate. They're out to get Hunter... freaking Totalitarian tyrants that they are.

No, but that's not really how the ctrl-left thinks. They know what Hunter Biden is like, as they have a lot of that in themselves too. The Lyin' Press is good at this manipulation. Contrary to Steve Sailer here*, I believe in the exacting of justice that's long due. It's not only that it's long due, but for years the ctrl-left has used this "persecution" narrative to distract Trump and the GOP.

Taking a thousand, give-or-take, Political Prisoners into Washington, FS dungeons for years on charge of protesting and rioting may be on top of the list, but when it comes to blatant Totalitarian corruption, this pardon is probably next down on the list of the worst of it. But no, the Lyin' Press Narrative has it reversed - pretty clever. It works on some of us.

BTW, note the other print there (this one has good resolution, so you can zoom in). I didn't know that's how it worked. So, let me see, if they find young Bai Diem had murdered people, so long as it was within the last decade, he's in the clear. It's good to be President King.

Lastly, from the "one [poet] they call Desanex":
There was a crooked man, and he had a crooked smile.
He had a crooked daddy and they walked a crooked mile.
He smoked some crooked crack, and he bought a crooked gun.
Now crooked senile daddy prez has pardoned crooked son.
This brings me back a LONG way, but not the full 200 years (-2). Here's the original.

* Reconciliation, my ass! For the modern ctrl-left reconciliation is for suckers. For the right, reconciliation is losing. The ctrl-left does not do compromise. Please get that straight, pundits.

Comments (10)

Advancement in Transportation: From Internal Combustion to Spontaneous Combustion

Posted On: Saturday - November 30th 2024 7:01PM MST
In Topics: 
  Cheap China-made Crap  Humor  Cars  China  The Future  Science

(Note: Title idea shamelessly stolen from a ZeroHedge commenter. Thanks, Lance Boyle!)

Tyler Durden over at "the Hedge" went a little over the edge with his Explosion Rocks Port Of Miami today. It's not the whole port and I don't know about any rocking. It sounds like an electric car exploded inside a (20 ft.) shipping container. (You would ship an ICE car without the fuel, right? I hope.)

These electric cars have been catching on fire a whole lot more than the Lyin' Press is willing to excitingly report. "If it bleeds, it leads.", I thought, but not if the story goes against THE NARRATIVE. For EV's, it's more like "If it burns, nobody learns." It's different. Electricity is good, because, no CO2... I mean except back at the natural gas or coal-powered plant that generated what these cars use.* No, let's not talk about this stuff, such as these thankfully empty and parked electric buses in China:

NBC's Jane Pauley and Stone Phillips were nowhere to be found this time. They didn't NEED to be there.

There have been 10's of thousands of EV's burned and destroyed by battery thermal runaway. You try to do everything right too, you know?: I bought this car to help save the planet. I had my house built 10 ft up on stilts for the coming Global Boiling sea- (plasma-?) level rise, and, well, yeah, otherwise I couldn't insure it. When the Governor said "evacuate", I evacuated, first my bowels for the long road trip and then up the road, using my gas car, cause, range and stuff... Then, I find out that seawater set my electric car that was parked under my house on fire, and it burned down the house! Insurance company says they don't cover that because it was an act of God... dang Global Boiling... not covered.

Look, I appreciate the mechanical simplicity of an electric vehicle. I mean, without much to the drive train and with no injectors to get clogged, no coils and plugs to fail and foul, no valve train to wear out or be adjusted, no coolant to leak, what a relief that could be! There's much more to the electrical system, of course, and those batteries fail sooner than the systems mentioned above (usually!). I don't have anything against them or anyone who drives them...

... so long as the sales are within a free market, without the constant Government pressure and incentives that distort the market we have now. There's a big incentive to say good things about EVs and ignore the bad things. Remember those 5-Year Plans and New Deals (wrapped in golden chains**) in the old USSR and China? Yeah, we have them in California now, and they don't work any better. The goals may not be met without melting down a few 10's of thousands of EV's, not to show steel production goals this time, but well, those Lithium Ion batteries can get out of control.

The reason airlines want the Lithium Ion batteries in the cabin and not in the luggage in the holds is that they want someone to be able to get at these in flight. Fires that start in them are not as easily suppressed, especially by suffocation, as are normal combustion reactions. If you remember that fire triangle from the Boy Scouts, ignition/heat, air (oxygen to be accurate), and fuel all must be present to sustain combustion. When certain parts get hot enough these batteries create their own oxygen along with the ever-present ignition source and fuel. (Some chemical/thermo. details are this technical paper from China. I mean, they oughta know.) Not only that, but some reactions going on release the Oxygen from water sprayed on to smother it (which doesn't exactly work) and cool it.

Progress in battery technology has been amazing. (I think a battery-powered chainsaw would have been a joke 30 years ago.) Even so, these Lithium Ion ones have only about 2% the energy density of gasoline. That's still a lot of energy for our electronics. To enable a range for a vehicle that resembles that of a gasoline powered one, these batteries/battery packs must be big. Though there's a correction factor for efficiency (electric motor over the IC engine), if an EV has 1/2 the range, that battery pack must at least around 3-4 gallons of fuel's worth of energy, 350-400 MegaJoules. That'll create a lot of havoc.

The engineers will figure it out. In the meantime, there are the ZeroHedge commenters, with one MagicHandPuppet stealing my thunder:
Saving the planet from global boiling, one battery car explosion at a time.
Then, there are the cynical types. Look, I'm as cynical about the Potomac Regime, Deep State, Globalist elites, et al, as the next guy. In general ZeroHedge commenters are slightly less cynical than those on The Unz Review. What I don't like is the "America did it!" stupidity as the explanation for everything. We've noted that Stupidity doesn't stop at the California coastline and, as for evil, I think America itself - meaning, the people - has a lower evil density than much of the rest of the world. Commenter Gargolic wrote:
China is liable to be sabotaged so as to put people off their ultra cheap EV's. This could be a test run.
That's very Unz-like. Dude, ever run into Cheap China-made Crap in your daily life? Extrapolate, man. Then too, wouldn't enacting tariffs be a little less risky? On the lighter side, I couldn't help inserting the following from commenter JUST THE FACTS:
My uncle was injured in an explosion at the cheese factory today.

He was hit by a chunk of da Brie.
Anyway, I hope those big container ships and the auto carriers pay hazard overrides and have good insurance. Imagine a ship with 5,000 EVs lighting up out on the high seas... or even a few containers filled with Chinese electronics. "Hey, it's been 2 months! Where's my stuff?!"

* I do get the point that the pollution, ACTUAL pollution, I mean, is better created at the point source. It's outside of town, higher up out of the stack, and all that. However, that idea and the scrubbers are for actual pollutants, not for 1 of the 2 products of clean combustion, CO2 (H2O, water, in vapor form, being the other).

** H/T, Creedence.

Comments (9)

Gold v Bitcoin: ZeroHedge New & Improved Debate and PS Discussion

Posted On: Friday - November 29th 2024 4:12PM MST
In Topics: 
  Preppers and Prepping  Economics  Holiday from Stupidity

We neglected to wish our readers a Happy Thanksgiving yesterday, so you'll have to put up with a belated one, including Adam Smith ASCII graphics and Peak Stupidity HTML-fu (circa 1996, it would be!):


T HA N K S G I V I N G !

Alright, well instead of Turkiye* and tripping out on Tryptophan and sportsball on TV, we had duck instead and I settled in to watch a new 2 hour-long ZeroHedge Gold v Bitcoin debate. I tell you what, it was as if ZeroHedge's Tyler Durden had read Peak Stupidity's critical review of their 1st one and taken it all to heart!. This debate fixed about EVERYTHING I didn't like in that previous, 4-man one.

Big Gold promoter Peter Schiff was the only debater seen also in the previous one. (Bio. info. on him is in our posts linked-to above.) The Bitcoin side is represented by one Robert Breedlove. I didn't even realize it, but should have due to promotions by the latter man only, but it was Mr. Breedlove's What is Money? show that sponsored the debate, hence, no ads about gold. However, Mr. Breedlove's ads were for prepper/off-grid/anti-Regime items and ideas, so I actually watched and enjoyed a few of them. Additionally, I'll say that Robert Breedlove took no advantage in the debate due to his sponsorship.

As in the last one, Peter Schiff was a little (not as much) cantankerous, while his one opponent was calm and collected, and just seemed a little more "with it" with regards to the modern electronic world. That doesn't mean I think he "won" the debate, but he might have convinced some people just by his manner. (He is a salesman, after all - they both are.)

Instead of barely keeping a lid on the cross-talk and letting 2 of the guys rant and interrupt, this moderator, one Keith Knight of the Libertarian Institute, operated in a completely different fashion. He had his outline, made the 2 pundits stick to it religiously, and would not put up with big digressions from the points in question. In fact, near the end, he was too controlling, when he should have allowed another 10 minutes of open discussion, IMO. Yeah, you've got to put up with his wild hair and somewhat effeminate voice. It's all good. He did his job, which made this debate MUCH better.

I also liked that youtube had the general sections labeled at the bottom as one watches, and the page even has this nice outline. Note the commercials - kept in here so you know where to skip, and "WiM" is "What is Money?"

0:00 - WiM Intro
1:06 - What is Inflation?
6:42 - What is Fiat Currency?
16:46 - What Properties do you want in Money?
18:56 - Divisibility: Bitcoin vs Gold
27:23 - Durability and Recognizability: Bitcoin vs Gold
32:59 - COMMERCIAL: The Farm at Okefenokee
34:26 - COMMERCIAL: Heart and Soil Supplements
35:26 - COMMERCIAL: Helping Lightning Startups with In Wolf's Clothing
36:18 - Portability: Bitcoin vs Gold
46:40 - Scarcity: Bitcoin vs Gold
56:41 - 100 Years from Now: Bitcoin vs Gold
1:04:16 - COMMERCIAL: Tuttle Twins: Teaching Kids Critical Thinking
1:05:33 - COMMERCIAL: Mind Lab Pro
1:06:43 - 100 years from now: Bitcoin vs Gold
1:08:55 - Store of Value: Bitcoin vs Gold
1:19:56 - Unit of Account: Bitcoin vs Gold
1:27:17 - COMMERCIAL: Emerge Dynamics
1:28:20 - COMMERCIAL. Art of Alpha Retreat
1:29:34 - Medium of Exchange: Bitcoin vs Gold
1:34:42 - Can We Make a Better Bitcoin?
1:43:56 - Would Anything Change Peter’s Mind about Bitcoin?
1:47:46 - Closing Thoughts on Gold vs Bitcoin

Last time, I did not completely recommend the reader NOT watch, but I noted that the 2 hours would likely be wasted - there was some entertainment but not much to learn from. I HIGHLY recommend the Peak Stupidity reader spend the 2 hours this time (akshully, only 1 hour and 54 minutes). Almost all the important points, possible pros and possible cons, about Bitcoin that I regret were avoided last time are debated here. They get into the real issues, and there's lots of food for thought on some pretty hifalutin concepts. Following the video is Peak Stupidity discussion, including the mention of just a few things left out.

Let me shorten the outline here too:
1) There is a nice trailer, which showed some good highlights (sorry no action - though I think Breedlove could take Mr. Schiff were it ever to come down to it).
2) The points of agreement, difference between money and currency, problems with fiat, evils of Government involvement, etc, were quickly taken care of.
3) The moderator had Mr. Breedlove state the (his, anyway) 5 properties of money, and then he would go back and forth between the 2 men, asking how their "champion" satisfied these properties. This was the meat of the discussion.
4) 3 or 4 abilities, I'd call them, rather than properties of the 2 types of money were debated, with a little argument on the definitions and usefulness of these abilities.
5) They got that 2nd-to-last section (above) from the previous debate, but at least eventually with an answer from Mr. Schiff.

I'll discuss a few points that Mr. Schiff had on Mr. Breedlove, some vice versa, and then some that all 3 of us, plus likely the (other) moderator really don't completely understand.

I felt vindicated on my argument in that last discussion that, no, a form of money that can also have industrial uses is not a good thing. It would mean that changes in technology, the economy, whatever, can cause volatility in the apparent value of it that would not otherwise be there. Peter Schiff claimed otherwise last time, and here too, mostly to try to explain his point that Bitcoin is NOTHING, something that is not altogether false, and gold is SOMETHING.

There weren't many numbers given, but Mr. Breedlove stated that gold has something like 1 1/2 Trillion bucks in industrial use (yearly, I assume) and about 10 x that in value as money. He claimed that because Bitcoin indeed has ZERO industrial use, that makes it perfect money in at least this sense. Mr. Schiff sees gold, with the help of silver, as the perfect money, as he cannot see how anything else could take its place. This made me try to come up with another example of something else with the scarcity, portability, etc. with NO industrial uses, that could still replace gold as money. Apparently, salt was used at some point, when it was still considered scarce. That's not a good example though - tastes change. What else, another metal that is junk but still rare?

