Posted On: Wednesday - November 8th 2023 9:25PM MST
In Topics:   Immigration Stupidity  University  The Neocons  Anarcho-tyranny  World Political Stupidity

Oh yeah, how about we talk about the '17 "Unite the Right" Robert E. Lee statue defense protest in Charlottesville, Virginia? Compare and contrast!
Since the start of the latest Middle East, Israeli v Palestinian Infotainment a month back, Instapundit, both the site and the man - U.of Tennessee Law Professor Glenn Reynolds - have shown their Neocon colors wide and high. After a long hiatus in my browsing of that site, maybe 5 to 8 years, I got back to it and discovered once the Ukraine-Russia war started that, yeah, Libertarian as one might like to be, the man can't change. See Instapundit: Still Neocon after all these years?
In fairness, the blurb above is not from Professor Reynolds himself.* It is from a name I have not seen as much as many of the others, one David Bernstein. Well, yeah, whaddya' think he'd have to say about Israel v Gaza (Hamas, whomever the hell...) Before I go on though, yes, Glenn Reynolds is a hard-core Neocon still, going no longer by his "rah-rah-Ukraine" his pro-everything-Israeli stance this last month.
Now, I'll say right now that I'd rather see the Israelis keep their home in this region than see these 75-year refugees spread Arab/Moslem chaos across the land. I don't think there's any good solution, but I do think that if America were not deeply involved there, 3/4 of a century running, the Israelis might take a more defensive stance. I don't know - maybe they'd get cornered and nuke the enemy to glass. It's just not our business.
OTOH, we've imported the political end of this business along with importing all sorts of other World Political Stupidity during the immigration invasion. We've noted the Stupid coming home to roost for those immigration boosters of a certain persuasion. However, this latest political turmoil at the universities has brought out the blatant hypocrisy of the Neocons, aka, many Jewish and other pro-Israel politicians, pundits, professors, and people now upset that there's not that huge American majority standing for Israel this time. (I started this post this morning, then got busy, but I see Steve Sailer's weekly TakiMag column does a great job in pointing this out - Shifting Support - Unz Review hosted short excerpt with commenting entitled Is Diversity Turning Out to be Good for the Jews?.)
What I wrote above regarding the Anarcho-Tyranny in Charlottesville, Virginia shows the hypocrisy of pundits like David Bernstein complaining of the current political struggle of Jews against the Moslems right now. Maybe Mr. Bernstein has been on the side of White Americans, but the hypocrisy of their just noticing unfairness or even even-handedness runs throughout the world of Neocon punditry regarding Israel.
I mean, OK, the attacker of the Jewish Hillel student got "duly arrested". Whoa, wait, let's stop right here. Anti-White "antifa" attackers in Charlottesville that day, using weapons and even a makeshift flamethrower were left alone, while one poor bastard of the right who got cornered and backed his car into some heart-attack-prone roley-poley got 400 years in prison!
OK, but the university condemned the attack, but also went and condemned "bigotry" of all sides. OMG! After Charlottesville, the Lyin' Press condemned the alt-right only and President Trump was derided for saying there were bad people on both sides. Though they attacked him for not condemning the alt-right, I'd attack Trump from the other direction. When it comes down to it, the violence started from only the ctrl-left antifa.
White Conservatives in America have been dealt the bad end of Anarcho-Tyranny for a long time now. What this Neocon is complaining about doesn't come anywhere close to that. Again, I can't speak for David Bernstein because I don't know who he is, really. However, those up in arms now about their not getting the favorable treatment they used to get didn't care about those White guys forced to, and then condemned for, fighting the left back and then getting railroaded 6 years ago in Charlottesville, or on Jan 6th '21, and all over the place.
As the immigration invasion continues and the existing 5th columns (of all sorts) get control, these pro-Israel folks are going to see a lot worse. As the man said, "Welcome to the party, pal!"
* He's got a handful, maybe as many as 10, other bloggers that post small items. Often they are many short comments with links, in the same style of Professor Reynolds.
Thursday - November 9th 2023 10:50AM MST
PS I'm finding this whole kerfuffle rather amusing from a schadenfreude-ish perspective. So much hypocrisy in so little time. All the agendas exposed for all to see. I wish the bastard state of Israel had never been created in the first place - it was pure cowardice of the British to walk away from it. And finally the Jews have to face a new future where the whole world doesn't bow down to their "suffering." What a fucked up mess.
Thursday - November 9th 2023 8:17AM MST
PS The destabilizers of society are discovering that the destabilization of society affects them, too. Funny thing, them being so clever and all, that they didn’t see that coming.
