Posted On: Saturday - February 4th 2023 8:54PM MST
In Topics:   Immigration Stupidity  Music  Websites  Media Stupidity  Liberty/Libertarianism
... only to find there was no reprieve?
Would you still be a man for all seasons,
or would you just have to leave?
- Al Stewart, with more lyrics below.
That's not the exact lyric though. I changed the one word from "reason" to "treason", as stolen from commenter GeoKat62 here. The Age of Treason fits the current era quite well, though. That's especially as applied to the existential issue of the immigration invasion and the Zhou Bai Dien/Mayorkas Surge.
These things aren't planned in Peak Stupidity staff meetings (because we don't have enough staff to HAVE meetings), but this week has turned into Immigration Invasion week here. I promised to continue on just a bit to discuss Reason magazine, with a shout-out by VDare's Federale on behalf of the Libertarian magazine/website. ("Shout-outs" can go two ways, you understand ...)
Federale said Governor Ron DeSantis Strikes At The Slave Power With Mandatory E-Verify—REASON Magazine Is NOT Happy! We already discussed the first part yesterday. Federale says:
Reason claims that E-Verify is both error-ridden and ineffectual, therefore hobbling Americans and legally authorized aliens from obtaining a position with employers who use it. Of course, that makes no sense. No employer would use E-Verify if that were true. In any event, it is not true. E-Verify is fast and effective in authorizing employment. What Reason objects to is the fact that E-Verify interferes with the employment of illegal aliens. Because they support mass unlimited immigration, Reason just plain lies about E-Verify. [My bolding]Right. Reason magazine writers believe in open borders. Full disclosure here [as prompted by the PS Legal Department). As a solid Libertarian, I subscribed to Reason magazine for a few years in the '00s. It was my growing understanding of the immigration problem (thanks, Dad) and that publication's ridiculous stance, that had me writing a letter telling them to keep the rest of my subscription's issues and use the money to "buy a clue". I otherwise agreed and still do with most of the ideas I've read from the Reason people*.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again (slightly differently):
Hey, Reason writers: Look, I agree with the ideas of Liberty that you Libertarians discuss. We need more people like us. It's enough that Barry Goldwater lost by a landslide, and the L candidates never get more than 3% of the vote. Now, you want to keep importing millions of people who come from places with no history and ideas of liberty and freedom and who don't even know what Libertarianism means?! I doubt you'll get 10 new subscribers out of the 1/4 million! who crossed the border in a month. I'm sorry, but that's just not a good business model...Federale continues:
Reason does bring up one valid criticism of E-Verify, that it verifies documents, not people.His point follows, and that criticism prompts Federale's solution, the last part (I didn't want to excerpt the whole thing) of which I DON'T agree with**, and mine is surely a valid criticism. That would be the anti-privacy and Totalitarian aspects of it.
What is our opinion on the question of E-Verify? We're for it. Uber-Libertarian and hero of Congress Ron Paul is against it due to the unConstitional search/privacy aspects. It's one of the very few issues I don't agree with him on, for 2 reasons:
1) It's water under the bridge. If there had been no Volstead Act and no Amendment XVI***, so it was still not the Feral Gov't's business where we all work, than that'd be different. I don't like it, but it's been a century already. E-Verify doesn't make the problem any worse.
2) We have an existential problem here. First, we try to stop the invasion. Then, if this land magically reverts to a Constitutional Republic somehow with border control like a serious country has, E-Verify can be terminated.
With its open-borders stupidity, Reason magazine is aiding and abetting the Treason being done against America by the Bai Dien Administration, led by ex-Cuban Motherland Security head-traitor Alexander Mayorkas.
It's indeed the Age of Treason.
Peak Stupidity has featured this Al Stewart song at least twice already. We try not to do repeats, but this one, from the album Time Passages, is such a great one. Every time the phrase "Age of Reason" (I think something to do with the Georgia Guidestones book), I think of this song, though the title is A Man for all Seasons.
What if you reached the age of reason, only to find there was no reprieve?
Would you still be a man for all seasons, or would you just have to leave?
We measure our days out in steps of uncertainty, not turning to see how we've come,
and peer down the highway from here to eternity and reach out for love on the run,
while the man for all seasons is lost beneath the sun...
Here was this musical artist almost a half century ago writing melodic and thoughtful rock and pop songs about history. Now we have Wet Ass Pussy. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the former is higher culture than the latter. Nah, I'm just a curmudgeon, right?
* I'd occasionally end up on their website's Hit & Run blog/forum from Instapundit (maybe). The SOS regarding immigration stupidity appeared there too.
