Posted On: Tuesday - November 21st 2017 11:54PM MST
In Topics:   Commies  Humor  Global Climate Stupidity  So-called Pope Francis
One can only hope. Peak Stupidity can cope with a Pope on dope, but nope ... Back in September, in "Is Global Climate DisruptionTM Real? Is the Pope Catholic?", we chalked up the stupidity of this Argentine Commie up to a run-in with the structure of the Pope-Mobile.
Now, we see that "Pope" Francis, titular* head of the Catholic Church, has got a bug up the Papal rear-end about his apparently undeniable
Now, not to get into the history of some of the Middle-Age Popes in terms of being perverts, we would be the last to tar all Popes with the same broad brush. The current Pope is no pre-vert, and probably not high, but just lightly retarded. That's OK, that's OK, a differently-cognizant individual should be given an opportunity to run the Catholic Church, as appointed by God, as any thinking man, even in these times of anti-Christian fervor, what with 1.5 Billion Moslems having started a demographic invasion of Europe, because, like, diversity. It's kind of like how one of our great military leaders, General Casey said about the Ft. Hood massacre, "... as horrific as this tragedy
From the San Francisco "Gate" article:
In his landmark 2015 environmental encyclical, Francis said global warming is "mainly" due to human activity and he called for fossil fuels to be progressively phased out without delay.Yes, semi-retarded Pope = engineer/physicist with 20 years mathematical modeling experience. Well, he's partially right, in that one cannot develop a technical solution to a theory that has been neither defined nor observed.
In his message, the Argentine pope denounced that efforts to combat climate change are often frustrated by those who deny the science behind it or are indifferent to it, those who are resigned to it or think it can be solved by technical solutions, which he termed "inadequate."
Is it possible that "Pope" Francis IS like some of the corrupt Popes of the days of yore after all. Again, we don't think he is a pre-vert, but he may be trying to bring back the concept of indulgences. 1000 years ago, +/- 300 (I've read books on this, but can't recall many details ... at least before Martin Luther came along) forgiveness by God for sins was sold by big wigs at the Vatican and its branch offices for cash - they had neither debit nor credit cards during those years - I do remember that. These deals were called "indulgences". Is it possible the Vatican would like to take charge of a sort of Carbon-Credit (forgiveness for sins of emmission) in trade for cash (or major credit cards)? You know they're gonna be needing infusions of cash to buck up that wall, seeing as how ISIS has already photoshopped-up a poster of the Pope's beheading. They don't want him alive. We here at Peak Stupidity would just rather he cut out the Papal Bull, is all.
* Yeah, had to get that word in here somehow.