Posted On: Tuesday - December 3rd 2024 4:45PM MST
In Topics:   Immigration Stupidity  Websites
I saw the following article - VDARE's Legacy - by one Peter Bradley on The Unz Review and felt like I should get on there and put a good word in for this fine organization. The comments had been negative, which really peeves me off because someone refused to let this go through.
In the past even with my disagreements* with Ron Unz - on a personal basis, in the comments on his site that is - I'd never had him refuse to let anything of mine get onto the page, and he'd never deleted one. This time, it was in moderation for the 5 minutes and, poof, gone. (I checked other devices.) I tried 3 more times, including in the middle of the night. ;-} Yes, California time 0400.
Perhaps a setting was wrong for Peter Bradley, but anyway, I stuck my commentary into a Steve Sailer thread, and I'm saying it here too. Thank you, Peter Bradley, for that very nice write-up.
Though I'd sworn off commenting here end-o-last-bidness-year due simply to time constraints, I just noticed Mr. Bradley's great homage to VDare here. Let me chime in to add my part.
I'd been a reader since about 5 or 6 years after VDare started up, as my stalwart-Conservative Dad got me hip to the seriousness of the immigration invasion problem. I would guess I've read 95% of the VDare articles since then, the non-read ones just due to my having missed them. I have met most of the people described herein, and they are all good people.
Mr. Brimelow himself, well, he could have stayed on the ins with the finance analyst and punditry crowd and had a cushy well-remunerated living. Instead he chose to proclaim the TRUTH about the coming (at that time) cultural and even financial destruction of America. That was simply the RIGHT thing to do.
Immigration* is THE EXISTENTIAL ISSUE. If the now severe damage is not somehow partially reversed, I won't really care so much about the other problems in America anymore, because it'll no longer be the America I cared about. (I'm thinking Uruguay or Portugal...)
I have followed VDare's legal troubles to the "t", at least the last legal "t" I could understand. I have to say this again, that I think Mr. Brimelow is just so used to the high-trust rule-of-law America of most of his life, that he could not see fit to fight the NY A/G in a way the ctrl-left would: Stall, obfuscate, "lose" entire servers (in unfortunate boating accidents... in West Virginia? Somehow...), etc.
I doubt the incoming A/G has the fire in the belly like a Matt Gaetz does, but I hope Trump will find a way to go after Leticia James. The ctrl-left can say it's political payback, who cares, but the Constitution in fact REQUIRES that treasonous Communists like Merrick Garland, Alex Mayorkas, and highly-corrupt anti-White goons like Leticia James be prosecuted, tried, and punished. Trump, being still Trump, cares about himself foremost and the Banana Republican lawfare that was waged against him. However, VDare (as seen here in the Tucker/Lydia interview) was also targeted. James' removal would be a greatly welcomed development for the remains of the VDare people and their former readers.
Instead of at least all the (~60,000 articles/posts in archives) be spread around, how about a full revival of VDare, same format, and URL in this case? I have been hopeful about that. I see no reason they can't just get back running if the lawfare is ended.
It's just a bad time for me to have lost VDare. Though the writers have always been hopeful, now with Trump in office again and duly pissed and Steve Miller and Tom Homan raring to go, this would be long-due time of high excitement. I should be looking forward to lots of great posts on details of the political fight right now. I want my VDare back!!
2 minor points:
1) Maybe writer Peter Bradley didn't know ahead that his article would appear here, but why was there no mention of VDare writers being published on The Unz Review? The immigration issue is not one I agree on much with Mr. Ron Unz - he's under the impression it's all good because Hispanics have pushed Black! crime out of Palo Alto, where he lives - but Mr. Unz has been extremely hospitable by publishing Mr. Sailer's blog, John Derbyshire's stuff, and many of the other VDare writers (on occasion) over the years. It's also a place to add comments on an extremely well-working site, while VDare didn't have them.
2) Not to be a Grammar Commie or anything, but "fat ass" is two words.***
* That'd be most on his highly-speculative, OK, just wrong, America-did-Covid** theory, sometimes points regarding immigration, and some other minor things.
