Posted On: Thursday - June 20th 2024 6:46AM MST
In Topics:   Genderbenders  Pundits  Race/Genetics  Bible/Religion  Female Stupidity  Bread and Circuses

Peak Stupidity tends to reach back quite a ways, so if you don't understand our title here, check out Why is it always "China, China, China"?!, Part 1 and Part 2. I believe these 2 haven't been the only posts with this theme either.
Yeah, more on this Caitlin story follows. Anyway, it's not the barrage of headlines around the web that sucks us into these posts, so far the 2: Caitlin Clark: You go, grrrll! and Caitlin Clarke: No go, grrrll! I can ignore that stuff longer than they can ... stay solvent? It's not like Peak Stupidity has crack investigative reporters on this story.
However, upon perusing Ann Barnhardt*'s site the other day, I noticed that even she had a post about Caitlin Clarke, the WNBA's great White Straight hope.

Miss Barnhardt begs to differ with Peak Stupidity's opinion (in that "No go" post) that it's racial hatred that has the WNBA women "flagrant fouling" the hell out of her and then keeping her off the Olympic team**.
priDEMONth: Let’s cut the crap – WNBA star Caitlin Clark isn’t being regularly assaulted on the court because she’s white; she’s being physically assaulted because she’s HETEROSEXUAL. Actually, she doesn't beg to do anything. Besides "cut the crap", she doesn't mince words, with:
Abject nonsense. There are other white girls in the WNBA and they aren’t being assaulted. The reason Caitlin Clark is being assaulted is because she isn’t a lesbian sodomite. She’s a normal girl, with a normal boyfriend, and she’s the best women’s basketball player of all time. And the dykes are ENRAGED.Now, Ann Barnhardt hates that particular sin more than any other, or possibly that it's doing the most damage to our society and/or The Church. I have not read too much of her on race issues, but then, Ann Barnhardt lives in the sticks of Colorado. I doubt it's a factor in her life.
However, Miss Barnhardt has backed up this opinion of hers that's it's the genderbending not race that's caused the animosity towards Miss Clarke. She brought up one WNBA star Candice Wiggins, "... who had to retire early from the WNBA because of intense bullying because she is straight. Wiggins credibly estimated that the WNBA was 98% lesbian sodomite fifteen years ago." Candice Wiggens is black. OK, fair point, but was she as big in popularity as Caitlin Clarke is? I'd never heard of this Candice Wiggins, as I watch the same amount of women's basketball as Ann Barnhardt, NONE. Miss Barnhardz must have looked into this for her argument.
To do our due diligence in this argument, we'd need to bring up a White lesbian player who's not been harassed. Well, there are some, so that doesn't help. The lack of another data point, an extremely well-known WNBA player of any sort, is the problem. What about the Olympics snub, which Miss Barnhardz didn't mention? I stated that this extremely-colored women's BB Olympic selection committee would have put a black women on. I hadn't thought as much about the lesbian thing. It is a thing, though.
Well, same as Ann Barnhardz, I'll looking into this to prove a point, but it was complicated, it seems. From The San Francisco Gate 17 years ago:
"This is a fabulous opportunity for Candice," Stanford coach Tara VanDerveer said. "I think this says she has a legitimate shot at making the Olympic team. I know they love her."From my 10 minutes of searching, I believe she never played in the Olympics, so who knows what a selection committee would have done or even did? Miss Barnhardt is right about the lesbian factor, something I read about just now in a 7 y/o UK Guardian article Candice Wiggins: I was bullied for being straight in '98% gay' WNBA. OK, so maybe Ann Barnhardz is right, and we were wrong. Maybe both the gaiety and race are factors.
Wiggins already has won two gold medals for USA Basketball in the past few months, serving as the captain for the world champion women's U-21 team and the team that won the Pan-American Games.
OK, finally, WHO CARES?! Well, Steve Sailer does. He cares about anything sports-related, at least if Human BioDiversity is involved... and lots of stats. His TakiMag columns are always very good, and his latest was The Caitlin Conundrum.
Mr. Sailer did have a huge digression into his proposed minor changes to the rules of baseball (to make the games shorter), but he inserted some of his very good points we've seen elsewhere. He brought up his point about Dads without boys often raising their White daughters to be sports players, something that doesn't usually work within the WNBA, cause, no Dads. At least, there are none they know well. So, you get a different crowd than say with the ladies PGA or the pole vaulters. (Personally, I'd thought "woman pole vaulter" was just a euphemism for "woman gymnast, on her days off... on dates") Anyway, it's a niche sport, but he says they are exceptionally beautiful.