** The last paragraph in there.
*** Read all about it! Part 1 - - Part 2 and Part 3
Tuesday - February 7th 2023 2:53PM MST
PS: "I'd love to give you all the inside dope as to what's up in China, but I must disappoint" No problem, Mr.Ganderson. I'm glad to hear the Chinese in Canton are relaxed about the masking business.
Nostradamus couldn't have been talking about the wall in the little town of Tengen, though, Dieter, as he wasn't alive yet in the 1400s. I can't find anything on it with duckdukgo. If you have a link, I'd appreciate it. I'll read Victor David Hanson's article you put in, but I'm not the biggest fan of that guy.
Nostradamus couldn't have been talking about the wall in the little town of Tengen, though, Dieter, as he wasn't alive yet in the 1400s. I can't find anything on it with duckdukgo. If you have a link, I'd appreciate it. I'll read Victor David Hanson's article you put in, but I'm not the biggest fan of that guy.
Tuesday - February 7th 2023 9:30AM MST
PS I'd love to give you all the inside dope as to what's up in China, but I must disappoint- my boy mostly just keeps his head down and goes about his business (teaching English at a University in Canton) He says he's not been personally inconvenienced by the Covid madness- mask wearing, he tells me is ubiquitous- he doesn't much bother with it, but most folks are pretty much done, with most of it.
It's great having him home, though, if only for a short time.
It's great having him home, though, if only for a short time.
Dieter Kief
Tuesday - February 7th 2023 3:22AM MST
.P.r.e. scriptum: These remarks below are also about Ganderson's (very interesting: thx!) King Karl/ Al Stewart parallels.
Yep. Mod. - language (= the meta-structure of our minds) incorporates (=enables our mind to "see") a - practically unlimited - number of possibilities. Nostradamus was a great fiction writer. - As were - - - Jules Verne, Isaac Asimov - or is immigration critic and civilization critic French novelist Michel Houellebecq (quite some predictions in his novels that have come true already...).
Btw. - there is indeed a city that was divided by a wall until ca. 1400 - - just around the corner from here: Tengen. Parts of this wall are still there. It is still partly Swiss - as is Konstanz. - Huge parts of Switzerland were once owned by the bishops of Konstanz - practically all of the German speaking parts of it.People have lived in Tengen for at least 10 000 years. Writers like Nostradmus might be read/understood as fiction-prediction writers - as opposed to science-fiction writers.
Poetry (song!) and medicine and - fictionality (!) all emanated from the same mythical/religious practices. It is no coincidence at all that Al Stewart refers to Bob Dylan in this interview - and to Nostradamus.What's so great about his remarks is their crystal clear simplicity - and that he makes his connection to history explicit - and the lightheaded approach he takes here: I went there to have tea and talk Nostradamus...and that was just enough for my inspiration.One of the big obstacles for writers who touch this realm creatively - as Al Stewart undoubtedly does, is to become fist-handed/concrete-headed/ self impressed(that happened to John Lennon ca.from the White Album on. Being creative is not least a dangerous experience. Most people don't get that.Thomas Mann wrote two of his best novels about this subject: The magic mountain and Doctor Faustus.Another rock-composer who touched these deep layers of history is Scottsman Ian Anderson - frontman and mastermind of Jthro Tull: Listen to his broadsword songabout Norman invasions of Scotland: That is right there in this realm.As soon as people understood the concept (!) of the future, they tried to - - - - bespeak it. That included their own bodily future. Thus the concept of sanity / being whole/ being sacred / blessed /just/unjust - came into being. - see philosopher Karl Jaspers concept of the axis-timeabout 800 - to 300 before Christ, which was formative for the great religions (Jewish, Christian Buddhist) and classical Greek thinking = our civilizational foundations.
Text Broadsword Jethro Tull
I see a dark sail on the horizon
Set under a black cloud that hides the sun
Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding
Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman
Get up to the roundhouse on the cliff-top standing
Take women and children and bed them down
Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding...
.P.r.e. scriptum: These remarks below are also about Ganderson's (very interesting: thx!) King Karl/ Al Stewart parallels.
Yep. Mod. - language (= the meta-structure of our minds) incorporates (=enables our mind to "see") a - practically unlimited - number of possibilities. Nostradamus was a great fiction writer. - As were - - - Jules Verne, Isaac Asimov - or is immigration critic and civilization critic French novelist Michel Houellebecq (quite some predictions in his novels that have come true already...).
Btw. - there is indeed a city that was divided by a wall until ca. 1400 - - just around the corner from here: Tengen. Parts of this wall are still there. It is still partly Swiss - as is Konstanz. - Huge parts of Switzerland were once owned by the bishops of Konstanz - practically all of the German speaking parts of it.People have lived in Tengen for at least 10 000 years. Writers like Nostradmus might be read/understood as fiction-prediction writers - as opposed to science-fiction writers.
