Posted On: Tuesday - January 10th 2023 7:52AM MST
In Topics:   Websites  Media Stupidity  Kung Flu Stupidity
Note to geeks: This is not about the Vax mini-mainframe computers. A few seconds ago, that old meaning of the word came back into my consciousness! Let's be clear here.
In our post a week back, The Graphical Truth?, we speculated on the Kung Flu booster shots being worse than the initial shots in causing health problems and deaths for Americans. Note the ? mark though - it's just something that coincides to a degree, the key to all this speculation on excess deaths (besides the problem with the base"line") being how causes of death are assigned.
I can't seem to get through to certain people, cough, cough, Ron Unz**, cough, on the important problem of how good is the data when causes of death are goosed? I have wasted entirely too much time that could have been sleep or blogging time trying to get this across, but worse yet, feeling obligated (somehow) to read through 500 to 1,000 comment threads on this. I mentioned and linked to the goosing of the death counts in that week-ago post.
That post also noted that its 2nd graph came from the venerable, heh, yeah, venerable? USA Today. That page is A-OK though. I am a a sucker for solid numbers but more so nice maps and especially interactive maps***.
The page, Tracking COVID-19 vaccine distribution by state: How many people have been vaccinated in the US?, is not updated daily - note that the two overall numbers above are from almost 3 months back. (I have a feeling the booster or "additional dose" number won't keep climbing very high. Even the most clueless of Americans are seeing the problems.)
They've got a State-level schematic map:
There is no way for our readers to tell without going to the page, which I recommend, but I'd chosen the "Fully Vaccinated" option (making it appear white) when making the screenshot. "Received at least 1 dose" percentages are a good bit higher.
I'm not writing this to do Steve Sailer style speculation on the reasons behind the variation in the numbers. "These people are like this",. "These other people are more like this, so that's why ...", etc. There is a lot more to that, and I don't write to criticize that analysis.
My point here is just to show an example of the later stages of PanicFest entertainment. Back in the heyday of the PanicFest, June 1 of '20, in I miss my Kung Flu TV, and the end of that month, in C'mon guys, it's all CASES nowadays!, Peak Stupidity showed examples of the graphical data that was displayed everywhere -such as the top of bing search results on anything Kung Flu - to keep up the Infotainment. Sports had been cancelled, so what else was there for numbers people to keep up with at that time? Cases, hospitalizations, deaths, IFR etc, etc. This was a big part of the PanicFest. It was the best of times for the Lyin' Press.
Americans were told this
(I had to cut off a note that said: "States are included only if county of residence was reported for at least 80% of people fully vaccinated." That's about reporting, mind you, and that must explain Virginia.)
Interactive maps are FUN! I may not be looking at them for the same reasons as most USA Today readers are, though. I used the nice county-by-county and even voter-precinct-level NY Times interactive demographic maps*** to see how to get away from heavily black areas, probably not something the Times would want to hear. On these USA Today maps, I view dark purple as a sign of stupidity, not success.
PS: If there are any more boosters coming out, the use of which are required for that Fully Vaxxed Platinum Elite Status, will the "Fully Vaccinated" percentages show a drop, as people are older, wiser, and sicker? Instead, maybe the maps will be "deprecated", to keep up morale. In the meantime, Go Rhode Island!!
* We followed up with a correction and more investigation into the numbers in Mortality Addendum and Back to the excess death count - Could it be infants and illegal aliens?, respectively.
** That one is entitled Vaxxing Deaths or Covid Deaths? - there are other options too - but it tries to the heart of the matter. The problem is that bogus assignment of causes of deaths is not part of his discussion. This one has 1,072 comments as of just now. Soon after that Mr. Unz published Obesity and the End of the Vaxxing Debate?, with 552 comments as I write.
I chuckle at that 2nd title. First of all, Steve Sailer and his commenters noticed the obesity angle long ago. Secondly, I supposed Ron Unz could end the debate with a heavy-hand on his web-site, not something he's usually prone to doing in the comments, but, no, the debate is not at all over, at least not the way HE thinks. Finally, I really wonder what Mr. Unz has against those he erroneously dubs the "anti-vaxxers". He's got the live-and-let-die attitude himself, and he told us he had taken a couple of shots early on but no boosters (and he's not planning to).
*** For about 8 years later, I had the same NY Times (also a good page from a bad source) interactive '00 --'10 census demographic comparison map in a browser tab. It was awesome, but the Flash software got deprecated, and things were too hairy by '20 for them to even THINK of making such a thing for '10--'20. What a shame! It was very useful for re-location ideas.
