4 years later, and still...

Posted On: Friday - March 15th 2024 5:20PM MST
In Topics: 
  Humor  Kung Flu Stupidity

I took this screenshot off of yahoo a few weeks back. 4 years after the start of the Kung Flu PanicFest, I'm not miffed by the advice given by yahoo, that after being sick with fever, we should return to our normal schedules. I'm miffed that someone at yahoo thinks there's anyone left on the internet who gives a rat's ass about CDC guidelines.

I looked at the Peak Stupidity posts that appear with the Kung Flu Stupidity topic key on or about the middle of March of '20.

Yesterday, 4 years ago, found Peak Stupidity somewhat miffed but also glad that that School's out For Ever! OK, too optimistic, but I saw the silver lining in this cloud of stupidity:
One really cool result of this Wuhan-Willies infotainment panic-fest may be what happens after the kids are at home for a month or more in a large number of school districts all around the country. The parents may get hip the to idea that these schools have served as not much more than social gathering places, welfare distribution facilities and expensive playgrounds. I think they would realize there's a better way.
3 days from today (still 4 years back), Peak Stupidity officially borrowed the name Kung Flu, naming the topic key and giving this plenty of use over the next 2 1/2 years. (I later regretted not using "Flu Manchu", which I'd first seen in an Allan Wall - VDare writer - column, a couple of years later.) In that post, Beware the Kung Flu!, I was wrong though, not on the location of origin, but on the origin process:
Why are they mostly from Asia? We all know that people over there have more exotic tastes, eating animals that we wouldn't even have as pets here. Some we would. I guess these animals are closer in some biological sense to humans, as we never seem to get anything viral from our best friends here, the cats and dogs. Also, the fact that there is just no damn extra room in most livable parts of Asia so people have to live quite a bit more like bats has got to be a contributing factor, allowing for a quick initial spread of these new strains.
Either way, by this date I was not worried about the disease itself, only the PanicFest. The question asked the next day was The Kung Flu - SHTF or Infotainment Panic-Fest? I affirmed it was the latter here:
Listen, I've been around. I remember quite a few of these viruses coming over from Asia over the last couple of decades. People died then too, mixed in with plenty of other people that were fairly old and/or susceptible to disease a lot more than your healthy < 60 y/o's down to babies**. I'm of the pretty solid opinion right now that this Kung Flu is truly an Infotainment Panic-Fest.
However, what I was more worried about was the effect of this PanicFest, if it kept going long, on the economies of the world. Hence, at the end of the post, I changed my reply to "BOTH", explaining:
In answer to the question posed by this post's title: BOTH. The Kung Flu Infotainment Panic-Fest has triggered a financial crisis, bound to happen someday anyway, that may lead to a SHTF situation, if the media and governments keep pressing their luck and don't leave the people the hell alone for a while to get things done.
The SHTF hasn't happened here yet, because, as the other Adam Smith said, "There's a lot of ruin in a nation.".*

That was 4 years ago. Yet that yahoo headline reads as if the average American is still falling for this garbage. I don't want to read about it, unless it's about admissions of wrongdoing, apologies or stories of mass hari-kari by government officials worldwide.

Now, to lighten things up, Peak Stupidity has posted many of the funny videos and (a few) memes that ridiculed the PanicFest. You may want to look for them. I did just find this one from 4 years ago. It may bring back some bad memories though...

* See also Part 2 and Part 3.

Tuesday - March 19th 2024 7:21PM MST

It would have been better if Tom Woods named his book:


"Covid" as a mass-delusion; it also works because the two "D's" make it easier to remember.
Adam Smith
Monday - March 18th 2024 1:20PM MST
PS: Greetings, gentlemen,

โ€œAfter the Pro-Panic's power-position broke up and failed to re-consolidate in early-mid 2022, the matter was simply dropped and then ignored ๐‘Ž๐‘  ๐‘–๐‘“ ๐‘–๐‘ก ๐‘›๐‘’๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘๐‘’๐‘›๐‘’๐‘‘. There was never a "Warren Commission" on the Corona-Panic, ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘‡๐‘Ÿ๐‘ข๐‘š๐‘ โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘š๐‘ ๐‘’๐‘™๐‘“ (๐‘โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘™๐‘ฆ) ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘ ๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘  โ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘‘ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘”โ„Ž๐‘ก ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐‘’๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘ฆ ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘ค๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ, even though a leader of better character would have fought the Panic and won (or been overthrown in an internal coup; but would not have allowed himself to be puppetized for a visceral evil, much less than bragged about it).โ€

