Posted On: Saturday - July 2nd 2022 5:42AM MST
In Topics:   Immigration Stupidity  Websites  Humor  Pundits
One piece of this post has nothing to do with the other, but I wanted to put a short note at the bottom, as a new connection came to ligt.
Mr. Adam Smith's full Daily Stupid color edition #53643 headlines are here. This is the last section, and very timely it is! In fact, after we gather a little more information, Peak Stupidity will have a post about the pilot shortage as related to the Kung Flu and the associated vaccinations.
Regarding the reference and picture of Otto Pilot: If you don't remember the 1980 movie Airplane, a parody of the serious movie Airport (from 1970. Dean Martin is the Captain in this 1st of the series), well, you are really missing out. Go get it, now!
Again, thank you, Adam Smith, for putting a bright face on the daily stupidity.
I was not planning to mention the passing of Conservative writer/pundit Martin Christopher Rojas, but for a slight virtual connection I just realized. He died very recently at the very young age of 29, with no cause given in anything I've read.
Mr. Rojas was born to a Chilean immigrant father and an American mother, and he grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He had been a writer for the American Renaissance magazine/website, which deals with White issues and the politics that cause said issues, OK PROBLEMS. Because there's quite a bit of overlap, especially on immigration issues, between AmRen (as it's called) and VDare, many of Rojas' articles have appeared there too.
Nowadays, with the ctrl-left really ramping up their destruction of careers and their growing outright violence, Conservative writers often use pen names. Per Jared Taylor*'s obituary, Townsman of a Stiller Town and VDare info, Mr. Rojas was known alternately as Chris Roberts, Gilbert Cavanaugh, Hubert Collins, Nathan Doyle, and Benjamin Villaroel.
I remembered enjoying the articles by "Hubert Collins" on VDare, and then, upon looking more, I realized I'd read him under the other names too.** Just now, when reading John Derbyshire's June Monthly Diary - his diaries are always great reading - I noted that his link to info on the prophetic Jean Raspail book The Camp of the Saints*** went to a "Chris Roberts" review. Hey, I remember that now! I can't remember if Mr. Rojas' review was what got me to finally get and read the book, but his review, titled THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS: This Century’s ‘1984’ was very good. Due to that being the case, I saw no reason to write another review, so Peak Stupidity just posted our review of his review 5 years ago.
VDare writers have mentioned young Martin Rojas numerous times this week, with references to his work. I remember also reading his great reporting job on poor southern West Virginia, in particular the town of Welch and McDowell County a year ago. It's a good bit of interesting reading. Here: Grace and Grit in Southern West Virginia
* The editor/owner of AmRen, one of the most civil and genteel men I've seen on-line (in videos) and mentioned and linked to in/by Peak Stupidity a number of times.
** VDare has a Writers link at the top, so one can find his articles that way. Sometimes that's the best way to search on that site for anything that's not on the front page.
*** This link goes to the Good Reads site. I don't link to amazon for books anymore, but I did check, since my '17 post. They only sell used copies: $114 for a paperback and a thousand and something for a hardcover. I'm pretty sure this book is meant to be memory-holed by now, but VDare sells it, and then there's Adam Smith again. (If you find a .pdf or other type file on-line, I'm sure the readers will appreciate it. I'd be sure to put that link in here.)
Monday - July 4th 2022 4:40AM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, I was glad to read your review of my review. I did treat it as a review of a novel, with only part of it being a discussion of the political views of author Houellebecq. That part was my asking near the end of my review if the author is pretty agreeable to what happens in the end of the book. I think now that he was.
I barely remember my thinking of that subsequent post about women and Islam now. In fact, I bet I have a few images saved from around that date, but didn't get to this one. (See, this is how plenty of posts can get built up.)
Back to your review, I appreciate your discussion on the people in the Royal Courts and such in the France of 100-150 years ago. If I was taught that history in high school, I long since have forgotten it. Then, to the book, as a novel, I think the middle section of the book is not very good. It has this vague discussion of the coup and then the narrator/protagonist Francois seemed to be in a real SHTF situation (on his long road trip out of Paris. to ... can't remember, somewhere south), yet it all got better a week later. WTF?!
