Was it #TooBigToRig? #DoTheMath

Posted On: Friday - November 8th 2024 9:32PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Trump  Media Stupidity  ctrl-left  Karmakarma Kameleon

Since I was awake early that morning and captured screenshots, I'll post about it tonight. (I'm really tryin' to quit, so just a few more ...)

I have friends who were taking pictures of the TV. I saw the map with 5 pink States (Wisconsin, as above, Michigan, Alaska, Arizona, and Nevada- first thing on bing - when I woke up at just before 4A Wednesday. "Not again!" was my thought, as they had Trump hanging on with 3 Electoral Votes under a win. Most of us saw nearly the same thing 4 years ago. My 2nd thought was that if the numbers were reversed, they'd have called it for Kameltoe already.

I waited until morning to do the math, something I need to show my son as an example of how algebra can be useful. For each of these 5 States, there were the additional "Others" and "RFK, Jr." or "Jill Stein". With the reasonable assumption that those very small percentages would stay among the votes remaining, we can divide (100% - % others) by 2 to get what Kamaltoe needed:

(% Kameltoe)(% votes in)T + x((100% - % votes in)T = 1/2(100%.- % others)T where,

T = total votes and cancels out
x = % of remaining votes Kameltoe needed

Solve for x for WI, MI, AK, NV, and AZ, and, respectively, x = 74%, 65%, 61%, 73%, and 51%. These were literally back-of-the-envelope calculations, you know, tryin' to save the trees and all... I'm looking at the envelope as I type.

Why didn't the AP, the organization that many networks decided to rely on for THE RESULTS* call it? (Fox News had already.) Was it that the big cities were in the counties in light blue, where maybe the ditz duo might have indeed gotten those kinds of numbers? (I refer to Wisconsin and Nevada specifically, so Milwaukee** and Las Vegas.) Perhaps they've got election experts at the AP that know all this. I'm not so sure.

Then, there was Alaska. Even getting only over 61% of the remaining votes would be a win for the D's, is Anchorage woke now, or something? Who's been moving up there?

Anyway, the most egregious thing along these lines at this point is that Nevada is still pink (along with Arizona, which has been closer - now with 64% required). In Nevada 84% of the 4.8% of votes remaining to be counted would have to go to Kameltoe for her to win the State. Who do they have voting in Clarke County, illegal aliens only?

This is kind of fishy. At the point with 5 States still leaving us hanging, I did wonder if each had people of the ctrl-left trying their damndest to cheat up lots of ballots once they had a solid goal in mind. However, they'd all need to meet their goals, and once one caved, even Alaska with its measly 3 EV's, there'd be no point in going on. Wisconsin caved first, and that was it.

We'd better keep taking screen shots, or, yeah, pictures of the TV, and doing the math, in all future elections. You can't trust the ctrl-left to be fair.

We'll have more on the great news of this election, since I've taken a few white pills lately during conversations.

* I heard this directly from one of the talking heads while watching Tuesday night at my friend's house.

** That is, with Dane Country, where Madison is, dark blue, meaning counted already.

The Alarmist
Wednesday - November 13th 2024 6:29AM MST

@MrHail, your Sailer article got a mention and a link over at the Anonymous Conservative site yesterday (12th Nov).

Tuesday - November 12th 2024 10:48PM MST

Updated my post with simple maps of 2012, 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections. With them we have a data (vote-total)-based simplification of conflicting narratives, which I believe proves the value of the Sailer Strategy.

Tuesday - November 12th 2024 8:39AM MST

Some of my usual commentary, expanded into a essay long-form:

"Revisiting the “Sailer Strategy” after the Trump-2024 victory: Whites cast 80%+ of Trump’s votes, but some call the Sailer Strategy obsolete–Why?"

The Alarmist
Monday - November 11th 2024 2:29PM MST


The Alarmist
Monday - November 11th 2024 2:16PM MST

Rush Limbaugh started referring to “The Obama Regime” in its earliest days.


Monday - November 11th 2024 7:45AM MST
PS: Good morning, Mr. Hail. I got the term "Potomac Regime" off of a writer or writers on VDare.


