Peak Stupidity is FOR the alleged Depopulocalypse - Part 4: The Big Caveat

Posted On: Monday - April 1st 2024 7:02AM MST
In Topics: 
  The Future  Race/Genetics

This is continued from Part 1 - - Part 2, and Anecdotal Interlude of a series. Those posts were put up Sept. 8th, Oct. 3rd, and Nov 16th of '23, respectively, so I don't expect any reader to have been anxiously awaiting this one (either). ;-}.

Due to our becoming more timely lately, mostly due to our material often coming from stories on The Gateway Pundit, Peak Stupidity has dropped the ball on some of the older polemic/speculation series. The only reason a continuation of the important "Depopulocalypse"* came to mind at all was my reading of a Science ALERT. OK, no, it's not some loud, flashing alert on my phone - I've deactivate all that crap. This was a link on Instapundit and a reminder of this series, Birth Rates Are Plummeting in Most Nations, And The World Isn't Prepared. I thought this would be a good article to get my thoughts going on this subject again.

Wrongo, Kebler! For a "Science" site, the article had a significant lack of maps, tables, and graphs, like, there were none. OK, well, why post here? Peak Stupidity's impetus here is similar to that for the recent posts Four Dead in Illinois and The Banning of Existence for motor vehicles. They contain some stupid statements, and that's part of what we are about here, pointing out stupidity where we see it.

This article does, in it's own stupid manner, that of writer Jess Cockerell, point to the big caveat that we had to get to before getting to the interesting stuff. Here is that big caveat: All the discussion about whether lower, even MUCH lower, populations of humans inhabiting the nations of the world in the near future are a good thing or a bad thing, WHY things are going in this direction, and what could or should be done were it going to be a bad thing are a moot point, if the World's Most Important Scariest Graph, most of it a projection, ends up being accurate. That's the Big Caveat. Without a way to change that graph, or the kind of effort to stop the migration of people that nobody has the guts to do anymore, the would will be (more!) inundated with black Africans.

Why discuss more affordable family formation in the future with lower populations, is lower female fertility a fundamental problem, should we try to fix this, will it sort itself out, how will old people be taken care of, is the problem only with the transition**, ... etc.? Why care about any of this if our future is Africa?

So, that said, let's make it implicit in future posts on the that the discussion is based on the assumption that we are NOT turned into Africa west, Africa north, and even Africa east. (Yeah, Japan has been holding its own, but a recent VDare article was not so solidly encouraging about its prospects against the nation-wreckers.)

Now to get to the real stupidity, there are Mr. Cockerell's quotes from the Lancet paper he used to write his Science Alert!, who were "an extensive team of international scientists":
By 2100, one in every two children born will come from Africa, which already contributed one third of the world's babies in 2021.
"Heh, heh, he said 'contributed', he-he-he-he ..." More from Biostatisticians Natalia Bhattacharjee, and Stein Emil Vollset:
The authors say "ethical and effective immigration policies with global co-operation" will be crucial in managing the population crashes many countries are due to face.

"Once nearly every country's population is shrinking, reliance on open immigration will become necessary to sustain economic growth," Bhattacharjee says. "Sub-Saharan African countries have a vital resource that ageing societies are losing – a youthful population."
Import youthful Africans to keep our nation's populations up... but then, whose nations would they be? They say you can't fix stupid. I'm not even going to try. For Biostatisticians Natalia Bhattacharjee and Stein Emil Vollset, it's inlaid in their jeans.

PS: Oh, or was this some sort of sick April Fool's joke gone wrong? I wish...

* As before, I'll point out the 3 long posts by substack blogger "John Carter" and his Postcards from Barsoom site that got me started: Depopulocalypse
Depopulocalypse II – Solutions That Don’t or Won’t Work
Depopulocalypse III – From SINK to FLOAT

** I can't write that word, say it, hear, it read it, or even think it now without hearing Beavis or Butthead in my head... or both of them. "Heh, heh, he said 'transition", he-he-he-he!"

Monday - April 1st 2024 8:21PM MST
PS: Agreed, Mr. Blanc.

Thanks for the clip, Alarmist. Pretty dystopic. I'm not sure if I even saw this one, back when these movies were TV specials.
The Alarmist
Monday - April 1st 2024 6:59PM MST

Why does the prospect of a world dominated by Africans remind me of the ending of Beneath the Planet of the Apes?
Monday - April 1st 2024 5:47PM MST
PS Whatever the problem is, immigration from Sub-Saharan Africa is not the solution.
Monday - April 1st 2024 12:09PM MST
PS: "A naturally shrinking population in the (formerly?) developed parts of the world would not be problematic if the economies of the (formerly?) developed parts of the world were not designed as ponzi-style schemes."

Yep, in the long run, really, this is only problematic for those who run the Ponzi scheme. The rest of us could thrive very well in a REAL economy in short order, on our own, that is.

Great graphic - thanks, Adam! I'll post that one soon.

"The subsidization of dysgenic fertility is not going to save anyone's pension or social security benefits nor will it help make the formerly prosperous "governments" of the west any less insolvent." Agreed, as per the graphic. We see it now, as the illegals are not paying into the system besides sales tax.
Adam Smith
Monday - April 1st 2024 11:13AM MST
PS: Good afternoon, Mr. Moderator!

Why care about any of this if our future is Africa? (Indeed!)

A naturally shrinking population in the (formerly?) developed parts of the world would not be problematic if the economies of the (formerly?) developed parts of the world were not designed as ponzi-style schemes.

Here's another graph that is just as important and just as scary as Sailer's graph...

I see no reason to believe that sub-Saharan Africa's youthful population will be of any use in sustaining economic growth in the (formerly prosperous?) developed parts of the world.

The subsidization of dysgenic fertility is not going to save anyone's pension or social security benefits nor will it help make the formerly prosperous "governments" of the west any less insolvent.

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