Posted On: Tuesday - November 28th 2023 8:20PM MST
In Topics:   General Stupidity  Websites
... the blog that is, as stupidity itself is still ramping up. The peak is nigh!
Yep, that's right. I won't put that Beatles song back into readers heads again, just after y'all shook it off, right? It is, though, 7 years since Peak Stupidity's blog post #1, with the personal self-assessment FIRST POST - Am I a curmudgeon?.
We - long term readers know that means "I" - analyzed this a bit and determined:
The above [complaints about modern music], and other thoughts - let me write about Windows software another time - make me realize that it's not me, it's the world that is the problem.So, that could be taken as a no, but I'd say I am a curmudgeon and wouldn't like things changing even it they weren't bring us toward Peak Stupidity. Speaking of the downward trend in music, to make up for that, we started off the music embedding in that first post, with Billy Joel's Scenes from an Italian Restaurant.
Within a month and a half this site had 100 posts up, with no more worries about running out of material. We hit 200 posts within 3 months. Early on, most of them were fairly short though, 1/4 to 1/2 the size of our average post now.*
By the one year anniversary, we clocked in at 500 posts. (I made a special effort to make that work out.) At the time we noted Peak Stupidity Celebrates 2nd Blogversary!, we were at 866 posts. The 3rd year anniversary coincided with Thanksgiving**, and the post count was 1263. After 4 years, 1704 posts, and the heart of the Kung Flu PanicFest, we announced that The Peak of Stupidity has been postponed... and the updating of our "NACA" graph on engineering paper on our header.***
We didn't even notice the anniversaries in '21 and '22, but the post counts were 2118 and 2451, respectively. This is post #2788. That's a yearly average of just under 400 posts and a weekly average of ~7 1/2 posts.
Quantity is not everything though. The content has shifted slightly. Going by recollection here it's gone from losts of curmudeonry, look-at-what-this-guy-wrote****, wild-and-crazy stuff, music out of nowhere, direct Steve Sailer-discussed stuff out of the NY Times and its ilk toward many series on special or general (ex., inflation) topics, more books, movies, and Rockford Files. Lastly we have gotten closer to current events, as the elementary school teachers would call news. I don't know if that latter is such a good thing. There ARE many stories now that go along with our most important areas of stupidity, and we like to discuss them without delay. That interrupts the flow of the series and precludes the subsequently forgotten odd stuff.
As far as the flavors of stupidity covered, the topic keys, going many-to-one of them with blog posts, are one way to keep track of this. Those topic keys, well, we've added a handful or so in the last few years, but older posts are not all back-filled with them. I looked back and saw that we had tables showing the quantity of subject matter based on those keys in our 1000th post. One can look back there, at the post count 36% of the way to now. I may get the info in that same format later, but I can say the following:
The top 3 topic keys here haven't changed in order of occurrence:
Music is still topic key #1 with 542 posts now, 236 then.
Humor is #2 with 435 posts now, 153 then.
Immigration Stupidity is #3 with 337 posts now, 137 then. That's the highest actual flavor of stupidity, and that one is to be expected. It's EXISTENTIAL.
Some things have changed. The #4 topic key now is Kung Flu Stupidity. Of course, we didn't even have this topic key by post 1000 (March 28th '19). Then, following are #5, US Feral Gov't and #6 Economics. Back at post 1000, # 4 was Pundits, #5 was our beloved Curmudgeonry, and #6 was Trump. Hey, what happened there? (Economics was #7 back then, BTW.) This is not very scientific, as it's all in the labeling to begin with.
As far as business goes - we don't make money here, of course, so I mean the business of reaching readers - things are not bad but have been much more stagnant over the last few years than I'd have like to see. I can produce stats on that another time. It's kind of depressing, but then, I do want to see the difference during the PanicFest time.
Speaking of that, we'd have a few hardy commenters a couple of years in (don't know what happened to BernCar - hope he's A-OK), but commenting really picked up as the PanicFest did. I thank all of you all who write for keeping the comment section going strong for the last few years!
There is no way Peak Stupidity can even keep up with material that I've already thought of, much less run out. Time is another story.
I don't know about another 7 years. I truly think that we'll have enough other things to worry about such that writing posts here would be too trivial a thing to be doing... or we'll all be on twitter, even THIS GUY!
Have a nice evening, Peakers.