"The Potomac Regime"

Oh, there ya' go - I referred to an article by the very same James Kirkpatrick whose recent article we've discussed here recently.

I had been and still do refer to the location, Mordor on the Potomac, as Washington, FS (including on tax returns, etc.)

The "FS" stands for Federal Shithole.

Yes, the terminology matters. We need to do more than just write, but spreading terms like this around gives ordinary people certain feelings. They may not even consciously think about it, but "Regime" harkens back to the day when the news would discuss Latin American governments.. to me anyway. It has the connotations of a government that's against the people of the country, and, indeed, that's what we've got!
Monday - November 11th 2024 6:37AM MST

-- On the past and future of the term 'Regime' --

"The ctrl-left had captured ALL of the institutions, but now we have one of 3 branches of government (for now)"

"The point of these ads, to me, was that Trump will not be part of the Potomac Regime's programme* of ritual humiliation..."

I've written before of how the word "Regime" emerged to refer to the ruling forces in the United States. It started, I think, in the late 2010s but in a limited way. As I recall it now, it broke through in year 2020, that year-of-destiny.

"The Regime," or "Regime media" and other variants, referred, of course, to the permanent state-apparatus, and to commanders of the cultural heights, people who control institutions, people who set the agenda, and partly (but not wholly) to shadowy figures like intelligence agencies and so on. Really it's a full-on power apparatus like in the old communist-bloc, except there you knew where power lay and in the USA it's concealed behind the 18th-/19th-century nominal institutions of democratic-republican political power.

The D-party is the Regime party, but the R party is the loyal opposition. The undermining of Trump Term One made the system of permanent power too obvious to ignore.

By some point in the early 2020s, "Regime" had crossed a political-linguistic Rubicon into becoming something very near "mainstream" (and maybe even at risk of becoming hackneyed, among the sorts of people like Matt Walsh and Donald Trump Jr. and even Laura Ingraham).

I think it was an excellent development that people started using the word "Regime" in this way. Not "administration"; bigger than that. Nor "elected officials." Kamala's kandidacy was the ultimate in empty-nothingness; an obvious Regime candidate with nothing behind it. The worst candidate in American history, but she still got 48% of the vote, because (in part) there are lots of pro-Regime people out there and lots and lots of Regime client-groups or favored groups (Blacks, most "Migrants," ideologically committed feminists, Israel dual-citizens, intelligence-community members, and many more).

So we have this framework of a permanent unelected power-apparatus that sets the agenda and controls the narrative: "the Regime." But what happens when the nominal loyal-opposition party has control of all three nominal "branches of government"? How does this inconvenient fact affect the Regime? These people Trump is set to appoint, and the Congressmen and so forth, they are not the entirety of the Regime. So you have a mismatch, and it's uncertain what it will look like. The core-Regime interests now look set to try hard to coopt the Trump people and flatter the orange-haired victor into self-coopting. Any off-the-reservation elements can still be punished. But the exact mechanisms are less certain.

In short, I don't know what effect the Trump-2024 election win has on the Regime and would love to hear what others think.

I do know that I remain haunted by a sudden flash of insight I had, sometime around late November 2016, after the euphoria of the shock Trump win and seeing the Regime mobilizing to neutralize him and undermine him and so forth, and constant war-propaganda like demonization and real moves to match. The sudden flash of insight was that the election result may have "not mattered" in the sense the true-believers, myself basically among them, had allowed ourselves to hope. The flash of insight actually came to me in the unusual form of a specific, grammatical sentence. It was this: "the Regime still exists intact" (i.e., despite of the Trump win). That was a very-early use of the "Regime" word which, by four or five years later, was something near mainstream, but was also being watered down by heavy use by people like making money off peddling political-entertainment.
Sunday - November 10th 2024 5:26PM MST
PS: "And experience has shown that even at her best she is the weakest intellect of the nine justices, so far". FIFY ;-}

Yeah, see, that's when the Trump and other MAGA folks would need to start playing the game by the same rules as the ctrl-left. Mr. Alarmist's very interesting question about Constitutional complications aside, how about "well, we never got Miss Wise Latina's resignation in the mail.". Weeks go back. "Oh, we don't have a quorum today in the Senate." Drag the thing out until past January 20th. I've not had too much good to say about Tortuga McConnell, but he did a nice job in holding up a confirmation of a SCROTUS candidate to replace Tony Scalia, he having died under somewhat strange circumstances. He held it up until Trump took office in '17.