They women gymnasts and bicyclists have got to have the best bodies, though. You won't see a flagrant foul amongst these types either. However, one of the Chinese gymnasts, known for serving her superb Peking Duck to mental patients, was said to have "committed a fragrant fowl".
Mr. Sailer's long discussion of men's basketball is all for background about his questions, wrapped up at the end:
Not surprisingly, other WNBA players tend to hate Clark and try to brutalize her.Uh, not that particularly. This is one score that Steve Sailer doesn't seem to want to know. The Gov't/Big-Biz anti-White agenda beats profit making. He should know this. At least Mr. Sailer wrapped up his column pretty well this time, fleshing it out with:
More surprisingly, NBA executives haven’t come to their meal ticket’s aid.
Granted, WNBA players tend to have more diversity Pokémon points, being women, black, and lesbian.
Still, sports lately have typically been getting gamed by brilliant MIT grads. So the sight of lowbrow players being allowed to wreck the WNBA’s big chance to finally cash in is particularly curious.
A 70-YEAR-OLD GRANDMA DESIGNED A BRA THAT'S SWEEPING FLORIDAWait, that last bit may have been an ad. Thanks for the confusion, Taki Takidopoulos.
PS: Peak Stupidity wouldn't be averse to sending in crack investigative reporters to study the women's gymnastics business. "He said 'crack', huh, huh, huh ..." [/Butthead] "Yeah, yeah, crack, he-he, he-he, hehehee!" [/Beavis]
* Peak Stupidity has a generally very favorable opinion of Miss Barnhardt. We like hard-core, and she's all that. Our review of her site is this one: Ann Barnhardt: A kinder, gentler Fanatic
** She may not know about the latter sleight. It's not mentioned there.
Friday - June 21st 2024 8:22AM MST
PS Pourquois pas les deux?
Friday - June 21st 2024 5:30AM MST
PS: Finally, about the solstice. I'm not sure what you meant about the German term being better. "Wende", from my quick check, means "turn" rather that "still" for the Latin "stice" (per your comment).
OK, as a former amateur astronomer*, I think "still" is appropriate too. The sun rises further and further to the north of east, and sets further and further to the north of west up through that day in June. Now, technically, the solstice is an exact time to the whatever tiny unit you want to use. When you think of this one day in June, it's the day the sun quits setting more north, stays "still" for a day or two, and then the sunsets (and sunrises) head south.
The use of "turn" is OK too.
A better term for the math involved is simply "maximum", as the curve of sun-over-horizon time or whatever you use hits a maximum. As per the notation on the top of this site, the 1st derivative (slope of the daylight time per day) goes to 0, and the 2nd derivative is negative (change in the slope). Better would be that the sun's declination - akin to latitude in the sky - reaches a max and same thing with the calculus.
Speak of this, I can't get an image as I write (due to my device's limitation), but did you all read about the STOP! USING! OIL! idiots having spray painted Stonehenge! They should have the crap beat out of them - by Druids wearing hoodies, if possible.
* One of the few science fields in which an amateur actually CAN help the body of knowledge without anything but reasonably priced equipment and his time.
OK, as a former amateur astronomer*, I think "still" is appropriate too. The sun rises further and further to the north of east, and sets further and further to the north of west up through that day in June. Now, technically, the solstice is an exact time to the whatever tiny unit you want to use. When you think of this one day in June, it's the day the sun quits setting more north, stays "still" for a day or two, and then the sunsets (and sunrises) head south.
The use of "turn" is OK too.
A better term for the math involved is simply "maximum", as the curve of sun-over-horizon time or whatever you use hits a maximum. As per the notation on the top of this site, the 1st derivative (slope of the daylight time per day) goes to 0, and the 2nd derivative is negative (change in the slope). Better would be that the sun's declination - akin to latitude in the sky - reaches a max and same thing with the calculus.
Speak of this, I can't get an image as I write (due to my device's limitation), but did you all read about the STOP! USING! OIL! idiots having spray painted Stonehenge! They should have the crap beat out of them - by Druids wearing hoodies, if possible.
* One of the few science fields in which an amateur actually CAN help the body of knowledge without anything but reasonably priced equipment and his time.
Friday - June 21st 2024 5:21AM MST
PS: The ancestry controversy of Steve Sailer's. I read your comments and the replies on this subject in that thread, Mr. Hail. That's pretty interesting. Perhaps Mr. Sailer shouldn't have mentioned having had the genetic test at all. However, he's an honest guy, and maybe the red scare girls or whomever asked him.