** I refer to the virus here, not the PanicFest. For that, we joined in on the merriment with most of the world.
*** See Mr. Bradley's article for reference.
Wednesday - December 4th 2024 6:49PM MST
PS: Next, regarding that PSL group that you've been checking into: After this:
"They say people were outraged that "the Democratic Party moved too far to the right." This sight sickened many leftist stomachs enough to avoid voting D in 2024."
... I'm not sure I could ever talk to one of these people with a straight face!
I'm not surprised this Communist agitator group could have - per more spots on ballots, as you say - gotten 1/2 of the Libertarian Party vote. I was going to write a post on the latter party long ago. I am in agreement with most Libertarian principles, but the party is not that of (can't remember first name) Browne of the 1980's and some others through the 00's even. The modern L Party is a real circus and just worthless.
I read that small bit about Matt Gaetz, and also what he linked to on his own site, on that Derbyshire "Diary" for November. It must be something big the Deep State has on him - maybe it's a threat rather than blackmail. He's pretty young, and I think he could get through whatever it is. It's a real shame, and also I hate being wrong in that he won't be appointed FL Senator (still not sure).
"They say people were outraged that "the Democratic Party moved too far to the right." This sight sickened many leftist stomachs enough to avoid voting D in 2024."
... I'm not sure I could ever talk to one of these people with a straight face!
I'm not surprised this Communist agitator group could have - per more spots on ballots, as you say - gotten 1/2 of the Libertarian Party vote. I was going to write a post on the latter party long ago. I am in agreement with most Libertarian principles, but the party is not that of (can't remember first name) Browne of the 1980's and some others through the 00's even. The modern L Party is a real circus and just worthless.
I read that small bit about Matt Gaetz, and also what he linked to on his own site, on that Derbyshire "Diary" for November. It must be something big the Deep State has on him - maybe it's a threat rather than blackmail. He's pretty young, and I think he could get through whatever it is. It's a real shame, and also I hate being wrong in that he won't be appointed FL Senator (still not sure).
Wednesday - December 4th 2024 6:41PM MST
PS: BTW, if you see negative comments by one Greta Handel, well he (I think he admitted he was not a (born?) woman) just can't let anyone do his job. Greta gets on John Derbyshire's case, Jared Taylor's, all of them.
Hey, I know that these people don't bring up the Jewish question, but they do good work, and how about we let them continue without harassment? (Usually, it's not that info on the Jewish influence is absolutely necessary to explain these subjects these writers discuss.)
Almost no one who's commented about this has seen one video with Peter Brimelow and John Derbyshire talking - I wish I could remember the subject, but it was a year back or so (before Lydia got on Tucker Carlson, IIRC). There, the Jewish influence WAS discussed, with Mr. Derbyshire kind of blowing it off, but not Mr. Brimelow. I don't know if I can dig it up, especially now, with the hard-to-dig-through archives.
Hey, I know that these people don't bring up the Jewish question, but they do good work, and how about we let them continue without harassment? (Usually, it's not that info on the Jewish influence is absolutely necessary to explain these subjects these writers discuss.)
Almost no one who's commented about this has seen one video with Peter Brimelow and John Derbyshire talking - I wish I could remember the subject, but it was a year back or so (before Lydia got on Tucker Carlson, IIRC). There, the Jewish influence WAS discussed, with Mr. Derbyshire kind of blowing it off, but not Mr. Brimelow. I don't know if I can dig it up, especially now, with the hard-to-dig-through archives.
Wednesday - December 4th 2024 6:35PM MST
PS: Sorry for the very late replies, Mr. Hail. Yes, I saw your comment there - very good - and the argument over VDare's usefulness. The commenter EAH is pretty reasonable, but others are really just speculating about the people and the organization, when they don't know much.
I know about that lawsuit about the NYTimes slander involving "White Supremacists". I do get that you'd think that's not the hill to die on, or far from it if you want supporters like (allegedly) those commenters. (Who knows if they'd ever support anyone rather than simply write derogatory comments all day.) The point of that lawsuit was to put the NY Times back in its place. It could have been slander about something else, and I think they'd still have brought a suit. The NY Times, as we know, was the enemy - you do what you can.
People don't like the "optics" of the castle. I suppose it could have been some other structure that could hold 100 people or so in conferences, but i will say that Berkeley Springs is a nice town with good demographics. Almost all of the "hostiles" (haha, as Lydia calls them) are from out of town. The town people like VDare and the Brimelow family.