Poetry (song!) and medicine and - fictionality (!) all emanated from the same mythical/religious practices. It is no coincidence at all that Al Stewart refers to Bob Dylan in this interview - and to Nostradamus.What's so great about his remarks is their crystal clear simplicity - and that he makes his connection to history explicit - and the lightheaded approach he takes here: I went there to have tea and talk Nostradamus...and that was just enough for my inspiration.One of the big obstacles for writers who touch this realm creatively - as Al Stewart undoubtedly does, is to become fist-handed/concrete-headed/ self impressed(that happened to John Lennon ca.from the White Album on. Being creative is not least a dangerous experience. Most people don't get that.Thomas Mann wrote two of his best novels about this subject: The magic mountain and Doctor Faustus.Another rock-composer who touched these deep layers of history is Scottsman Ian Anderson - frontman and mastermind of Jthro Tull: Listen to his broadsword songabout Norman invasions of Scotland: That is right there in this realm.As soon as people understood the concept (!) of the future, they tried to - - - - bespeak it. That included their own bodily future. Thus the concept of sanity / being whole/ being sacred / blessed /just/unjust - came into being. - see philosopher Karl Jaspers concept of the axis-timeabout 800 - to 300 before Christ, which was formative for the great religions (Jewish, Christian Buddhist) and classical Greek thinking = our civilizational foundations.
Text Broadsword Jethro Tull
I see a dark sail on the horizon
Set under a black cloud that hides the sun
Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding
Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman
Get up to the roundhouse on the cliff-top standing
Take women and children and bed them down
Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding...
Monday - February 6th 2023 6:14PM MST
PS: I get what you're saying, Dieter. It's as with those fortune tellers with crystal balls. They say a number of vague statements about your life, and one or two is bound to fit with something. Long ago, a girlfriend I went to one, and afterwards it seemed pretty amazing. We were fooled.
That could be the same thing with Nostradamus' "A great wall that divides the city, at this time, is cast aside" "This is the way you know the time is nigh ...." I guess there have been a number of walls across cities. I am no historian, so I can't think of one at the moment. Still, I was impressed when I heard the song.
That could be the same thing with Nostradamus' "A great wall that divides the city, at this time, is cast aside" "This is the way you know the time is nigh ...." I guess there have been a number of walls across cities. I am no historian, so I can't think of one at the moment. Still, I was impressed when I heard the song.
The Alarmist
Monday - February 6th 2023 10:26AM MST
The people say
“No más.”
But creepy joe will simply reply
“Mas que nada!”
The people say
“No más.”
But creepy joe will simply reply
“Mas que nada!”
Half Empty Or Half Full
Monday - February 6th 2023 6:51AM MST
PS Headline at the aggregator says El Salvador to open 40,000 inmate mega prison and I thought it meant they were releasing them to land of free milk and honey to vote CPUSA for a living!
We're going to need an ocean freighter air horn for honking.
Here is the Cliff Notes version of the upcoming SOTU:
We are going to boldly leap forward, comrades.
Sí, se puede!
We're going to need an ocean freighter air horn for honking.
Here is the Cliff Notes version of the upcoming SOTU:
We are going to boldly leap forward, comrades.
Sí, se puede!
Dieter Kief
Monday - February 6th 2023 1:14AM MST
Mod. if you read the interview - closely - you'll see that he Al Stewart treats Nostradamus as a colleague story-teller.
There were once a group of French theorists, aha - very restricted ones, ascetic theorists - the equivalent of the Anyltical school in the anglo-sphere, and they called themseves the structuralists: Those - men (mostly) wrote quite a bit bit about novels, but also about folk-tales and mythical texts, fairy-tales, - - - predictions/visions... -What they came up with is: These texts - somehow - specialise not in detecting what will happen in the real world, but rather in detecting what this kind of written traditions are constituted (=made) of. - From a certain stage of cultural evolution on texts can develop into mega texts in order to - lay bare the collective insights, that have been spun out before. That's what fascinated the Structuralists.
See - Nostradamus is one such specialist.
His trick (=his method (no kidding here)) is to write lots about the things that structered his life-world already and combine 'em in a fascinating way so that people, while reading him, get the impression: He might have broken the spell about one of the eternal secrets of humankind: How to get a glimpse of the future...
***As we all know, this fairy tale/mythical/religious... idea is usually too beautiful to be true - with very few exceptions (one of them being - Alex Was(h)burne, lately (not Nichlas Taleb, who failed to descipher a relevant chunk of The Covid story (and that was exactly what Alex Washburne enabled to (partly)see the Covid future).