PS: Typos and grammar errors have been a long-term problem here. I self-edit, but often, I find things days and months later. I doubt the problem has gotten worse - I just found 2 typos in Post !. FIXED, 7 years later!
* I didn't do any stat on that, though I guess that'd be fairly simple, based on word counts in the dBase.
** Ahaa, I didn't recall, but per a suggestion from long-term reader/commenter Dtbb (Downtown Bobby Brown) I put Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant Massacree in that post, and he just now suggested it. Sorry, I'd forgotten, Dtbb. It does go with Thanksgiving.
*** The old one was out of date to begin with, showing the peak of stupidity being in '14 or so - not even close!! I did note in the 1st post that I'd had the URL for a while and worked on some things, such as that banner, quite a while earlier.
**** Or girl, of course, such as Ann Coulter. There still are lots of excerpts, but we try not to make too many posts anymore just based on one cool bit of writing by somebody.
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 9:37PM MST
Moderator wrote: "There's not be anything I don't like."
Let me be the first to say that I, for one, am in favor of trying-out creative new frontiers in English-grammar.
Especially now in this, Year Eight here at the home of steadfast monitoring and Stupidity Conditions, no truer place there be, as Stupidity-conditions push onwards and inexorably towards their Peak.
Moderator wrote: "There's not be anything I don't like."
Let me be the first to say that I, for one, am in favor of trying-out creative new frontiers in English-grammar.
Especially now in this, Year Eight here at the home of steadfast monitoring and Stupidity Conditions, no truer place there be, as Stupidity-conditions push onwards and inexorably towards their Peak.
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 4:52PM MST
PS: "The whole Curmudgeonry field is full of incompetent losers these days." Who make more typos than I do. (I know, there are more!)
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 4:50PM MST
PS: Adam, thanks for the informative anecdote on your tweeting career. At least you have your youtube channel. I like to check that out on occasion. There's not be anything I don't like.
As for the link to the BBC. I find it almost unbelievable that there is a pidgen English version. Was that a spoof, or is it real?
Hello Alarmist and Fred the Gator! Thanks for being here. For Fred, I am glad to be called a curmudgeon's curmudgeon. Lots of people wouldn't realize what that means to me. I mean, the curmudgeons around these days, they are just hacks, man! They can't concentrate, they don't even know what they don't like, and they don't understand how bad things suck, ya know? The last decent curmudgeon I've read is maybe P.J. O'Rourke - is he even around. The whole Curmudgeonry field is full of incompetent losers these days.
As for the link to the BBC. I find it almost unbelievable that there is a pidgen English version. Was that a spoof, or is it real?
Hello Alarmist and Fred the Gator! Thanks for being here. For Fred, I am glad to be called a curmudgeon's curmudgeon. Lots of people wouldn't realize what that means to me. I mean, the curmudgeons around these days, they are just hacks, man! They can't concentrate, they don't even know what they don't like, and they don't understand how bad things suck, ya know? The last decent curmudgeon I've read is maybe P.J. O'Rourke - is he even around. The whole Curmudgeonry field is full of incompetent losers these days.
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 4:44PM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, regarding twitter. Yes, that was jocular, as I don't see myself getting on X ever. Who knows for sure. From your and his own story of Mr. Smith's problems, I doubt I'd last long either. Too twitchy of a a twitter/twitchy finger... (Isn't the site that hosts tweets or something - I seemed to get led to that one a lot before, anyway.)
Since you mentioned a Peak Stupidity X/twitter account, yes, there is one - with no suffix characters either - but it's not me. Back when I first started to call the antifa, ctrl-left, all of them, Communists (arguable, I know), I gave a shout-out to VDare for using the term too.* Peter Brimelow must have heard of that 2nd-hand - doubt he reads here - so he wrote something about that. However, he pointed out that twitter acct. that was not me at all. IIRC, he did mention my site, but I'm not at all sure about any link to here.
That post of mine was:
"OK, Some (V)Dare Call it Communism."
I agree wholeheartedly with this para of yours:
"More important than the Big Tech thumb-on-the-scale aspect to Twitter is a "giant sucking sound" heard across the globe, sucking away time and attention towards a giant-nothingness, a dehumanized world of digital-gruel in which even cat-videos would be a step-up."
Haha, yes, we'd all be better off if "Social Media" consisted of nothing but funny cat videos... and porn, of course... well, Social Disease Media, I guess.
I like this too: "The rise of "scrolling" is the decline of "thinking."" Thanks.