Sunday - November 10th 2024 5:18PM MST
PS: Regarding Mr. Hail's headline excerpt:

"Trump's mass deportation plan is 'attempt to keep a white majority' in America"

Man, I wish Trump HAD said that. He's very careful, or either he doesn't care about keeping the country White and competent. I think he does, but then I really wish he'd quit acting like massive legal immigration is no problem. Many Trump supporters buy that too. I talked to an older lady Trump supporter today. I may have even set her straight on this issue.
Sunday - November 10th 2024 5:14PM MST
PS: J, I also wonder how far Trump's administration will get in the Senate and House. All it takes is a handful of turncoats in each, maybe bribed, threatened, blackmailed, to block proposals. I hope Trump can make the MAGA party (or contingent, at least) something that every one of the GOP feels obligated to join or get left behind. He needs to politically twist some arms, and his powerful threat is to rally constituents behind MAGA primary opponents - much easier for House members, though.

The ctrl-left had captured ALL of the institutions, but now we have one of 3 branches of government (for now), and that branch can slowly help. tear down the ctrl-left's hold on the Judicial branch. The Universities, perhaps moves can be made to cut them off from their gravy train. Ending Government and Government-supported school loans would be a big long-term step. Media, well, the Lyin' Press is hopeless, but here we have alternatives - let the market decide.

If Trump does not get distracted, a tall order, perhaps this one beachhead, the Admin Branch, can work on changing control of others of the Institutions that have all been taken over.

I am pretty hopeful today, but... as Mr. Hail has written, I'll sound like Greg/James Hood/Kirckpatrick, though he was on the cultural issues.

As for violence from the left, I guess we'll know by inauguration day how bad it will be. The illegal aliens are protesting in NYC. Imagine that in January or February when the deportation plans have been instituted. Seems like it would be a no-brainer for Trump's version of ICE, working for the people, to head there and get a great start!
The Alarmist
Sunday - November 10th 2024 3:41PM MST

There would have to have the mother of all backroom deals for Kamala to be elevated to SCOTUS, given the Advice & Consent process and the Veep’s role, but depending on the timing it might put Mr. Speaker Johnson in the Veep spot for the certification... or not ... if she is elevated before that.

As Artie Johnson used to say on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In, “Very Interesting.”

How about Mr. Johnson not certifying the results and taking the job for himself? Well, technically the Senate chooses the “elected” VP to take the temporary role of Veep until the House settles on a new POTUS. Very Interesting.

R-Wars: The RINOs Strike Back.

Sunday - November 10th 2024 1:07PM MST

-- Rumor: SCOTUS seat for Kamala --

A plan has been floated, today, for Biden and the lame-duck outgoing Democratic-majority Senate to make a rapid Supreme Court replacement. They want to put Kamala on the Supreme Court. (First reported by the Wall Street Journal.)

The plan calls for arranging for seventy-year-old Justice Sotomayor to retire. (Sotomayor's health is said to be shaky. And experience has shown that even at her best she is the weakest intellect of the nine justices.)

The people floating this plan argue that circumstances compel the new SCOTUS justice to be Kamala. Once Trump is in and the Senate flips to a Republican majority, if Sotomayor dies or becomes incapacitated, the D-teamers fear he will appoint a semi-fascist judge; who better to safeguard Democracy than the the pro-Wokeness, non-fascist, younger-and-seemingly-healthier Kamala? Some people apparently think this all a good idea.

The cynical political machinations; the precedent; the knocking out of Sotomayor; the giving of the unimpressive Kamala a life-tenure Supreme Court justiceship. It's all distasteful. And don't Americans deserve the right to never have to hear from Kamala again? We've suffered enough.
Sunday - November 10th 2024 12:43PM MST
PS: It's good to hear from you, J1234. I was thinking about just a one-week binge on (off?) the wagon, but I don't know.