I know about that lawsuit about the NYTimes slander involving "White Supremacists". I do get that you'd think that's not the hill to die on, or far from it if you want supporters like (allegedly) those commenters. (Who knows if they'd ever support anyone rather than simply write derogatory comments all day.) The point of that lawsuit was to put the NY Times back in its place. It could have been slander about something else, and I think they'd still have brought a suit. The NY Times, as we know, was the enemy - you do what you can.
People don't like the "optics" of the castle. I suppose it could have been some other structure that could hold 100 people or so in conferences, but i will say that Berkeley Springs is a nice town with good demographics. Almost all of the "hostiles" (haha, as Lydia calls them) are from out of town. The town people like VDare and the Brimelow family.
Wednesday - December 4th 2024 12:53AM MST
-- Derbyshire adds to Matt Gaetz political obituary --
Re: the Sailer-Gaetz meeting of circa December 2019, discussed previously, and the recent retirement from politics by Matt Gaetz. (It's hard to see DeSantis appointing him to the to-be-vacated Senate seat held by Rubio.)
John Derbyshire, in his recently published "November 2024 Diary," reveals that he, too, met Gaetz around the very same time as Sailer did.
(See MEH0910's comment and my reply.)
We can piece together a serious political biography of Matt Gaetz, for the decade mid-2010s to mid-2020s, in which the readers of Peak Stupidity and other adjacent types are near the center of the story, even if never mentioned directly. Gaetz was on a listening tour to Sailer, Derbyshire, and others.
The targeted takedown attempt on Gaetz, coming in the following year to two years, was probably fatal to his political life. The unseen actors behind that campaign are major player in our politics that are also seldom identified directly, and do involve intelligence agents/agencies and blackmail attempts, perhaps of an already morally not-untarnished individual in Gaetz (but hardly a criminal-monster beyond the norms for politicians and other such big-talkers).
In China they put you in prison for mentioning the June 1989 protests, so it's taboo. We have out own taboos, and the people behind the sabotaging of Gaetz is one of them. Another, indeed, is that Gaetz never, never would speak openly bout his admiration for Steve Sailer and Derbyshire and others, but clearly was interested in getting close to them if possible and sounding them out. "Even" Gaetz respected both of the taboos I refer to. Even when he came out with his revelation of blackmail by a foreign intelligence service, he made no mention of "which" country and which sort of actor on the ground in the USA were behind it.
-- Derbyshire adds to Matt Gaetz political obituary --
Re: the Sailer-Gaetz meeting of circa December 2019, discussed previously, and the recent retirement from politics by Matt Gaetz. (It's hard to see DeSantis appointing him to the to-be-vacated Senate seat held by Rubio.)
John Derbyshire, in his recently published "November 2024 Diary," reveals that he, too, met Gaetz around the very same time as Sailer did.
(See MEH0910's comment and my reply.)
We can piece together a serious political biography of Matt Gaetz, for the decade mid-2010s to mid-2020s, in which the readers of Peak Stupidity and other adjacent types are near the center of the story, even if never mentioned directly. Gaetz was on a listening tour to Sailer, Derbyshire, and others.
The targeted takedown attempt on Gaetz, coming in the following year to two years, was probably fatal to his political life. The unseen actors behind that campaign are major player in our politics that are also seldom identified directly, and do involve intelligence agents/agencies and blackmail attempts, perhaps of an already morally not-untarnished individual in Gaetz (but hardly a criminal-monster beyond the norms for politicians and other such big-talkers).
In China they put you in prison for mentioning the June 1989 protests, so it's taboo. We have out own taboos, and the people behind the sabotaging of Gaetz is one of them. Another, indeed, is that Gaetz never, never would speak openly bout his admiration for Steve Sailer and Derbyshire and others, but clearly was interested in getting close to them if possible and sounding them out. "Even" Gaetz respected both of the taboos I refer to. Even when he came out with his revelation of blackmail by a foreign intelligence service, he made no mention of "which" country and which sort of actor on the ground in the USA were behind it.
Tuesday - December 3rd 2024 8:39PM MST
"I wrote a comment there which I hope will be approved"
That was fast:
"I wrote a comment there which I hope will be approved"
That was fast:
Tuesday - December 3rd 2024 8:30PM MST
-- Communists did well in '24 --
Some election-2024 info of potential interest beyond the headlines.