* Since then, at least 5 or so of the regular writers have been calling VDare's enemies Communists.
Since you mentioned a Peak Stupidity X/twitter account, yes, there is one - with no suffix characters either - but it's not me. Back when I first started to call the antifa, ctrl-left, all of them, Communists (arguable, I know), I gave a shout-out to VDare for using the term too.* Peter Brimelow must have heard of that 2nd-hand - doubt he reads here - so he wrote something about that. However, he pointed out that twitter acct. that was not me at all. IIRC, he did mention my site, but I'm not at all sure about any link to here.
That post of mine was:
"OK, Some (V)Dare Call it Communism."
I agree wholeheartedly with this para of yours:
"More important than the Big Tech thumb-on-the-scale aspect to Twitter is a "giant sucking sound" heard across the globe, sucking away time and attention towards a giant-nothingness, a dehumanized world of digital-gruel in which even cat-videos would be a step-up."
Haha, yes, we'd all be better off if "Social Media" consisted of nothing but funny cat videos... and porn, of course... well, Social Disease Media, I guess.
I like this too: "The rise of "scrolling" is the decline of "thinking."" Thanks.
* Since then, at least 5 or so of the regular writers have been calling VDare's enemies Communists.
The Alarmist
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 4:26PM MST
Happy 7th, Achmed. Glad to be a part of your international audience.
Happy 7th, Achmed. Glad to be a part of your international audience.
Adam Smith
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 3:03PM MST
PS: Many thanks to you too, Dieter! ☮️
Dieter Kief
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 2:37PM MST
Wonderful new book for the Peak Stupidity-book-club - thx. again & again Adam!
Wonderful new book for the Peak Stupidity-book-club - thx. again & again Adam!
Fred the Gator
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 1:32PM MST
PS Congratulations on seven years of prolific blogging! Since I found this blog I've really appreciated it both for humor and for the thoughtfulness of the content. I enjoy the mix of commentary and personal reaction. You are a curmudgeon's curmudgeon!
Adam Smith
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 12:15PM MST
PS: In other news, check out this uhmazin' story...
Adam Smith
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 12:02PM MST
PS: Happy Seventh Anniversary, Mr. Moderator!
Many thanks to you and to my fellow commenters. I always appreciate and enjoy not just your posts, but the discussions we have in the comments. It's fair to say I'm one of the younger commenters here and I often find myself learning something new from you guys.
Warm wishes to The Alarmist, Mr. Blanc, Mr. Ganderson, Mr. Hail, Mr. Kief, Mr. Moderator and the rest of the PeakStupidity commenters. I find our little community to be an oasis of sanity in a world gone mad.
Hey Dieter, I added another book to the PS book club. You can find the link under post 2786...
"Who got the Panic going?"
Mr. Hail, I can report with confidence that the shadowy cabal that started and perpetuated the PanicFest was 𝐧𝐨𝐭 operating out of the spacious and well-appointed basement-complex beneath the Institute for the Study of Peak Stupidity. No, this evil faction's control over the media and the so called “governments” of the world is a power that this fine institute simply does not enjoy.
The Institute not only was not involved in those nefarious activities but was one of the few voices of reason consistently advocating for calm and sensible responses to the seasonal flu hysteria that gripped much of the world during those most unfortunate years.
While I do not know who started these baseless rumors implicating The Institute I can say with certainty that these rumors are completely unfounded.
"Say it ain't so!" A response to the mere thought of Peak Stupidity abandoning the field and decamping to Twitter and some other info...
As Mr. Hail pointed out, I received my 2nd lifetime perma-ban from twitter a couple months back. The first one was for hurting jewish feelings. The second one was for, in their words, glorifying violence. I cannot link to the tweet I was replying to as twitter locked me out of my account in ways that they didn't during my first lifetime ban, but I can share with you my violent, rule breaking tweet.
This was in reply to a tweet that advocated putting the kinds of violent criminals who are too stupid to stand trial (and so instead of prison get released back into the community to commit more violence) in prison camps to extract value out of their (slave) labor. Funny that twitter is so pro-criminal and anti- safe, high trust society.
I didn't realize that one could advocate for slavery on twitter but not for capital punishment for violent low IQ criminals who are too incompetent to stand trial.
Anyway... That about all I have to say about twitter.