Thursday - January 12th 2023 5:30AM MST
PS: Damn work computer has the sound locked off, UsAndThem. I'll check it out on my other device shortly.
Wednesday - January 11th 2023 7:54PM MST
Check out this video - one of the funniest damn things I've seen in a long time.
Check out this video - one of the funniest damn things I've seen in a long time.
The Alarmist
Wednesday - January 11th 2023 7:53PM MST
You should try experiencing varying degrees of stupidity on two continents.
You should try experiencing varying degrees of stupidity on two continents.
Adam Smith
Wednesday - January 11th 2023 6:43PM MST
PS: Well, you do get out amongst the public more often than I do. (I hear it's pretty stupid out there.) ☮
Wednesday - January 11th 2023 6:37PM MST
PS: You are in a good little section of the country, Adam. I know you are very glad of this. I'm guessing I see a lot more stupidity where I live.
Adam Smith
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 10:52PM MST
PS: Good evening, Mr. Moderator,
“80% have taken one shot at minimum”...
How do we know that this number is legit and not manipulated (goosed) like so many other Official Stats™? (Just curious.)
Admittedly, I am a hermit and as such I do not have as many friends/acquaintances/co-workers/colleagues as the average human. But I can honestly say that there is no way that 80% of the people in my circle have taken “at least one shot”. I know for a fact that among my four co-workers and I only one of us is vaxxed. Additionally, Most people in my family remain unvaxxed. (There are a couple who succumbed to pressure from work who each took one shot and one pro-vaxxer family member who now concedes that the covid vaccines were an utter failure. Even she is done taking boosters.) Most of my friends are also purebloods. I (obviously) have not polled my neighbors, (as it's not my business what others do with their health), but I do know several of the neighbors are unvaxxed as it happened to come up in conversation.
If I were to guess how many of my friends, family, acquaintances, neighbors and co-workers took at least one clot-shot I really would guess 30-40% MAX. Realistically I'd guess 25-30%. Maybe I'm wrong.(?) But I don't think I am. Maybe it's an Appalachia thing.(?) (or something?)
Anyway... I recently found a few interesting articles on SubStack by a guy who goes by the handle A Midwestern Doctor...
I hope you all have a great evening! ☮
“80% have taken one shot at minimum”...
How do we know that this number is legit and not manipulated (goosed) like so many other Official Stats™? (Just curious.)
Admittedly, I am a hermit and as such I do not have as many friends/acquaintances/co-workers/colleagues as the average human. But I can honestly say that there is no way that 80% of the people in my circle have taken “at least one shot”. I know for a fact that among my four co-workers and I only one of us is vaxxed. Additionally, Most people in my family remain unvaxxed. (There are a couple who succumbed to pressure from work who each took one shot and one pro-vaxxer family member who now concedes that the covid vaccines were an utter failure. Even she is done taking boosters.) Most of my friends are also purebloods. I (obviously) have not polled my neighbors, (as it's not my business what others do with their health), but I do know several of the neighbors are unvaxxed as it happened to come up in conversation.
If I were to guess how many of my friends, family, acquaintances, neighbors and co-workers took at least one clot-shot I really would guess 30-40% MAX. Realistically I'd guess 25-30%. Maybe I'm wrong.(?) But I don't think I am. Maybe it's an Appalachia thing.(?) (or something?)
Anyway... I recently found a few interesting articles on SubStack by a guy who goes by the handle A Midwestern Doctor...
I hope you all have a great evening! ☮
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 7:01PM MST
PS: "It is a shame that we'll all have to suffer but how bout that democracy, comrade." It's two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner", say the Libertarians. The way it's been working it's a bunch of rabid deranged Grizzlies stampeding 300 million sheep over a cliff, with the few sheepdogs getting trampled underfoot... or something.
BTW, I get your handle, but being an self-proclaimed expert on the Jonestown Massacree, I take issue with your handle - the Commies down there in Guyana did not have the money for name brand sugary kid's drinks when they decided on a mass suicide and homocide (such as the kids involved). They had to settle for Flavor-Aid instead.
Just giving you grief, no offense intended. Thanks for commenting.
Adam, about that NY Post article. Everyone is glad to have a few of the BIPOCs and such to show "I am NOT an animal, errr, racist!", and these women were on our side. Good on that, but then, from what I read, Trump should have spent some quality time listening (BETTER!) to Ann Coulter than these show-biz ladies.
Yes, that is strange that Newsweek wanted to contact the dead.
BTW, I get your handle, but being an self-proclaimed expert on the Jonestown Massacree, I take issue with your handle - the Commies down there in Guyana did not have the money for name brand sugary kid's drinks when they decided on a mass suicide and homocide (such as the kids involved). They had to settle for Flavor-Aid instead.