Thursday - November 9th 2023 7:24AM MST
PS: Alarmist, I did read that comment of yours on TUR. They screwed up using "semitic" rather than just "Jewish", but Mr. Sailer had a few explanations on the origin there, or was it his commenters additionally?
Captain Ahab, I'll check that out later today. Thanks, (I assume you meant 1919, so it's not Science Fiction. Sorry about the lack of any editing ability here. It hurts me too, as they say ...)
Captain Ahab, I'll check that out later today. Thanks, (I assume you meant 1919, so it's not Science Fiction. Sorry about the lack of any editing ability here. It hurts me too, as they say ...)
Thursday - November 9th 2023 7:21AM MST
PS: Yeah, Alarmist, Islamophobia has never been a thing if one goes to the true definition of IRRATIONAL fear. There was a legitimate fear of having trouble from the loads of Moslem immigrants, especially after 9/11, when the numbers were ramped UP, of all things.
OTOH, I don't think they are so much to worry about in the current numbers even (with Dearbornistan, etc., being pretty much lost to Americans), as far as violence goes, UNLESS the US continues destroying these people's mother countries and allying hard with Israel. Don't get me wrong - we don't need, and shouldn't have, these people here to begin with, and their presence in big, aka, non-assimilable numbers is part of the destruction of our traditional society.
That Jews who show strong support for Israel here might have a legitimate fear of Moslem reprisals in America now, is well, don't go pointing fingers ...
Back to the term itself as pushed by the Lyin' Press every time Moslems are responsible for bad deeds, I like Steve Sailer's use of "frontlash". Start calling anyone who objects to regular Americans being hurt, killed, what-have-you, by Moslems an Islamophobe, as soon as the actual story gets out.
OTOH, I don't think they are so much to worry about in the current numbers even (with Dearbornistan, etc., being pretty much lost to Americans), as far as violence goes, UNLESS the US continues destroying these people's mother countries and allying hard with Israel. Don't get me wrong - we don't need, and shouldn't have, these people here to begin with, and their presence in big, aka, non-assimilable numbers is part of the destruction of our traditional society.
That Jews who show strong support for Israel here might have a legitimate fear of Moslem reprisals in America now, is well, don't go pointing fingers ...
Back to the term itself as pushed by the Lyin' Press every time Moslems are responsible for bad deeds, I like Steve Sailer's use of "frontlash". Start calling anyone who objects to regular Americans being hurt, killed, what-have-you, by Moslems an Islamophobe, as soon as the actual story gets out.
Captain Ahab
Thursday - November 9th 2023 6:50AM MST
O/T Mr. Mod, here’s a fun watch re the backers of the Bolshevik revolution in 2919 Russia.
Being a Brit, he naturally tries to make it seem like Wall Street was running the show, when history amply shows it was bankers in London.
O/T Mr. Mod, here’s a fun watch re the backers of the Bolshevik revolution in 2919 Russia.
Being a Brit, he naturally tries to make it seem like Wall Street was running the show, when history amply shows it was bankers in London.
The Alarmist
Thursday - November 9th 2023 4:47AM MST
The “Islamophobia” trope is curious given the propaganda that fills the US airwaves; what I find more curious, that most Americans wouldn’t even think of, is the misuse of the “anti-semitism” trope. Here’s a blurb from one of my comments at UR:
If there is anti-semitism at play here, it would most appropriately be characterised as the European Ashkenazim oppressing the Semitic peoples who lived the disputed territories prior to their seizure and occupation by the Ashkenazim in the twentieth century.
Being pro-Palestinian is more philosemitic than being pro-Israel.
It was a mistake to allow the creation of the modern state of Israel. Contrary to your view, I believe the region would be more stable, albeit a significantly backward backwater, and the world farther away from WW3, if it had never been allowed to come into being. Unfortunately we allowed that Pandora Box to be opened, and nobody in the region will ever forgive us for it and will always have an axe to grind.
The “Islamophobia” trope is curious given the propaganda that fills the US airwaves; what I find more curious, that most Americans wouldn’t even think of, is the misuse of the “anti-semitism” trope. Here’s a blurb from one of my comments at UR:
If there is anti-semitism at play here, it would most appropriately be characterised as the European Ashkenazim oppressing the Semitic peoples who lived the disputed territories prior to their seizure and occupation by the Ashkenazim in the twentieth century.
Being pro-Palestinian is more philosemitic than being pro-Israel.
It was a mistake to allow the creation of the modern state of Israel. Contrary to your view, I believe the region would be more stable, albeit a significantly backward backwater, and the world farther away from WW3, if it had never been allowed to come into being. Unfortunately we allowed that Pandora Box to be opened, and nobody in the region will ever forgive us for it and will always have an axe to grind.