That question is just made to try to understand Peter Schiff's point, as gold has a long history already. Both men agreed that the 5,000 or 6,000 year history of the use of gold means something. Mr. Breedlove admitted that the 13 years of Bitcoin history are not much to give anyone confidence for a long future for it.

Mr. Schiff kind of lost his way when he argued that gold could be sent to a foreign country** lighting fast, and faster than Bitcoin. Sure, by electronically sending keys that transfer ownership of gold sitting in a Swiss or other 3rd-party vault, it can, but Mr. Breedlove noted that this defeats most purposes of HOLDING the money. "It's not government, though, it's..." Nah, I agree with Mr. Breedlove, as both gold and Bitcoin are held more closely for good reasons, like the government. In fact, "Swiss" means squat-all now, when it comes to privacy, as the Potomac Regime has reached its long arms across the pond and the Alps. Government can lean on 3rd-parties. They can lean on YOU, but, we'll be prepared for that and won't fold like a Swiss Bank under FATCA.

I wrote before that Bitcoin doesn't have the privacy property as gold does, but it can be transferred world-wide, while gold is good for local exchange. This is very much along the lines of what Robert Breedlove said early on and a few more times: He's weighing the idea of the use of each money based on whether he sees a SHTF future with no electricity, internet and AI*** (use gold), or a "digital future" with all that (use Bitcoin).

One thing Mr. Schiff rightly harped on was the speculation in Bitcoin. Mr. Breedlove mentioned the 4? Trillion dollars in transactions yearly, daily, or whatever, but there's no way to break that down between those actually using it as money for normal purchases and those buying low (or trying) and selling high (or trying) in order to make money off this "money". How would you know? Over this 1st decade and a half, this would-be money has been highly volatile, a bad thing for a money. Mr. Breedlove says it will settle down, and there's a 4-part sequence involved, as with gold too back in history. This was discussed too and never settled in that previous debate.

Let me discuss what I do and don't know about Bitcoin in the context of this debate. I don't expect to understand blockchain software, but I really need to look into more detail on how Bitcoin will reach only 21 million coins (possibly not exactly 21 million, as a round number like that just seems weird). There must be some asymptotic function for which the amount of energy it takes to make more coins near that level follows some steep exponential or power-law curve.

Let's leave aside again that nobody there or here is a mathematician - same as last time - who works on blockchain functions, so we can't REALLY be sure the whole thing can't be hacked someday, or has been already. Mr. Breedlove, like Bitcoin proponent Erik Voorhees in the previous debate, made a lot of money speculating in Bitcoin. For the same reasons, there's a need to feel vindicated as wise****, not just lucky, and to imply something meaningful about it all. Mr. Schiff made some effort to get him to explain why it would be Bitcoin and Bitcoin only, not other cryptocurrencies, that would or should be the money of the digital future. (Within this discussion, Mr. Schiff also made a very good point that, come the crash, with Bitcoin being "the money", wouldn't its widespread use and volatility be a good excuse to bring it into the fold of a CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency)?)

This is a major point that either Robert Breedlove doesn't have a good answer to, or I just couldn't understand his answers, as he did make the effort. Why not have Cardano, Etherium, and even DogeCoin (meant to be a joke) as the standard? Can we have competing currencies that are all actually used as stores of value and units of account? That sounds like a free market, but it sure may get confusing.

As for me, I don't WANT to speculate. I'd feel much better in the world of gold/silver money and no FED of over a century ago. Even gold/silver backed currency would be OK, or any currency backed by some real money. Robert Breedlove says such money should be Bitcoin in the digital world, while Peter Schiff says it should be gold, no matter what kind of world.

This was a really great discussion, run in an organized fashion, with some heavy thinking required to try to fathom some of the deeper ideas. Again, I hope some of y'all will take the time - this one here is great, I don't care who ya' are... unless you're one of them damn Monetarists or something...

PS: here is the ZeroHedge page that includes the video. Some of the comments are elucidating, but most are the normal ZH chatter - fun but not necessarily illuminating.

* Just tryin' to comply here with the rules of Political Correctness here ...

** from Puerto Rico, for example, but why is Peter Schiff in Puerto Rico, I wondered... Does he know something I ought to know?

*** Why AI? He included that each time, but I don't see why AI has to be in the picture at all.

**** This is not at all to say that Robert Breedlove and Erik Voorhees are not wise men in general. I will reiterate that they both were the best personalities involved in each debate.

Comments (4)

Have we voted our way out of this?

Posted On: Wednesday - November 27th 2024 2:13PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Genderbenders  Immigration Stupidity  Political Correctness  Global Climate Stupidity  Trump  Globalists  US Feral Government  ctrl-left  Big-Biz Stupidity

Peak Stupidity has often stated, along with plenty of commenters here, that "We ain't voting our way out of this." What's "this", first of all? That'd be the slide of America, and the former 1st World into a multi-cultural, tower-of-babelistic, Idiocratic, 3rd-worldly Globalist economy full of #Stupidity to height never before seen in the history and pre-history of Mankind. MOAR incompetence, anti-White rhetoric and regulation, Feminism, genderbender nonsense, Climate Calamity™ and Plandemic cyclic fearmongering, all of it will continue and get worse if we don't fight back.

Did our near-thing-vote (no, it was no landslide) in this election of Donald Trump for President save us from having to eventually break out the guns? There's been a lot to behold since Nov. 5th that might make one believe this. I'll say this, that Trump & Co. do indeed know what the sore points are. They see the stupidity and don't like it.

Remember though, as per the Doc's advice, as with antibiotics, I'm still finishing off this bottle of white pills.

America is not the sole superpower of yester-3 1/2-decades, but what happened here does have international repercussions. Have we voters changed the course of history? (Yes, 0.25 kg tablets, why do you ask? I just get my alerts from Walgreens and go pick it up - I'm no doctor.)

Let me back up for one digression instead of having a footnote. By "voters", really I should write voters and civic-minded people throughout the country who've spent their own time trying to prevent or reverse election fraud. Perhaps instead of just adding one vote, one can subtract a hundred or thousands of fakes. What'd the guy (I don't know, some Commie) say? "It's not who votes that counts. It's who counts the votes.". In Soviet Americaski, "It's not who counts the votes, it's who hauls off the usual Commies who cheat the vote count."

There are some areas of stupidity against which I think a non-distracted Trump-47 Administration can really fight, and win. I've been reading a few ZeroHedge articles that have me hopeful on this.

I'll note here that Peak Stupidity has already written about possible progress on the existential issue, the Immigration Stupidity a few days back here. Without more headway than I can imagine, even at this dosage level, the rest described here don't matter in the long run, at least for what we call America still. Keep that in mind... or don't.

[Like that's a bad thing?] This image came from the website of the ACLU. That's not normally Peak Stupidity's go-to source. We thought we'd try something new...

Is the Trump Administration, or, going forward, the MAGA Party, where DEI goes to DIE? I don't think of wokeness, the much more powerful and diverse(ha) successor to Political Correctness, is just a fad. I disagreed in posts before with Steve Sailer that it will (was going to) reach a peak on its own and DIE out. The people behind it really WANT this program in place to humiliate the White man and most normal human beings. It's humiliation in the form of "It's not just that there are weirdos around, but you must say, write, and THINK (if we can help it) that they are normal people, contrary to any standards of decency you might try to stick to. It's that, or get fired or expelled."

I read, though, that Trump & Co., as administrators of the Feral Gov't plan to root out the D.I.E. departments, correct language*, which does matter to some degree, and use that bully pulpit to rail against this whole anti-White, anti-men, anti-normal-people business.

Corporate America and the Feral Gov't have a close relationship under our Crony Capitalist system. (Some might call it economically Fascist - I've got no argument with that.) So, will the head honchos force HR departments to stop with the wokeness? Will Big Biz cut out their D.I.E. programs to get along with the Trump administered Feral Government? I think both will balk and evade on some of this. Personnel will get shuffled around, org charts will have name changes, etc., something I think is going on in the universities. (Maybe only a guy like Ron DeSantis can do this RIGHT.)

Still, there's the bully pulpit, and if Trump and MAGA are out in the open against the wokeness, perhaps normal Americans will rally together to really wipe it out. The people behind it all, though, they will still be there.

People, and I use the term loosely, of Wal Mart:

I also read this ZeroHedge article about a guy I've heard of before, one Robby Starbuck (OK?) who has had his own personal anti-D.E.I. operation going on. The article reports that he had pressured Wal-Mart, a company with a million and half employees, to cut this anti-White genderbender crap out. Freaking Wal-Mart, I tell you! Maybe we all just need a little encouragement from guys like this, Trump or no Trump. However, having the courts (eventually, hopefully) and the law in general being at your 6 makes this sort of thing much more feasible.

This next is a big one. At the height of the Kung Flu PanicFest, Spring '20 through Spring '22, let's call it, Peak Stupidity had really thought that the
Climate Calamity™ stupidity had been left behind. The fear-mongers had come upon and/or come up with even bigger juicier and more lucrative work. Little Greta was back in Sweden, probably locked down for her own good - Sweden was one of the most sane countries** actually, but there are always outliers - and I didn't hear about "the settled science" on the complicated climate of the Earth much then. Alas, I was wrong, very, very wrong.

Things have, errr, heated back up over the last few years. There have been new names: Climate Crisis (Climate Calamity™ is ours), and even Global Boiling. There is not just the control of the whole energy sector of the economy issue, but the money involved is getting huge now. Entire countries... cough, Germany, cough, cough, have crippled their economies due to pressure from these wackos, but wackos with POWER. They've got the Globalists behind them. This election of Trump, however, may really mean hard pushback against the entire Global Climate Stupidity programme.

One of the things I praised Trump-45 for was his refusal to sign the Paris Accords. It's not just that the entire idea of the Climate Calamity™ is bullshit, but if you're going to act like it's not, why does most-powerful China get out of the whole thing with carte blanche (see, Paris, right?) to build coal plants out the ying-yang? It was most obviously a scam, even to a guy who doesn't know a bit of science, like the President. Trump does care about the US not getting scammed. He is street-smart like that, and he's long talked about the unfair trade deals we've had with China since the mid-1990s.

One doesn't have to understand the complications of trying to model, unsuccessfully so far, all physical processes involved in the climate of the World to see other problems with all this. That Globalists are trying to control the energy sector by making the inert gas CO2 into a pollutant and a poison - often just C, Carbon itself, as it sounds nastier, all black and dirty - should be obvious by now. That the climate predictions have been wrong for decades goes from obvious only to those who pay attention and have memories to obvious to anyone. More hurricanes? Well, anyone can look at old National Hurricane Center data. How about that there won't be any more snow in the US for the last 15 years? I don't see snowblowers going for cheap on eBay. Ice at the poles and sea surface temperatures? You'd have to do more digging.

However, Global Boiling? Seriously? That's a bridge scare tactic too far, for anyone! I mean, phase change due to temperature increase is a thing, but boiling of the whole earth doesn't even make sense in physics. If Mr. Antonio Guterres, SecGen of the UN (got a ring to it) had said "Global Phase change to a plasma", well, then, sure... I mean, THE SCIENCE. Trump understand the hype. He is all about hype himself, so he sees what it's about: Globalist control. He wants none of that. I am very grateful for that.

OK, anyway, to get more practical, which I'll give Donald Trump credit for being, he will reverse*** much of the purposeful destruction of America's energy economy that came out of President Bai Dien. Drill, baby, drill! Up in Alaska, in the Dakotas, pipeline construction out of Alberta, what have you, he will not impede progress. No, as I will get to in one big post to come, the economy will not be saved from what's coming. We will see a nice reprieve, and people will be able to get to real work.

Can we really stop the Global Climate Stupidity in its tracks, at this high level? That'd be one hell of a thing, and it WOULD indeed be due to "voting out way out", were it to happen. The Globalists though, they will not be suffering...

There are other areas of stupidity for which I may have some hope after seeing Trump & Co's pre-election plans. All of this hope should be tempered with a few thoughts that apply to all of these plans.

1) Can all these counter-revolutionary moves be stopped dead, first thing, in '28 by the ctrl-left? With the more general, cultural issues, such as the genderbender stupidity, I guess it could be all over with, no matter who takes power.

For energy policy and the signing on to international scams like the Paris Accord or whatever kind of crap was just discussed at COP-30, it depends on getting the whole Feral Gov't turned around. This includes the Senate and the courts. Can MAGA start taking over? That would need to be done, and is 4 years enough time? (Or can we depend on a Vance not going native?) I was disappointed in '95 when Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" expired (as in a natural death, not legally), and I am not hopeful now.

2) Can some of the destruction we are fighting be reversed at all, no matter how many MAGAs go at it? I don't meant the sick and horrible gender-change surgeries and drug treatments here. On a higher level, for example, can all the damage from D.I.E. (AA++) hiring be reversed? White men could be hired to do work that requires the White man (what a concept!), but how much competence has already been lost for good? Lots of "human capital" and old-timey quality, can-do corporate culture has been lost for good.

Then, there are the demographics. I'd be amazed if Trump & Co. could reverse the immigration invasion back to 2020, but even that's not really gonna cut it. We aren't going to get our demographics back to 1995 without something I can't imagine at this point.