You don't seem convinced that this description of a Moslem takeover is realistic based on the modern political situation. I think you should read this book for more on this. It was more of a 2-step "Camp of the Saints" here. What first happened, and this is not a novel but the reality, is that Moslems were slowly imported and not-so-slowly had lots of children, the women being much differently treated than the French ones - especially those Francois had been dealing with, happily for him, it sounds. That's about the size of reality.
Then, in the novel the Moslems build up more political clout and the Moslem party became important in the multi-party election process. Things got violent after that. It doesn't even have to work that way in reality. Native Western people are so cowed, they likely by the Moslems the way "we" are by the blacks, that the French politicians could easily give in step by step, and the ratio of Moslems compared to Frenchmen will keep rising.
It's not too much of a spoiler to say that the author seems pretty submissive about the whole thing. (True, that may just be his characterization of how a Frenchman, especially a hedonist university type, would think.) Much of the submissiveness is the realization that the Moslems have better luck with women. Most of us would agree that Islam does not include a better way to treat them (a middle ground like most of American history through the 1950s would be really nice!), but the novelist or protagonist is on board due simply due to the idea of multiple wives, the baby-bearing/cooking one and the younger one for sex.
In the end, the point of the novel is that Islam would give Frenchmen a chance for more and better sex.
I barely remember my thinking of that subsequent post about women and Islam now. In fact, I bet I have a few images saved from around that date, but didn't get to this one. (See, this is how plenty of posts can get built up.)
Back to your review, I appreciate your discussion on the people in the Royal Courts and such in the France of 100-150 years ago. If I was taught that history in high school, I long since have forgotten it. Then, to the book, as a novel, I think the middle section of the book is not very good. It has this vague discussion of the coup and then the narrator/protagonist Francois seemed to be in a real SHTF situation (on his long road trip out of Paris. to ... can't remember, somewhere south), yet it all got better a week later. WTF?!
You don't seem convinced that this description of a Moslem takeover is realistic based on the modern political situation. I think you should read this book for more on this. It was more of a 2-step "Camp of the Saints" here. What first happened, and this is not a novel but the reality, is that Moslems were slowly imported and not-so-slowly had lots of children, the women being much differently treated than the French ones - especially those Francois had been dealing with, happily for him, it sounds. That's about the size of reality.
Then, in the novel the Moslems build up more political clout and the Moslem party became important in the multi-party election process. Things got violent after that. It doesn't even have to work that way in reality. Native Western people are so cowed, they likely by the Moslems the way "we" are by the blacks, that the French politicians could easily give in step by step, and the ratio of Moslems compared to Frenchmen will keep rising.
It's not too much of a spoiler to say that the author seems pretty submissive about the whole thing. (True, that may just be his characterization of how a Frenchman, especially a hedonist university type, would think.) Much of the submissiveness is the realization that the Moslems have better luck with women. Most of us would agree that Islam does not include a better way to treat them (a middle ground like most of American history through the 1950s would be really nice!), but the novelist or protagonist is on board due simply due to the idea of multiple wives, the baby-bearing/cooking one and the younger one for sex.
In the end, the point of the novel is that Islam would give Frenchmen a chance for more and better sex.
Sunday - July 3rd 2022 4:27PM MST
Reactions and thoughts with regard to the PEAK STUPIDITY review of Houellebecq's "Submission":
Moderator wrote: "Mr. Hail, you are in luck (perhaps) in that I've read the book "Submission" and reviewed it...Let me know what you think, of the review, and of the book if you read it."
The review, I see, is from December 2019, and I recall reading it here, most likely from a direct link that Peak Stupidity super-promoter Achmed E. Newman posted up at that big website whose name is one letter off that potato-chip brand.
