Gradations of Stupidity - 3 items

Posted On: Thursday - August 22nd 2024 8:47PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  US Feral Government  Female Stupidity  Dead/Ex- Presidents  Kung Flu Stupidity

None of these is worth putting in a separate post, I guess.

Did any readers see T-Shirts like the above during the PanicFest? I'm very glad I didn't run into anyone that hard-core about it.

It's been 4 years since what Peak Stupidity (see the many posts here) the Summer re-Panic. I really thought the thing had run its course - not the virus, but the PanicFest - by May of '20, so the Summer resurgence was seen by us as Season 2* of the infotainment.

Well, from the time our local nurse was given T-shirts, you know, to support the team, 4 years back, to now, this particular bright red shirt hasn't gotten much use. It has all the important stuff, the 6 ft rule, the "clean the hell out of EVERYTHING" strongly worded advice, the hand washing, the coughing into your sleeve wisdom,, and generally says "stay safe". The hospital has its logo to show it cares, all 50,000 employees of the huge conglomerate.

My other T-shirts wear out, so I figured I'd start wearing this one around. I'm guessing people don't know what to think. So far, though I forget what I'm wearing anyway, I've had neither compliments on my facetiousness nor any to praise me for still practicing "the lessons we've all learned". Otherwise, when I've brought up the PanicFest in discussing 4 years ago in context at work, I start right off calling it nonsense. Out of 20 people perhaps, nobody has seen fit to disagree.

This has nothing to do with the Kung Flu. This anecdote is possibly not stupid at all, though it came unnervingly close. I was the only guy at the hotel swimming pool among 2 moms and about 5 kids. The kids, looking half-black or so, were well behaved. Something tells me they were military families. I was just out there to get in the water a few minutes and then get my Vitamin D in the sunshine. (The picture doesn't do the sunshine justice!)

I wasn't trying to listen, but I heard something about going upstairs and "what's your room number?" Nobody said anything back, so I looked and saw the one Mom was giving hand signal numbers to the other. OK, perhaps that's good practice. I could see a military Dad insisting on this.

However, I'm this Middle-Age to older guy, and we're talking one Big Bertha and the other (giving the number via her hands) needing to lose 25 lb. and a big tattoo to be at that point reasonably attractive. This White guy laying out might hear the room number and bust in to rape you, is that the deal? Please don't flatter yourselves, ladies.

This has nothing to do with the Kung Flu or fat Moms in hotel swimming pools, and it's from a time when stupidity levels were still very low. It's about the ex-1880s-President shown here, Chester A. Arthur. Mr. Smith linked to (on the Citizendium site) on the man during a discussion on natural-born citizen compliance under our Phyllis Schlafley memorial post. Vice President Arthur became President after President James Garfield was assassinated.

The natural born citizen issue in question aside here, I was struck by a couple of things in the biography that shows the stark difference between the Federal Gov't of the mid-1880s and our FERAL Gov't of 140 years later. Congress may have had plenty of other issues, but the President was concerned with the fairness of Civil Service, aka, gov't worker hiring. He is after all, simply the Administrator of the Executive Branch. There was no AA then, just party machine politics. All told, the site quotes one Alexander K. McClure:
[This publisher] recalled, "No man ever entered the Presidency so profoundly and widely distrusted, and no one ever retired ... more generally respected."
You don't seem to run into that nowadays. Here's the thing part was really striking to me:
Acting independently of party dogma, Arthur also tried to lower tariff rates so that the government would not be embarrassed by annual surpluses of revenue.
(Without the evil income taxes being allowed, tariffs were a big source of Gov't revenue.) Can you imagine this?! It's not just that nobody, but nobody, would be embarrassed to grab and spend that extra taxpayer money today. It's that word "surplus". It's so... weird... Oh, while I'm at it, one more excerpt:
The Arthur administration enacted the first general federal immigration law. In 1882, Arthur approved a measure excluding paupers, criminals, and lunatics.
See? That part of the Act must have been overridden by Congress. Shouldn't we try to at the very least pass a new law prohibiting paupers, criminals, and lunatics from immigrating? Oh, yeah, that's right - that damn plaque!

* Then, there was our "March ['21] Mask Madness" series and then we asked that following July Seriously, there's gonna be a Season 3?!

Saturday - August 24th 2024 2:00PM MST
PS: You'd think it would be more embarrassing to be in debt more than can be paid by all the people in the country working for a whole year (or 2).

"Oh, my! We've collected about 10% more money than we need, so we'll have to lower tariffs next year." [blush]


"Oh, yeah, we're spending about 30% of what we collect from y'all's paychecks just in the interest, you know, so when we spend double the amount left after that, this debt seems to keep going up quick. Whaddya', whaddya'?" [head held high like a female prizefighter sobbing in the corner]
Adam Smith
Saturday - August 24th 2024 10:09AM MST
PS: Good afternoon, Achmed...

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Lol... So that's why they do what they do?
They're just trying to avoid ๐‘’๐‘š๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘ ๐‘š๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก?

And all this time I thought they were enslaving future generations with โ€œgovernmentโ€ debt.

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