Cheers! ☮️
Many thanks to you and to my fellow commenters. I always appreciate and enjoy not just your posts, but the discussions we have in the comments. It's fair to say I'm one of the younger commenters here and I often find myself learning something new from you guys.
Warm wishes to The Alarmist, Mr. Blanc, Mr. Ganderson, Mr. Hail, Mr. Kief, Mr. Moderator and the rest of the PeakStupidity commenters. I find our little community to be an oasis of sanity in a world gone mad.
Hey Dieter, I added another book to the PS book club. You can find the link under post 2786...
"Who got the Panic going?"
Mr. Hail, I can report with confidence that the shadowy cabal that started and perpetuated the PanicFest was 𝐧𝐨𝐭 operating out of the spacious and well-appointed basement-complex beneath the Institute for the Study of Peak Stupidity. No, this evil faction's control over the media and the so called “governments” of the world is a power that this fine institute simply does not enjoy.
The Institute not only was not involved in those nefarious activities but was one of the few voices of reason consistently advocating for calm and sensible responses to the seasonal flu hysteria that gripped much of the world during those most unfortunate years.
While I do not know who started these baseless rumors implicating The Institute I can say with certainty that these rumors are completely unfounded.
"Say it ain't so!" A response to the mere thought of Peak Stupidity abandoning the field and decamping to Twitter and some other info...
As Mr. Hail pointed out, I received my 2nd lifetime perma-ban from twitter a couple months back. The first one was for hurting jewish feelings. The second one was for, in their words, glorifying violence. I cannot link to the tweet I was replying to as twitter locked me out of my account in ways that they didn't during my first lifetime ban, but I can share with you my violent, rule breaking tweet.
This was in reply to a tweet that advocated putting the kinds of violent criminals who are too stupid to stand trial (and so instead of prison get released back into the community to commit more violence) in prison camps to extract value out of their (slave) labor. Funny that twitter is so pro-criminal and anti- safe, high trust society.
I didn't realize that one could advocate for slavery on twitter but not for capital punishment for violent low IQ criminals who are too incompetent to stand trial.
Anyway... That about all I have to say about twitter.
Cheers! ☮️
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 10:27AM MST
-- "Say it ain't so!" A response to the mere thought of Peak Stupidity abandoning the field and decamping to Twitter --
From the entry: "I don't know about another 7 years...we'll all be on twitter, even THIS GUY!"
It is hoped that this jocular prediction of a move of the Peak Stupidity operation to Twitter is purely a joke! ---
Seriously, there is much to be said for staying independent of the giant-blob of the big gate-keeper sites, which is what the Internet has largely become. This independence is much of what makes Peak Stupidity valuable, I think. The quality of discourse here is almost as a matter of course better than anything on Twitter, even the best of it.
Imagine if there were no Peak Stupidity website as such, but just a twitter-handle featuring an Alfred E. Newman-avatered Twitterer screen-name, e.g., @PeakStupidity01924365. Such a thing would likely never have amounted to much, nor gotten attention, not for lack of merit but because the system is stacked against such things entirely. I refer to the likely fact that @PeakStupidityTwitterBonanzaMan would have long since been shadowbanned, contained in a ghettoized little box, mostly not visible even to ostensible "followers."
Or perhaps @PeakStupidity4Life0001 would be banned outright, as Adam Smith was life-banned a few months or so ago. (As to the cause(s) of Adam Smith's life-ban, opinions differ. It seems it was either for anti-Semitism or a repeat-offense after his comments were flagged as being too critical of a certain tropical-derived population-grouping that has been much in the news these past few decades).
What I really want to say, though, is this: More important than the Big Tech thumb-on-the-scale aspect to Twitter is a "giant sucking sound" heard across the globe, sucking away time and attention towards a giant-nothingness, a dehumanized world of digital-gruel in which even cat-videos would be a step-up. It's an important antidote to recall that the companies behind these big-guys, like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tok-Tok (ugh..); even Youtube, and others; they are all highly interested in getting people "addicted to outrage" or some similar non-productive emotion.
Or, to try to put it pithily:
The rise of "scrolling" is the decline of "thinking."
It is not necessarily always true, nor necessarily everywhere true. For example, I recommend the Twitter-account known as "@DieterKief"... But it is definitely a 'yes' in aggregate.
Peak Stupidity, meanwhile, along with a few other players, is "for Thinking Men" (or, for "Thinking Men and Women," if you must; I am unsure on the Peak Stupidity editorial-department's policy on the use of the generic "Man" to refer to all people of all types and conditions).