Re-reading the review in July 2022, it seems you were not impressed with the book, and the observations were all of interest. The review probably suffers from your decision to analyze it as literature rather than as an at-least-implicit political tract, as a kind of allegory--the novel seems definitely and self-consciously political allegory, which might be hard to pull off just right, and a lot of people also dislike "Camp of the Saints" for the same reason.
In your Dec 2019 review of "Submission," you say you would write a follow-up with some political observations on feminism, anti-feminism, and political Islam in the West, which is kind of more the review I was suggesting.
From the contents of your review as it is, it does sound like Houellebecq was wading into the murky pools of what has been called the "Suicide or Murder Question," coming down on the side of Suicide, with presenting this main character as so unsympathetic, as if a personification of both decadence and moral cowardice.
Incidentally, European critics of France (or at least of the French political-cultural machine) have been making exactly that charge for a very long time now, throughout much of the 19th century and definitely for the entirety of the 20th century in various permutations: decadence and moral cowardice, the critics say, being two pillars of France's corrupted moral mission in Europe.
This probably fed into the strength of desire of the idiots in all the royal courts and diplomatic corps of Europe in July 1914, when the French seemed to be behaving erratically it was another case of the same decadence at work. This is not a fair characterization, but it must have been a factor in why Germany and Austria and others reacted as they did. Everybody acted stupid, and July 1914 was a peak-stupidity moment if there ever was one, but understanding different sides' motivations towards their own stupidity at that moment, I cannot escape the suspicion about fears of French decadence, all of which seemed confirmed when they started using African-Black and Arab colonials to kill Europeans, and then stationed them in occupied territories, the predictable outcomes/outrages of which fuelled White-ethnonationalism in said places in the 1920s.
If this is all too distant history to care about, I can also add that all those anti-French jokes you hear, or used to hear, in the USA, were a species of this same attitude.
I see in Houellebecq this same self-criticism of France, of the French moral-political situation, and even also in Raspail, to a lesser extent, from what I remember of Raspail's insertion of left-wing White activists who actively assisted the invasion fleets. Of course, this general theme is not limited to France but affects virtually every White-Western-Christian political culture of importance now.
Would be curious what The Alarmist might say on this topic, as I understand he has lived in Western Europe for many years.
As for Houellebecq's "Submission," the basic political allegory poses the question, What would the White-Frenchman do if political-Islamic forces did stage a kind of sudden coup attempt?
One way the political allegory breaks down is the role of NATO and other big players, especially the USA. France itself exists in a semi-sovereign environment, with more sovereignty than Germany but not full sovereignty, as it cannot oppose the USA. I would think this framework would have to break down for Muslims to try to stage a coup attempt like that. The USA wants Europe as a series of multiculti-protectorates, with a good seasoning of Muslims but nothing that would so-likely destabilize the security framework. Plus, France is a nuclear power.
Reactions and thoughts with regard to the PEAK STUPIDITY review of Houellebecq's "Submission":
Moderator wrote: "Mr. Hail, you are in luck (perhaps) in that I've read the book "Submission" and reviewed it...Let me know what you think, of the review, and of the book if you read it."
The review, I see, is from December 2019, and I recall reading it here, most likely from a direct link that Peak Stupidity super-promoter Achmed E. Newman posted up at that big website whose name is one letter off that potato-chip brand.
Re-reading the review in July 2022, it seems you were not impressed with the book, and the observations were all of interest. The review probably suffers from your decision to analyze it as literature rather than as an at-least-implicit political tract, as a kind of allegory--the novel seems definitely and self-consciously political allegory, which might be hard to pull off just right, and a lot of people also dislike "Camp of the Saints" for the same reason.
In your Dec 2019 review of "Submission," you say you would write a follow-up with some political observations on feminism, anti-feminism, and political Islam in the West, which is kind of more the review I was suggesting.
From the contents of your review as it is, it does sound like Houellebecq was wading into the murky pools of what has been called the "Suicide or Murder Question," coming down on the side of Suicide, with presenting this main character as so unsympathetic, as if a personification of both decadence and moral cowardice.