3) Trump and MAGA are trying to defeat the Deep State here and Globalists around the world. With help from masses of useful idiots (seen on Tic-Toc) the DS and Globalists are the ones who behind the push these destructive forms of stupidity, including the 2 discussed here. Are they just going to turn tail and run? I don't think so. Can the barely-yet-MAGA-infiltrated American government and patriotic Americans defeat this enemy by ourselves? Encouragement from the words and actions of President Trump and hopefully more MAGA people are helping my morale, anyway. (Then, he'll say something really, really stupid...)

4) I just saw a few clips of Marc Andreessen with Joe Rogan. Some of the evil stuff that he claims Zhou Bai Dien and his Deep State backers have been up to is very scary. It's SciFi dystopian scary. That stuff was supposed to happen in, like, 2525 or something. Then again, so was Idiocracy. It's a race to the bottom: Evil v Stupid.

Have we voted our way out of this, or out of anything? We'll see. At least our vote on November 5th was a big middle finger to the ctrl-left, Deep State, and Globalists (there's overlap there). It was a vote for a reprieve, but as with my prescription that I need to get renewed, we're not getting a long-term panacea out of Nov 5th alone.

* One deal was to change wording in government documents - and thank heaven for ctrl-r vs. white-out! - to replace "illegal immigrant" or "migrant", even "undocumented whatever" back to "illegal alien". We strongly agree!

** See E.H. Hail's many writings on this from the period in question on his site.

*** Please keep in mind that our Constitutionally-minded blogger here doesn't believe the President or Congress should have anything to do with the energy industry at all. This kind of talk, though, is so out of style, that you can't get anywhere in the discussion with it.

Comments (3)

Goodbye to 1923

Posted On: Tuesday - November 26th 2024 1:31PM MST
In Topics: 
  TV, aka Gov't Media  Political Correctness  Feminism  Movies  Bible/Religion

That was no typo there in the title. I wasn't off by 1 year writing about this New Years, though our China-made clocks can be off quite a bit. This is about a TV-series, excuse me, "streaming content", or should I say steaming (pile of) content.

It's due to my traveling a good bit lately that I had a chance to see what's on the old seatback TV. The season of The Office available was too familiar for enjoyment again just yet, so I decided to try the show 1923.

I like history. I would hope the historical background, at least, would be somewhat accurate. I could see after a while there'd be some action and of course the romance stories, both of which would keep viewers coming back for additional episodes... Nah, but they've just got to screw it up for me!

Peak Stupidity has ranted plenty before* about the effect of this Wokeness (successor to PC) on my ability to enjoy video entertainment. It started with my Dad 50 years ago. He saw the agenda on TV. Now, I see the agenda. I'd enjoy it more without being aware of it, but, well, at least I'm not paying good, or any other, money for this stuff.

As with lots of these series, there are various stories going on concurrently in 1923, the feud between the cowboys and sheep herdsmen, the one member of the family overseas in war and on safaris, the women at home, and then there's this Indian school out on the plains there in Montana. (It's probably not the same one that used to send me junk mail.)

No doubt, American Indians had a tough time getting used to the White Man's world, if ever they would. The difference between savagery (no real insult in this case) and civilization is stark - Peak Stupidity got into that a little bit in Part 3 of our review of Sam Gwynne's excellent book Empire of the Summer Moon. Yes, before the turn into the 20th Century, Americans figured, for charitable reasons and practical ones, these people would be best off being assimilated. Hence, the Indian schools. 1923 shows an Indian girls school run by Catholic clergy.

I guess the producers of 1923 just HAD to get in on some of that woke, anti-White man (and White Nun too) action here. They couldn't let the Canadians have all the fun.

I could live with portrayal of the indifference or even hostility of the Indian girls to the environment. However, the show goes beyond that. Oh, yeah, the drudgery they were being taught to do, in order to make good wives in a civilized world! I'm sure it WAS no fun, but then, per Empire of the Summer Moon, the Indian squaws's entire lives were filled with drudgery, with no respite for books or woman's (what, Temperance) clubs or meetings, etc, as with the White women. The Indian squaws were beasts of burden, basically. In the words of the poor man being stoned in Monty Python's Life of Brian, "How could it be any worse?!"

Then too, Indian life was NEVER going to get better for the women. It's not like there were Indian inventors, who might eventually come up with washing machines and dish washers. (Wait, did they even have dishes?) That drudgery was there to stay, for all time, unless, some strange White people might come along or something ...

I put up with the scenes in Season 1, Episode 1. The one Nun had just had enough of the one girl (one of the stars of the show, I guess) and got a bit too violent. Things escalated.

However, in Episode 2, as another Nun is washing this girl's wounds, the Nun turns out to be overly excited washing certain parts, and well, I can't tell you what was next, because that was the end of 1923 for me.

Yes, you CAN point out all possible flaws and make Catholics out to be THE WORST, leaving aside that these people, most of them neither violent nor kinky, dedicated their LIVES to helping these girls.

How about a series called 923 (again, no typo) with Moslems of the era castrating their millions of male slaves enslaved people, keeping the women slaves enslaved people in Harems (not really bad work if you can get it), and committing violence against "the infidel" all over North Africa and into Europe? Is this doable? If so, I might watch... unless you update your The Office selections, that is. I never get sick of Michael Scott.

* See Tried to watch a movie - here's 3 reviews in one! for starters.

** See also Part 1 and Part 2.

*** That book was about the Comanches, but I doubt it'd be significantly different for the Montana tribes depicted in the show. (Nez Perce, maybe?)

Comments (15)

The Trump-47 Administration and the Existential Issue

Posted On: Saturday - November 23rd 2024 9:47PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Trump  The Future

It might look like it, from the last 3 posts, but Peak Stupidity is not fixated on and does not worship the guy Matt Gaetz. We would indeed like to see more of the likes of him and MTG though. I believe the country needs hundreds of these types in high office.

However, within the context of the Administration appointments, I will address what Peak Stupidity has long seen (20 years, I'd guess*) as the Existential Issue*** for the future of this Nation. I put it like this there:
... if this uncontrolled massive immigration problem is not dealt with (as my amigos down south next door are wont to say), all other problems are not worth solving - we will have no country left to worry about.
Trump might really make a dent in the Wokeness, he might push Globalism back, for who knows how long, and he might hold off the end result of Global Financial Stupidity for longer than I expect. However, I don't, and I won't, really care about the future of America itself, if we've become a completely different nation. I also noted, in that post of nearly 8 years back:
This is the only reason Donald Trump is in the position he is, now, and he'd better heed my words, along with my other reader(s), prontomundo*!
If not readers, how about the couple of guys he's hired. These 2:

Tom Homan, former INS Border Patrol Agent and Supervisor, then head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE):

New Position under Trump: Border Czar.

Stephen Miller, former Trump policy advisor on Immigration:

New Position under Trump: Ditto.

I thought about giving a lot of background bio. info. on these 2 men, but it'd make the post too long. Stephen Miller really has an amazing past - he's been involved in politics since early in High School, a Conservative the whole time. (No, he wasn't on Jeopardy like Steve Sailer, but he was equally precocious. At 16 y/o, he did call in to the Larry Elder radio show.) He's been an immigration patriot since way back. It seems like half the paragraph ending sentences on his wiki page are meant to disparage him, but each time, my thought was "You say that like it's a bad thing." Examples:
Miller has been credited as the person behind the Trump administration's decision to reduce the number of refugees accepted into the United States.

[You say that like it's a bad thing.]
Emails showed that Miller had tried to use public health powers to implement border restrictions in 2019. Miller also advised Trump not to openly embrace mask-wearing to halt the spread of the coronavirus.

[You say that like it's a bad thing.]
I am glad Mr. Miller is back for Trump-47, but I wish he was a direct replacement for Mayorkas. I guess it wouldn't be so easy for him to get confirmed.

Mr. Homan was in the Border Patrol, under the old INS as an agent, investigator, and supervisor since 1984. He worked under Øb☭ma in ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement as Executive Associate Director of enforcement and removal operations. We need him to take great advantage of that specific removal experience. We've all thought of the stupidity of the ctrl-left's sob stories of the splitting up of illegal alien families. Mr. Homan has shocked that crowd with his simple response to the worries about family separation. Don't separate them - they should be removed together. He seems like a pretty straight talker. Per a former BP Agent I know, he's one of the good guys. Same, as with Mr. Miller, I wish the guy had more power. He's Border "Czar". We'll see how that goes.

Near the end of the previous Trump Administration, Peak Stupidity posted President Donald Trump: the Bad, **the Good**, and the Ugly from encouraging info out of VDare. The New York Times had a stunning endorsement of Trump's off-the-radar immigration moves, well, unintentionally, that is. With the help of Stephen Miller, I'm sure, he brought the numbers of both illegal immigrants and alleged "refugees" down significantly by '19. We've written many times though, that all this could (and was) reversed from Day 1 by Zhou Bai Dien and his hired traitors.

We are hoping that Trump, Miller, and Homan can get enough done, even if not through legislation, to build lasting momentum for serious border control and deportations. My hopes aren't that high on the latter, as my bet is that the half million serious criminals, including the violent gang members, will be sent home. That's not enough, but I worry that's where things will stop after a bombardment of sob stories by the Lyin' Press. It'll take some tough people - the kind that don't mind being called names, is all, really, to continue deportations for your standard aliens. Judge rulings will simply have to be ignored. At this point, there must be 40 million illegals. We've run the numbers. Deportation of all of them can be done, with a real will. The more serious and publicized the program, the more self-deportation will happen.

What happened to talk about "The Wall"? It really doesn't have to be a wall, per se, but there's no point in doing deportations if there is no serious border barrier built. As we've written in Border control maintenance vs. defending some Koreans from other Koreans, this ain't no moonshot. Half of the contingent of soldiers, sailors, and airmen half way around the world could guard this 1,900 mile stretch. As I write this, I am trying to find the article that suggested a quarter of a million troops would be needed. This is silly, as there are things called cameras, drones, and phones. Just as with the feigned worries about the cost of a wall/barrier, it would be peanuts in the scheme of things.

Trump-45 had tried the national emergency option - according to information here, that isn't strictly necessary. It IS more of an emergency than the few dozen or so other on-going emergencies, some having been running for decades(!), that we are supposedly living under.**** Another crack at this is being planned.

Imagine half of what the Trump-47 team is planning gets done. That'd be very welcome. However, even though he cut down the fake refugee numbers, I am not sure at all that Trump cares to drastically cut normal LEGAL immigration numbers. That's half of the battle to stave off the Population Replacement Program though. I realize Trump can't or won't speak directly about the replacement of White people. He's said things that make it sounds as if he does understand the problem. Then, too, he'll come out with "stapling the Green Cards to all foreign American college graduates" and more stupidity. Does he say that just to keep the heat off, or is he plain stupid like that?

Does Trump care to fix this front of the invasion? That'd require the ending of the whole "Birthright Citizenship" scam, through administrative and hopefully SCROTUS legal action. Additionally, there must be work to reduce or even eliminate the many, many immigrant visa programs. The gray areas between legal and illegal, with tourist and work visas either turning into Green Cards somehow, or the out-of-control permanent overstaying of visas must be dealt with. There are so many aspects of this existential problem. I am glad, from my reading, that Stephen Miller is well aware of lots of this. Example:
In October 2018, the Financial Times reported that Miller sought to make it impossible for Chinese students to study in the United States. Miller argued that a ban was necessary to reduce Chinese espionage, but that another benefit was that it would hurt elite universities with staff and students critical of Trump.

[Yet again, you say that like it's a bad thing.]
Mr. Homan, I assume is just going to concentrate on the illegal side.

When exit polls from the Nov 5th election were analyzed, such as by E.H. Hail here, there was much touting of that high Hispanic, especially male Hispanic, vote. Former VDare writer and current AmRen writer James Kirkpatrick / Greg Hood took a large dose of white pills and really wasn't himself as he excitedly wrote The Age of Trump on November 8th. Sure, Hispanics will all assimilate into (former) White America, and we'll have more votes for the GOP (not always 50%, but we'll make it up in volume) in the future. Right. Even if it all went smoothly, we won't be the same nation.

Yes, it's easy to get overly excited by recent events. So, Mr. Hood's AmRen boss, Jared Taylor, set him straight 3 days later with Demography Is Still Destiny.

If Donald Trump knew then (January of '17) what he knows now (8 years later!), there'd have been a whole lot less water under the bridge influx, who knows, 15 million more foreigners here. (That's not even including legal immigrants.) It's very late in the game now. This is THE existential issue for America. Peak Stupidity holds out a little hope that Trump's anti-invasion team will be able to make headway along the many avenues that must be taken. Resistance will be heavy. Personnel matters, and so far we're mildly encouraged.

Finally, we hope that the fat-ass Black! broad Leticia James will be squashed in some manner - she's not a Fed, so I'm not sure how, such that VDare can be free to operate again.***** As we have hope, and things start happening in January, I will feel lost without the great, current, and comprehensive information on this existential issue from

* Yeah, that was way before this blog and just a few years after VDare's founding. My Dad had clued me in on this issue, after I argued points that I consider laughable now. He suggested NumbersUSA**, while I came upon VDare myself, I think.