-- -- --
So, thanks again, Peak Stupidity ---- for this valuable work and standing fast against the social-media blob.
And we will await word about that fully-catered, open-bar Peak Stupidity party in honor of this auspicious occasion. (And, let me say that if the Executive Board springs for a German-Swiss delegation to attend, make sure Mr. Kief's name is at the top of the list.)
-- "Say it ain't so!" A response to the mere thought of Peak Stupidity abandoning the field and decamping to Twitter --
From the entry: "I don't know about another 7 years...we'll all be on twitter, even THIS GUY!"
It is hoped that this jocular prediction of a move of the Peak Stupidity operation to Twitter is purely a joke! ---
Seriously, there is much to be said for staying independent of the giant-blob of the big gate-keeper sites, which is what the Internet has largely become. This independence is much of what makes Peak Stupidity valuable, I think. The quality of discourse here is almost as a matter of course better than anything on Twitter, even the best of it.
Imagine if there were no Peak Stupidity website as such, but just a twitter-handle featuring an Alfred E. Newman-avatered Twitterer screen-name, e.g., @PeakStupidity01924365. Such a thing would likely never have amounted to much, nor gotten attention, not for lack of merit but because the system is stacked against such things entirely. I refer to the likely fact that @PeakStupidityTwitterBonanzaMan would have long since been shadowbanned, contained in a ghettoized little box, mostly not visible even to ostensible "followers."
Or perhaps @PeakStupidity4Life0001 would be banned outright, as Adam Smith was life-banned a few months or so ago. (As to the cause(s) of Adam Smith's life-ban, opinions differ. It seems it was either for anti-Semitism or a repeat-offense after his comments were flagged as being too critical of a certain tropical-derived population-grouping that has been much in the news these past few decades).
What I really want to say, though, is this: More important than the Big Tech thumb-on-the-scale aspect to Twitter is a "giant sucking sound" heard across the globe, sucking away time and attention towards a giant-nothingness, a dehumanized world of digital-gruel in which even cat-videos would be a step-up. It's an important antidote to recall that the companies behind these big-guys, like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tok-Tok (ugh..); even Youtube, and others; they are all highly interested in getting people "addicted to outrage" or some similar non-productive emotion.
Or, to try to put it pithily:
The rise of "scrolling" is the decline of "thinking."
It is not necessarily always true, nor necessarily everywhere true. For example, I recommend the Twitter-account known as "@DieterKief"... But it is definitely a 'yes' in aggregate.
Peak Stupidity, meanwhile, along with a few other players, is "for Thinking Men" (or, for "Thinking Men and Women," if you must; I am unsure on the Peak Stupidity editorial-department's policy on the use of the generic "Man" to refer to all people of all types and conditions).
-- -- --
So, thanks again, Peak Stupidity ---- for this valuable work and standing fast against the social-media blob.
And we will await word about that fully-catered, open-bar Peak Stupidity party in honor of this auspicious occasion. (And, let me say that if the Executive Board springs for a German-Swiss delegation to attend, make sure Mr. Kief's name is at the top of the list.)
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 10:05AM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, I only WISH I was that clever, but at the same time am glad I am not that evil to perpetrate a scheme like that. Plus, you can't prove it!!
Ha, I wonder if I were that clever, I'd be that evil too, come to think of it.
Getting together with people met and dealt with ONLY on the internet is tricky business. I can be done though, as I know. Otherwise that would be great. I remember Mr. MBlanc46 suggesting a meet-up in his Chicagoland a long ways back, maybe 3-4 summers ago. Can this be done?
"Do not invite Corvinus. Oh, and also do not invite Godfree Roberts." I am glad you reminded me of this. I may have forgotten.
About Corvinus, he'd actually be an asset as a commenter, not for the other commenters, mind you, but just if the goal were to increase the page views*. Why? Because he sucks you in to these arguments, and you think "OK, he just doesn't get this one part. Let me try to explain this to him again." That's being a sucker, and I gave up after a handful or two of discussions with the guy.
Godfree Roberts would bring up the comment count too, but he can't put his wonderful bar graphs showing how 97% of Chinamen LUV LUV LUV the CCP and Xi Jinping in here, unfortunately.
Thanks for the humorous ideas, Mr. Hail!