Incidentally, European critics of France (or at least of the French political-cultural machine) have been making exactly that charge for a very long time now, throughout much of the 19th century and definitely for the entirety of the 20th century in various permutations: decadence and moral cowardice, the critics say, being two pillars of France's corrupted moral mission in Europe.
This probably fed into the strength of desire of the idiots in all the royal courts and diplomatic corps of Europe in July 1914, when the French seemed to be behaving erratically it was another case of the same decadence at work. This is not a fair characterization, but it must have been a factor in why Germany and Austria and others reacted as they did. Everybody acted stupid, and July 1914 was a peak-stupidity moment if there ever was one, but understanding different sides' motivations towards their own stupidity at that moment, I cannot escape the suspicion about fears of French decadence, all of which seemed confirmed when they started using African-Black and Arab colonials to kill Europeans, and then stationed them in occupied territories, the predictable outcomes/outrages of which fuelled White-ethnonationalism in said places in the 1920s.
If this is all too distant history to care about, I can also add that all those anti-French jokes you hear, or used to hear, in the USA, were a species of this same attitude.
I see in Houellebecq this same self-criticism of France, of the French moral-political situation, and even also in Raspail, to a lesser extent, from what I remember of Raspail's insertion of left-wing White activists who actively assisted the invasion fleets. Of course, this general theme is not limited to France but affects virtually every White-Western-Christian political culture of importance now.
Would be curious what The Alarmist might say on this topic, as I understand he has lived in Western Europe for many years.
As for Houellebecq's "Submission," the basic political allegory poses the question, What would the White-Frenchman do if political-Islamic forces did stage a kind of sudden coup attempt?
One way the political allegory breaks down is the role of NATO and other big players, especially the USA. France itself exists in a semi-sovereign environment, with more sovereignty than Germany but not full sovereignty, as it cannot oppose the USA. I would think this framework would have to break down for Muslims to try to stage a coup attempt like that. The USA wants Europe as a series of multiculti-protectorates, with a good seasoning of Muslims but nothing that would so-likely destabilize the security framework. Plus, France is a nuclear power.
Adam Smith
Sunday - July 3rd 2022 1:53PM MST
PS: A few more books...
For anyone who might be interested...
Submission (.epub)
One Second After (.epub)
Happy Sunday!
For anyone who might be interested...
Submission (.epub)
One Second After (.epub)
Happy Sunday!
Sunday - July 3rd 2022 1:19PM MST
Airplane is very funny indeed!
Airplane is very funny indeed!
Sunday - July 3rd 2022 6:36AM MST
PS: Mr. Smith, I was almost sure you'd come through. (I need to bookmark, or better, REMEMBER, that site myself.) That "Camp of the Saints" .pdf looks perfectly readable to me. In fact, one thing about the electronic copy is one can cntrl-f when it comes to "wait, who is this guy again?" Very handy!
Mr. Spaulding, thanks for writing in! I don't pay enough attention to detail, as I missed that deal with the pictures on the walls changing. I really need to get this one from the library soon.
Mr. Hail, you are in luck (perhaps) in that I've read the book "Submission" and reviewed it:
Let me know what you think, of the review, and of the book if you read it. T
Mr. Spaulding, thanks for writing in! I don't pay enough attention to detail, as I missed that deal with the pictures on the walls changing. I really need to get this one from the library soon.
Mr. Hail, you are in luck (perhaps) in that I've read the book "Submission" and reviewed it:
Let me know what you think, of the review, and of the book if you read it. T
Saturday - July 2nd 2022 10:33PM MST
On "Camp of the Saints"
I recall reading Camp of the Saints in the 2000s, I think in 2006, and buying it cheap. I recall thinking it really held up well since first publication.
I see the author Jean Raspail would have turned ninety-seven on Tuesday (born July 5, 1925), had he not died two years ago. Just like a comment in a thread a few days ago related to Judge Bork, who was about the same age, it seems a lot less likely a mainstream author of considerable prestige and fame like Jean Raspail could have written such a book were he born twenty or twenty-five years later.