** I just looked at that site, after about 2 decades. They still make very good points, but points only about the numbers (of people) with the ills that go with large numbers. There's a whole lot there alone to recommend the end of large-scale immigration, but this org does not bring up anything racial or ethnic. My Dad noted that. He understood the latter, further problems, but he figured NumbersUSA, with Roy Beck's great Gumballs video, would play better in prime time, that's all. (That isn't the original one, I don't think. There are a number of them now.)

*** I may be, at this point, slightly hypocritical based on my 8 y/o discussion of the guys at the coffee shops. I do sit down for an hour or two and get my large, sugar-laden and -loaded hot chocolate, but, dammit, I don't go pounding my fist on the table ranting about the Proletariat. I don't want to spill my hot chocolate, not at THESE PRICES! And, I rant about the Commies... so, it's different.

**** I think it was Ron Paul who listed these out in one of his columns. That was during, you guessed it, the Kung Flu "emergency" period.

***** Yeah, or that they will have extracted themselves soon from New York and have a plan to restart elsewhere.

Comments (7)

Matt Gaetz out. What's the plan? Is there a plan?

Posted On: Friday - November 22nd 2024 10:11AM MST
In Topics: 
  Trump  US Feral Government  ctrl-left

I learned about this news from ZeroHedge and our Peak Stupidity commenters. I have a different post I want to write, now that I have time, but so this will be a quick update. That's especially the case since I've read an article that was most of what I wanted to say.

I should be the last to complain about problem searching a site! However, I tried every word (hence my paste into the comments below) to get the ZH link from my phone to this device. What they do, apparently, is make a new post with the update (new appointment pick) and have the URL go to the new post - Trump Nominates Pam Bondi For Attorney General After Gaetz Withdraws From Consideration with a new title.

Leaving Pam Bondi aside for the moment, my questions about Matt Gaetz and his consideration and then lack thereof, for Attorney General, were asked by PJ Media's Steven Kruisier in The Morning Briefing: Was Trump Doing His 4-D Chess Thing With His Attorney General Picks?. Kruiser figures Trump may be doing a complicated personnel shuffle. Matt Gaetz has not burned his bridges. He's still the Congressman for his Florida panhandle district starting on Jan 3rd with the 119th Politburo errr, Congress, Session 1. With Rubio out of the Senate in that plumb State Department job, there's an opening for what'd now be the Junior US Senator from Florida, the senior* one now being Rick Scott. The Senate IS important, if nothing else, for additional confirmations.

In other words, a Senator Matt Gaetz would be much more likely to confirm a guy like, say, Matt Gaetz (or MTG) for a position than the GOPer Marco Rubio. This sort of thing, if it's NOT just the result of Trump wishy-washyness, really does sound part of a good strategy!

I wish I'd have saved it, but a ZH commenter wrote very much what Peak Stupidity did at the end of last year in Free Advice for a future President Trump. To (nit)wit:
Here's what ya' do: You start appointing NeoCon, ctrl-left, you-name-it all-manner-of-opposition Governors, US Senators, and US Reps to all these high-level positions. Ambassadors, Ombudsmen and OmBudLightsWomen(?), D.I.E. Commissars, Gender Czars****, etc. Make 'em offers they no canna refuse. Make sure there are real Conservatives in position to replace them - this takes something called PLANNING, "pee" "el" "double-en" ... yeah, you SAY you got it, but do ya' (punk)?! You do some analysis ... no don't try spelling that, that's what the few decent people you hire are for.

OK, but wait, what if they start doing bad stuff, is that the question? That's the brilliant part. All these appointees will be in the Executive branch, of which the President is the Administrator. (Yeah, right there, Article II, Section 1, first line of that thingy you swore about back in '17.) You wait a few weeks, make sure each's successor to his previous office has been sworn in, and then YOU FIRE THEM.
Now, it wasn't that I thought of that from scratch - it was more like I wondered Trump's appointment of Nikki Hailey as UN Ambassador during his first term WAS part of such a strategy.** You make a new friend*** - Trump loves to be liked - and who doesn't want to be, WOW!, Ambassador to the UN!, or Secretary of State? The latter, with NeoCon Rubio in position, is more of a challenge, as he could do some real damage. (I think back to the State Dept. Commies of the 1930s to '50s.) However, you've got to follow through. Fire them, early and often. When will they catch on? I don't know - you have to be a little discreet about it. Marco there, we just had a disagreement. We're still buddies. He'll land on his feet. We'll get a new guy though. He'll fly through the Senate, what, with the Matt Gaetz's in there and all...

Is Trump smarter than I'd thought? Are his advisors better this time around? I'd answer yes, maybe to both questions, but at least the latter.

Then, there's the Art of the Deal business, in which supposedly Matt Gaetz was brought up so the ctrl-left could go entirely apeshit, and they'd just relent on the next pick out of apeshit-fatigue. I don't buy that part. You might, however, distract them with the "scary" guys, while you slip others into the mix.

Speaking of the next pick, I understand she's a no-nonsense A/G, working for my favorite Governor, Ron DeSantis in the Free State of Florida. (Well, it's all relative.) I don't believe she had the fire in the belly that a man like Matt Gaetz has. Rep Gaetz has been on the pointy end of the spear of the current Regime apparatus. Pam Bondi beats hell out of destructive Communist like Merrick Garland, of course, but I don't know if she's there to exact real retribution against these Totalitarians for their many unConstitutional acts of tyranny.

The next post will be on the offices that matter for the Existential Question - the existence of the American Nation.

In the middle of writing said next post, I took a break to just read Steve Sailer and saw his commentary on the matter. From Matt Gaetz falls on his sword. (Trump's nominee for Attorney General drops out.) and the comments below, I realize there's more to say.

Firstly, and I thank E.H. Hail for his comments there, as he looked into (maybe from memory) this Pam Bondi and found she had pressed for prosecution of George Zimmerman back in '12. We all will remember that Trayvon thing, precursor to the George Floyd OD madness. I'll excerpt Mr. Hail here:
Bondi's political rise had been steady and strong, all the way up to state attorney general of a major state. Her decision to "virtue signal" and back a life-in-prison punishment for George Zimmerman, is not a good sign that she would be a good U.S. attorney general. It's also surprising how symbolically important the "Trayvon" case remains after all this time.
Shameful. There's more too. I didn't write it before, but I agree with Mr. Hail, who mentioned Ann Coulter's attitude about hiring women for political positions. I don't see in them a thing called integrity. I don't see it in many men either, but you're gonna need a man to have it. (MTG may be an exception!)

Steve Sailer was pretty fair to Mr. Gaetz in his post, though some commenters weren't. (Maybe it's because he's met him on friendly terms, per the investigative work of Mr. Hail.) I don't see that many but a very few commenters there (Almost Missouri and Anti-Gnostic - from TUR - for two) get this. I didn't follow the sex story at all - the guy's not a pedophile, so I don't care! This is the problem with peacetime consigliere. (I'm really tempted to write "and Boomers!", but I won't... for reasons...) You can't play fair. Matt Gaetz would have fought back against the Totalitarian DOJ and whole regime. I won't say you can find something on ANYONE, but who's perfect out there that's going to fight?

I wouldn't be surprised if some early backers of Gaetz were backing him BECAUSE they could have something on him. The problem is that, though not quite so much in his personal life, per the story, that is, Matt Gaetz has integrity when it comes to trying to fix the country. He doesn't sound like he's in office for the cocktail party invitations. Have they all been hounding him because he doesn't go along with the programs of the UniParty? Are the GOPers who have vowed to vote against him, likely numbers that provoked this decision, really worried about the young chick, or are they worried about going against the UniParty of the Deep State?

It's that Gell-Mann Amnesia story again with, well, a whole lot of people. I know in my field, they write stories and are often completely full of it, or they just lie to match the Narrative. But, I read this news report about my former favorite non-UniParty Conservative and, dang it, they're right - he's morally not fit.

On that note, let me pick on one commenter, goes by Sei:
Whether he planned it or not, one thing Trump discovered from the nomination was who in Republican-land is willing to utterly debase themselves for him by going to the mats for Matt Gaetz.
No. You're a sucker. What we ACTUALLY discovered is which politicians are willing to fight the Potomac Regime, and which others have debased themselves by going along with the Lyin' Press branch narrative to get rid of a serious foe.... or, as I hope, Trump & Co. may have outsmarted them with some slick personnel shell game.

Anti-Gnostic - thank you for this:
Long on indignant, histrionic tone, short on specifics. Gaetz, along with Massie, Greene, and Paul, is one of the few elected officials afflicting the comfortable. I wouldn't hesitate to vote for him if I were in his district.

PS: I watched the 1-minute video of the 3 highly-perturbed talking heads in a tweet within Mr. Kruiser's post. That Bondi is some real eye candy, at least above the podium.

* That's not really a title that means anything besides that you are bringing more of the US taxpayers' money into your state than the other guy.

** The SC Governorship was filled by a more Conservative man. Do Governors help the Trump plans, though? They would if he understood Federalism better. I don't think he does.

*** For a while, I guess. That part didn't take with Nikki, but, so what?

[UPDATED, 2 hours later:]
Added a whole bunch from the recent post on this story.

Comments (21)

On Matt Gaetz and Big Mike

Posted On: Saturday - November 16th 2024 3:58PM MST
In Topics: 
  Humor  Pundits  ctrl-left  Female Stupidity

We'll still get into the Trump Dept.-Head/Advisor/Czar appointments, with a special emphasis on the coming fight for the most existential issue of our all time for America. I meant to put something else into our Matt Gaetz post but forgot.

From ZeroHedge or one of the commenters thereupon I learned about a statement about pro-abortion protesters by Rep. Gaetz for which he'd been vilified by the usual Lyin' Press outlets. I went to a Newsweek page (yeah, they are amazingly still around*), and it so happens that the video I came across first was from that site. It doesn't matter - I can hear NW's opinion, but it doesn't change my opinion of Matt Gaetz in the direction they intended.

Here's my first comment: Matt Gaetz made a fun point there, in his speech on behalf of Turning Point back in '22, but this guy is no natural-born comedian. There is not one great punch line in the whole minute. There was great humor to be had, but, in the words of Michael Scott**, who IS a natural born comedian, NO, you're butchering it!

I can see that Mr. Gaetz was not just speaking extemporaneously. He was looking at his notes. I know I could do better, and I would do better. "Have you seen these women?! They're worried about what to do if they get pregnant. Like THAT's gonna happen. I wouldn't touch any of them with Bernie Sanders' 10 foot pole. These women should be attending anti-tattoo ban rallies instead!"

OK, I'm still working on this routine, but let me get to my points. Is Matt Gaetz a rude and crude man for his words of 2 years back, not to mention a lousy comedian? I think this style is needed.

I was just reading Steve Sailer's (with a nice tweet from VDare's Peter Brimelow) discussion about an award for the great too-early-for-his-time Nationalist and pro-White politician Pat Buchanan. Peak Stupidity has generally nothing but good to say about Pat Buchanan in these 8 posts: Peak Stupidity single-question, single-side-informed interview by Pat Buchanan - - Future Alabama Honorable Senator Roy Moore and the Supreme Court - - Pat Buchanan, still in that ancient mindset ... - - Pat Buchanan on American political history - 50 years ago - -Happy Birthday to Pat Buchanan - -Richard Nixon and The Greatest Comeback - Pat Buchanan - -Even Pat Buchanan starting to feel the impending financial doom and Buchanan v AOC. Note, the title of that 3rd one though. I will excerpt something from the 2nd one:
My point here is that Mr. Buchanan is living in the past as far as his idea of how the American political system works in 2017. He writes about political strategy as in how many votes "we" get if this happens, and what the Senate rules are with the "nuclear option" having been set up by the D's, and it's gonna work against them .. blah blah. OK, you DO know how all this works better than a lowly Peak Stupidity blogger, Pat, but listen, things are not as civil politically as you are used to, and they are quickly getting even less civil. The rules don't matter to the cntrl-left, and most of the people we think are on our side are not on our side. I have not seen ANY political legislation/ruling/whatever go in the RIGHT direction since the EARLY 1990's, Pat! The elite have been getting what they want, one way or another.
His manner, as much as we can appreciate it, is not what's needed right now. We need people like Matt Gaetz and MTG, yes, and Donald Trump, who just might prove me wrong in the last bit of that excerpt.

They may be crude at times. The ctrl-left doesn't care what about our reasoning with them, as civil as it might be. We need to hit them hard with the rhetoric. This gets our side riled up, it moves the window of discourse to an, albeit cruder, but more truthful direction, and, they're gonna call us names anyway, even if we ARE as civil and polite as Pat Buchanan. What names have they called him over the years? It's probably been the whole gamut.

