John Derbyshire reviews Mania

Posted On: Wednesday - July 3rd 2024 12:47PM MST
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It's baaaackkk! Nooooo!!! Don't worry though. Peak Stupidity will not continue our series of posts written as just one book review of Lionel Shriver's latest novel Mania. (We're done, but just in case: basic review - - book criticisms - - author criticisms and ending post.)

I just saw that in his June monthly "Diary", John Derbyshire has a review of the book. See, THAT'S how you write a review! I can't keep most of them from getting WAY too long - I really gotta work on this. This is a great example for me.

However, I will say that Mr. Derbyshire, in writing a short review, did not get to demonstrate the writing of Lionel Shriver that has me convinced she will never learn... basic NYC leftism is hard to shake. So, if you want to get the full story, you'd have to read Peak Stupidity's long-ass review instead.

That's too bad about Lionel Shriver. She's still good people, I suppose, but ...

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