Thanks for the great discussion. I didn't have the time this morning so will have to write you all back in the evening. Happy Sunday.
Sunday - November 10th 2024 12:12PM MST

MSNBC headline yesterday:

"Trump's mass deportation plan is 'attempt to keep a white majority' in America"

The source of the 'quoted lines' in that headline: the private analysis of a certain Alexi McCammond, a Black (or mixed-race) woman head of a left-wing political-action group.

Traditionally, news-headlines refrain from incorporating editorial opinions like that. But when Fascism threatens to crush freedom for college-educated women, LGBTQs and others, and when a Fascist president threatens to institute concentration camps, well, a little further bending of journalistic norms can be understood.
Sunday - November 10th 2024 9:53AM MST

J1234 wrote: "I forgot to mention the "A" word. I'm starting to lose track of the latest attempt..."

The FBI's timing in the latest one is interesting: Two days after the election, they release info that they had arrested an Iranian man they say was planning to try to "A-word" Trump. I am sure they had this info much earlier. They withheld it.
Sunday - November 10th 2024 9:44AM MST

-- Tr(i)ump(h) of Civic Nationalism? --

RE: Mr. Moderator's comments on Gregory Hood / James Kirkpatrick (I believe both are noms-de-plume for the same man):

My reaction: Amidst the euphoria of the 2024 Trump victory, he has temporarily lose objectivity and vision. It's understandable.

He may well snap back into the kind of place that we, and the world, needs him to be. Starting about the late 2010s, he also became a major Twitter presence, and has lots of followers there, and so his influence is not just with his usual writing and networking, but also in the social-media world. He would undermine its own influence if he allowed himself to blend into an undifferentiated mass of permanent Trump cheerleaders; including to the point of championing a Trumpian civic-nationalism over the interests of the White-Christian core-population.

Whether the above is a fair characterization or not for this one man, as a general principle it's true that lots of people out there don't make it back to fairer shores. In such times as these, they stay out to sea, like so many postmodern political Odysseus'es chasing some siren-song. In, or after, successful charismatic political movements this is a common thing.

I have written many critical things about Trump. But my written words are more analytical-intellectual; emotionally, it's hard not to side with him within our system. (Lionel Shriver said the same, more or less: she recently excoriated Kamala, a takedown of unusual brutality for her; she said she dislikes Trump but 'emotionally' was very glad Trump defeated Kamala, who should never have risen to any level in public life at all). So I myself am not immune from the cult-of-personality around Trump and the 'MAGA' movement. But I also recognized its limitations and risks to all involved.

I was a near-unconditional supporter between about late-summer 2015 and all through 2016, 2017, and, as I recall it now, also most of 2018; but became more critical by the end of 2018, and have at times been highly ambivalent about him, but it is indeed hard to really position oneself against him, especially against Kamala (it's just morally outrageous, even sickening to me, the idea that Kamala could have been "President of the United States.") Having seen both sides of the thing, I think I recognize the pitfall into which James Kirkpatrick, and many more among our people, have fallen (as I see it), perhaps only temporarily in his case.

I have previously called the whole Trump phenomenon a "political cargo-cult." The original cargo-cultists of the South Pacific misperceived an impressive, huge-scale phenomenon which they saw around them, and allowed themselves to get sucked into a parallel reality. They came to alter their core worldviews -- in directions unhelpful to them, but which appealed emotionally and to their aspirations for improved lives -- by modifying their native religion with a whole set of new rituals. They sought to encourage the airplane-gods to return with more gifts (cargo).

Reject the cargo-cult analogy if you want, but I am sure we can all agree, in principle, that there is a real danger in successful charismatic political movements coopting people away from their own core beliefs and goals. A figure like James Kirkpatrick quasi-celebrating "Civic Nationalism defeating White Nationalism," it sounds like a case of what I mean.
Sunday - November 10th 2024 9:11AM MST

-- Anti-Black text messages as Hate Hoax --

Adam Smith reports, today:

"FBI investigates hilarious text messages sent to 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬! in America."