As someone wrote, HBD is Steve Sailer's thing, and if he won't write about his own, possibly very interesting, story of personal genetics vs. his mindset and personality over his lifetime, then, well, it's a shame. A big bunch of noticing, down the drain, lost forever, if he continues to clam up on this matter. Then, too, he is worried about hurting the feelings of his family, from what someone said.
Interesting, to say the least.
As someone wrote, HBD is Steve Sailer's thing, and if he won't write about his own, possibly very interesting, story of personal genetics vs. his mindset and personality over his lifetime, then, well, it's a shame. A big bunch of noticing, down the drain, lost forever, if he continues to clam up on this matter. Then, too, he is worried about hurting the feelings of his family, from what someone said.
Interesting, to say the least.
Friday - June 21st 2024 5:16AM MST
PS: I followed your comments on The Unz Review, Mr. Hail, noting that, same as here, you must take some solid internet breaks - at least the writing part of it. That can definitely be a good thing!
Anyway, I see the question about Mr.Sailer's background, and more concerting I'm sure for the regulars, talk that he is established on substack and may bail out on TUR. Well, he obviously is established on substack, but will he quit posting there? Checking from his VDare posts, I think they all appear on TUR. He has been slow, but that may be for his book tour/promotion reasons.
I guess I can see whether Mr. Sailer has ss posts that aren't on TUR. Will those one's still appear on VDare is the question. (I'd rather just read them on VDare.) Substack has commenting, but, sorry, it can't be as good/usable at on TUR. No matter what else I've had to say about Ron Unz, the man made an extremely well-working website - bug-wise (there are a very few), readability, usability, and let's not forget that one doesn't have to give out any real info. (I don't know about substack regarding the latter thing.)
Anyway, I see the question about Mr.Sailer's background, and more concerting I'm sure for the regulars, talk that he is established on substack and may bail out on TUR. Well, he obviously is established on substack, but will he quit posting there? Checking from his VDare posts, I think they all appear on TUR. He has been slow, but that may be for his book tour/promotion reasons.
I guess I can see whether Mr. Sailer has ss posts that aren't on TUR. Will those one's still appear on VDare is the question. (I'd rather just read them on VDare.) Substack has commenting, but, sorry, it can't be as good/usable at on TUR. No matter what else I've had to say about Ron Unz, the man made an extremely well-working website - bug-wise (there are a very few), readability, usability, and let's not forget that one doesn't have to give out any real info. (I don't know about substack regarding the latter thing.)
Friday - June 21st 2024 5:10AM MST
PS: Adam, I see that your shorthand was simply not programmed in to the censorer, errr, moderator software. That makes me figure that there's nothing too sophisticated with the software - no learning, I guess. It might be a battle of wits were it you against some AI censorware - at some point, why bother? Are the other people writing comments or even reading then human? Gonna have to go back to face-to-face.
The Alarmist
Friday - June 21st 2024 4:49AM MST
Parfait pour une grande fête du solstice sur la terasse Avec de bon amis. Ricains aussi.
Parfait pour une grande fête du solstice sur la terasse Avec de bon amis. Ricains aussi.
E. H. Hail
Thursday - June 20th 2024 2:55PM MST
Happy summer solstice! The magical moment, one hour past at this time of writing.
Enjoy the long days, while they last.
Except to you Southern Hemisphere-dwelling Peak Stupidity readers, if any. You have our pity, from the bright-and-sunny Northern Hemisphere up here. Our pity for your short-and-stubby little days that you have to drag yourselves through for a while to come.
If we hadn't had so much influence from Latin-fans, we in English might well call it "Sun-Still," for that's what "sol-stice" means in Latin, I think.
If Dieter Kief is reading, he might say that "Sonnenwende," the German version, is more logical and thus less stupid. Mar it down on a suggestion-card and deposit in the big box at the Peak Stupidity break-room before snatching up some stupidity-free summer-lemonade in honor of the occasion.
Happy summer solstice! The magical moment, one hour past at this time of writing.
Enjoy the long days, while they last.
Except to you Southern Hemisphere-dwelling Peak Stupidity readers, if any. You have our pity, from the bright-and-sunny Northern Hemisphere up here. Our pity for your short-and-stubby little days that you have to drag yourselves through for a while to come.
If we hadn't had so much influence from Latin-fans, we in English might well call it "Sun-Still," for that's what "sol-stice" means in Latin, I think.