Apropos Alarmist - the Conspirators hierarchy is now laid bare - right in front of the public's eyes:
Here is a great (dense!) little essay by Stanford-conservative thinker Victor Davis Hanson, more or less just listing these conjunctions of wokism and the establishemnt up: Very interesting - and very conservative in spirit, by not theorizing his findings much, but rather just write all important names down: From Disney to Al Gore and from the Obamas to Big Tech and Big Money, Big Pol. and Big Media - a decent and sober write up - almost perfectly well done:
Mod. if you read the interview - closely - you'll see that he Al Stewart treats Nostradamus as a colleague story-teller.
There were once a group of French theorists, aha - very restricted ones, ascetic theorists - the equivalent of the Anyltical school in the anglo-sphere, and they called themseves the structuralists: Those - men (mostly) wrote quite a bit bit about novels, but also about folk-tales and mythical texts, fairy-tales, - - - predictions/visions... -What they came up with is: These texts - somehow - specialise not in detecting what will happen in the real world, but rather in detecting what this kind of written traditions are constituted (=made) of. - From a certain stage of cultural evolution on texts can develop into mega texts in order to - lay bare the collective insights, that have been spun out before. That's what fascinated the Structuralists.
See - Nostradamus is one such specialist.
His trick (=his method (no kidding here)) is to write lots about the things that structered his life-world already and combine 'em in a fascinating way so that people, while reading him, get the impression: He might have broken the spell about one of the eternal secrets of humankind: How to get a glimpse of the future...
***As we all know, this fairy tale/mythical/religious... idea is usually too beautiful to be true - with very few exceptions (one of them being - Alex Was(h)burne, lately (not Nichlas Taleb, who failed to descipher a relevant chunk of The Covid story (and that was exactly what Alex Washburne enabled to (partly)see the Covid future).
Apropos Alarmist - the Conspirators hierarchy is now laid bare - right in front of the public's eyes:
Here is a great (dense!) little essay by Stanford-conservative thinker Victor Davis Hanson, more or less just listing these conjunctions of wokism and the establishemnt up: Very interesting - and very conservative in spirit, by not theorizing his findings much, but rather just write all important names down: From Disney to Al Gore and from the Obamas to Big Tech and Big Money, Big Pol. and Big Media - a decent and sober write up - almost perfectly well done:
Sunday - February 5th 2023 9:10PM MST
PS: From BatM: "Just read that China has purchased and amassed a record amount of gold in the last 100 days with the intention of starting a gold backed exchange with Russia." Going a decade back, Zerohedge would write about the Chinese and the real money, Gold. I suppose they are ramping it up, then.
Bark At the Moon
Sunday - February 5th 2023 9:04PM MST
PS Breaking-The republicans almost did something. (honk!)
It is on again off again regarding Das Heimat Schutze commandant Mayorkas and impeachment.
Klain said he was leaving last year so that was no surprise and now Brandon has no brain!
Get a Brian ya Morans. (proto-meme from fweedom fwies era)
Just read that China has purchased and amassed a record amount of gold in the last 100 days with the intention of starting a gold backed exchange with Russia.
Maybe this is the back story for the baloony tunes?
It is on again off again regarding Das Heimat Schutze commandant Mayorkas and impeachment.
Klain said he was leaving last year so that was no surprise and now Brandon has no brain!
Get a Brian ya Morans. (proto-meme from fweedom fwies era)
Just read that China has purchased and amassed a record amount of gold in the last 100 days with the intention of starting a gold backed exchange with Russia.
Maybe this is the back story for the baloony tunes?
Sunday - February 5th 2023 9:01PM MST
PS: I don't disagree on your take on the reasons evil and/or greedy people want the invasion, Mr. Blanc. I brought up Liberty as it's what the Libertarians are all about, but the love for it is only ingrained in certain people. Those are absolutely not the type of people that these Libertarians want to let in. (Or, ARE letting in.)
Sunday - February 5th 2023 8:57PM MST
PS: Mr. Ganderson, it's good to hear from you again. I know that one of your sons came back from "The Middle Kingdom", so you've probably beens spending time with him. Give us his opinion of China, if he's got something interesting.
I'd never heard "The Coldest Winter" before (thanks for the link, Adam), so I guess I'm not a die-hard fan. It was good upon the 1st listen.
I'd never heard "The Coldest Winter" before (thanks for the link, Adam), so I guess I'm not a die-hard fan. It was good upon the 1st listen.
