Posted On: Wednesday - July 10th 2024 10:15AM MST
In Topics: 
  Websites  Pundits

I've been following Mr. Hail's and a few others' comments back on the ole Unz Review on occasion - it's called backsliding, though I have kept to my goal of abstaining from commenting there. Mr. Hail and others alerted the commenting crew of iSteve that Mr. Sailer has been going full speed on his substack* site.

I just now looked through the archives there, and I see that I was wrong about something. Mr. Sailer didn't just slowly build up his writing on substack from long ago. He started it up on December 4th of last year with this welcome post:
Steve Sailer’s brilliant commentary finally arrives at Substack. Subscribe to read Sailer’s daily output and selections of his best work from the last several decades.

This blog operates with Sailer’s blessing. To reach Sailer directly, please see his contact and patronage information at The Unz Review, his primary platform.
Ahhh, so he did mention TUR this one time, but that was for that info for readers. As I will discuss later on, he has distanced himself from that site, at least via a complete lack of referrals.

Let me tell you first my experience with Steve Sailer's new site. This is not any kind of advice, but just an explanation of why I'll probably not be writing in there. The site is a bit wanky on the iCrap, but that's probably me - substack is huge, so I doubt it's their problem. There I was, reading comments, including many good ones from our friend E.H. Hail, so I decided to reply. It turns out, one needs an actual real email.** I know, get on protonmail to get an address for this express purpose, etc... However, a light came on - would I not be doing the same thing as I tried to avoid finally with TUR, spending just too much of my day going "Hey, that guy's wrong about this." and "I wonder if that other asshole wrote back." as I did on TUR? (This is all in addition to the great camaraderie with people I do agree very much with, including the O/P, as they call 'em.) So, I had to resist.

I've got to add here, though, Mr. Ron Unz made a very well-functioning site! That especially includes the way the commenting works. I would miss that anywhere else, and then, why not just go back on his site, were I to fall back off the wagon? Well, there might be a reason, which we'll get to...

I see Mr. Hail has been on there a lot, and I notice other familiar handles. So, if you guys end up there, I'll read you and be really really tempted ...

Let me comment on the site content finally: Mr. Sailer's posts on his substack site seem to be midway between TUR posts and TakiMag articles in length. The subject matter is much of the usual stuff, but his latest kick is to be against conspiracy theories, people of the right who indulge in too much of it, and that there is no real Deep State, so we should calm down about all that. I've been disappointed in this pundit's general attitude as of late. As I've written, Mr. Sailer has made the semi-Big-Time lately. Besides understandably wanting to distance himself from comments and other articles with glaring headlines on TUR that make the writers "extremists" in the eyes of the rest of those well-known pundits, he seems to have decided to settle in to some established role.

Granted, Mr. Sailer was stalwart in bringing up the name Jared Taylor on the Tucker Carlson show. (Of course, Jared Taylor is civil as all get-out, so...) He continues to be very solid on the race/crime commentary. I don't think Mr. Sailer is going native completely.

I want to get back to that Deep State business. We'll start with a discussion of some real confusion on the basic definition. Our next Peak Stupidity post: Will the REAL Deep State stand up and be counted? After that, it'll be back to Mr. Sailer's site yet again with the question of his transition. No, it's not that! Man, you can't say ANYTHING anymore!

Finally, I did notice, going from titles only, that the last 5 posts on the site are right up iSteve's and my alley. I'm sure I'll be drawn in. In the meantime, as Steve Sailer enjoys his ride on the book tour and through the podcasts, he's got a quiet*** voice in his ear, a guy with a funny 3-letter last name whispering "All glory is fleeting."

* I'd written "powered by substack" before, but I suppose is ON their site, period. I guess they allow you to have your own url without the "substack". Mr. Hail is stuck with the ".wordpress" in his URL which gives one more to memorize. This is important when the Establishment works to block searches, as Mr. Hail has given us many examples of.