On the other hand, we do have M. Houellebecq, whose writings can be compared to "Camp of the Saints" except darker, perhaps because they are so much closer to home than the dystopian futurist vision of early-1970s-published "Camp of the Saints." To put it another way, maybe, in Raspail's world in principle a White revival was possible (though it doesn't happen in the book), while in Houellebecq's world it is not possible and the only question is which exact path through the flabby decadence of 21st-century France the Africans and Muslims will take to take over. Both Houellebecq and Raspail also write in metaphor, though Houellebecq's is, as I say, a little close to home to understand the metaphor. Caveat to the preceding: I have not read Houellebecq and haven't read "Camp of the Saints" in many years.
On "Camp of the Saints"
I recall reading Camp of the Saints in the 2000s, I think in 2006, and buying it cheap. I recall thinking it really held up well since first publication.
I see the author Jean Raspail would have turned ninety-seven on Tuesday (born July 5, 1925), had he not died two years ago. Just like a comment in a thread a few days ago related to Judge Bork, who was about the same age, it seems a lot less likely a mainstream author of considerable prestige and fame like Jean Raspail could have written such a book were he born twenty or twenty-five years later.
On the other hand, we do have M. Houellebecq, whose writings can be compared to "Camp of the Saints" except darker, perhaps because they are so much closer to home than the dystopian futurist vision of early-1970s-published "Camp of the Saints." To put it another way, maybe, in Raspail's world in principle a White revival was possible (though it doesn't happen in the book), while in Houellebecq's world it is not possible and the only question is which exact path through the flabby decadence of 21st-century France the Africans and Muslims will take to take over. Both Houellebecq and Raspail also write in metaphor, though Houellebecq's is, as I say, a little close to home to understand the metaphor. Caveat to the preceding: I have not read Houellebecq and haven't read "Camp of the Saints" in many years.
JT Spaulding
Saturday - July 2nd 2022 6:14PM MST
PS The scene where the egesta strikes the roto oscillator, the I speak jive granny, I picked a bad time to quit sniffing glue, all classic.
Obscure trivia-the pictures on the wall of the control tower keep changing and there is a B-17 then a FW-190 of WWII fame.
Did the AmRen writer get the not-a-vax depopulation jab or is that information unavailable?
Lunatic lefty will burn it all down by any means necessary and this ain't no picnic.
Play for keeps because the comrades are.
Obscure trivia-the pictures on the wall of the control tower keep changing and there is a B-17 then a FW-190 of WWII fame.
Did the AmRen writer get the not-a-vax depopulation jab or is that information unavailable?
Lunatic lefty will burn it all down by any means necessary and this ain't no picnic.
Play for keeps because the comrades are.
Adam Smith
Saturday - July 2nd 2022 11:09AM MST
PS: Greetings, everyone,
Funny how The Camp of the Saints is suddenly so expensive.
(Prices are slightly better on ebay...)
It's almost like they don't want people reading it, or something...
(.pdf) (Best copy I have...)
Funny how The Camp of the Saints is suddenly so expensive.
(Prices are slightly better on ebay...)
It's almost like they don't want people reading it, or something...
(.pdf) (Best copy I have...)
Saturday - July 2nd 2022 8:02AM MST
PS: Alarmist and Mr. Hail on the death of Mr. Rojas: I haven't read the AmRen thread, but I will check it out. The Unz Review thread has many comments wondering about his cause of death too. No doubt, the vax could have been the culprit. I don't think it's necessarily inappropriate to ask, but then, if Jared Taylor, the family, or Mr. Rojas don't want or wouldn't have wanted anyone to know, that's their business.
Though that VAERS database information wouldn't likely get out too far, as Mr. Anon wrote on an iSteve thread yesterday, I don't think that thing is nearly complete. The doctors, nurses, and hospitals are not interested in doing extra work, they are often de-incentivized on that, and the family's have other things to worry about. This data does not come nearly as easily as marking down a guy with a + test result does.
