Feminist Cops vs. African "Refugees" - venue: Modern Sweden

Posted On: Friday - August 31st 2018 8:33AM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  US Police State  Feminism  Female Stupidity

The video below shows an attempted arrest by 3 or 4 female Swedish police of one of the new diversified residents of their country. It appears the guy, Mr. Diverse African "Refugee", started off throwing rocks or bricks at the squad car windshield, and it escalated to a 4 minute low-intensity brawl. I can honestly say that I didn't know whom to root for. A better way to put that is that I didn't know which side I wanted to lose the fight more.

In this corner, you've got your female Swedish cops, because, feminism and all. The difference in body mass, muscle mass, and experience should be no factor for this type of job*, right? After all, if equality were to suffer, that'd be much worse than just not enforcing the laws or what-have-you. Sweden has been tops in the feminism stupidity, perhaps number 1 in the entire world. There is GIRL POWER that can be unleashed on a perp, invoked with a few magic words "ISIS, ISIS, ISIS!"

In this corner, you've got your worthless African immigrants, living in these tenement buildings with no jobs, lots of welfare benefits increasing their laziness, and not a really big handle on the concepts of feminism and GIRL POWER. I really can't blame the guy for starting trouble, as he's probably Moslem, meaning that he reckons those ladies should be wearing burkas, not police officer wear, and really should have a male cop driving them around in the squad cars to begin with. Oh, and additionally, there's no particular reason to listen to them because they are women to begin with. Throwing rocks at the windshield of the squad car is virtually required under ISLAM. Plus it's fun, but no, they don't break as easily as you think (been locked out of your car before in the desert?)

Sweden is somewhat under 10% Moslem, and has admitted large numbers of supposed "refugees" from all over, to show they care. Sometimes I think a loss in a small battle, such as these migrants winning of their battles with the cops, especially the feminized sort is a good thing. It often can get the population to transfer something useful into their thick heads, such as "Girl Power is just in the movies? What?" "Our migrants can't assimilate into our society?! What, but, but diversity?" Yeah, it can take a while. A couple of blows to the head speed up this knowledge transfer immensely. OTOH, I'd like to see many of the migrants get the shit kicked out of them and send home.

Let's not spoil the match. With more color commentary to come, (pun unintentional but serendipitous), let's switch to our 2nd-story-window-cam:

Play-by-play from commenter BernCar:
Good Samaritan takes down the malefactor for the cops and they pull him off--"Never mind. We'll handle this ourselves. Just the four of us against one guy. No problem." Then they don't gang rush in a mass overwhelming him even though each of the cops outweighed him by all appearances. So the guy gets loose, decks one of the cops, breaks the car window and ambles off. Dumbasses. I'm like you--it's hard to know who to root for here.
I was hoping both sides would get some good blows in. The videographer and his buddy were laughing when the guy threw a good punch in a coupla' minutes into the vid, but at first I had thought they were Swedish. Then, I saw the dark left hand with the bling on it on the windowsill – yeah, I wonder what they are thinking. Exactly what are these people supposed to make of their new home?

Oh, then the guy starts in throwing dirt bombs. That brings back early memories from childhood. I used to love how the dirt would make “smoke” when it landed. No cops were involved, though. There was this incident later, at college, when we had a bottle rocket battle going on across 100 yards or so of “the quad” one night. The lady campus cop came over, and all she could threaten us with was “cut that out, or I’ll … I’ll call some more police!” Man, I miss bottle rockets.

*BTW, a long-term reader would know that the Peak Stupidity blog is not particularly cop-supporting, as we value Liberty more than the average American. I don't like the militarization of the police that has occurred (see US Police State topic key for more.) I'd rather that cops dealt with citizens as human beings, per a recent post, "First Responders" - The Cops. That won't and can't happen much the more diversified America becomes.

That leads to the matter of the "fairer sex" being cops. It's much easier for a bigger (not necessarily more intimidating unless necessary) human being to handle situations that have not, and should not, get to the point of use of firearms. That means not just men, but bigger men. Yeah, it'd be nice if society was so non-violent that the smallest lady could just cite the law and set a troublemaker straight that way. Things often escalate, especially in certain populations, and that's the time the fact that the law-breaker can't beat the cop up can just calm things down. Pepper spray and mace may have helped somewhat in this regard.

[UPDATED: 09/31 am:]
Seeing as my writing was moslty just color commentary (do they still use that term, as I haven't watched the sportsball on TV in years?), I feel Mr. BernCar's play-by-play, or blow-by-blow, as they'd call it in the boxing or unwanted immigrant realm should be in the post too.

[UPDATED: 10/05/19:] Video was gone. This new one should be the same thing.

Saturday - September 1st 2018 7:25AM MST
PS - I have inserted your play-by-play commentary. It'd been a few days since watching the vid when I posted this yesterday. Thank you.
Friday - August 31st 2018 11:59AM MST
PS Good Samaritan takes down the malefactor for the cops and they pull him off--"Never mind. We'll handle this ourselves. Just the four of us against one guy. No problem." Then they don't gang rush in a mass overwhelming him even though each of the cops outweighed him by all appearances. So the guy gets loose, decks one of the cops, breaks the car window and ambles off. Dumbasses. I'm like you--it's hard to know who to root for here.

Around here, the guy would have been tasered so many times the taser wires streaming off would have looked like the wiring harness under your dashboard. Never mind a few medicinal doses of pepper spray or mustard gas or whatever they use now.

I have complained about the militarization of cops for a few decades now. I can remember when they wore business casual pants, not fatigues, and the old policeman's hat and shined Oxford shoes. Even a clip-on tie if it wasn't summertime. Seems to be a completely different atmosphere now. And a few of the military vets they hire bring the military attitude with them. Not good.
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