If Dieter Kief is reading, he might say that "Sonnenwende," the German version, is more logical and thus less stupid. Mar it down on a suggestion-card and deposit in the big box at the Peak Stupidity break-room before snatching up some stupidity-free summer-lemonade in honor of the occasion.
E. H. Hail
Thursday - June 20th 2024 2:39PM MST
NY Post: According to John Derbyshire, it is the only newspaper he trusts and the only one he gets delivered to his home.
If Mr. Derb knew of this harsh treatment of Adam Smith, maybe he could pull strings to get Adam Smith greenlisted again. And if that works, get someone to press for compensation, by which the NY Post would have to run five or ten ads, free of charge, promoting the work of the Institute for the Study of Peak Stupidity and its underappreciated squad of crack bloggers.
NY Post: According to John Derbyshire, it is the only newspaper he trusts and the only one he gets delivered to his home.
If Mr. Derb knew of this harsh treatment of Adam Smith, maybe he could pull strings to get Adam Smith greenlisted again. And if that works, get someone to press for compensation, by which the NY Post would have to run five or ten ads, free of charge, promoting the work of the Institute for the Study of Peak Stupidity and its underappreciated squad of crack bloggers.
E. H. Hail
Thursday - June 20th 2024 2:37PM MST
Have any of you good people followed the "Steve Sailer ancestry controversy" of mid-2024?
It seems that certain revelations in May 2024, including cryptic remarks Sailer gave on one of his book-tour interviews, have people lobbing allegations that he seeks very much to dodge. What will be the result once the smoke clears?
He has taken a genetic-ancestry test but says he will never release the results for unspecified personal reasons.
Have any of you good people followed the "Steve Sailer ancestry controversy" of mid-2024?
It seems that certain revelations in May 2024, including cryptic remarks Sailer gave on one of his book-tour interviews, have people lobbing allegations that he seeks very much to dodge. What will be the result once the smoke clears?
He has taken a genetic-ancestry test but says he will never release the results for unspecified personal reasons.
Adam Smith
Thursday - June 20th 2024 10:43AM MST
PS: Good afternoon, Mr. Alarmist!
Why are the stripes on the LGBTQIAAPP+ flag straight? 🤔
(Thanks, Mr. Alarmist. Also for the apropos negro control memes.)
So, out of curiosity, I went looking at the NYPost to see if my comments were still there or if they had been memoryholed. Unlike unz and ps, The Post doesn't make it easy to check on your comments. (No way that I know of, anyway.) But I did find a few of the before mentioned comments under this post...
If you go to the comments, click the oldest first, and scroll down you will find these from four days ago.
As these have made it past the algorithm and the human censorship team, I'm pretty sure these will be staying.
Cheers! ☮️
Why are the stripes on the LGBTQIAAPP+ flag straight? 🤔
(Thanks, Mr. Alarmist. Also for the apropos negro control memes.)
So, out of curiosity, I went looking at the NYPost to see if my comments were still there or if they had been memoryholed. Unlike unz and ps, The Post doesn't make it easy to check on your comments. (No way that I know of, anyway.) But I did find a few of the before mentioned comments under this post...
If you go to the comments, click the oldest first, and scroll down you will find these from four days ago.
As these have made it past the algorithm and the human censorship team, I'm pretty sure these will be staying.
Cheers! ☮️
The Alarmist
Thursday - June 20th 2024 10:27AM MST
“Getting that male/female thing straight is not always so easy, say with D-connectors....”
Try Queer Connectors then.
As someone once quipped, “Those stripes on the Rainbow Flag are all straight.”
“Getting that male/female thing straight is not always so easy, say with D-connectors....”
Try Queer Connectors then.
As someone once quipped, “Those stripes on the Rainbow Flag are all straight.”
Adam Smith
Thursday - June 20th 2024 9:30AM MST
PS: Greetings, Messrs. Newman & Hail!
𝐼'𝑚 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚.
The New York Post rejects many/most of my comments. They haven't canceled my account though. I do notice that after a few comments get rejected the nypost is more adamant about trying to get me to turn off my adblocker. (Which is not going to happen.)
NYPost will censor anything even mildly critical of 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬!
Or about the chosen. (Though there are ways to trick the censors.)
(Yes. It really is as easy as using "j-word" instead of Jew.)
You can, however, say the most outlandish, (and frankly) absurd, things if it supports the narrative...