Though that VAERS database information wouldn't likely get out too far, as Mr. Anon wrote on an iSteve thread yesterday, I don't think that thing is nearly complete. The doctors, nurses, and hospitals are not interested in doing extra work, they are often de-incentivized on that, and the family's have other things to worry about. This data does not come nearly as easily as marking down a guy with a + test result does.
Saturday - July 2nd 2022 7:50AM MST
PS: Hey, Alarmist, we've done some of that "Airplane" stuff before on the radio. Austin, TX clearance delivery - "ABC #1234, requesting a clearance, Clarence." The guy knew the movie. Then a SouthWest pilot chimed in with some more.
If not my favorite, the scene I remember most is the flaming gay ATC guy opening up the radar screen to get his laundry out.
I think I'll write a post on the whole series of original "Air*port*" movies, as I rented them all (4) for 3 days, so I watched them in quick succession. Needless to say, knowing how Hollywood works, the first one was the best, and it was the only fairly realistic one.
If not my favorite, the scene I remember most is the flaming gay ATC guy opening up the radar screen to get his laundry out.
I think I'll write a post on the whole series of original "Air*port*" movies, as I rented them all (4) for 3 days, so I watched them in quick succession. Needless to say, knowing how Hollywood works, the first one was the best, and it was the only fairly realistic one.
Saturday - July 2nd 2022 7:44AM MST
"Commenter 'Nope'..."
(It's too bad Peak Stupidity allows no quick edit window!)
"Commenter 'Nope'..."
(It's too bad Peak Stupidity allows no quick edit window!)
Saturday - July 2nd 2022 7:42AM MST
The highest-rated comment under the AMREN thread announcing the mysterious death of their journalist:
Comments 'Nope' wrote on or about June 26:
"I'm going to ask the question that is on everyone's mind - did he receive the covid 'vaccination?' It's a rude but relevant question. People do die of other things, but I would like to know"
Most repliers agree, but one ('concernedcitizen') says: "I think it's inappropriate to speculate as to the cause of death."
See original (not the reposted Unz copy):
The highest-rated comment under the AMREN thread announcing the mysterious death of their journalist:
Comments 'Nope' wrote on or about June 26:
"I'm going to ask the question that is on everyone's mind - did he receive the covid 'vaccination?' It's a rude but relevant question. People do die of other things, but I would like to know"
Most repliers agree, but one ('concernedcitizen') says: "I think it's inappropriate to speculate as to the cause of death."
See original (not the reposted Unz copy):
Saturday - July 2nd 2022 7:38AM MST
"The cause of Chris Rojas' death is not known." -- Jared Taylor, June 25, 2022
A new study claims 3.7% of people who took the vaccine ended up with "myocarditis."
"The cause of Chris Rojas' death is not known." -- Jared Taylor, June 25, 2022
A new study claims 3.7% of people who took the vaccine ended up with "myocarditis."
The Alarmist
Saturday - July 2nd 2022 6:37AM MST
My pilot friends and I saw Airplane together, and the folks with us in the theater couldn’t understand why we were laughing at the transition scenes when the jet was plowing through clouds with piston motor sounds.
1: I have question?
2: What is it?
1: It’s an interrogative statement used to test knowledge, but that’s not important.
re Rojas, it wasn’t the vaxx ... but it probably was the vaxx. There are a lot of young, mostly healthy young folks dying of Suddenly nowadays.
Friends don’t let friends get experimental genetic therapeutics with no available long-term safety data.
My pilot friends and I saw Airplane together, and the folks with us in the theater couldn’t understand why we were laughing at the transition scenes when the jet was plowing through clouds with piston motor sounds.
1: I have question?
2: What is it?
1: It’s an interrogative statement used to test knowledge, but that’s not important.
re Rojas, it wasn’t the vaxx ... but it probably was the vaxx. There are a lot of young, mostly healthy young folks dying of Suddenly nowadays.
Friends don’t let friends get experimental genetic therapeutics with no available long-term safety data.
I will try to gather your links at some point to insert any that apply to books I've reviewed. I can insert the urls as links in said reviews.
Enjoy Independence Day in your great neck of the woods!