Sunday - February 5th 2023 3:58PM MST
PS Alarmist: There are all sorts of actors in the modern world. These days, a lot of them are NGOs, many of which are mentioned in the document that you reference. I’m with Severian over at Founding Questions, however: Most of what we see is the result of convergent evolution, not conspiracies. Labor, resources, and markets are principal constraints on enterprises, so it’s to be expected that policies that lessen those constraints are going to appeal to those who control enterprises. Sure, they talk about these things amongst themselves, but that talking isn’t necessarily conspiratorial, unless all planning is conspiracy. Rich guys get together to try to run the world. Well, they would, wouldn’t they. Similarly, malcontents often get together to commiserate with each other, and fantasize about what a paradise will ensue when they are in power. These days, the powerful have adopted much of the program of the malcontents, because there’s much in that program that serves their interests. This sort of thing used to happen at a local level. Then it moved to the regional level. In the late 19th and first half of the 20th century, it was at the national level. Since, WWII, it has become international. It’s a huge interconnected web of individuals, corporate entities, governmental entities, and non-governmental entities, with common perceived interests, attempting to frame public policies in ways that serve those interests.
Peak Stupidity Book Club
Sunday - February 5th 2023 3:27PM MST
PS: Good evening, Mr. Alarmist,
Many thanks for the reading suggestion...
Conspirators’ Hierarcy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (.pdf)
Many thanks for the reading suggestion...
Conspirators’ Hierarcy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (.pdf)
The Alarmist
Sunday - February 5th 2023 1:04PM MST
Mr. Blanc, how far do you want to go down the rabbit hole? This is from a 1992 book called “Conspirators’ Hierarcy: The Story of the Committee of 300.”,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Mr. Blanc, how far do you want to go down the rabbit hole? This is from a 1992 book called “Conspirators’ Hierarcy: The Story of the Committee of 300.”,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Sunday - February 5th 2023 10:57AM MST
PS Liberty has nothing to do with it. Globalization has two basic drivers: The desire of bankers and capitalists for unrestricted access to cheap labor, resources, and markets; and the desire of the Left for global governance. With regard to immigration, for the bankers and the capitalists, it’s their insatiable lust for cheap labor. For the Left, it is to undermine nationalism, the sense of nation. There’s an added bonus for the Left: They get to replace the hated Whitey with numinous People of Color.
Sunday - February 5th 2023 9:00AM MST
Should read:
King Karl, the young hero,
He stood in the smoke and dust.
Damn- auto correct is apparently designed by people unfamiliar with the English language!
Should read:
King Karl, the young hero,
He stood in the smoke and dust.
Damn- auto correct is apparently designed by people unfamiliar with the English language!
Sunday - February 5th 2023 8:57AM MST
PS As many of you know, I'm a big Alistair Stewart fan- maybe if you're a History teacher it's required! I mean, I'm not aware of any other pop-sters who've written a song about the (or an) invasion of Russia (Roads to Moscow) much less TWO songs about the (or an) invasion of Russia. (The Coldest Winter). It might be useful for Dementia Joe and/or Victoria Newland to listen to those two tunes, just to see what the results were for both Mustache Guy and Charles XII of Sweden.
In addition "The Coldest WInter's" verses scan perfectly with the very famous (at least in Sweden) Esias Tegner poem "Karl XII"; try it yourself:
Kung Carl den unga hjälte, King Charles, the young hero
han stod i rök och dam. he stood in the sole and dust
Han drog sitt svärd från bälte He drew his sword from its scabbard
och bröt i striden fram. and strode forth to battle
"Hur Svenska stålet biter "How Swedish steel bites
kom låt oss pröva på. Come, we'll show you how
Ur vägen, Moscoviter! Out of the way, Muskovites
Friskt mod, I gossar blå!" With courage, boys in blue"
Al still performs live- it's been a few years since I've seen him; and he has a little trouble hitting the high notes, but he puts on an entertaining show.
BTW- I made no attempt to make the translation rhyme or scan properly, but trust me, the Swedish version does.
In addition "The Coldest WInter's" verses scan perfectly with the very famous (at least in Sweden) Esias Tegner poem "Karl XII"; try it yourself:
Kung Carl den unga hjälte, King Charles, the young hero
han stod i rök och dam. he stood in the sole and dust
Han drog sitt svärd från bälte He drew his sword from its scabbard
och bröt i striden fram. and strode forth to battle
"Hur Svenska stålet biter "How Swedish steel bites
kom låt oss pröva på. Come, we'll show you how
Ur vägen, Moscoviter! Out of the way, Muskovites
Friskt mod, I gossar blå!" With courage, boys in blue"
Al still performs live- it's been a few years since I've seen him; and he has a little trouble hitting the high notes, but he puts on an entertaining show.
BTW- I made no attempt to make the translation rhyme or scan properly, but trust me, the Swedish version does.
The Alarmist
Sunday - February 5th 2023 6:37AM MST
I’ve launched balloons with APRS trackers for kicks. One landed on a guy’s roof, but no harm done. I guess a Chicom ELINT package, if that is what it was, would be heavier, but they could have brought it down pretty much anywhere in Montana (circa 7 people per square km) with no risk of hitting a human. BTW, how do we even know it was Chinese?