โ€œBiden's angry tirade, and a lot of the other excesses of the Corona-Panic and its fanatics, enforcers, and propagandists in between ca. early 2020 and ca. early 2022 were simply never mentioned again by anyone with a "megaphone," ๐‘Ž๐‘  ๐‘–๐‘“ ๐‘–๐‘ก โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘‘ ๐‘›๐‘’๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘๐‘’๐‘›๐‘’๐‘‘. In many cases, I believe the reason why this second form of "it never happened" is because ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘œ๐‘ ๐‘’ ๐‘คโ„Ž๐‘œ ๐‘ โ„Ž๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘™๐‘‘ ๐‘๐‘’ ๐‘š๐‘œ๐‘ ๐‘ก ๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘”๐‘’๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘Ž๐‘ โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘š๐‘’๐‘‘ ๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘’ ๐‘ข๐‘›๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘™๐‘’ ๐‘ก๐‘œ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘๐‘œ๐‘”๐‘›๐‘–๐‘ง๐‘’ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’๐‘–๐‘Ÿ ๐‘œ๐‘ค๐‘› ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ÿ๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ.โ€


Being a narcissist means never having to say you're sorry.

Dieter Kief
Monday - March 18th 2024 2:38AM MST
Mr. Hail - - -nobody lives in the "neutral reality". Not you and not any of the peakers too, methinks honestly. - This is so because it is a core modern insight in all kinds of contexts: Religious, philosophical, psychological, literary: The doubt about what is right and what is wrong - is - unescapably: My Doubt - the doubt of every single enlightened human being. To be in the modern world means: to be in a state of permanent doubt. With the words of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Modern (protestant!) souls are the ones with the crack in them: We don't know whether what we do is right - we can only .h.o.p.e. for being right. And whether or not we are right, is not in our hands to decide, in a humble protestant way. We have to leave that up to God to decide.

And in the real world - - - we only can konw in hindsight, whether or not what we did was right. - Hegel's "owl of wisdom" flies - after we have finsihed our daily works - - - as soon as dawn settles in - and the dailight fades away...
Reflection and action happen 1) first action then - necessariyl after the fact, the reflection kicks in and - might! - help us to find out what was (!) wrong and what was (!) right.

Peak Stupidity Book Club
Saturday - March 16th 2024 8:08PM MST
PS: Good evening, everyone...

Covid Psychosis โ€ข Tulip Mania โ€ข Kung Flu PanicFest
(What ever you want to call it...)

Diary of a Psychosis How Public Health Disgraced Itself During COVID Mania
By: Thomas E. Woods Jr. (8.3mb .epub)


Cheers! โ˜ฎ๏ธ
Dieter Kief
Saturday - March 16th 2024 2:39PM MST
Psychosis is a severe illness, treated mostly in clinics by psychiatrists. The psychosis-alarm-bell is too loud in this case.
So - no: No psychosis.
Plus: It is also a bad metaphor, because psychosis means to unconditionally lose control - sand that also did not happen during the Covid days, because there was a lot (!) of willpower involved on ervery level of society.
Saturday - March 16th 2024 1:04PM MST
PS: I'm cutting and pasting off of Mr. Woods' book selling page:



It truly was a psychosis.

In the name of "the science," people did destructive and irrational and inhuman things, none of which accomplished much of anything -- apart from disrupting people's scheduled medical procedures, decimating people's savings, destroying their businesses, and causing a spike in mental health problems, addiction, and suicide.

If people got sick with Covid, that was your fault!
Saturday - March 16th 2024 1:02PM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, I was getting ready to watch a Tom Woods interview of VDare's Lydia Brimelow. At the beginning, he advertises his book "Diary of a Psychosis" I'm pretty sure the title would clue you in to what it's about.

https://diaryofcovid.com/ I'm not trying to sell it, nor even buy it, though I doubt my local library will pick this up... no freaking way, in other words.

I remember posting a nice talk by this Tom Woods on the PanicFest, during the PanicFest.