Just giving you grief, no offense intended. Thanks for commenting.
Adam, about that NY Post article. Everyone is glad to have a few of the BIPOCs and such to show "I am NOT an animal, errr, racist!", and these women were on our side. Good on that, but then, from what I read, Trump should have spent some quality time listening (BETTER!) to Ann Coulter than these show-biz ladies.
Yes, that is strange that Newsweek wanted to contact the dead.
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 6:10PM MST
PS: I remember your comments regarding the obesity angle and then I embedded one interview with Denis Rancourts too, Dieter. Pointing that out to Ron Unz wouldn't mean much, but I'm glad you gave that an effort.
I did see your comment, though that was when I was struggling to get through the over 400 comments (at the time). Now that I read it again today, I feel I have to reply on the usability of the site, that is to say, yes, sailing 54 days around a storm may well be easier, haha.
I mean, I end up myself trying topic keys and then ctrl-f'ing for words that might work*. I know it sucks - it was in '17 that I last considered going back to work on this software. I figured I'd rather write instead. However, maybe it's time soon. That'd go along with a couple of weeks of not posting. That's not due to being unable computer-wise to do both but just time-wise.
* That is, when I don't just go to the database. Search ability is number 1 priority and probably not that hard (just got to be careful about screening for hackers). Next would be making these pages flat pages, as in not entries in the database. That way "anchor" tags within pages would let the pages load in the right positions. That's a big annoyance, but I didn't write the basics here, and there's a couple of things I still don't understand fully.
I did see your comment, though that was when I was struggling to get through the over 400 comments (at the time). Now that I read it again today, I feel I have to reply on the usability of the site, that is to say, yes, sailing 54 days around a storm may well be easier, haha.
I mean, I end up myself trying topic keys and then ctrl-f'ing for words that might work*. I know it sucks - it was in '17 that I last considered going back to work on this software. I figured I'd rather write instead. However, maybe it's time soon. That'd go along with a couple of weeks of not posting. That's not due to being unable computer-wise to do both but just time-wise.
* That is, when I don't just go to the database. Search ability is number 1 priority and probably not that hard (just got to be careful about screening for hackers). Next would be making these pages flat pages, as in not entries in the database. That way "anchor" tags within pages would let the pages load in the right positions. That's a big annoyance, but I didn't write the basics here, and there's a couple of things I still don't understand fully.
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 6:02PM MST
PS: Mr. Blanc, that's the very same number I see in some big corp that I am most familiar with.This 80% has taken one shot at minimum.
From the graph in the other post (and from/on USA Today) I can see lots of that being from March '21 through June/July '21. I guess not enough information had gotten out yet about the bad effects.
That shouldn't preclude one from having some common sense though. To me, before I'd heard of or seen any bad effects, there were 2 reasons not to take the jabs:
1) They were trying to MAKE us take them. Just in principle, that's usually a no-go.
2) I knew my risk in getting seriously sick from the Kung Flu a lot better than the completely unknown risk from taking one of these vaccines.
From the graph in the other post (and from/on USA Today) I can see lots of that being from March '21 through June/July '21. I guess not enough information had gotten out yet about the bad effects.
That shouldn't preclude one from having some common sense though. To me, before I'd heard of or seen any bad effects, there were 2 reasons not to take the jabs:
1) They were trying to MAKE us take them. Just in principle, that's usually a no-go.
2) I knew my risk in getting seriously sick from the Kung Flu a lot better than the completely unknown risk from taking one of these vaccines.
Adam Smith
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 4:02PM MST
PS: Good evening, everyone,
The sisters were fired from their Fox News roles back in 2020 for promoting conspiracy theories about the Most Sinister of Viruses. 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟-𝕒𝕚𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕗𝕚𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕧𝕚𝕣𝕦𝕤 𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕡𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕...
“Diamond’s death was totally unexpected, probably her 𝕓𝕚𝕘 and precious HEART just plain gave out.” said the Bad Orange Man.
But, we really don't know if it was the vaxx...
Some people think she was a dirty old anti-vaxxer...
Maybe Diamond suffered a Sickle Cell Related Death?
“Newsweek has contacted Diamond and Silk for comment.”
Huh??? (Or as Achmed might say... Whaaa???)
The sisters were fired from their Fox News roles back in 2020 for promoting conspiracy theories about the Most Sinister of Viruses. 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟-𝕒𝕚𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕗𝕚𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕧𝕚𝕣𝕦𝕤 𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕡𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕...
“Diamond’s death was totally unexpected, probably her 𝕓𝕚𝕘 and precious HEART just plain gave out.” said the Bad Orange Man.