* However, I'm not going for that kind of count, as people do when they advertise or just want to brag. I'd rather there just be lots of people reading. Comments, of course, do increase the likelihood of some readers coming back. (Having a nice system like TUR is immensely helpful.)
Ha, I wonder if I were that clever, I'd be that evil too, come to think of it.
Getting together with people met and dealt with ONLY on the internet is tricky business. I can be done though, as I know. Otherwise that would be great. I remember Mr. MBlanc46 suggesting a meet-up in his Chicagoland a long ways back, maybe 3-4 summers ago. Can this be done?
"Do not invite Corvinus. Oh, and also do not invite Godfree Roberts." I am glad you reminded me of this. I may have forgotten.
About Corvinus, he'd actually be an asset as a commenter, not for the other commenters, mind you, but just if the goal were to increase the page views*. Why? Because he sucks you in to these arguments, and you think "OK, he just doesn't get this one part. Let me try to explain this to him again." That's being a sucker, and I gave up after a handful or two of discussions with the guy.
Godfree Roberts would bring up the comment count too, but he can't put his wonderful bar graphs showing how 97% of Chinamen LUV LUV LUV the CCP and Xi Jinping in here, unfortunately.
Thanks for the humorous ideas, Mr. Hail!
* However, I'm not going for that kind of count, as people do when they advertise or just want to brag. I'd rather there just be lots of people reading. Comments, of course, do increase the likelihood of some readers coming back. (Having a nice system like TUR is immensely helpful.)
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 9:56AM MST
PS: Dieter, we've enjoyed having you on here too, if I can speak for others.
I do not at all mind getting help from others, such as the way Adam Smith provides links to on-line books. Organization of the site is the worst aspect. I haven't gotten around to changing, hell, DOING anything but writing since about 5-6 of those 7 years ago. Help is great, but one needs some access, with I do have.
Guest posts are welcome, if they fit in with the rest of the site. I can assume that those coming from regular commenters would, of course.
As for the last paragraph, we have the simple "About" page:
("About" page or menu option is old Windows software people terminology. It used to be the 1st menu option - top left - giving the version of the program.)
Anyway, that page is meant to be humorous but it's not so particularly informative. I think what you ask would be hard for me, but I will think about it. Keep in mind, I'm not a literary man as you are, so I wouldn't have that much for authors that imbue me with some philosophy. (I always liked the funny guys like Dave Barry and P.J. O'Rourke though.) Yeah, let me thing over this.
I do not at all mind getting help from others, such as the way Adam Smith provides links to on-line books. Organization of the site is the worst aspect. I haven't gotten around to changing, hell, DOING anything but writing since about 5-6 of those 7 years ago. Help is great, but one needs some access, with I do have.
Guest posts are welcome, if they fit in with the rest of the site. I can assume that those coming from regular commenters would, of course.
As for the last paragraph, we have the simple "About" page:
("About" page or menu option is old Windows software people terminology. It used to be the 1st menu option - top left - giving the version of the program.)
Anyway, that page is meant to be humorous but it's not so particularly informative. I think what you ask would be hard for me, but I will think about it. Keep in mind, I'm not a literary man as you are, so I wouldn't have that much for authors that imbue me with some philosophy. (I always liked the funny guys like Dave Barry and P.J. O'Rourke though.) Yeah, let me thing over this.
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 8:39AM MST
"commenting really picked up as the PanicFest did"
When it is phrased like that, I sense theories in the process of forming The question: "Who got the Panic going?" Could it have been agents acting in the employ of rogue elements here at Peak Stupidity, a cabal operating out of the spacious and well-appointed basement-complex below the international Institute for the Study of Peak Stupidity? Did those Peak-Stupidity agents get the Panic going in early 2020, with an eye specifically to boosting commenter activity?
If these rumors persist, we may have to submit a request for independent auditor and all-purpose expert Adam Smith draw on his considerable investigative prowess and sources to get to the bottom of this. Lest any rumors persist; lest any man besmirch the good-name of that excellent basement.
If cleared of guilt, it is to be hoped that Peak Stupidity springs for a catered, open-bar party in honor of the seventh anniversary here. If money is tight, save on facility reservations in order to splurge on the alcohol and food; and just hold it in the Institute for the Study of Peak Stupidity's basement. Most of us should be a-okay with such an arrangement. One request I must insist upon, with apologies for bluntness, but it need be said: Do not invite Corvinus. Oh, and also do not invite Godfree Roberts.