Along with this footnote, let me just ask nicely of people (this is to the world, not necessarily PS people) to please, please, not say "... a new Steve Sailer substack I just read ..." Look, we don't say "I just read a great new National Review" rather than "... great new National Review ARTICLE or POST". That example, unfortunately, is about 25 years old and won't work today, but you get the idea ...

** I'm not very familiar, so I don't know if giving that email address makes one a free "subscriber" or just gives one the ability to comment. They may be one and the same.

*** Is that even possible?

Saturday - July 13th 2024 5:14PM MST
PS: I got to the imgur site, Adam, but could not see any image.
Adam Smith
Saturday - July 13th 2024 6:50AM MST
PS: Good morning, Mr. Hail!

We all long for this "low-Stupidity condition" of which you speak.

'cause all this stupidity...

is getting kinda old. ☮️
Friday - July 12th 2024 10:15PM MST

Re: Adam Smith's "Artbot" images,

It seems to me that the amount of time it takes the Artbot to get a vision even something 'near' correct, a skilled sketch-man could get it all done by hand. With time left over for a stroll through the Stupidity Institute's vast complex, and long chats with some of the sharpest and friendliest of the Stupidity researchers, whom the sketch-man can find in the employee lounge at times that low-Stupidity condition prevail (slow days).
Thursday - July 11th 2024 10:36AM MST
PS: "I agree with you, Mr. Hail, that Steve might have gotten - : tired of Ron Unz' sensationalism à la: I rewrite the history of the world and the world then will (have to) follow me in my footsteps to the new frontiers of rational world-politics..."

Yes, Unz's theories and writings are too much for someone like Steve Sailer. You could take that 2 ways.

I look forward to checking out your ArtBot images, Mr. Smith. Thank you.
Thursday - July 11th 2024 10:34AM MST
PS: M, I very much agree with that comment. A Deep State gets a lot of help from those do-gooders (I know that great quotation), but then too, they are picked for their stupid ideas and that mentality.

"As an example, there's a lot of people here in Canada suggesting that Trudeau is a sock puppet of Xi.

Myself, I think there's something to that, but Trudeau *also* believes that what he's doing is actually helping people in the end." Right, but if Trudeau believed in a few other things the Deep State really wasn't down with, they'd find a way to squash them or him.

I've got 3 posts coming on the Deep State: 1st will be about the confusion between the actual Deep State as most people USED TO understand it and then the "Administrative State" that is being called the Deep State now, especially by Steve Sailer. There is indeed some overlap.

The 2nd will be on that Administrative State and the 3rd on the Deep State.
Thursday - July 11th 2024 10:30AM MST
PS: Yes, Mr. Hail, I've seen mostly handles I recognize - so glad I've not seen that Corvinus. I'm not sure if Steve would be glad too. It's always good to have more comment that others reply to or get suckered into replying to. However, you don't want the conversation to get tedious.

So far it's been good. Then, though, I don't like the format so very much.

Yes, it's anti-Social-media-like in that there are "likes" by other commenters (maybe subscribers who don't comment?) and Mr. Sailer. Again, I think I like Ron Unz's way better with the 4 different responses, till we made up some of our own, haha. You get a LIKE from Steve - I see plenty for Mr. Hail - and it'a kind of a rush, I suppose. That's I guess like his writing to you directly on the Unz blog (though he did get unreasonably snarky doing that sometimes - maybe too much effort doing that moderation/reading job).

He can't "LIKE" them all, and that might get some people upset after a while.

I will make the effort later on to first, find the post, and then see if I can remember who I was trying to reply to. I'm sure, if I'm on the right post - 1 out of only 3 or 4, I think - I'll remember then which comment it was.

This has been my problem on TUR, writing mostly to commenters as opposed to just commenting on the post.
Thursday - July 11th 2024 10:23AM MST
PS: Hello, Dieter, and sorry for late replies, everyone. I have a good place to write for a 1/2 hour here - not long enough to write my post on the Deep State, but I can do that later today.

