Steve Sailer's concepts in action

Posted On: Thursday - April 18th 2024 6:37PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Pundits  Race/Genetics  World Political Stupidity

I'm over here watching a video interview of Steve Sailer by VDare's Chief Peter Brimelow.* Between my reading of (about 1/3 of the articles so far**) Mr. Sailer's book Noticing and this interview I can see all of the many great concepts that Mr. Sailer has either originated or brought to the minds of Conservatives.

A couple of them are the Coalition of the Fringes and the Circular Firing Squad that can form from the former. I won't define these, as I think most Peak Stupidity readers know this illustrious pundit. (If not, look here and here, respectively - there's overlap, of course.)

Lately, it's the latter concept that has been coming to mind, as I've been seeing the protests by pro-Palestinian/pro-Gaza people, blocking roads to airports, getting in the faces of politicians, etc. Peak Stupidity does not take the side of either these would-be=ragheads or the leftist Jews (too large a share, unfortunately) who may be SHOCKED, SHOCKED, I TELLS YA! that recently their (other) homeland has not been completely supported by the US Feral Gov't and the Establishment.

What is going on?! Well, it's been arguably a century that you've had these stupid worries about a near monolithic White American population somehow being threatening to you and the other stupidity about some old plaque on a statue meaning America takes in all the refuse of the world. Here we are now. You all have pushed hard for this. You've had the Establishment on your side for 60 years to enable this project. Ooops, some of the folks you imported don't like you at all.

That Coalition of the Fringes that is supposed to include everyone but traditional American White people has a rift you can drive a Mack Truck through. (Well, except when the road is blocked.) I'm not sure how you thought this would hold together. This portion of the Coalition hates your guts.

This portion that hates your guts has got some political power now. Heckuva Job, ADLey!

PS: Heh! One of the first Steve Sailer posts I'd read, on The Unz Review, at least, had that sarcastic "Heckuva job, Brownie!" line which I see he's used a bunch of times. Mr. Sailer being the big movie buff, I thought for sure this line was from a Clint Eastwood Western movie. Guess not ...

* I've got Ann Coulter and Peter Theil lined up too, on Dieter's Twitter. Yes, "Dieter's Twitter" would indeed be a great name for a band, some sort of band...

** I'm about 1/2 way through Lionel Shriver's Mania after 3 hours or so, so that review will come first.

Friday - April 19th 2024 10:19PM MST
PS: Yes, I was on both your tweet pages, Dieter. I didn't comment because I never do, as I must have to sign up somewhere, something that's plain not happening. I'm glad you've got a good number of views though.

That's about my take, Mr. Blanc. Thanks.
Friday - April 19th 2024 9:26AM MST
PS I imagine that they thought that hatred of Whitey would keep the coalition together. Anyone with at least two functioning brain cells could see that as soon as Whitey was seen off, the Coalition of the Fringes would start going at each other hammer and tongs. Maybe the tiny hats figured that they could rise above the fray. Or perhaps they were too wrapped up in the thought of final victory over Whitey to think about what came next. What we’re seeing regarding Palestine today is just a preview of what is to come After Whitey.
Dieter Kief
Friday - April 19th 2024 8:50AM MST
She just wants the Brit anti-imperialist leftists to shut up and stop being bullyish towards her about the emancipative power of Muslim Fundamentalists, which she is not willing to accept. - She has also a nice oriental way to turn this thought into a tale - almost a song - - note how she lowers her voice and slows down the pace in the last minute or so - that's great. Also her style, of course - - - and her pronounciation: Seen from afar: As English as it could ever be! - Love that!

Glad yôu liked it too Mod. - My x-tweet (hu - can you still TWEET on X?, hehe) gets visited but no comments. Most likely people can't quite sort out what this is all about... - maybe a job-application at a humanities dept. at an English University? - I dunno.

- Its only R'n'R - and I like it! -

I have not yet read a book by Lionel Shriver. Just a few essays.

Friday - April 19th 2024 5:22AM MST
PS: That's not to say I didn't enjoy the video, Dieter. Also, now that I read your comment again, I see this was aimed at Britain's lefty establishment, not Americans. I don't know what that establishment has had to say. Do they want Iran to "keep it real"?
Friday - April 19th 2024 5:20AM MST
PS: Yes, she's very pretty, and that accent is sexy too, Dieter. I wonder what the Islamicists of her country would think of her showing that much skin. It seems like her outer clothing was too big for her skinny frame and had slipped off her right shoulder, but then women plan a lot of this stuff out.

Oh, about the politics: Iran, aka Persia seems to be a big cut above most of the other Middle Eastern Islamic nations, but does Steve Sailer's point on cousin marriage and that no, you can't convert these people to exist in an enlightened American Constitutional Republic or Swedish Welfare State, apply here too? What I mean is, this a confounding factor that the Colonialists of old did not take into account. She says they wanted to convert Iran to the modern secular world. Then, she says that the NeoCons now DON'T want to "save" the Iranian people from the grip of Islamic Totalitarianism, although still wanting to interfere.. I thought even the NeoCons of today wanted to "bring democracy to the world.".

She didn't mention the best thing for America, because she is Iranian and a young woman to boot, but that would be that we just stay out of Iran's business - same with every other country in the Middle East.
Dieter Kief
Thursday - April 18th 2024 10:56PM MST
Britain's leftist establishment gets a) utterly charminglingly and b) full frontally - attacked by this POSH middle-eastern emissary - pumped up lips and other fine-tuning included: Don't miss her - absolutely Oxfordyly classical opening 5 words!!! . . . I don't want to spoil your possibly delgithful surprise by quoting it, but these first words already are so English I could die -
(her erll though out talk is just three minutes (the length of the hit-single, see? - apropos cultural appropriation, hehe - such proprietors I - love, I have to admit):
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