This is the kind of story that, much like the "Jussie Smollett hate-hoax" of early 2019, has an obvious likely explanation. The obvious explanation is the same one as from the Jussie Smollett case. Insinuations that it is villainous White-Christian fascists" (a word much used by Kamala and ko.) are false, even laughable. The story doesn't hold up, doesn't make sense, yet little if any MSM skepticism is shown.

Only the most cartoonish, comic-book-villain view of the world would a White-racialist behind these text-messages. A certain nefarious public-enemy of open-hearted, colorblind, liberal goodness named Steve Sailer sees the Trump victory, gloats to his beer-hall pals, then takes a break from racist blogging to put into place a villainish scheme: mass text-message Blacks with a joke about their need to return to slavery. The beer-hall chums agree to help, and they all hyuk-hyuk their way home, their goal solely to intimidate or mock Blacks, to gloat indirectly over the Trump victory.

It's too ridiculous to even contemplate that any actual White-racialist figure(s) would be behind the text messages. Even a truly hardcore White-racialist would not do this. And for one simple reason: It advances no goals. It instead looks cartoonishly villainous. (Okay, okay, possibly Andrew Anglin, or a less-reality-tethered and more-hotheaded version of Andrew Anglin, would do it.)

The obvious candidate for someone to have done it is someone who wants to frame Whites, or Trump people, and draw sympathy and attention by casting them as evil. Yes, this is a likely candidate for being yet another hate-hoax. And of course right on time after the Trump election victory: the timing is another give-away. Several days running of unskeptical media coverage is also the usual m.o.; a lot of things about it all point in the same direction: Hate Hoax. The technological nature of it makes me suspect left-wing Internet "hackers" (if that's a word used anymore), such as from the left-wing anti-Trump 'Anonymous' group.

The hate-hoax theory is much more likely than the competing theory that White-racists are behind it, motivated solely by desire to humiliate Blacks with no specific aim or purpose at all. Regime-aligned media will never touch the hate-hoax theory here (and, sure enough, none have reported the possibility, despite a long list of previous hoaxes east to find).

If it's proved that it was a Hate Hoax, including a metaphorical "smoking gun" and confessions by the hate-hoaxing perpetrators, they might report it. But they'll also quickly drop interest. (Yes, "you heard it here first.")

Steve Sailer, the man credited with popularizing the phrase "hate hoaxes," would be all over this story in previous years.
Sunday - November 10th 2024 8:50AM MST

-- On the practice and theory of slow vote-counting --

J1234 wrote: "After 2020, I figured week long vote tabulations in US presidential elections would be the norm."

There is some fuel for such fires (of suspicion) in 2024 in the Congressional races and the shifting results:

Early results suggested the R side would win:

1.) a large majority of House seats (possibly even 235+/435, a 17+ seat majority 'cushion' to dissuade/prevent defections); and

2.) a large majority of Senate seats (maybe 56/100; a six-seat majority--because Vance would be tie-breaking vote, the R's would need only 50 seats for a functioning majority--to dissuade/prevent defections). Winning a single close Senate seat is much more important than a House seat for one because Senate seats have six-year terms locked in, whereas close seats in the House will, by statistical default, tend to be 50-50 flips back and forth every two years.

In both these cases, what looked plausible R victories steadily eroded in the days after the Trump victory-speech. Close race after close race started going 'D' after more fresh ballot-dumps all favored the D side. As of today, which side is to have a majority in the House is still not 'called,' 4.5 days after polls closed.

The odds are still strong that it will be an R majority, but it won't be a 235+ seat comfortable majority and may be as low as 220 R seats (218 would be a one-seat majority), which is considerably below Trump's national performance and the overall vote-shift towards Trump in almost every county in the USA.



That Kamala underperformed generic D candidates for House and Senate races is plausible. (After all, Kamala is the worst presidential candidate in U.S. history.)

But that it takes them days and days to slow-count "late-arriving ballots" (why is this possible?), and that the late-arriving votes favor the D side enough, in many cases, to tip seats back to the D column, well, that's enough to give anyone cause for suspicion.