There are a few videos on YouTube for hobbyists who chase and recover weather balloons. They’re a source of certain electronics that can be useful ... or, I guess, you could do the good thing and return them....
I’ve launched balloons with APRS trackers for kicks. One landed on a guy’s roof, but no harm done. I guess a Chicom ELINT package, if that is what it was, would be heavier, but they could have brought it down pretty much anywhere in Montana (circa 7 people per square km) with no risk of hitting a human. BTW, how do we even know it was Chinese?
There are a few videos on YouTube for hobbyists who chase and recover weather balloons. They’re a source of certain electronics that can be useful ... or, I guess, you could do the good thing and return them....
Sunday - February 5th 2023 5:58AM MST
PS: Alarmist, I do remember the Carl Rowan story, and I remember reading anti-gun writings from him before this happened. Yes, Al Yankovich is more honest.
About the balloons, I'll write a short post (if that's even possible anymore!) with one point - it's pretty bogus to suggest that they're not shooting it down due to worry about damage below. Weather balloons to get temperature and winds aloft go up from 92 locations within the US twice a day:
I got to see a guy launch one (easy gig, but not full time pay) out in Western Washington one time. It looked a lot bigger than the one in the picture in my link. It was hydrogen-filled, as I recall. They hardly ever got the payload back, he told me. (They have tags on there with info on where to sent them - I'm sure with reimbursement for shipping.)
About the balloons, I'll write a short post (if that's even possible anymore!) with one point - it's pretty bogus to suggest that they're not shooting it down due to worry about damage below. Weather balloons to get temperature and winds aloft go up from 92 locations within the US twice a day:
I got to see a guy launch one (easy gig, but not full time pay) out in Western Washington one time. It looked a lot bigger than the one in the picture in my link. It was hydrogen-filled, as I recall. They hardly ever got the payload back, he told me. (They have tags on there with info on where to sent them - I'm sure with reimbursement for shipping.)
Sunday - February 5th 2023 5:51AM MST
PS: For Dieter and Adam regarding Al Stewart. The interview - mostly a talk about how he came to write many of his different songs - was VERY interesting. I am disappointed though, in not getting one small part of the story of Nostradamus*, the song, and the man's quatrains.
This is about the line going "A great wall that divides a city, at this time is cast aside". I embedded the song long ago in this post:
I was sure that I'd written about this point before, as in that post, but nope. Even without reading Nostradamus' writings in French, and I know a little bit, if I were just to go by Al Stewart, well, he wrote the song in 1974, so no matter if he was fudging a bit with N's writing, still that was 15 years before the Berlin Wall fell. This was not only a big event for Berlin and Germany, but part of a bigger event, the fall of Euro Communism.
I think I heard this song once in college, but it was in the mid-1990s, I think, when I bought Stewart's Greatest Hits CD and listened to this song (with the "World Goes to Riyadh" in the middle) many times and LOUD.
I was surprised that Al Stewart didn't mention that part of his lyrics and his readings of Nostradamus in this great interview. It can't be that the interview is that old. The picture up top shows more of a Present Al Stewart.
* A commenter on ZeroHedge long ago (I think) used the handle NostraDumbass, which is still very amusing to me. I wish I'd thought of that first!
This is about the line going "A great wall that divides a city, at this time is cast aside". I embedded the song long ago in this post:
I was sure that I'd written about this point before, as in that post, but nope. Even without reading Nostradamus' writings in French, and I know a little bit, if I were just to go by Al Stewart, well, he wrote the song in 1974, so no matter if he was fudging a bit with N's writing, still that was 15 years before the Berlin Wall fell. This was not only a big event for Berlin and Germany, but part of a bigger event, the fall of Euro Communism.
I think I heard this song once in college, but it was in the mid-1990s, I think, when I bought Stewart's Greatest Hits CD and listened to this song (with the "World Goes to Riyadh" in the middle) many times and LOUD.
I was surprised that Al Stewart didn't mention that part of his lyrics and his readings of Nostradamus in this great interview. It can't be that the interview is that old. The picture up top shows more of a Present Al Stewart.
* A commenter on ZeroHedge long ago (I think) used the handle NostraDumbass, which is still very amusing to me. I wish I'd thought of that first!
Sunday - February 5th 2023 5:33AM MST
PS: Ahaaa! on Tony Maneor, Adam. The local library has it on streaming - will have to get my boy to show me how to do that, haha. It does sound like the kind of movie I'd like, sort of like this old movie "Coven" I'd watched about some young guy trying to reproduce a "Blair Witch Project" movie with his friends.