As for this interview, it's about the lawfare, of course. It may not be anything new to me. I will say from the first few minutes that Tom Wood's voice is very good for listening to a 1 hour interview - lots better than many I've heard on-line, Tucker too, I gotta say, but the tone of voice is not everything by any means.
Saturday - March 16th 2024 11:17AM MST
PS โ€œLeave people alone for a whileโ€. In some other universe, perhaps. Hail: Thanks for the run-down on Cluster-B.
Saturday - March 16th 2024 11:02AM MST
PS: "If we do take that view, the people to blame are the rest of us for allowing those people to run the show, as a critical part of the Pro-Panic coalition of 2020-2022." Yes. The Feminism component of the Long March explains why there were so many women, incl. those Cluster-B ones, with the megaphone and/or the power. It took a long time to get into this country into a demographic power-structure state in which this Corona Panic could happen.

As for the wokesters and Panickers being knitted together, it was so surreal to see them supporting the BLM/antifa riots when people were very far from "social distancing" themselves. The same was the case as Trump tried, with some good success, in using this PanicFest to close the border with Title 42. Can't have unvetted germs of all sorts coming in willy-nilly, right? (And there really ARE some bad diseases, many the country hasn't seen for over 1/2 a century, coming back via that path.) Yes, though, they wanted the Population Replacement Program to continue apace. The germs can wait.
Saturday - March 16th 2024 10:48AM MST
PS: Let me comment on this first statement: "I remember it well. There was a period of a few critical weeks when I was sure that the Pro-Panic side would eventually fall apart amid its own contradictions, as good people abandoned the true crazies."

On this, I was more pessimistic at this point in time. I was not expecting things to get as stupid as they did and for that long. However, it seemed to me, the mass media hypnosis of (most of) the people would hold sway - there'd be no out and out defeat of the Panickers, just a tapering off of the stupidity by ... I figured that George Floyd memorial BLM/antifa rioting, burning, and looting would shortly put an end to the whole PanicFest.

I was WAY WAY OFF! That's why I have a series of 12 posts from the Summer of '20 called "Scenes from the Kung Flu Summer re-Panic".

Let me continue reading your comment here ...
Saturday - March 16th 2024 10:39AM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, your thoughts, especially on this subject are always welcome here. Even it if's not the subject of the post, they are, as your are somewhat of an expert on the political divide, the differences between various countries/US States, and the timeline of the Corona Panic. I would be glad to see another post on YOUR site anytime. This 4 years later from whatever date you want to pick would be a good time for it.
Saturday - March 16th 2024 9:14AM MST

Thank you
to Peak Stupidity
for opposing the Corona-Stupidity
in 2020 and beyond!
Saturday - March 16th 2024 8:38AM MST

-- Thoughts on the Panic at four years: The 'Cluster-B Personality Disorder' angle --

I remember it well. There was a period of a few critical weeks when I was sure that the Pro-Panic side would eventually fall apart amid its own contradictions, as good people abandoned the true crazies.

(I have said this many times in these pages of Peak Stupidity, and elsewhere, but since this is a specific retrospective on this catastrophe I took to calling the Corona-Panic, I feel fine in saying it again.)

Instead of the Panic taking "weeks" to fall apart, for the Pro-Panic coalition to break up in confusion and shame, it took "years" --- a true nightmare scenario compared to what we were hoping for back in March and April 2020. Even when the Panic finally frayed in the West, which was in early 2022, its after-effects lingered in many ways for much of the rest of 2022 and even 2023. Second- and third-order effects will be with us at least the rest of the 2020s.

A true disaster, it was; and completely unnecessary. But those second- and third-order effects I mentioned continue to give Steve Sailer much blogging-material, and the dumber-tier of political commentator lots more outrage-material and so on. (I would love to see a "mea culpa" from the good Mr. S, here on the fourth-anniversary of "We're going to lock down for two weeks to flatten the curve.")

After the Pro-Panic's power-position broke up and failed to re-consolidate in early-mid 2022, the matter was simply dropped and then ignored as it it never happened. There was never a "Warren Commission" on the Corona-Panic, and Trump himself (characteristically) insists he did the right thing every step of the way, even though a leader of better character would have fought the Panic and won (or been overthrown in an internal coup; but would not have allowed himself to be puppetized for a visceral evil, much less than bragged about it).