These Congress seats reverting against the anti-D trend and falling back towards narrow D victories, it looks like miniature little versions of the 2020 presidential drama (the famous blue-line red-line graph in which the blue line shoots up at a 90-degree angle right at the end).


Why do they so slow vote-counts?

As I wrote and said to people in late 2020 during the election dispute, things that happened under cover of the Corona-Panic at the time -- sudden rule changes and norm changes and the laxest enforcement of election laws and procedures in living memory --- if any of those thing were done by a ruling party in some lesser country in Latin America or Africa or Asia, international observers would tend to point to those changes and suspicious procedures as "red flag" telltale signs of a tainted election.

The "week-long vote tabulations" are obviously problematic from a legitimacy point-of-view. J1234, your point that the way that played out obviously fueled the "Stop the Steal" movement. As usual, the Regime and the System-party (the D party) lack self-reflection, and we might guess they are oblivious to how problematic to "slow-roll vote counting that always trends their way miraculously" is to legitimacy of the system they themselves run.

These are not stupid people; they should know that, "all else equal," a system with a deficiency in legitimacy is weaker. So we may wonder how the "slow vote-counting" practice evolved at all, and why the Regime and the System-party runs such a system. I tried to answer this a day or two before the election, here:

Adam Smith
Sunday - November 10th 2024 7:29AM MST
PS: Escaped Monkeys Update...

1 Monkey Captured. 42 Still at Large.

In other news...

FBI investigates hilarious text messages sent to 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬! in America.

Happy Sunday! 🙂 ☮️
Sunday - November 10th 2024 1:01AM MST

Oh, and I forgot to mention the "A" word. I'm starting to lose track of the latest attempt. There was a guy who tried to get into Mar-a-Lago several times, but I don't know if that was an actual attempt or not. The Iranian hit is the one I'm sure about...organized by someone named Hillarytollah Kamalameini
Sunday - November 10th 2024 12:46AM MST

So great to see PS revived.

"I saw the map with 5 pink States (Wisconsin, as above, Michigan, Alaska, Arizona, and Nevada- first thing on bing - when I woke up at just before 4A Wednesday. 'Not again!' was my thought, as they had Trump hanging on with 3 Electoral Votes under a win. Most of us saw nearly the same thing 4 years ago."

That's what I thought, too. I was up til about 5:30am waiting for the other shoe to fall. Didn't happen. And results on election night (or shortly thereafter)too?? (At least from Fox.) After 2020, I figured week long vote tabulations in US presidential elections would be the norm. Dems won't admit it, but protracted vote counts were a contributing factor in the overblown J6 affair, because delayed results undermine trust and confidence in the democratic system.

AAnyway, we feel good at the moment, and I don't want to discourage that, but remember the obstructionism of 8 to 4 years ago? Yes, having taken the Senate (and probably House) helps in a big way (as does SCOTUS) but expect every "unarmed" black criminal shot by the cops to become MLK and a pretext for nationwide destruction...all because Trump is in the white house. (Several blacks were killed under george floyd type circumstances during the Biden administration, and hardly a peep out of BLM and antifa.)
Saturday - November 9th 2024 4:07PM MST
PS: "Whether or not the invaders voted or will vote illegally in the future is less of an issue than the fact that naturalized or not, they will count in the 2030 census and be used to apportion seats in the House, and therefore electoral votes." Yep, I've written about this before, Alarmist. The Constitution doesn't specify "citizen", unfortunately.

That also makes sense about why the counts are being dragged out. OTOH, why not call the Presidential vote anyway, as it's done normally.

Adam, that's why Trump's advisors, the very decent set of them he's got now (no Jared!!) need to slap him out of this kind of BSing behavior occasionally. Slap him silly. He'll be OK, he survived a bullet to the head.

Saturday - November 9th 2024 3:40PM MST
PS: Hello, Mr. Smith! I enjoyed that 2 1/2 minutes (till Alex Jones came on selling the T-shirts) of total unadulterated hysteria. Well, Alex was pretty hysterical about the T-shirts too, but he's always a little bit hysterical, haha. (I like the guy.)

Sometimes, this behavior seems like just great acting. They are drama queens, all of them, including the 2 guys on there.