But, we really don't know if it was the vaxx...
Some people think she was a dirty old anti-vaxxer...
Maybe Diamond suffered a Sickle Cell Related Death?
“Newsweek has contacted Diamond and Silk for comment.”
Huh??? (Or as Achmed might say... Whaaa???)
Jonestown Kool-Aid Flavor
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 2:53PM MST
PS Save those graphs before they get memory holed.
This soft weak society of neurotics will ride the COV-LARP all the way to the gates of hell.
In the land of the biomedical security state obedience is a virtue.
Thinking for yourself is just too much for some and we're all in this Jonestown slow motion train wreck together.
It is a shame that we'll all have to suffer but how bout that democracy, comrade.
This soft weak society of neurotics will ride the COV-LARP all the way to the gates of hell.
In the land of the biomedical security state obedience is a virtue.
Thinking for yourself is just too much for some and we're all in this Jonestown slow motion train wreck together.
It is a shame that we'll all have to suffer but how bout that democracy, comrade.
Dieter Kief
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 12:59PM MST
I've written at great length about obesity as a formost Covid death cause - on your blog, Mod,, hehe.
I started that in march or so 2021 with pretty clear data from the CDC andfrom German lungclinics like the one in Moers, headed by the insightful Dr. Klaus Vosshaar.
I then added Denis Rancourts analyses and a few hints to Ivor Cummins' insights about diet & resilience.
Best part of the new Unz debate so far is this graph by commenter "niceland" from - Iceland... look him up ctr+f - comment No. 595 or thereabout (that number changes sometimes)
What commenter niceland shows is that the age group 24-56 is extraordinarily hard hit 2020 - 2022 - - -but only in
the US. Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany: Nothing.
US: Heavy duty death counts! - This diffrence asks for reasons; and the thing is: There is hardly any difference in the percnetage of those being vaccinated. - So!?
He did not refer to immigrants, but I did in my answer. In another comment I tried a look back at Covid and Peak Stupidity was on my list...Hehe.
I've written at great length about obesity as a formost Covid death cause - on your blog, Mod,, hehe.
I started that in march or so 2021 with pretty clear data from the CDC andfrom German lungclinics like the one in Moers, headed by the insightful Dr. Klaus Vosshaar.
I then added Denis Rancourts analyses and a few hints to Ivor Cummins' insights about diet & resilience.
Best part of the new Unz debate so far is this graph by commenter "niceland" from - Iceland... look him up ctr+f - comment No. 595 or thereabout (that number changes sometimes)
What commenter niceland shows is that the age group 24-56 is extraordinarily hard hit 2020 - 2022 - - -but only in
the US. Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany: Nothing.
US: Heavy duty death counts! - This diffrence asks for reasons; and the thing is: There is hardly any difference in the percnetage of those being vaccinated. - So!?
He did not refer to immigrants, but I did in my answer. In another comment I tried a look back at Covid and Peak Stupidity was on my list...Hehe.
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 12:37PM MST
PS I’m a bit surprised that 80% of those inhabiting the territory of the Former USA submitted to the shot. I’d have thought that one couldn’t get 80% to do anything, short of physically forcing them.
The Alarmist
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 10:14AM MST
Yep ... sorry 😐
Yep ... sorry 😐
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 9:57AM MST
PS: Is that you, Alarmist? I can fix the "YOUR NAME" field. I had never heard of this "Diamond", though. That SAD syndrome is big now - we should have thematic maps with circles and arrows... and yes, color glossy photographs [/Alice's Restaurant Massacree]
The Alarmist
Tuesday - January 10th 2023 8:41AM MST
We don’t know if it was the vaxx... but it was the vaxx.
There’s a bit of Irony in Trump making this announcement, given it might be attributable to his “beautiful” Warp-speed vaxx.
Trump-loving entertainer Diamond of ‘Diamond and Silk’ dead at 51
“There was no better TEAM anywhere, or at any time! Diamond’s death was totally unexpected, probably her big and precious HEART just plain gave out. Rest In Peace our Magnificent Diamond, you will be greatly missed,” he concluded.”
We don’t know if it was the vaxx... but it was the vaxx.
There’s a bit of Irony in Trump making this announcement, given it might be attributable to his “beautiful” Warp-speed vaxx.
Trump-loving entertainer Diamond of ‘Diamond and Silk’ dead at 51
“There was no better TEAM anywhere, or at any time! Diamond’s death was totally unexpected, probably her big and precious HEART just plain gave out. Rest In Peace our Magnificent Diamond, you will be greatly missed,” he concluded.”