This brings me to Big Mike. I have kept up with The Unz Review to a small extent, for entertainment value. (That's not meant as a slur, but I enjoy the writing there on occasion.) The site owner, Mr. Ron Unz, has branched out quite a bit in his own writing, to me a welcome change. Along with posts on the state of American's health, he's had others that don't get into the his same history interests, and I'm really glad he's mostly dropped his "Americans did Covid" speculation.

It's yet another very long post, so I'm not sure I caught ALL of the following -
The Controversy Over "Mr. Brigitte Macron" and "Mr. Michelle Obama"
. I did, though, read his point that the Michelle Øb☭ma is a man story is more distractive conspiracy theorism. Mr. Unz's own conspiracy theory within is that lots of the weird right-wing conspiracy theories are being encouraged to keep us from noticing the ACTUAL conspiracies. Who's to say we don't see both kinds?

I see myself as an example of why Mr. Unz is wrong here. (I didn't comment at Unz per my goodbye almost a year back, with a bit of back-sliding only a couple of days back.****)

"Big Mike" is our name for the former First Lady, circa '08 - '16. Do I think Michelle Øb☭ma is really a man? I've seen some whacky stuff, like long-term TV star Joan Rivers "getting whacked", well, or dying of old age, a day after she said something about this. However, if that's all they got, I imagine Michelle is just a naturally-large-boned Black lady. ["Heh heh heh.. he said 'large-boned'!" Shut up, Beavis! - Ed] She's probably sore about this, granted, as she probably couldn't physically ever get a figure like Melania Trump. I also don't think she's been following her First Lady "eat your veggies" program advice, one of the fairly innocuous programs of the series***** I have to assume Mrs Øb☭ma is female. Look, I'm not gonna quit my day job to become a medical examiner and find out in "the field".

The reason I like writing and saying "Big Mike" is because it makes fun, and it pisses off the enemy. That's all. I think a guy like Ron Unz couldn't understand this. Sometimes you've got to drop the polite civil reasoning and just have some fun. It's easier if you don't try to fit in with the Establishment, worry about being invited to their cocktail parties, and are assuredly not of the UniParty. Matt Gaetz is like this. He's just not a good comedian. We like to imagine otherwise for ourselves, and, anyway, "Big Mike" it is. No, it's not a conspiracy for me, Ron Unz - it's just fun!

* I remember when Newsweek and US News & World Report were 2 very popular competing weekly news magazines.

** ... of The Office, Dunder Mifflin Scranton Branch Manager.

*** By "Too early for his time" I don't mean that Buchanan's ideas were too early to be implemented. It's just that the largely unaware American public was not yet awake to see the that the Population Replacement Programme was in full swing 30 years ago. They were too unaware to see that both Mr. Buchanan and Ross Perot's (also D-squad's Paul Tsonga) warnings about that "great sucking sound" of manufacturing leaving the USA were very important.

Imagine if Buchanan, Perot, or even Paul Tsongas would have won in 1992.

**** I mean, Steve Sailer says Kashmir is the best Led Zeppelin song. Sorry, to him and Mike Tre too, but that's just a confounded bridge too far. It's Houses of the Holy dang it! This is all in fun, mind you, like the 2nd subject of this post.

***** It was MUCH less intrusive than the Hildabeast's attempt to gain control of a big sector of the US Economy with Government excuse me, Single Payer, healthcare.****** I was hopeful that First Lady Melania Trump's program will be some kind of "Bring back better lingerie, America!" thing.

****** Øb☭ma got 'er done about a dozen years later, alas!

Comments (47)

The World Turned Upside Down

Posted On: Thursday - November 14th 2024 10:24AM MST
In Topics: 
  Music  Trump  US Feral Government  Deep State

The World Turned Upside Down is a tune that was supposedly played by the Yankees after General Washington defeated a contingent of 8,000 British Redcoats at Yorktown, Virginia. Played on the fifes and drums, it doesn't really give us the same energy as, say, an AC/DC song, but then Bon Scott was not around in 1781, nor were electric guitars and amps... What about this development, though?:

Trump Attorney General Appointee Matt Gaetz!

I read it here on ZeroHedge - the comments are... I'll call them inspirational! True, he must be confirmed by the Senate, but WE HAVE WAYS! This is not 2017. Here at Peak Stupidity, I've gotten my white pill prescription refilled, off a prescription from a rogue Trumpologist I found on-line - he's down in Jamaica or somewhere...

Trump's 1st few appointments were not so awfully encouraging, but this guy Matt Gaetz will have some REAL POWER over at the Department of Justice, and he will not hesitate to use it. Congressman Gaetz, representing a part of the Florida Panhandle, and our favorite, Marjorie Taylor Greene of north Georgia, are 2 people who are most assuredly not part of the UniParty. Gaetz has even resigned from Congress early as a tactic to get another Patriot, appointed by good Governor DeSantis, into the seat, hopefully to be re-elected later. It's time to do smart things and play hardball.

The appointment of Matt Gaetz by President-elect Trump is hardball. This may be THE most important cabinet post now, when it comes to domestic "policy". Go back 50 years and, yeah, maybe there were some political shenanigans, but did the normal American have to care who is A/G? Things are far different now. The Bai Dien Administration's A/G has been Merrick Garland - The Potomac Regime's Lavrentiy Beria. (More here.) He is the epitome of evil within the Regime and the Deep State apparatus.

Merrick Garland must be tried and put into prison for treasonous acts against the US Constitution. Department of Motherland Security* head Majorkas deserves the same. There are plenty of others who have made a mockery of the Law of the Land. I'm thinking the first DOJ cabinet meeting run by Matt Gaetz ought to go something like this:

The R in Republican must stand for Retribution! (Thanks ZH commenter.) I didn't know how motivated Donald Trump would be in this 2nd term coming. He has seemed to have learned a lot - one lesson being "Don't hire Swamp Creatures to work for you to help drain the freaking swamp!" - but some of his words have not given me so much confidence. However, when it comes to the unConstitutional evil that has emanated from the enforcement arm of the Feral Government, he has been on the receiving end, multiple times, at the highest level of Banana Republican vindictiveness. So has Matt Gaetz, to a lesser degree. Yes, Trump has learned, and, yes, I think both of these men are HIGHLY MOTIVATED.

Wait, Peak Stupidity blogger, but, but,... isn't this doing what the ctrl-left has claimed Trump and his people would do? Aren't they planning on exacting revenge just as would happen in that proverbial Banana Republic if the election went their way? The rank and file of the ctrl-left had been warning... well, each other at least, that if Trump won this election there'd be political witch hunts and Political Prisoners taken and held in dungeons even. Then too, Peak Stupidity has stated that this election is like those Latin American style** ones in which the outcome really matters to the everyman, as the whole political environment changes. It's not the same as it is in a nation with a Constitution in place, it being the basic immutable Law of the Land.

The ctrl-left warned us, right? One might suppose that this has been a clever trick they have pulled with their Lyin' Press colleages. They lie about what the GOP would do for no reason other than that the latter are Fascist Nazis who have events at Madison Square Garden***. I don't attribute cleverness to these people of the left though. What they've "warned" about is pure projection, we have explained recently. To sum that up, all they can imagine to disparage the right with are behaviors they know very well. They know of these behaviors because that's how THEY behave.

After, all, it was the evil A/G Garland who's taken Political Prisoners. Justice departments of various States have conducted unConstitutional political witch hunts - Bills of Attainder anyone?**** Since it has been Trump on the receiving end of the latter, along with our good friends at VDare, you'd better believe there will be retribution.

However, the retribution to be had is not Banana Republicanism. It will be exacted, if Trump is not bullshitting this time around, that is, on those of the left who've been violating the Constitution and committing treason against the United States and its Law of the Land. It's not only long overdue, and not only righteous, but it's also the DUTY of the Trump Administration. Totalitarians must be charged for their treason against the Constitution and put away.

See, now I'm sounding like a Joy Reid or Rachael Maddow (not like I actually ever hear them). "See?!!", they'll say. The Trump Administration should ignore any of that language, as they've said it before and will again, whether due retribution is engaged in or not. This is why we will be so very glad to see Matt Gaetz becoming the Attorney General. He doesn't care about the rants out of these people, and he doesn't back down.

I really meant for this post to be more expansive, covering more of the proposed personnel to keep Trump-47 from being a frustrating repeat of Trump-45. I'll leave the reader with a quick summary (so far) from ZeroHedge: Trump’s Cabinet Picks So Far: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.*****

We won this. It's time to turn the world upside down. I'm hopeful anyway... but maybe it's just the meds kicking in ...

* This is a department that should be entirely eliminated (with it's Border Patrol and ICE orgs separated out). Were it up to Ron Paul's advice, just based on the Totalitarian name itself, it would. It's not just about the money.

** I shouldn't pick only on the poor Latin Americans. The same type of thing happens elsewhere too. Take Africa... please!

*** Of course that makes the Grateful Dead a bunch of Nazis too, many times over. Then, there was Led Zeppelin...

**** I refer here to the deal in Georgia in which the Statute of Limitations was extended just to allow a lawsuit against Trump by some old skank.

***** Hey, I've used that movie theme myself, back in '20, about Trump's policies - look under the Trump topic key.

Comments (20)

We dodged a bullet

Posted On: Tuesday - November 12th 2024 10:06PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Feminism  Trump  US Feral Government  ctrl-left  Deep State  Female Stupidity  Karmakarma Kameleon

... and we didn't even get our ears nicked. I've taken so many white pills lately, my Trumpologist will no longer renew my prescription - he's worried about possible side effects from such large doses - the donations, rally-going, Puerto Rican jokes...

For this post though, I had my stomach pumped first so I could be objective. Analysis of "what happened" in the '24 election can consist of exit poll demographic numbers with arithmetic and discussion of strategy, such as the interesting post E.H. Hail has just come out with: Revisiting the “Sailer Strategy” after the Trump-2024 victory: Whites cast 80%+ of Trump’s votes, but some call the Sailer Strategy obsolete–Why?. Here, I just want to speculate on how America got lucky this time - not to say we'll need luck every time, but it depends on what President Trump and his people get done.

Mr. Hail has written this numerous times: Worst Candidate Ever! I don't doubt that. I could look through America's political history at all the losing candidates over the 2 3/8 centuries (it's not that the winners are necessarily better, but we already know a lot more about them). There may well have been some crooks and scoundrels, and there've definitely been traitors and Commies (who've won!) but, apart from the recent The Hildabeast and Øb☭ma, they've been all White men. I cannot imagine any of them having the utter pure vapidity and worthlessness of Kameloe, as a major candidate for President. (MINOR candidates - different story, though one wonders if most of them have had a lot more going for them than the usual 2 selected UniParty candidates.)

How did the Blue-Squad get this loser? WHY did they pick this loser? My speculation that they wanted Trump to get this due to the financial doom coming* gives them too much credit for smarts. They are neither smart nor patient. The Deep State behind Government doesn't feel comfortable with Trump in office, as they would with any other D (and about every R too). There was something I've read about regarding the use of Bai Dien campaign money only for the campaign to the VP. I don't think these people have a problem raising money - a $Billion is quite a lot - from the Hollywood and other entertainment dupes.

Was it some worry that they'd better stick with the Black! woman or else? (Yeah, I know, black? You can fool most of the sisters most of the time.) Were they under a threat by one of the black big-wigs such as the Cyburnes or Sharptons? They could have run a quick primary and gotten someone like Gavin Newscome**. He's just as left and stupid as Kameltoe, but he doesn't come across as such and could hide the policy ideas for a few months more adeptly.

I think the Blue Squad members who worked out this coup were just lazy. They reckoned they could pull a My Fair Lady on this common slut, errr flower girl to get her interview-ready. Their version of Henry Higgens: "OK, let's try it one more time. Ask me where the rain is fixing to fall in Spain." "Axe me where the rain is fin ta ..." "By George, she ain't got it!" It'd have taken decades, not months.

There's one more aspect of the Kamaltoe campaign strategy that's not about the candidate herself. We should remember that there is no waiver of stupidity and the new trend toward incompetence for campaign strategists. They must have been under the impression for the last 2 1/2 years since Dobbs v. Jackson that this abortion issues was a winning card. They could rile up all those single White women who may want to kill their babies at any time.*** (The black women were already in the bag, of course.) My brother in another State who does watch TV on occasion told me about all the ads directed at said women voters.

Now, if those ads were for State candidates, I understand, but in this national election, abortion was simply not an issue! That SCROTUS decision did nothing but push the power to make laws about abortion back to the States, where it belonged. The Roe v Wade decision was clearly NOT in accordance with the US Constitution, but just a political act.

Donald Trump is not particularly keen on banning abortion, and he clearly and rightly has noted it's not the Feral Gov't's call. He stepped completely out of the (non)issue. We know Feminist Kameltoe was not going to be able to reverse any SCROTUS ruling herself. Were they thinking about the judges? There's a long timeline there, so in this '24 election, well, abortion was not one of the issues. (The genderbender tranny nonsense WAS, and Trump did a good job pointing out this stupidity.) I suppose the D's counting on ignorance and stupidity of these single White women voters, but that didn't work.