I've learned that the "Party for Socialism and Liberation" (PSL) achieved its best-yet result, with ca. 150,000 votes, or 0.1% of votes cast, in the U.S. presidential election, and that result achieved with only partial ballot-access.
This PSL was on the ballot in 19 states, and was a "certified write-in candidate" status in a few more (which means little to nothing). Something around forty percent of the U.S. voting population was unable to vote for their candidates.
If PSL had had full ballot access, they might have gotten above 0.2% of the national "popular vote."
Remember this in a supposedly highly stratified, Kamala-vs-Trump battle-royale we were treated to for so many slightly farcical months (farcical because Kamala was the worst candidate in history, almost as if drawn up by a writing committee for a prequel to "Idiocracy").
The PSL's vote is interesting to me because the big-name third-party candidates -- Jill Stein (Green) and Chase Oliver (the capital'-L' Libertarian) -- each finished in the at the 0.4%/0.5% range. The Party for Socialism and Liberation had less but on substantially less ballot access, and could've been in the same ballpark if they'd had full access. A lot of Green voters might've gone for PSL if PSL had had the ability to do so, further narrowing the gap.
One of the PSL's main slogans in '24, per their website, is:
For the planet to live,
I browsed a little of their commentary about why the Trump victory over Kamala happened. They say people were outraged that "the Democratic Party moved too far to the right." This sight sickened many leftist stomachs enough to avoid voting D in 2024.
The party has announced they will turn out loyal members to protest the Trump inauguration, January 20, 2025.
I have some familiarity with this kind of party, from years of occasional observation. See, e.g., my entry "Scenes from the anti-war rally in Washington, Feb. 19, 2023":
These groups, like PSL, are not political parties. Most such groups certainly never have people running in elections. What they ARE, is political-action groups, i.e. groups or grouplets that try to influence politics in the tradition of extraparliamentary activism. This has proven itself a lot more effective than voting. In other words, "voting" is a process of the civic-minded public gets a yes-no choice on a set of policies already agreed to by elites after a process of hammering out a line by exactly these kinds of forces,.
My view is that the Regime likes people like PSL for various reasons, even though PSL and others can be, are, troublesome and critical of certain Regime projects; they still like them. Why would a supposedly capitalist regime like a self-declared socialist part? PSL, and groups like it, are not some Ceausescu throwback but something eco-socialist and self-consciously multiculturalist. A lot of core tenets of the Regime are found with these people, in a more morally pure way than you get with actual dopey, suit-and-tie Regime spokesmen.
-- Communists did well in '24 --
Some election-2024 info of potential interest beyond the headlines.
I've learned that the "Party for Socialism and Liberation" (PSL) achieved its best-yet result, with ca. 150,000 votes, or 0.1% of votes cast, in the U.S. presidential election, and that result achieved with only partial ballot-access.
This PSL was on the ballot in 19 states, and was a "certified write-in candidate" status in a few more (which means little to nothing). Something around forty percent of the U.S. voting population was unable to vote for their candidates.
If PSL had had full ballot access, they might have gotten above 0.2% of the national "popular vote."
Remember this in a supposedly highly stratified, Kamala-vs-Trump battle-royale we were treated to for so many slightly farcical months (farcical because Kamala was the worst candidate in history, almost as if drawn up by a writing committee for a prequel to "Idiocracy").
The PSL's vote is interesting to me because the big-name third-party candidates -- Jill Stein (Green) and Chase Oliver (the capital'-L' Libertarian) -- each finished in the at the 0.4%/0.5% range. The Party for Socialism and Liberation had less but on substantially less ballot access, and could've been in the same ballpark if they'd had full access. A lot of Green voters might've gone for PSL if PSL had had the ability to do so, further narrowing the gap.
One of the PSL's main slogans in '24, per their website, is:
For the planet to live,
I browsed a little of their commentary about why the Trump victory over Kamala happened. They say people were outraged that "the Democratic Party moved too far to the right." This sight sickened many leftist stomachs enough to avoid voting D in 2024.
The party has announced they will turn out loyal members to protest the Trump inauguration, January 20, 2025.