The Alarmist
Sunday - February 5th 2023 5:23AM MST
Reason is just another one of those outlets that trumpets “Open borders for thee but not for me.” Ask how many illegals they have on staff ... well, probably at home, as gardeners, nannies, and housekeepers. Speaking of hypocrisy, do you remember Anti-gun African American syndicated opinion writer Carl Rowan, who shot a youth in his back yard?
Moi? I prefer Al Yankovich.
Re the CCP ballooon, the Chicoms were trolling the US. The US probably had to order a bunch of C3 and A/D assets to go silent while it was floating around ... It was probably a good OPSEC exercise for the US.
Reason is just another one of those outlets that trumpets “Open borders for thee but not for me.” Ask how many illegals they have on staff ... well, probably at home, as gardeners, nannies, and housekeepers. Speaking of hypocrisy, do you remember Anti-gun African American syndicated opinion writer Carl Rowan, who shot a youth in his back yard?
Moi? I prefer Al Yankovich.
Re the CCP ballooon, the Chicoms were trolling the US. The US probably had to order a bunch of C3 and A/D assets to go silent while it was floating around ... It was probably a good OPSEC exercise for the US.
Dieter Kief
Sunday - February 5th 2023 4:32AM MST
The Intro to Little Feat's Waiting for Columbus LP is superb. - Thx. Adam - happy sunday to you and all the other Peakers too. - I'm back from the higher (Swiss) mountains, heheh - it was so blue up there - and chilly winds aplenty - on the Hockenhorngrat - no dust there but angel-dust... we were enlightened and blindeed by the ight at the same time! - We walked up there togehter /In our trusty boots of - Bavarian - leather!
Here's Al Stewart's beloved & highestly praised Lonnie Donegan
The Intro to Little Feat's Waiting for Columbus LP is superb. - Thx. Adam - happy sunday to you and all the other Peakers too. - I'm back from the higher (Swiss) mountains, heheh - it was so blue up there - and chilly winds aplenty - on the Hockenhorngrat - no dust there but angel-dust... we were enlightened and blindeed by the ight at the same time! - We walked up there togehter /In our trusty boots of - Bavarian - leather!
Here's Al Stewart's beloved & highestly praised Lonnie Donegan
Adam Smith
Sunday - February 5th 2023 1:30AM MST
PS: Happy Sunday!, Dieter,
Adam Smith
Sunday - February 5th 2023 1:15AM MST
PS: Happy Sunday!, Dieter,
Common Sense Balloon Control
Sunday - February 5th 2023 1:06AM MST
PS: Reports of third Chinese balloon flying outside US
Dieter Kief
Sunday - February 5th 2023 1:00AM MST
So what was he reading when he wrote this Man for all Seasons song, this Al Stewart - öh: "Song & Dance Man"*****?
Being in the US here and not knowing much about this man except maybe a handful of his songs, never having owned one of his records, I assume he did or at least had read the Bible - and maybe Erich Fromm's Art of Loving? Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf?
And except for that? Maybe some post-hippie Jungian stuff about being a man = knowing the secrets of life = knowing that existence is (and never was ) meant to be easy? To be in touch with eternity / the sweaty / exhausting/ frustrating part of reality/life (see Lowell George's/Little Feet's - Dixie Chicken LP, if I remember this one right?)
An Al Stewart interview - not least with lots of humor = trenched in wit, style (!) & lightheartedness & - Nostradamus (the Jungian stuff, the Burning man mythical stuff) & humor, as I said: Lots of humor & playfulness/ &: Self-irony. (That's also a Heinrich Heine reference for me: The lightheadedness with regard to oneself).
He mentions how Robert Mugabe presided over the killing of white farmers in revolutionary-tinged Zimbabwe and how Churchill didn't get that England had to lose (give up on...) India**.And he somehow binds all that stuff back to Lonnie Donegan and his skiffle songs - not least the one about -: - his father, being a Dustbin Man: Mxy Father was a Dustbin Man!
Google this great Interview:
Al Stewart - Past, Present and Future - The Strange Brew
*****he reveals a deep connection to Bob Dylan's Subterranean Homesick Blues
** The fact that On the Border reflects the race-dynamics in Robert Mugabe's post-revolutionary Zimbabwe is quite something, I have to say.
See how much of the intervew is about production- aesthetics (theat's the classical term. The loose one would be: how much he reflects about what you can do to write an interesting song (for a starter: Be original/self-critical/ try hard to avoid the obvious/ the cliché/ write well).
So what was he reading when he wrote this Man for all Seasons song, this Al Stewart - öh: "Song & Dance Man"*****?
Being in the US here and not knowing much about this man except maybe a handful of his songs, never having owned one of his records, I assume he did or at least had read the Bible - and maybe Erich Fromm's Art of Loving? Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf?