I saw the deal with Mr. Sailer's substack subscription, Dieter. You can tell that this guy may have taken a marketing class or two! It's $10/month, or $100/yr, but here's the key interesting part of the deal. Mr. Sailer knows there's inflation, and he admits that prices will likely go up yearly. However, if a subscriber lets his next year's money get put automatically onto his card, paypal, what-have-you (12 different ways or something?), his cost will stay the same.

That's pretty clever. I do see a problem in that the scamming going on now is so heavy, that lots of people will have new card numbers by a year later. That won't affect so much some of the other payments, in which the user has already updated, for example, paypal, with a new card # anyway.

I've written about a thing called "Visa Card Updater" too. Anyway, I have no idea how many of the 3,000 as of now are paying subscribers. If it's even 1/4, that's still nothing to sneeze at money-wise.

As he's written, they will soon have to be, or that will mist out a lot. (Probably they won't be able to comment, but also, they will miss lots of posts.)

You all may have missed this last part. I see nothing wrong with his business model, and I wish him well.
Adam Smith
Thursday - July 11th 2024 8:20AM MST
PS: Good morning, Everyone!

Greetings to you too, Dieter!
(I hope you've been well and are enjoying your summer!)

Mr. Hail,


As you and I both know, the ArtBots have a most difficult time with words. As far as "forcing" an image, well, the AI calls it a seed image.

The images above are ArtBot generated "photos" of the seed images that I used with the "likeness score" turned up to near maximum. (I'm sure you'll recognize the seed images as you've undoubtably seen the originals.)

Much like your idea for a political cartoon with a gang of hyenas to the left of Sailer shouting "Racist!" while Steve berates ordinary people to his right for being so stupid and believing in conspiracies, this name tag photo idea is something that will require some photoshopping when I have the time and the creative inclination to make it happen. (They are both a bit more difficult than erasing a swastika and changing the color of a shirt.)

If I had more time today, I think I could get in the mood to do these. Unfortunately, time does not permit such luxuries today. Mrs. Smith and I have some family coming in to visit this weekend so I will be a bit busy for the next few days. (Busy in a good way.)

I do think that with a little proper tinkering I can perhaps force the ArtBot to do a better job and then I'll just photoshop the name tag into the photo. The hyenas image will be the more difficult of the two and will take a little more creative energy.

One thing that is surprising to me about the ArtBot is that even with a seed image the ArtBot doesn't really do a very good job of drawing Sailer. I find that a little weird. The ArtBot has been doing a fairly impressive job of drawing Trump, Joe and Jill Biden, and even Kamala Harris without any seed images, so I would think it could do a better job of drawing Sailer.

I don't know. I still think this is more of an interesting toy than a real tool, at least for now while this technology is still in its infancy. Maybe I should install my own bonafide ArtBot on a computer with an impressive video card and see what I can do with that. I think it would give us some better results.(?)

So, for now...

I hope you all have a great day!

I'm off to clean the fountain and feed the garden. Cheers! ☮️
Thursday - July 11th 2024 7:39AM MST
PS: Great comments, and I’d sure like to reply. Keyboard has gone temporarily missing, I’m waiting for someone to fix the hotel computers, and I cannot write much on this telephone. ;-{

I’ll be back. /Ahnold
Thursday - July 11th 2024 4:46AM MST
I think Sailer's posts on the deep state and conspiracies are not so much saying there aren't any such things.

It's more that there is a deep state and there are conspiracies, but they're not responsible for everything in the world, like some people have been shouting.

The deep state and the "visible state" (i.e. the component that is actually supposed to rule) are *both* doing bad stuff.

As an example, there's a lot of people here in Canada suggesting that Trudeau is a sock puppet of Xi.

Myself, I think there's something to that, but Trudeau *also* believes that what he's doing is actually helping people in the end.

He's wrong, but he's sincere about it. Which is much worse. There's a quote to the effect that a thief will go away after thieving to enjoy his ill-gotten gains, but a do-gooder will never leave you alone.
Thursday - July 11th 2024 4:32AM MST

To Adam Smith: Is there any way to force one of the AI-art apps to imitate an image of Sailer, or at least put an AI figure similar to Sailer who wears a big name-tag saying: HELLO! MY NAME IS: STEVE SAILER.
Thursday - July 11th 2024 4:31AM MST

After reading something, if you ask: "What's the point?" It's a sign something is wrong. Maybe what you're reading is not for you, or the writer didn't get to any particular point.