I have some familiarity with this kind of party, from years of occasional observation. See, e.g., my entry "Scenes from the anti-war rally in Washington, Feb. 19, 2023":
These groups, like PSL, are not political parties. Most such groups certainly never have people running in elections. What they ARE, is political-action groups, i.e. groups or grouplets that try to influence politics in the tradition of extraparliamentary activism. This has proven itself a lot more effective than voting. In other words, "voting" is a process of the civic-minded public gets a yes-no choice on a set of policies already agreed to by elites after a process of hammering out a line by exactly these kinds of forces,.
My view is that the Regime likes people like PSL for various reasons, even though PSL and others can be, are, troublesome and critical of certain Regime projects; they still like them. Why would a supposedly capitalist regime like a self-declared socialist part? PSL, and groups like it, are not some Ceausescu throwback but something eco-socialist and self-consciously multiculturalist. A lot of core tenets of the Regime are found with these people, in a more morally pure way than you get with actual dopey, suit-and-tie Regime spokesmen.
Tuesday - December 3rd 2024 7:56PM MST
I wrote a comment there which I hope will be approved, on the question of whether it is fair to criticize VDare for supposedly being too moderate. I don't think this is fair.
The criticism of VDare of this sort is a typical way a big-talker can do something that ends, if not constrained, in a nonproductive moral-purity spiral.
Purity-spirals leave people involved, and the wider political culture, exposed to demagogues -- non-ideologically-coherent or non-ideologically-motivated demagogues and opportunists -- who are willing, and able, to preach directly to the people worked up in their purity spiral frenzy. Thus degrades the entire political culture. Idiocracy stomps its way ever closer.
To put it in the form of a question: Would VDare have been better if it were run, all along, like the troll-provocateur Andrew Anglin" ran his blog? That is the way the core VDare-critics seem to want it. The answer to me is definitely a "No," an Anglin-VDare would be ridiculous from the start.
I wrote a comment there which I hope will be approved, on the question of whether it is fair to criticize VDare for supposedly being too moderate. I don't think this is fair.
The criticism of VDare of this sort is a typical way a big-talker can do something that ends, if not constrained, in a nonproductive moral-purity spiral.
Purity-spirals leave people involved, and the wider political culture, exposed to demagogues -- non-ideologically-coherent or non-ideologically-motivated demagogues and opportunists -- who are willing, and able, to preach directly to the people worked up in their purity spiral frenzy. Thus degrades the entire political culture. Idiocracy stomps its way ever closer.
To put it in the form of a question: Would VDare have been better if it were run, all along, like the troll-provocateur Andrew Anglin" ran his blog? That is the way the core VDare-critics seem to want it. The answer to me is definitely a "No," an Anglin-VDare would be ridiculous from the start.
I hope this evening finds you well...
(𝑐𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒) 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑒...
Harry Browne. (Ask again I'll knock you down...)(JK)
This guy here also ran on the Libertarian ticket a couple years later...
I watched Michael Badnarik's "Constitution Class" what must be (or at least seems like) 20 years ago. I remember liking it at the time.
Regarding the Party for Socialism and Liberation and these semi-professional political-action groups...
So there is definitely some precedent for pardoning the J6ers. And if Drumph does not pardon them all (and preferably pay them some restitution for unlawful imprisonment and violation of rights under color of law) then he is a f'in dirtbag. I hope he surprises me and grants them all clemency shortly after taking the office. (I somehow don't think he will but I hope I'm wrong.)
Speaking of pardons...
Have you guys heard that the White House is thinking about issuing preemptive pardons for Anthony Fauci, Liz Cheney, and Adam Schiff?
I mean, why not go full on in your face Banana Republic and just pardon all regime apparatchiks on the way out? Can a sitting (p)resident preemptively pardon himself? If not, why not? (Another giant middle finger from the Biden regime to the peasants would be apropos.)
I don't know about these preemptive blanket pardons. I'm not sure they are constitutional. Not up to me though. I wonder what the Supremes would think about it.
Peter Brimelow and John Derbyshire video...
I'm pretty sure these are not the videos you're looking for.
But I'm posting links anyway...
Now, some fun stuff...
(This next one may not be of much interest to you guys, but it is a real life saver for the back-burner project I'm almost done with. Enjoy!)
Cheers! ☮️