Regarding the monkeys on the loose in the SC low country, a pox on all of them ... no, wait.
The Alarmist
Saturday - November 9th 2024 3:19PM MST

The Dems seem more focused on down-ballot this time, which is probably one reason why they couldn’t deliver as many ballots this time (in 2020 there was a huge surplus of ballots for Biden with a lot having no down-ballot selections). The Dems are desperate at this point to control the House, and are dragging those counts out until they find all the votes they need.

Whether or not the invaders voted or will vote illegally in the future is less of an issue than the fact that naturalized or not, they will count in the 2030 census and be used to apportion seats in the House, and therefore electoral votes.

Mr. Trump’s successor gets one more shot at at the brass ring before it becomes electorally impossible to overwhelm the D-controlled states’ Electoral Votes total in 2032. It’s one reason I think the US is over in 2033, if not sooner.

Mass deportation is not an option ... it is a requirement for political survival.


Adam Smith
Saturday - November 9th 2024 11:54AM MST
PS: Is this real?

‘We’re friends. I don’t want to do it, but I have no choice.’

𝐻𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑒𝑠, ‘𝑁𝑜 𝑤𝑎𝑦.’ 𝐼 𝑠𝑎𝑖𝑑, ‘𝑊𝑎𝑦.’


Mr. Gigot: “Would you use military force against a blockade on Taiwan?”

Mr. Trump: “I wouldn’t have to, because he respects me and he knows I’m f— crazy.”

Vladimir Putin knows it too, in Mr. Trump’s telling: “I said to Putin, ‘Vladimir, we have a great relationship.’ I got along with him great. He’s a different kind of a character, I will tell you, much different than anybody under—I knew him very well. I said, ‘Vladimir, if you go after Ukraine, I am going to hit you so hard, you’re not even going to believe it. I’m going to hit you right in the middle of fricking Moscow.’ I said, ‘We’re friends. I don’t want to do it, but I have no choice.’ He goes, ‘No way.’ I said, ‘Way.’ I said, ‘You’re going to be hit so hard, and I’m going to take those f— domes right off your head.’ Because, you know, he lives under the domes.”

Well, I gotta go. The leaves don't burn themselves.

Cheers! ☮️

Adam Smith
Saturday - November 9th 2024 8:19AM MST
PS: Good morning, everyone,

It might seem like it's all fun and games to us, but Trump ruined Our Democracy™!!!

(Please enjoy the first 2 1/4 minutes of this hilarious video.)

BTW, does anyone know if they caught the escaped Alpha Genesis monkeys yet? 🙂 ☮️

Saturday - November 9th 2024 7:55AM MST
PS: Oh, I almost forgot. Greg Hood of American Renaissance, aka James KirkPatrick of VDare, has a very hopeful article on TUR site:


He's right about much, and he has some exit poll demographic numbers that many here might want to look at. He says (Steve Sailer's) Civil Nationalism has beat out White Nationalism. The article has too much Demographic Hopium in it, though IMO. Yeah, some Hispanics are becoming whiter (and Whites browner with that), but look Latin America is still Latin America. There won't be any Normal Rockwell paintings of down there, and we're bringing the same here.

I would mind doing some speculation about what those numbers mean. Mr. Hail may want to do that on his site.

Finally, Mr. Hood is just off track with this bit:

"Racial politics in the United States has always been about whites and blacks. While most white Americans will not tolerate open racism, they do not want to be in the “black party” either."

Many White people have been tolerating open racism for YEARS, against them! AA has been around for 6 decades. I know that's not what he means, but that part doesn't sound like what a Greg Hood normally sounds like.
Saturday - November 9th 2024 7:27AM MST
PS: I did look at the 3 ads already. He did hit the spot. Political analyst/wonky types may just not understand. The girls sports teams, no matter how insane the whole matter is, are not really the issue, and neither is the taxpayer money used for these operations.

The point of these ads, to me, was that Trump will not be part of the Potomac Regime's programme* of ritual humiliation, the forcing of lies via their media branch, with employees, students, etc. under threat to nod in accordance or else! He will fight the wokeness, it seems, like Ron DeSantis, but on a national level.