In the age of easy-publishability, and in cases of a built-in loyal audience, this can be a big thing. Another contributor can be the demand for constant "content" to churn out and toss at people through an "algorithm" (a term every idiot now uses without understanding what it means, like a magical incantation, more often seen as "The Algorithm").

The good thing about Sailer or others doing that kind of writing is, at least it's writing. Imagine if Sailer were one the youtuber-generation, his loyal audience all interacting with him through video. A point that can be made (or NOT made despite many words) through 3 minutes' reading time could take 15 or even 30 minutes video-time. Talking is usually not a disciplined or efficient medium at all.
Dieter Kief
Thursday - July 11th 2024 1:25AM MST

Greetings Adam! -

Mr. Hail - my guess would be that Steve looks at Jack D and HA as top-notch commenters.

The book of Mr. Sailer is a shortcut to his ideas. - It makes the blog a bit less important.

As so many bright loners, he does not so much know which of all the oh so many thoughts that shoot through his brain - are worth it. So he writes at times quite uninteresting stuff.

And since he has grown into a perfect writer, the not so interesting thoughts make the same splash as the others.

Lately he even made a meta-remark, that the saturday evenings are reserved to write about stuff he loves - like basball-stats and rock'n'roll.
The thing is that this remark comes close to a self-paarody - or self-revelation. - The blog-post was quite boring. I mean: Saturday nights reseved for WRITING about R'n'R - - -

I don't quite know what ot make of all this.

I agree with you, Mr. Hail, that Steve might have gotten - : tired of Ron Unz' sensationalism à la: I rewrite the history of the world and the world then will (have to) follow me in my footstepps to the new frontiers of rational wolrd-politics...

OTOH: John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs JOINED Ron Unz in his fight of US unilateralism: They both .p.u.b.l.i.s.h.e.d. on the Unz Review.

That came for me as a big and welcome surprise: These two really don't suffer from the contact-guilt idea.
Adam Smith
Wednesday - July 10th 2024 10:12PM MST
PS: Greetings, Dieter, Hail,

O quam cito transit gloria mundi! ☮️
Wednesday - July 10th 2024 10:07PM MST

"I decided to reply. It turns out, one needs an actual real email."

What was the post; what was the intended reply?
Wednesday - July 10th 2024 9:59PM MST

"(Steve Sailer has) got a quiet voice in his ear, a guy with a funny 3-letter last name whispering 'All glory is fleeting'."

But 'Newman' has six-letters!
Wednesday - July 10th 2024 9:58PM MST

I didn't know that Mr. S started the Substack back in Dec 2023. At that time, the strategy he's taken hadn't yet fully formed, I think. I am not sure I fully understand his current strategy. But what I think I understand of it, he wants to fully distance himself from Unz.

The Sailer-Unz commentariat is often praised, and there are many good people there. But there is also a cadre of bad people, people like Jack D and HA, who subtly cause problems. (Corvinus, "bless his heart," tries to be like this but ends up just a buzzing gadfly.)

The Substack commentariat is far too new to make any definite judgements on, and anything I could say now might be obsolete soon. Many of the best commenters on the Sailer-Substack, that I've noticed, I believe are direct migraters from Sailer-Unz.

A problem with Substack in general is that it is half-way between a blogging/essaying platform and an overtly, Twitter-modeled social-media site. So some of the problems of that kind of social-media site can and do pop up.
Dieter Kief
Wednesday - July 10th 2024 12:03PM MST
Mod. - it shall soon be 100+ bucks / year for the Steve Sailer substack. - But only for the early birds - later the prize will go up.
WHAT SAY YOU? : (PLEASE NOTE: You must type capital PS as the 1st TWO characters in your comment body - for spam avoidance - or the comment will be lost!)