And except for that? Maybe some post-hippie Jungian stuff about being a man = knowing the secrets of life = knowing that existence is (and never was ) meant to be easy? To be in touch with eternity / the sweaty / exhausting/ frustrating part of reality/life (see Lowell George's/Little Feet's - Dixie Chicken LP, if I remember this one right?)
An Al Stewart interview - not least with lots of humor = trenched in wit, style (!) & lightheartedness & - Nostradamus (the Jungian stuff, the Burning man mythical stuff) & humor, as I said: Lots of humor & playfulness/ &: Self-irony. (That's also a Heinrich Heine reference for me: The lightheadedness with regard to oneself).
He mentions how Robert Mugabe presided over the killing of white farmers in revolutionary-tinged Zimbabwe and how Churchill didn't get that England had to lose (give up on...) India**.And he somehow binds all that stuff back to Lonnie Donegan and his skiffle songs - not least the one about -: - his father, being a Dustbin Man: Mxy Father was a Dustbin Man!
Google this great Interview:
Al Stewart - Past, Present and Future - The Strange Brew
*****he reveals a deep connection to Bob Dylan's Subterranean Homesick Blues
** The fact that On the Border reflects the race-dynamics in Robert Mugabe's post-revolutionary Zimbabwe is quite something, I have to say.
See how much of the intervew is about production- aesthetics (theat's the classical term. The loose one would be: how much he reflects about what you can do to write an interesting song (for a starter: Be original/self-critical/ try hard to avoid the obvious/ the cliché/ write well).
Adam Smith
Sunday - February 5th 2023 12:55AM MST
PS: 🙃
Sunday - February 5th 2023 12:53AM MST
PS: I take it you've been perusing the Steve Sailer comments under his post on this, TMDB? What a weird story. Just get a bunch of grad students or post-docs to do the spying close up, if you're the CCP..
Thanks for the comment,Tony.
Thanks for the comment,Tony.
Tony Manero Disco Balloon
Saturday - February 4th 2023 10:31PM MST
PS Xhou Bai Den waited until the spy mission was complete to shoot down the balloon?
Trump ended the Open Skies Treaty and they needed to update with some recon?
What if Roswell '47 really was a balloon!
The "official" narrative on why the wait was so that the balloon of diplomacy wouldn't burst as comrade commissar Blinken was due to meet with CCP officials.
Culture is a construct of the white male patriarchy and discovering your "wet" genitals is edgy and progressive.
A dumpster fire every single day when you (s)elect a clown.
Enjoy the show as prices are getting marked down at the Sack-N-Save and Skinny Pop is on special.
Trump ended the Open Skies Treaty and they needed to update with some recon?
What if Roswell '47 really was a balloon!
The "official" narrative on why the wait was so that the balloon of diplomacy wouldn't burst as comrade commissar Blinken was due to meet with CCP officials.
Culture is a construct of the white male patriarchy and discovering your "wet" genitals is edgy and progressive.
A dumpster fire every single day when you (s)elect a clown.
Enjoy the show as prices are getting marked down at the Sack-N-Save and Skinny Pop is on special.
Mod. - here two Tengen links: German Wikipedia and the Tengen Website
Tengen – Wikipedia
Stadt Tengen - Die Stadt Tengen in Bildern
Motto: Engen Tengen Blumenfeld - sind die schönsten Städt' der Welt (three neighboring Hegau towns are the most beautiful in the world) Hegau = Volcano-Landscape. - See also Hohentwiel, Singen: One of those castles that could never (well- by and large) be conquered.
If it wouldn't be for the Nazis, at least one of the seven main Hegau mountains, the Hhohenstoffeln would have been gone. Ludwig Finckh stopped the basalt and gravel-mining there and installed one of the very impressive nature protection areas - with the help of Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler. - Yep: The Nazis were geen!
Two writers are Hegau writers: Viktor von Scheffel and a bit later, the once Hermann-Hesse friend and later Nazi member and local doctor Luwig Finckh. Ludwig Finckh has been on the cancellation list for decades - but the Finckh-streets etc. did survive to this day, because the doctor seems to have done nothing bad but a lot of good things from 1933 on - except that the had to become a party-member to do so.
Victor Davis Hanson's essay struck me a s a conservative landmark and- a text that is structured by it's conservatism = a visibly special text, with special techniques applied to bring it to life: Like adding up. You don't find this technique in leftist essays, which tend to explain much more than just to state. A sober text that lets the reader more or less - alone. Interesting.
No, no Nostradamus Engen predictions, Mod.. But an example that literary fiction (=Nostradmus) and real world stories and their consequences can - mingle - - over the centuries...