I have been more hopeful each day. Even the economy, well, it's is something that won't be up and fixed, but the boost in confidence, reversal of the destruction of whole industries like oil/gas, will be a major help. There's a post coming though.

Yes, those ads really hit the spot. They make Kameltoe look both stupid and evil.

* ... seems to sound more EU/Globalist-like when I add the extra 2 letters... increases the budget too, as with the prices at the Olde Ice Creame Shoppe. Plan to pay more in accordance with the extra lettres.
Saturday - November 9th 2024 7:20AM MST
PS: Good morning, Mr. Hail. The number crunching is very interesting, but I won't get into it myself. I did note the bar graph showing D-votes going back to the level of '16 after the "anomaly" to be ultra-civil of 81 million in '20. Let's call it an "artifact". It happens, right, so strike it from the graph.

Mr. Sailer, in his usual very common-sensical manner, that the huge spike in votes happened all over the country, to explain why he doesn't think Bai Dien won via cheating.

I guess we won't get too into it, since this one was, yes, #TooBigToRig. The ctrl-left is in a real bind, having said being an "election denier" is bad and should result in prison time. Plus, 5 million (or whatever) popular vote margin.

Since you have info from Mr. Sailer above, I see that he did praise Trump for that ad. (Something tells me, Mr. Sailer wants to take credit for his WWT, but... I'll write more in another comment.) However, in the post with over 400 comments about the election, the title does not have Trump in it, only the guy who took the iconic photo during the 1st attempted assassination. Why? I was about to write that Steve Sailer really doesn't like the guy. If that's the case, I would say because Mr. Trump can be rude and boorish. That is not at all what I don't like about Trump, myself, though. It's a feature, not a bug.

(I would have not had any idea what that post was about from the title, figuring that maybe the guy named was a golf course architect, haha.
Saturday - November 9th 2024 6:58AM MST

-- Trump's best anti-Kamala tv-spot, per NYT --

A study being touted, today, by the New York Times claims that the following thirty-second tv-spot may have been Trump-2024's most effective. By "most effective," the NYT Campaign 2024 post-mortem specifies that it changed vote-preference by members of focus-groups at the highest rate:

(White version, 1)

(White version, 2)

(Black version)

If these links go down, the punchline of the ad is "Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for YOU."

The sex-change-operations-for-illegal-immigrants-in-prison ad, per NYT:

"(S)hifted the race 2.7 percentage points in Mr. Trump’s favor after viewers watched it."

"The ads were effective with Black and Latino men, according to the Trump team, but also with moderate suburban white women who might be concerned about transgender athletes in girls' sports."

"Democrats struggled to respond. At one point, former President Bill Clinton told an associate, 'We have to answer it and say we won’t do it.' Clinton even raised the issue in a conversation with the campaign" but the Kamala-2024 people rebuked him for problematic views and assured him the Transgender ads would not be effective.
Saturday - November 9th 2024 6:05AM MST

Some people have again flagged a few districts in Wisconsin in 2024 that have exceptionally high reported turnout rates, and/or exceptionally high vote-totals for Kamala.

I believe many of these ultra-high-civic-participation places were in Milwaukee City (35% White non-Hispanic in the 2020 census; 40% Black, 20% Hispanic, 5% Asian, roughly).

Is it plausible that an all-Black urban neighborhood has a 95%+ vote-total for Kamala? Yes. Is it plausible this same kind of neighborhood would have 95% turnout? No.

Probably this kind of marginal cheating happens in every U.S. election, and probably it happened a lot more in 2020. I don't see any reason why reasonable White-Western people of good conscience have reason to 'deny' that proposition based on the evidence.

A sharp 'data guy'-type could make plausible estimates of lower- and upper-bounds on plausible number of suspicious (statistically tainted) votes; I am guessing it is quite low as a grand-total of statewide votes. But even 1% of alleged votes in the big statewide 'pot' being fake, could tip an election.

When Trump came in with a 3-, 4-, or 5-point lead, it really was "Too Big To Rig." That seems like the enduring meta-story of 2024 in the key places.
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