If the two above-named individuals request an invitation to the Peak Stupidity party, consider sending off a fake address and claiming a clerical error. On the other hand, deception is not a good policy, so maybe a straight-out rejection would better suit the occasion. On the third hand, maybe Corvinus would be a changed man if presented with Peak Stupidity's generous open-bar and if encouraged by a nice-looking lady to drink and to stop hectoring everyone with his inane political views...
"commenting really picked up as the PanicFest did"
When it is phrased like that, I sense theories in the process of forming The question: "Who got the Panic going?" Could it have been agents acting in the employ of rogue elements here at Peak Stupidity, a cabal operating out of the spacious and well-appointed basement-complex below the international Institute for the Study of Peak Stupidity? Did those Peak-Stupidity agents get the Panic going in early 2020, with an eye specifically to boosting commenter activity?
If these rumors persist, we may have to submit a request for independent auditor and all-purpose expert Adam Smith draw on his considerable investigative prowess and sources to get to the bottom of this. Lest any rumors persist; lest any man besmirch the good-name of that excellent basement.
If cleared of guilt, it is to be hoped that Peak Stupidity springs for a catered, open-bar party in honor of the seventh anniversary here. If money is tight, save on facility reservations in order to splurge on the alcohol and food; and just hold it in the Institute for the Study of Peak Stupidity's basement. Most of us should be a-okay with such an arrangement. One request I must insist upon, with apologies for bluntness, but it need be said: Do not invite Corvinus. Oh, and also do not invite Godfree Roberts.
If the two above-named individuals request an invitation to the Peak Stupidity party, consider sending off a fake address and claiming a clerical error. On the other hand, deception is not a good policy, so maybe a straight-out rejection would better suit the occasion. On the third hand, maybe Corvinus would be a changed man if presented with Peak Stupidity's generous open-bar and if encouraged by a nice-looking lady to drink and to stop hectoring everyone with his inane political views...
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 7:18AM MST
Congratulations! --- And, in the immortal words of somebody in the U.S. Navy some generations back: "Don't Give Up The Ship"!
Congratulations! --- And, in the immortal words of somebody in the U.S. Navy some generations back: "Don't Give Up The Ship"!
Dieter Kief
Wednesday - November 29th 2023 12:05AM MST
Congtrats Mod. for hitting the seven year mark; - and many thanks!
I like the design of the site and its title. The lettering too, the colors, and - the MAD reference!
MAD in Germany - is the acronym for the military's secret service, which ads a flovor.
I like lots of what my co-commenters write here too. - Ganderson about the church and hockey (Grateful Dead), your sounding the alarms on so many topics, alarmist, your deep knpowledge of German castles and the likew (Rastatt!); Mr. Hail - lots of Hail coming from above! - Oh and Adam - your links and stuff - I liked the photos you posted (in summer for example) from your property and the landscape there in the South! Your links, the book-links not least and the PS Book Club!
Whether or not Mod. you could put together somehting like an anchor post, with maybe 1/10th of Ron Unz' average word-count. With the most important things, songs, books, thoughts, thinkers, pundits you refer to - that'd be nice for people new to this blog too. Do or don't - as you please Mod.!
Congtrats Mod. for hitting the seven year mark; - and many thanks!
I like the design of the site and its title. The lettering too, the colors, and - the MAD reference!
MAD in Germany - is the acronym for the military's secret service, which ads a flovor.
I like lots of what my co-commenters write here too. - Ganderson about the church and hockey (Grateful Dead), your sounding the alarms on so many topics, alarmist, your deep knpowledge of German castles and the likew (Rastatt!); Mr. Hail - lots of Hail coming from above! - Oh and Adam - your links and stuff - I liked the photos you posted (in summer for example) from your property and the landscape there in the South! Your links, the book-links not least and the PS Book Club!
Whether or not Mod. you could put together somehting like an anchor post, with maybe 1/10th of Ron Unz' average word-count. With the most important things, songs, books, thoughts, thinkers, pundits you refer to - that'd be nice for people new to this blog too. Do or don't - as you please Mod.!
[No] truer place there be, as Stupidity-conditions push onwards and inexorably towards their Peak. (Forever moar!)
Onwards and forever forward and upward and onward dearest friends and kindest soldiers!
Just sayin'...
Many of Cheers! ☮
(peace sign ascii...) ☮