We got lucky. They screwed up in picking the Worst Candidate Ever. We've, at least temporarily, recaptured the Executive Branch of US Gov't, of all the many American Institutions that the ctlr-left has infiltrated over the last half century. This move will give us 4 more years to fumigate the Judicial Branch to some degree, and, if the MAGA Party gets going, maybe even a serious portion of the Legislative Branch. The 4th branch, the Lyin' Press, is beyond help, but might die a slow death on its own.

Then, there are the Universities, the school systems, Big Biz, the military even... Can this one election gain us inroads back into the other Institutions? There are lots of plans being discussed. It's pretty exciting.

Last Tuesday, I called this election The Most Important one, for real, at least in the immediate sense. 4 more years of the control by the left, with a continued or even ramped-up invasion, more economic destruction, and cultural (woke) destruction too, would have been meant the ruin of this place. We've got a reprieve, if nothing else. I am not sure the ruin inflicted so far is reversible, but I can see some light, which I'll discuss in another post.

As a country, we dodged a bullet last week. There'll be more. As we hold out hope that President Trump has meant much of what he's said this time - the appointments look hopeful for the most part - we can also enjoy the emotional pain of the ctrl-left. The videos are fun, maybe a little over-dramatic, but I try to suspend my disbelief and enjoy them. Some of those who've feared for this coming period of Fascism with Trumpian Characteristics have said that they will leave the country as asylum seekers. No, we're not sending our best, and I wonder if it's not another type of asylum they should all be seeking.

I read that whole Steve Sailer thread on the election. Mr. Anon has given us a fun meme that covers the proposed Exodus:

PS: Thanks Mr. Anon.

* Even on this most important realm of stupidity, I've been a little bit more hopeful this past week. Again, we'll get to this.

** If President Trump can call him this, as he did 2 or 3 times on Joe Rogan, Peak Stupidity can too.

*** Yeah, there's a lot more to it, but that's not coming in this post.

[UPDATED 11/13:]
Added anti-abortion campaign stupidity.

Comments (14)

Was it #TooBigToRig? #DoTheMath

Posted On: Friday - November 8th 2024 9:32PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Trump  Media Stupidity  ctrl-left  Karmakarma Kameleon

Since I was awake early that morning and captured screenshots, I'll post about it tonight. (I'm really tryin' to quit, so just a few more ...)

I have friends who were taking pictures of the TV. I saw the map with 5 pink States (Wisconsin, as above, Michigan, Alaska, Arizona, and Nevada- first thing on bing - when I woke up at just before 4A Wednesday. "Not again!" was my thought, as they had Trump hanging on with 3 Electoral Votes under a win. Most of us saw nearly the same thing 4 years ago. My 2nd thought was that if the numbers were reversed, they'd have called it for Kameltoe already.

I waited until morning to do the math, something I need to show my son as an example of how algebra can be useful. For each of these 5 States, there were the additional "Others" and "RFK, Jr." or "Jill Stein". With the reasonable assumption that those very small percentages would stay among the votes remaining, we can divide (100% - % others) by 2 to get what Kamaltoe needed:

(% Kameltoe)(% votes in)T + x((100% - % votes in)T = 1/2(100%.- % others)T where,

T = total votes and cancels out
x = % of remaining votes Kameltoe needed

Solve for x for WI, MI, AK, NV, and AZ, and, respectively, x = 74%, 65%, 61%, 73%, and 51%. These were literally back-of-the-envelope calculations, you know, tryin' to save the trees and all... I'm looking at the envelope as I type.

Why didn't the AP, the organization that many networks decided to rely on for THE RESULTS* call it? (Fox News had already.) Was it that the big cities were in the counties in light blue, where maybe the ditz duo might have indeed gotten those kinds of numbers? (I refer to Wisconsin and Nevada specifically, so Milwaukee** and Las Vegas.) Perhaps they've got election experts at the AP that know all this. I'm not so sure.

Then, there was Alaska. Even getting only over 61% of the remaining votes would be a win for the D's, is Anchorage woke now, or something? Who's been moving up there?

Anyway, the most egregious thing along these lines at this point is that Nevada is still pink (along with Arizona, which has been closer - now with 64% required). In Nevada 84% of the 4.8% of votes remaining to be counted would have to go to Kameltoe for her to win the State. Who do they have voting in Clarke County, illegal aliens only?

This is kind of fishy. At the point with 5 States still leaving us hanging, I did wonder if each had people of the ctrl-left trying their damndest to cheat up lots of ballots once they had a solid goal in mind. However, they'd all need to meet their goals, and once one caved, even Alaska with its measly 3 EV's, there'd be no point in going on. Wisconsin caved first, and that was it.

We'd better keep taking screen shots, or, yeah, pictures of the TV, and doing the math, in all future elections. You can't trust the ctrl-left to be fair.

We'll have more on the great news of this election, since I've taken a few white pills lately during conversations.

* I heard this directly from one of the talking heads while watching Tuesday night at my friend's house.

** That is, with Dane Country, where Madison is, dark blue, meaning counted already.

Comments (31)

Unburdened by what might have been...

Posted On: Thursday - November 7th 2024 8:11AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Immigration Stupidity  Humor  Trump  ctrl-left  Karmakarma Kameleon

... and what should never be. Isn't that a Led Zeppelin song? Well, almost - my chronic lyricosis is flaring up again.

What a relief that was yesterday morning! The last time I felt unburdened like this I had to make a quick run to the hardware store for a bigger plunger.

I have another map saved from 4 AM on Wednesday morning, as screenshotted from the bing page. Why they wouldn't give up and call Wisconsin especially is a subject for another post - - Do the math" or "#TooBigToRig?".

I look back to Tuesday and see that I was pretty dang black-pilled, even for me. I can't say I will walk back much of that, though, as the same black pills I take twice daily* really ought to be prescribed for most Americans, by Doctors of Finance, that is. However, that'll have to be another post - Peak Stupidity wrote about the situation nearly 8 years back in our 8-Part Primer on the state of Global Financial Stupidity (look under Global Financial Stupidity) back when our reading of great articles on ZeroHedge was still fresh, but we've kept this up occasionally over the years.

I am a lot more hopeful today though, a state that used to be more the norm for me, until 4 years of mostly ineffective efforts to set American right in '17-'21 and then 4 more years that were nothing but very effective efforts in the cause of pure destruction. It's not just financially that we are in a deep hole. The immigration invasion has become nearly hopeless, but then that depends. If President Trump, with his MUCH BETTER help he's got lined up, can get things done - who knows? The existential issue of the Population Replacement Programme (we're against it!) must be completely reversed, not just stopped. We must be at 40-50 million illegal aliens in our land now, and the proportion of violent criminals and uber-foreigners is higher due to the last 4 years of evil action.

I will know that Trump is truly serious about any of this ONLY if he releases the J-6 Political Prisoners, first thing. That's action that does not lend itself to excuses, such as ctrl-left judges, entrenched bureaucracy, etc. Pardon them. Let them out!

Can serious control of the border, mass deportations (resulting in self-deportation too), mass firings of Feral Dept. heads** until the whole orgs swing around, elimination of entire orgs***, and elimination of the anti-White Wokeness throughout the whole Government happen? It can't be like last time, that's for sure. Last time, President Trump had a slim GOP majority in the Senate, but also in the House for the 1st 2 years. He mostly got nowhere with the Congress, hence the temporary success of his under-the-radar actions on the immigration invasion.

Now, granted, GOP is not MAGA. Trump's job will also be to keep building the MAGA party. That includes something he is really great at, rallying people to vote for "his" candidates. To get the Congress to help MAGA, you've got to have a strategy. That means this: "Hello, Congressmen X. I see you are planning to vote against our proposal. I'll tell you right now, if you don't support us on these top 10 items, I will be in your district supporting your primary opponent, multiple times. I mean it. Don't make me come down there, asshole!" Rinse and repeat, as they say.

It's a lot of work, but Trump has a lot of energy. Elon Musk does, JFK, Jr. is good for a few things, Tulsi is young, and even 90 y/o Ron Paul is raring to help. It won't be like this:

Commenter Hail, of the (in?)famous Hail To You blog sent us (me, at least) to a Steve Sailer substack post that had a very encouraging series of points written by "a reader"****. I very much like that the guy wrote "The threat of anarchotyranny and communism recedes for now." Mr. Sailer would have never have used those very appropriate terms. The rest of the points are very good too and have changed my hopes to a degree. However, it's this "for now" part that jives with my Doomer writing on Tuesday and explains why Steve Sailer wouldn't write this one bit (though agreeing in general with the hopefulness, I think).

The people against Trump are not all stupid. Some in control of things are evil instead. They won't just back off because Americans are coming around to see our problems, with this Presidential Dream Team and hopefully a Congress that is not against us on paper, at least, to fix it all. They will work hard to continue the push toward the destruction of America. Can all of us stop them at this very late stage of it?

They will not just skulk off and scurry away. Here's one thing I meant to write on Tuesday, but the post was long enough... and, I forgot. This election mattered in that, were this vapid, Communist-inspired, D.I.E. broad to have taken the Presidency, I'd have had real disgust for the people of those who supported and voted for her. Cheating could have been a bigger factor, but, well, it's disgust for how far Banana Republican we've become too.

She lost though. The numbers this morning are 50.9% to 49.6% Trump:Harris. Should I be any less disgusted at the people than if it were 49.9% to 50.1%? There are a lot of them.

It's time to be hopeful again though! Morning in America, 2.0? No. Still, I haven't given up hope before, and now's surely not the time for that.

PS: Also, the violence from the ctrl-left has not started and maybe won't. We'll see. The '17 inauguration brought lots of violence from the ctrl-left right into Washington. Alas, lots of people have forgotten...

PPS: Since I started reading the UR comment thread****, I have to answer this from commenter Arclight. I always agree with this guy, but...
Self-reflection does not seem to be a quality most of the professional left possesses these days – on immigration, DIE, and trans stuff the public is clearly on the other side and yet the Dems just kept pushing forward on all of it like they didn’t think there was going to be any penalty for it.
There's an assumption here that this professional left wants to please the public. No. They want destruction, knowing full well that half of the public does not.

* Try the 0.5 kg dose first, to see if Endthefederin is right for you. Peak Stupidity takes no responsibility for any side effects or anything else happening in the world. [/Disclaimer: PS Legal Dept.]

** Trump and his people MUST realize by now that they can't play by the rules of the 1980s. "Oh, the Senate is blocking a confirmation? Really? Well, my hand-picked deputy, now acting director, will do the job until you let one of OUR guys take the job. His acting status is time-limited, you say? We got another guy to be acting director.", i.e. F.U.!

*** It's not just about money. I give Trump credit for understanding that it's the massive regulation, not just the taxes, that burden, if I may use that word now, the economy. Take out OSHA entirely. The beneficial effects will be more than just that Americans have that extra money to use more productively.

**** The quotes are just because I have no idea who he is. I thought it was possibly an Unz Review commenter, but I looked in the latest thread there and couldn't find it.

Comments (34)

Hiatus interruption due to Election '24 - Be Prepared

Posted On: Tuesday - November 5th 2024 7:52AM MST
In Topics: 
  Commies  Elections '16 - '24  Trump  Preppers and Prepping  Economics  The Future  ctrl-left  Deep State  Karmakarma Kameleon

The AI meme above is a good metaphor. I never did get it straight whether some of the mass of Haitians recently inserted into small-town Ohio ate a few cats, whether they were dogs instead, or how many, if so. Because the Lyin' Press arm of the Regime has made so many disdainful denials, I tend to believe this goes on.

That's not the point, though ('less it were our cat!) That there are large influxes of highly-foreign, stereotypically violent-prone "refugees" placed AT WILL, at any time, to culturally DESTROY any piece of small-town America the Potomac Regime wants to destroy is the point. I don't know if the fact that this Springfield, Ohio story got so big, with its cover story about "eating the cats and dogs"*, but really being about this evil practice of Targeted Cultural Destruction, is good or bad. It's great that people can see the evil in what's going on. It might be a sign, though, the those running this show think they've got it all under control and don't care what we think anymore. (Maybe that's good too, because I think otherwise - just got $1,300 worth of ammo from the gun show.**)

So, is Trump going to "save the country"? COULD Trump even save the country, were he not the egotistical unfocused showman that he is? No. I like that Trump got Ron Paul on-board, probably a smart move even just campaign-wise, but even Ron Paul, with 300 clones of himself in the House and 51 in the Senate could not get us out of the financial abyss we are slipping down into (America's legs are catching the edge right now).*** There's going to be trouble first.

I've written much of the following before, somewhere (CAN'T FIND IT!): Evey election is supposedly "THE! MOST! IMPORTANT! EVAH!" Is that really the case for '24? (THIS '24, we mean, not the last.) At this point, we are at that Banana Republican stage, though. Unlike in previous times, in which just a few steps may be taken away from the Constitutional Republic ideal that only policy wonks may notice, the people, as in some Nicaraguan election, must be prepared for big changes, depending on who wins this. As with Nicaragua, violence is expected.