(I don't think it is quite as easy as putting "Never Again!" at the end of a comment to get it approved. Maybe it is? I might need to investigate this further.)
I'm not sure why I even bother wasting time commenting under NYPost articles. I guess I just like tinkering with things.(?)
Happy Thursday! ☮️
𝐼'𝑚 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚.
The New York Post rejects many/most of my comments. They haven't canceled my account though. I do notice that after a few comments get rejected the nypost is more adamant about trying to get me to turn off my adblocker. (Which is not going to happen.)
NYPost will censor anything even mildly critical of 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬!
Or about the chosen. (Though there are ways to trick the censors.)
(Yes. It really is as easy as using "j-word" instead of Jew.)
You can, however, say the most outlandish, (and frankly) absurd, things if it supports the narrative...
(I don't think it is quite as easy as putting "Never Again!" at the end of a comment to get it approved. Maybe it is? I might need to investigate this further.)
I'm not sure why I even bother wasting time commenting under NYPost articles. I guess I just like tinkering with things.(?)
Happy Thursday! ☮️
Thursday - June 20th 2024 8:25AM MST
PS: Hello, Mr. Hail!
"Is this an accurate use of the word 'sodomite'?" I had that same thought when I read that. I don't know if there can be any sodomy without something to put INTO some hole somewhere.
Speaking of this, I was talking to a friend on the phone about some coax connectors. Getting that male/female thing straight is not always so easy, say with D-connectors, often male on the smaller scale and female on the larger or vice versa. I guess gender is pretty fluid after all. ;-}
"Is this an accurate use of the word 'sodomite'?" I had that same thought when I read that. I don't know if there can be any sodomy without something to put INTO some hole somewhere.
Speaking of this, I was talking to a friend on the phone about some coax connectors. Getting that male/female thing straight is not always so easy, say with D-connectors, often male on the smaller scale and female on the larger or vice versa. I guess gender is pretty fluid after all. ;-}
E. H. Hail
Thursday - June 20th 2024 8:10AM MST
"The reason Caitlin Clark is being assaulted is because she isn’t a lesbian sodomite"
Is this an accurate use of the word 'sodomite'?
I echo the esteemed Mr. Adam Smith's puzzled and not-quite-wanting-to-know reaction.
"The reason Caitlin Clark is being assaulted is because she isn’t a lesbian sodomite"
Is this an accurate use of the word 'sodomite'?
I echo the esteemed Mr. Adam Smith's puzzled and not-quite-wanting-to-know reaction.
Thursday - June 20th 2024 8:03AM MST
PS: I'm curious which site (or was it the x thread you pasted below?) your simple but direct question was rejected from.
Hah, my post here is long enough, but I considered a PPS to note that:
On another computer, the line was "60", not "70" y/o "GRRANDMA" spelled wrong like that. So, there's some variation, but honestly, I don't care so much about the age of the guy who DESIGNED said bra for Floridians. Well, Elon Musk just works there. He's a piker compared to The Gateway Pundit.
Gateway Pundit owner Jim Hoft ought to hear from people about how greatly annoying his site is due to the ads there. I've ranted on this though. If I ever met the guy, I'd have to tell him. Does he ever view it himself? Maybe he's got the ads blocked, something I should consider, so's I don't have to complain about it.
Hah, my post here is long enough, but I considered a PPS to note that:
On another computer, the line was "60", not "70" y/o "GRRANDMA" spelled wrong like that. So, there's some variation, but honestly, I don't care so much about the age of the guy who DESIGNED said bra for Floridians. Well, Elon Musk just works there. He's a piker compared to The Gateway Pundit.
Gateway Pundit owner Jim Hoft ought to hear from people about how greatly annoying his site is due to the ads there. I've ranted on this though. If I ever met the guy, I'd have to tell him. Does he ever view it himself? Maybe he's got the ads blocked, something I should consider, so's I don't have to complain about it.
Adam Smith
Thursday - June 20th 2024 7:51AM MST
PS: Good morning, Mr. Moderator...
Lesbian sodomites, eh? (I don't even want to know.)
As you know, I'm in the "who cares" crowd, but this whole Caitlin, Caitlin, Caitlin thing does seem to have the Sportsball spectators all fired up.
Whatever. ☮️
Lesbian sodomites, eh? (I don't even want to know.)
As you know, I'm in the "who cares" crowd, but this whole Caitlin, Caitlin, Caitlin thing does seem to have the Sportsball spectators all fired up.
Whatever. ☮️
Dans mon coin de France, je suis le seul Américain.