-- --

I've recently been reading about "Cluster-B personality disorders." It is a dark and depressing topic. For those who have never read into it, take my word for that. There is a Sailer commenter or two who have been arguing, for some time now, that the key to Wokeness as it emerged in the 2010s and exists in the 2020s is actually "Cluster-B" Western women and, specifically, the influence the rise of the Internet and devices and so on has had on them and their influence and so on. It's been a process of the galvanizing, radicalizing, and politicizing of the "Cluster-B's" at mass-social social scale. The quintessential Cluster-B is an unstable woman who wreaks havoc on those around her, with little feuds, manipulation, general unstable or unpredictable behavior, lack of empathy, the self-centeredness of a child, often expressing as the drive to destroy people they encounter just for fun or attention, or affected by various levels of delusion and delusion-induced vendettas or emotional breakdowns (the latter perhaps especially awful "Borderline Personality Disorder").

Some of the Cluster-B people out there, or maybe "all" of them by definition, are disconnected from reality to a great degree. What seems to be critical to understand about these people, which it is said could be 20% of women today by some counts, is that they may simply forget that something ever happened, or block it out, in a way somewhat similar to someone with the proverbial "amnesia" might do. They do not exist in the same neutral-reality that the rest of us do. The Cluster-B "panic" really helped consolidate the Panic in 2020; the Cluster-B "forgetting" (or never being wrong at all, disassociation with neutral-reality) seems to be what happened with the ultimate unraveling of the Panic in 2022.

So, that's a new theory, probably not at all novel to me: Pro-Panic "Covid" coalition was heavily driven by Cluster-B people (just as is Wokeness, in that theory). They were highly augmented by impressionable non-Cluster-B people who were pushed into acting like Cluster-B's when the Pro-Panic coalition controlled the cultural-heights and the "whip hand." Then, when it was dropped, a lot of these people simply forgot about it, literally couldn't remember the craziness they had just participated in or could not recognize their own error not because of stubbornness but because of personality-tendencies.

This "convenient forgetting" tendency with the Corona-Panic includes thee cringe-inducing Dec. 2021 angry tirade by Joe Biden about the upcoming "Winter of Mass Death, soon to descend upon the land as a DIRECT result of you SUB-HUMAN Vaccine-decliners out there. You are wicked people; murderers!" It never happened.

By "it never happened," there, I mean two things:

(1.) There was no Winter of Mass Death caused by anyone or anything. (he entire Corona-Panic's alleged deaths were, from the start, based on suspicious and tainted data, the existence of the parallel nuclear-war-like Panic alongside it tainting the data from bottom up. It was a bad flu, and is now treated as such by everyone, which should have been done all along); and

(2.) Biden's angry tirade, and a lot of the other excesses of the Corona-Panic and its fanatics, enforcers, and propagandists in between ca. early 2020 and ca. early 2022 were simply never mentioned again by anyone with a "megaphone," as if it it had never happened. In many cases, I believe the reason why this second form of "it never happened" is because those who should be most apologetic and ashamed are unable to recognize their own error.

If we are as sympathetic to these people as possible, we could say "it's not their fault, they were born that way," something like that. "Cluster-B" tendencies are said to be highly genetic, but it's not known for sure how much. If we do take that view, the people to blame are the rest of us for allowing those people to run the show, as a critical part of the Pro-Panic coalition of 2020-2022. I would incline to also blame the system, with the role of the Internet key, and the larger baseline forces of histrionic-Wokeness, which, as we well remember, united very directly and overtly and explicitly with the Corona-Panic forces by June 2020 and stayed in tight-knit alliance for the duration.
Saturday - March 16th 2024 6:30AM MST
PS: Parents did indeed learn more about the schools during Corona-Chan. Mostly, they were not impressed. Maybe the schools required otherwise, but parents got a chance to see what was being taught during the remote learning.
Saturday - March 16th 2024 6:28AM MST
PS: I missed that one at the time, Tim. Thanks.

Alarmist: Government schools should not be supported. For 50-60 years, depending on locale, forced race integration was very bad socially for the White kids. Now, over the last 5-10, comes this woke business.

That the children are coddled and wrestling/fist-fights are cause to call the police has made it worse. Instead of some smaller disputes being settled this way, the anger and sadness is kept inside. Once in a while, especially with prescribed drugs involved, some kid thinks shooting up the place is the only way out.
The Alarmist
Saturday - March 16th 2024 4:30AM MST

The one thing common to all mass killings at schools are the schools themselves. Schools are the breeding grounds of way too many social ills in the Western World.

If we learned anything from Corona-Chan, it should be that we need to ban schools.

Tim Berline
Friday - March 15th 2024 5:53PM MST

also known as the Bat Stew Flu
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