For example, I'd say that the 1964 election was very important, though we'd have to vote on other "most important" candidates in the comments. We've gotta go back 6 decades rather than a nice round half-century due to multiples of 4, but also, yes, to me this one mattered.

Barry Goldwater was against the Civil Rites overriding of the Constitution, for, just that reason, Constitutionalism. (Out in Arizona, I doubt he had many dealings with the Black! population.) Lyndon Johnson was a Socialist Scumbag who ended up administering 3 evils: the immigration invasion, anti-White-Men Civil Rights, and a huge increase in the Welfare State, yes all in one 4-year term, no less! Yet, Goldwater, a Libertarian who'd have staved off all of that for decades, lost bigly due to his likely getting us involved in foreign wars, in like, IndoChina or something... Oh, and he was bound to get the world blown up by nukes, at least per the worries about that little girl in the commercial.

No, I wasn't watching the election returns in 1964, much less voting, but I know the story from my Mom. My Dad was very hopeful still, by 6 P or so... "Wait 'till they get west of the Mississippi!", he said. (I don't want to guess which way my Mom voted - she might not have told anyone!)

I wrote that this one mattered, but that mattering was in the long run during those old days. People such as my Dad**** could see what was coming. That '64 election caused so much destruction of this country, but in the future. So, the next day - and it was the next day, or even before you went to sleep - one knew this wasn't good at all, but life was still good in "These United States" or FOR these United States, for a good while to come. The results of the stupidity of the American voters in 1964 did not show up in their faces.

This time, it will.

Commenter E.H. Hail and other pundits that he's noted in the comments have written that this Kamela character is not an American in anything but paperwork. We should also remember who her Dad was, a flat-out admitted Communist. He was a reasonably smart guy - he could write papers in Economics, though the subject of his papers were on the blackety-black and Commie side. Kamela is too stupid to discuss any of the details of economic and cultural destruction, but, beyond the cackling and retarded word salad, she'll lean that way hard. That's the problem - since she has no actual serious thoughts of her own, the Deep State will find it that much easier to get its way. It's way is toward Globalism and Communism, hence Global Communism, meaning the complete destruction of the White Middle Class in America.

No matter how effective he actually is, it's obvious that the Regime and the Deep State are not confident they can have their way with Trump in office. I'm sure they especially don't like who he's associated himself with lately, and I don't mean just the cats, dogs, squirrels and garbage men. We'll see how far Trump, Musk, Jr.*****, Tulsi, and Dr. Paul can go, but without a political strategy, I'm not confident myself.

Trump cares about and works for Americans, something we haven't seen in a while and can't be said about the cackling idiot Kameltoe. If he doesn't start right off with what he CAN do, pardoning the J-6 protesters, I won't be hopeful. Just as important is a border AND deportation plan, to be implemented either via emergency authority, something quite justified during an invasion, or worked out with the States. He will be blocked every way the ctrl-left can think of, which is why Trump and his gang should not plan on playing by the rules.

I noted above that the economic devastation coming is inevitable, no matter who wins. Debt of various forms, interest due on it, and the inflation coming do not lend themselves to a closed-form solution (haha!) What can't go on, won't go on. I'm talking to you, US dollar. I've got four points on this:

1) Some real changes made with the help of Ron Paul and Elon Musk, in the bureaucratic mess of the Feral Gov't, will not save the economy. However, it will sure cheer many of us up to see the Feral Beast get poked at.

2) What will occur with Trump getting elected is an increase, albeit temporary, in economic confidence. I myself will make a decision on some real estate ideas based on the results. (In some ways, the election of Kameltoe wil make it easier - just start the bugging-out process now, eliminating a bunch of work on some property.) People are more likely to make plans for improvements in their lives when things are more stable. Things won't be stable with the Commies in office. They never are... till everyone but the few big honchos reaches a stable equilibrium of deep poverty...

3) President Trump will get the blame put on him if the crash happens on his "watch". I don't see how it possibly won't happen in the next 4 years, but then, in '10 I thought it'd be all over by '15. Perhaps the ctrl-left picked a loser like Kameltoe knowing that this will happen. I should not give them credit for being that bright though. I usually know better.

4) Once we are in a state of financial turmoil, political turmoil will go along with it. I don't know if we'd be better or worse with Trump, based on (3) above. Though it's far too late - Ron Paul even so much as admitted this at the bottom of one of his recent columns - to fix things without pain first, it'd surely be nice to have someone near the top with a voice explaining what's the cause of our coming misery.

Otherwise, I know what will happen. They've done if before over the last century numerous times. The Communists will shout from the rooftops the story that this evil Capitalism (who knew??) that we've been experiencing has caused the ruination. Something else should be tried. Yeah, well, it wasn't implemented right in Russia, China, Cuba, Cambodia, Venezuela.... zzzzz... but THIS TIME, Communism is the answer. That's the ticket. When people see that their money (haha, I mean dollars) is gone, they're trading their couch for cases of baked beans, and their kids aren't safe anywhere, their desperation may very well lead them to believe that shit.

People are counting on that. We need guys like Ron Paul to explain the evil of the FED, unsound money, and Global finance BEFORE the SHTF. Surely Donald Trump won't be able to explain this. He's better when he cooks fries, hauls garbage, and saves the cats and dogs. Oh, and let us not forget about poor little Peanut (actually a great example of our Police State - might clue the guy in a little bit even).

"Be Prepared" is the Boy Scout motto. It appears in our title because some kind of hell will be raised by the ctrl-left if Trump wins, and our side might be ready if he loses based on obvious massive cheating again (discussed very well by Adam Smith especially in the comments under our previous post). This is not 1964. During and after this election, we must be prepared, for anything.

PS: It might sound like I've got a big head about my blog, but that's not the case, when I say, please don't get your hopes up about my writing again regularly. This one was supposed to be just the 2 memes. However, Peak Stupidity started up just after the election of '16, so I figure I'd write something on this important day... week? 2 months? We'll see.

* I don't want to put that song in our readers' heads right now, the one by that soy-boi-adjacent Kiffness guy, though he did a nice job with it (especially in getting himself famous and raking in some ad bucks). The thing is, I STILL don't know who's side he's actually on regarding the story - true or false about the cats and dogs, or pro/anti invasion.

** I got a thousand or two rifle rounds from a friendly black guy who reckoned turnout was low there due to it being just before the election. "Yeah, but I'm getting some now, because I don't know, and if Kameltoe wins..." "Oh, yeah, it'll double. She is going to try to take the guns", he remarked.

*** Dr. Paul is really glad, and NOT for his ego, that he'll at least get to have a say on the Feral Beast's spending. That's "a say", as he'd be the first to tell you - but why break the bad news to Trump? - that the President doesn't get to do all this. The financial and Constitutional truths that Ron Paul discusses will get a much wider audience at least... hopefully helping out AFTER the financial, and likely political, SHTF.

**** I hope I'm respecting his memory by donating regularly decent amounts to the John Birch Society, of which I've been a member. I'd heard of them from him, whenever he'd mention hard-core Conservatives, in a good light, that is. If he wasn't ever a member, I think that'd have been only due to money.

***** RFK, Jr, IS against the system. However, only part of it, the corrupt Pharma and healthcare industries is what he's against. He's stupidly still going along with the Climate Calamity™ nonsense. I give kudos to Trump for (in the Rogan interview) being clear that RFK, Jr. would be his advisor or employee for only certain issues and not others.

Comments (36)

Timmah! Timmah! Livin' the Lie.

Posted On: Wednesday - October 9th 2024 1:25PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  General Stupidity  Humor

As I wrote in that last - previous, not LAST last - post, a few memes ought to be OK. I haven't seen anyone make this connection, which comes from the TV cartoon show South Park.

What I have seen is the point made that the ctrl-left Presidential candidates do seem to all go along with the idea that the President must pick a VP too stupid to out-stage him, hence someone dumber. This process is politically dysgenic, as if these people weren't already inherently missing a few key genes.

Øb☭ma, no genius himself, picked the dumber Zhou Bai Dien
Bai Dien picked the even dumber Kamala Kamelion.
Kamala picked the even dumber (see above) (Tampon) Timmah! Walz.

My son asked me what's next. "Simple. It's 'tardles all the way down."

Comments (71)

A long goodbye

Posted On: Thursday - September 5th 2024 5:22AM MST
In Topics: 
  Commies  General Stupidity  Websites  Humor  Global Financial Stupidity  The Future  Bible/Religion  Healthcare Stupidity  Inflation  Guns  Totalitarianism  Karmakarma Kameleon

I've been putting off this post for a couple of days. Normally Peak Stupidity has been known, at least by me, to have posts with overly long introductions. This time I'll get to the point right away, with details after that.

I'll have to quit writing here. It may be for good, but, the way I think I'll miss it, perhaps it'll be a hiatus only. This is not due to my being tired of documenting stupidity but due to a promise I made. I made a promise to God, well Jesus in particular. The deadline was end-o-August-bidness-month.

Why? Well, see, over a decade ago I had a major health problem that I'd gotten fixed. There were and are no guarantees though, and last month I felt the symptoms coming back just as they felt years ago. I'm not sure this could have been fixed this time around either.

Readers know that Peak Stupidity only touches the subject of religion lightly, but I'll state here that I prayed about this problem and promised I'd lay off things that distracted me from appreciating life itself. (More on this re: the blog shortly.) I then recovered from this problem miraculously within a couple of weeks. I kid you not, it was from as bad as it was right before I got treated years ago to back to normal. Note that there were no doctors involved in any of this recent deal, but this is the kind of thing I can measure very easily. Feels good, man! I need to STAY thankful

You'd think this post would be unnecessary, and I should keep on keeping on, blogging.

Why is this blog a problem for me to continue, to where I must unburden myself from the posts that might have been... cackle, cackle... -[Please stop! - Executive Editor]? It's not that I spend any effort finding stupidity to write about. I have at least 10 in mind since I passed my deadline, exasperatingly. It's not the writing. It's the keeping up with the world's, and more particularly, America's, problems in order to write posts on stupidity that is somewhat current. Were I to stick to the Curmudgeonry stuff, (see the very 1st post*), of which there is plenty to be found to post on, the reader would be bored in no time. I don't want to come across as a literary Abe Simpson.

I WANT to keep up with the stupidity, as it WILL be coming to a head soon. (As I stated in a humorous fashion on our "About" page, the Financial Stupidity will be the first to peak, hopefully putting the kibosh on much of the rest of it.) It's stressful to keep up with the politics though.

I may have mentioned that I've been following American politics since early on. My Dad, a true Conservative, used to have us watch the 6:30P national news during dinner. (A post on the sheer boredom of the Summer of Watergate (hearings) right at half a century ago was to be coming.**) There was about one decade in there in which I had enough going on but also didn't feel any necessity to keep up with the politics. That was nice. In the long-ago post When did the Feral Government get OUT OF CONTROL? (Part 2)***, I pinned down the year I realized things were headed inexorably in the wrong direction to 1995.

Therefore, that's been almost 30 years now since I've been continuously paying attention to all this. One reason to keep paying attention is that, whether it'll be a real SHTF situation or not, we need to get ready for the near future. However, I've got to let it go for now. I will not be able to quit reading political sites on the web completely, but I'll try my best to get out of this world and think differently.

This is difficult. From the small but great group of commenters here, I know people enjoy reading. It's been steady for some years - my marketing methods slim (don't want to explain this right now - maybe later) to none - but the steady 3-5 thousand unique visitors, 8-15 thousand visits, and 30-45 thousand page views monthly mean that there are lots more people who like reading here. (Some of the visits and page views may solitary hits, but, from what I've seen with referrals and such, I believe most are by regulars.)

I wanted to have a lot more fun with Kameleon and her Commie 1st mate, Mr. Walz. Whatever I can do for the election would make me feel better, such as writing here****. Of those 10 or more new posts already in mind, 3 might have been Curmudgeonry ones, 3 or 4 on current political stupidity, and the rest general polemic rants. Examples:

1) Is some of the retail decay due to about everything moving on-line, and can one get used to buying that way? I cannot see how it's better. (I was glad just to find a female-to-female coax connector - would have been easy 10 years ago.)

2) I got off the Gateway Pundit after only 1/2 a year due to this, but it's ubiquitous. There are articles all over the web telling us that so-and-so "destroyed" so-and-so, like this is big news, but it was all nothing but TV talking-head talks or clever tweets. (That'll show 'em! Now, the problem is fix ... uhhhh.) Talk is not action. Young people don't seem to get this.

Well, there's no point if I'm not going to write them, but more of this keeps coming to mind. The reason Peak Stupidity had a dozen posts last week is just this: More than half were posts I'd been meaning to write for a while - this list is long - and others popped up, and, hey, it's nice I have a place to rant about it all.

I regret not having gotten to the gist of my reasoning that, African caveat notwithstanding, the fertility "crisis" is not a crisis. It's something that would (were there REAL borders around our lands) solve itself and produce a better equilibrium of population very nicely. This opinion seems to be contrary to that of most pundits. Next, I wanted to review Strauss & Howe's 2 books (they really go together) Generations and The Fourth Turning. Then there were the posts in mind regarding party election results over the last 100 years. For 6 or 7 years now, I've meant to write about Biblical references in Grateful Dead lyrics. There's loads more I'm forgetting at the moment, including thousands of good songs that ought to have been on the site.

I don't like this at all, but a deal is indeed a deal, especially with this guy. Let me paste in a few items that would have been posts, for the road, and afterwards I'll write something about the fate of this site.

I was responsible for arranging the Customs & Immigration inspection for a small plane arriving into Victoria, BC, Canada*****. Before the internet was big, the phone-based system was called CanPass. The lady on the other end sounded nice. I gave her the full names and birth dates of the passengers. Then, the conversation went this way (exact phrasing):

"OK, do you have any tobacco?"
"Do you have any alcohol?"
"Do you have any guns?"
"Oh yeah, I have a lot of guns... but I won't bring any to Canada."

You'd think I'd proclaimed full-out Jihad against the City of Victoria there. She went on and on! I made it clear that, no, I wouldn't bring any guns, so what's the problem?

Keep in mind, as per our post Build the Wall! Employ assholes in the Customs Hall!, it's the immigration people that should be tough. I guess this lady was both that and customs together. This went on until "Hey, look, you're running me out of my roaming minutes." (If you don't understand that, you're a younger reader or maybe you're Ted Kaczynski.)

When we arrived in Victoria, there she met us - I assumed it was the same lady - to start searching all over the plane. She was looking back behind a bulkhead where cables and the battery are. Finally, I said, "Listen, we've got guns in America because we're a free country, OK?" "Hey Canada's a free country too!" "Whatever, we gotta go to dinner." That was about it for the evening with Miss Victoria Customs and Immigration.


After most of a decade of being sick of the site, due to on-screen advertising mayhem, I've been reading ZeroHedge fairly frequently, for about a month. ZH linked to the CNBC article with the headline shown above.

I'm not really into the ZeroHedge type writing about "the quarterly conference call didn't go well" and "they missed on these targets", etc. I don't need that. When I see that Dollar store customers are "financially constrained", well, if I were a finance man, working in one of those tall buildings in which the windows still open... there'd be no small chance I'd resemble a Head East album title when found in the morning.

I mean, I remember a decade ago on ZH that either Mr. "Durden" or his commenters noted that the dollar stores are for Americans who can't afford to go to Wal-Mart. In fact, Dollar General customers see Wal-Mart as Target customers see Neiman Marcus. They get dressed up special to go to Wal-Mart, as has been well documented.

How financially constrained must one be to have been cutting back on trips to Dollar General? A lot, and that goes for a lot of Americans!

Somewhat related, I just today received a piece of junk mail that said on the outside "SURVIVING RETIREMENT". Uhhh, no, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it doesn't work like that.

This O/T ZeroHedge comment gave me a good laugh. It's fitting, what with Inflation being one our niche topics here. By one AsAbove, it appeared under an article of a few days ago, "Not The Type Of Character You Want" In High Office - Tim Walz's Brother Slams VP Candidate.
Inflation is already so bad that...

How bad is it?!
[my addition there]

My neighbor got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.

CEOs are now playing miniature golf.

Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.

I saw a Mormon with only one wife.

McDonald's is selling the 1/4 ouncer.

Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America.

Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children's names.

A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico.

A picture is now only worth 200 words.

When Bill and Hillary travel together, they now have to share a room.

The Treasure Island casino in Las Vegas is now managed by Somali pirates.

Called to get Blue Book Value on my car. They asked if the gas tank was full or empty.

I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc, I called the Suicide Hotline. I got a call center in Afghanistan, and when I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if I could drive a truck.
Thank you, thank you. They'll be there all week. Sadly, I gotta quit for some time....

OK, look, it's been a great ride, on the ramp up to Peak Stupidity. The "fun" part of this coaster is to come.

As per my writing above, I didn't stop posting just now due to a well-defined peak in stupidity that would obviate the need for However, you've seen the piece of work shown here on video. They, the Regime Establishment, that would be, do try hard to keep her from being required (for some odd reason) to open her mouth.

Shit happens though. Look, Affirmative Action, as wrong as it is, was based on good intentions. While screwing the White man, it did help lift up some Black! folk here and there. This allegedly-Black! lady shown below has received WAY WAY too big a dose of the D.I.E. initiative that is AA on steroids. I could see if she'd gotten up to lead of the Title Renewal Dept., maybe even at the big office in downtown San Francisco, albeit, that would still be a stretch.

This is 1 of 2 of the major candidates for the US Presidential election of 2024 though. Look at this, and tell me we are not very very close to Peak Stupidity:

We just gotta be! Even scientific notation won't cover it now.

Let's get serious in this section. If I don't get back on here, I hope everyone else does not need any advice from me on how to get ready for what's coming. I'm not the best prepper in the world, but we are getting better (the family). I would have also liked to have reported on Uruguay and another location, but then, I really think we'll make our stand here. We've got our own shooting range, something that would be probably impossible most other countries in the world. It's time to get more self-sufficient, especially financially.

People have a reason to scoff at Americans and their 25 y/o keyboard warrior cries of "MOLON LABE!" For example, nothing much has happened after thousands of Political Prisoners have been taken. However, I think Americans will get their 2nd-Amendment footings when both things get financially worse and Totalitarianism gets even more in our faces. Our enemies in/from the Regime are no longer concerned that we may see them as Communists, Globalist, Orwellian Totalitarians, or some combination thereof. They think they have us licked. I believe they will be proven wrong.

Within a few months, some money will be due - the hosting costs much more than the URL (yeah, a rip-off at this point, IMO), but I'm pretty sure I'll renew to keep the site up. Perhaps I'll put up a meme now and then. When one comes to you, you can't just waste it, right?

I thank all of the regular Peak Stupidity readers. It's been over 7 1/2 years (cranked up just after Thanksgiving of '16). It's made me happy to know I've informed, but hopefully at least entertained, a few thousand people regularly. I want to thank the regular commenters above and beyond that for letting me see this in writing.

These are in generally an order of posting frequency:

Adam Smith
The Alarmist
Dieter Kief
Old Soldier
Bill H.
Mr. Anon
Fred the Gator
Rex Little
Al Corrupt
Sam J
Mike Tre (aka MikeatMikedotMike)
Jack Russell
Tim Berline
Buck Turgidson
Bern Car (he goes WAY back - the 1st regular commenter other than "Moderator" - me.)

I may have missed a few very irregular commenters (sorry - there's medicine for that), but anyway, thank you so much for composing a great comment section!

What about the Peak Stupidity Book Club that Adam Smith has been so helpful with (along with lots of other help to me and other commenters)? It wouldn't be hard for me to at least get the posts under that "name" and put the book titles and URLs in a table. I may still do that.

The site will stay up for a good long while. It won't be current, but for anyone who wants to read, we've got 3129 posts, including this one. New readers, click on "Topic Keys", find a few you might like, and you could be here for hours on end. Enjoy!

Whewwww! Heckuva post there, but I didn't want this to end. We'll see.

PS: [Added 09/06] Also, thanks to all the readers over the years for putting up the workings, and lacks-thereof, of this site. That there's no search feature is probably the worst, but also the need for scrolling, and the "keep it simple but stupid(?)" comment area. I could see where new readers might have just clicked on away immediately - I would do the same, probably. I explained more here very recently. If I were to get back, a big revamp of the software would have to come first. Anyway, again, goodbye and good wishes!

* BTW, I am even more certain at this point that, no, it's not that I'm a curmudgeon by the common definition, just sick of new stuff. New stuff is really getting stupider by the version.

** My Dad was great in keeping us off the TV until well into our teens. That early-on Summer of George Woodward and Bernstein (and let's not forget the Hildabeast too! She was fired though, after a while. Back to baking cookies... we wish!) was very helpful to that cause.

*** Part 1

**** To keep my writing skills up, at least I've got about 8 Donald Trump, Lara Trump, and RN Committee junk mailings with their postage-paid envelopes, and I'm having fun composing letters telling them all what Trump better do if he wants a red cent from me - I think I'll be keeping that extra cash, the way it's been going. I'd have loved to publish these here too!

***** To clear up possible confusion here, that small city is on Vancouver Island, to the west, but mostly south, across the water from the mainland of British Columbia, where the big city of Vancouver sits. Vancouver is NOT on Vancouver Island. To make it even more fun, the Washington State city of Vancouver is down across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon. (Great deal: Live there so you pay no income tax, but shop in Portland, so you pay no sales tax.)

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The People's Revolt of ... when, exactly?

Posted On: Saturday - August 31st 2024 8:00PM MST
In Topics: 
  The Future  Anarcho-tyranny  People's Revolt

Peak Stupidity had added the topic key People's Revolt of '22 in February of that year. We thought the Canadian trucker's strike against mandatory gene therapy "vaccinations" would be the spark that ignited a whole lot more. Well, we can't be right all the time, or even close, so the topic key was changed to simply "People's Revolt" to cover more later on.

The anti-Globalist run Population Replacement Programme has finally resulted in a spot of revolting there in the UK. We were pretty excited about the rioting, but either it has tailed off or the media has suppressed it enough to make us think that (you never know). It's a real shame the sparks that have been finally igniting active anger in the population have had to involve murders* of Europeans, including little children.

It's an old story already, but it was a Syrian in this case, who stabbed to death 3 Germans at, of all things, a Diversity Festival, in the city of Solingen. First of all, it's a shame that the Germans are forced to use D.I.E. as an excuse for drinking lots of good beer, eating bratwurst, and admiring busty Frauleins when they should have been celebrating the 600-odd year anniversary of that German city. To add to the tragic irony, though, Solingen is known to be a center of quality knife manufacturing. The push now is to ban knives... rather than the more obvious and wiser solution, banning Syrians.

I don't know what mayhem patriotic Germans will start from this spark - maybe there'll be nothing. With the exception of a very few places (Denmark?), the Globalists running Western European lands these days have clamped down hard on the remaining Europeans to keep them from objecting to their replacement. As much as our US Constitution is treated like an old parking ticket these days, there are those of us here who still remember the reasons for Amendment I (and II). Euro Globalists don't need to even give lip service to such a thing.

Just to show yet again the Anarcho-Tyranny of it all ("Two-tier policing" is the British watered-down term), here's info from one Peter Lloyd about the annual Notting Hill Carnival of violent Caribbean imports:
Final #NottingHillCarnival stats:

320 arrests
5 stabbings
1 acid attack
2 in life-threatening condition
35 police injured
67 knife arrests
12 sex assaults
94 drug offenses
47 emergency workers attacks

Yet no condemnation from @UKLabour ‘cos it’s a black event. #TwoTierKeir
Were the instigators of, HELL, an acid attack even!, White people, they'd have been hauled off within the day for multi-decade prison sentences.

The Totalitarianism is total now, and the Orwellianism is, whoosh, flying right past the book. I just imagine myself, or anyone, opening some novel in the 1970s that predicted the evil that European governments (and, yes, the American Feral gov't too) were up to in the far-off 2020s. I'd have thought it kind of unimaginable but made a mental note that we sure shouldn't ever let it get nearly THAT far. We're there now. Free speech, one of the most basic freedoms is under attack everywhere.

After the British riots a few weeks back, a UK Police Commissioner threatened to extradite people in foreign countries for anti-Regime-policy speech violations. I think he may even be including Americans... but didn't we fight a war about this sort of thing a quarter millennium ago?

To paraphrase and butcher out of context a famous line from the movie Gallipoli:

We will come after you.

Not if we come after you first.

See, this is the way it's going. Globalist scum are pushing the White man into a corner. Maybe they've never done this to a raccoon and seen what happens. They may be positive that they will lock down the world into a tower-of-Babel-like middle-classless Latin American style oligarchy before we can fight.

The boiling frog method has been working pretty well. Here in America, we are still a little too prosperous to fight over "slight" sleights. A thousand people in jail for doing things that wouldn't have gotten BLM thug looters and antifa arsonists a day in prison, well, we try to rationalize... they shouldn't have broken stuff, so... well, yeah, a bunch of them in jail were just there, but don't be around when other people are breaking some stuff and trespassing. Next time, we have to be more polite ...

How long will it be before there are enough people that realize, OK, so you'll come after me for just speaking or standing around? I may as well do a whole lot more than that, if it's all the same to you. All that's missing right now is the momentum.

Here, I was hoping that Federalism might prove to be the answer. My State may tell the Feds to piss up a rope. Some violence may occur but nothing like that from a real civil war**. It could be terrible, but that may still be better than the result of doing nothing.

Well, that was a deep dark post for end-o-blogweek, but I'll explain why next week. In the meantime, we should keep Alex Solzhenitsyn's words in mind:
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat.

Good night, Peakers. Sleep tight... after this??

* ... and thousands of rapes too, especially when you tally up Rotherham. Beyond that atrocity, generally it's an ongoing series of violence that has changed Western Europe from the reasonably safe place it had been.

** There are the ideological points too regarding the name of the "late unpleasantness" of the first half of the 1860's, but one reason people like "War Between the States" as opposed to "Civil War", is that the former is a better description.

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