On the decision/excuses of deliberately childless women - Part 2

Posted On: Thursday - May 19th 2022 6:38PM MST
In Topics: 
  Feminism  Female Stupidity

(Continued from Part 1.)

This is the Part 2 of the final two posts about the truthful but depressing Lionel Shriver article No kids please, we're selfish from back in '05.

Our first post on Mrs. Shriver's whole article was On Motherhood - for the individual an society - Lionel Shriver. Near the end of this long article, the writer included the stories, I'd say "excuses" of 3 of her close friends who were, and still are*, childless. Peak Stupidity has post on each of their stories with a small bit of commentary: Gabriella - - Nora, and Leslie .

Of all the anti-traditional-societal movements that "arose", or more likely were planned by the Frankfort School types, in the last century, Feminism has been the absolute worst. Well, the Welfare State may be tied for that position too. And, don't forget the compulsory government schooling... OK, OK, besides the Feminism, the Welfare State, and the compulsory government schooling, what have the Cultural Marxists ever done to us?!!*

Feminism has told lies to (mostly middle class) women for almost 60 years now, along with the men who went along with it to "keep the peace." The lies are: Women must have careers too, as men do. Otherwise, they will not be happy or "fulfilled". If they still want those babies too, then they can "have it all", a career and children. No, it's not especially stressful, so long as her husband "does his part". (For single women, the Welfare State is the new husband, well, or the only one.) The career comes first, in priority and time. When having it all, women can have babies just as easily 10 years or 15 years later than the old norm, as there is no such thing as a biological clock.

There are various economic reasons too for the change in America and the West from couples having lots of children to the low fertility rates we have now. However, this Lionel Shriver article and this series of posts are about the deliberate decision by women - these 3 middle-class British ladies as examples- to not have any children.

The overarching reason for their being childless, per Mrs. Shriver's own title, is selfishness. More on that word later, but we wrote in our last post that the 3 big parts of it were the travel-the-world passion, the concentration on career over all, and the seeking of perfection in a mate. The women have been told their entire lives that what's best in life is to crush your old-prude conservative enemies, see them driven ... OK, not all that, but at least to have this fulfilling career, see the world, and only do it all with a man if he's Mr. Right.

It can be great to have a career which is fun much of the time. (It's not women who HAVE to do the dirty or very manually-difficult grunt work. SOMEONE has to do it, right? That would be men.) It's nice, and, yes, fulfilling, if what you've done does long-term good for the world. That's simply not the case for 95-99% of the jobs women do though. They don't want so many of the really hard ones, with lots of math and all. Real Estate agent, office manager, lawyer, no, they are not too world-changing. Lionael Shriver is a novel writer. Of the 3 woman sample, Gabriella was a travel writer, Nora was an events planner, and Leslie was a publicist (they may still well be, but this is 17 years ago - the first 2 may have retired). They can make a difference, but none of it's world-changin

The traveling, as commenter MBlanc46 notes, can be a lot of fun. Of course, they want to be free and easy doing it, maybe for some romance too. You don't want to bring kids to see the art museums and hike up the Mettlehorn, and for a man to come along, he must be the right one. No encumbrances are wanted. As this commenter notes, this, and even the most mundane of jobs, beats spending that same time birthing and changing diapers, with the biggest outing being a weekly trip to WalMart. (Is it also fear of becoming a person-of-WalMart?)

The latter part is an age-old problem, on both ends of it. Yet, it's a lot easier to find a good guy if you are NOT a feminist and are a girl who DOES want to settle down and have children. About that career of yours, maybe you don't know this, but men don't care very much about women having good careers. In fact, due to all of this feminist crap, we figure the ones who don't care about a career are the best to settle down with.

Then there's the much bigger problem of the waiting around, due to career priority or that urge to see the Bushmen of the Kalahari , for that good guy until after 30 y/o. There IS a biological clock. Though we can't see numbers on it, men are experts at reading it. From puberty on, but let's say a more modern 20 years through 30 y/o, that body gets less firm, less tight, and less shapely. We see all of that, though it doesn't present itself as being about babies to us directly, but as hotness, plain and simple. That's only a 10 year period, that can be stretched at your risk. You may meet Mr. Right at 33 y/o, but he may not want YOU - he can't help seeing that biological clock. Relationships are supposed to be about men's happiness too. Feminism doesn't care about that, but men want what they want.

Lots of women have soaked up the feminist lies completely. Others, like these bright 3, knew a little better AND (this is important) didn't lie to themselves about it. They were selfish and wanted what the feminist lies told them they should want.

"Now, wait a minute", the reader is probably saying, "they knew what they liked." I don't know. I've seen surveys of happiness in people. How do you judge that? Women are social and status-seeking creatures. If the whole world, media, friends, educational establishment, etc. tells them that this is what should make them happy, they're going to believe that. If all the women they know judge happiness by how much traveling they've done and their career, such as it is, they they will do the same. If it were 1955, with the magazines talking about raising children and finding good activities and school, the schools running things with the expectation that most of the women would be "homemakers", and their friends having babies left and right, then this would make them happier.

Maybe we should think about what Mother Nature has to say about it. One feature of that biological clock is a monthly alarm. Peak Stupidity speculates that the monthly periods of uncontrollable depression, excess emotion, and body pains are this alarm, warning "another one (egg) bites the dust".

The male body was designed to do all the real jobs in the world besides one, along with having this urge to impregnated the women with the most fertile bodies. The female body was designed to do that last, and most important job, to birth and nurture babies. Are women OK mentally and emotionally when the completely ignore Mother Nature, due to the lies of Feminists? These 3 seem OK. Are they hiding anything from their conscious selves, hence from Mrs. Shriver and the reader? I don't know.

As the 3 women all noted**** very honestly, what they did (or were doing, in Leslie's case) is ignoring the needs of society. I like that they are all at least partially aware that this world would be better off with the progeny of their kind, and realize that they were letting down their recent, and all, ancestors. That's the real selfishness, and they all admit it.

This Feminism scourge should have been nipped in the bud 50 years ago. The women were convinced easily that this is the new way for women. I doubt all the men have agreed over the years. Other than the freer sex, the be-all-to-end-all for some period, a many wanting to get serious had lots more to worry about. Again, Feminism was NOT good for the happiness of men.

What'd the men do though? They just "went along to go along", I suppose. Too many did, I guess. Men don't want constant friction in a relationship - that can be a plus for some women though! Then, there was the politics, as the various laws were passed to make the destruction more easily workable. Unfortunately, since women were mandated the franchise in all States by yet another doozy of an Amendment, # XIX.*****, way back in 1920, the war was 1/2 way lost already before the 1960s.

Like all the rest of the culturally destructive political battles of the 1960s, the left fought a harder and smarter fight. (Granted, those on the right, REAL Conservatives in those days, had jobs and kids to protect. They didn't have all the time in the world and no worries about getting arrested. Gee, this sounds familiar ...)

Can the men of the West ever reverse all of this? Can it get back to a mode in which women are shown that the best use of their bodies, per Mother Nature, is to have children and they will be happy doing that, because all the others are? The Moslems, if nothing else, have got this straight. As a last resort, should we all submit and go Moslem?

Well, we can do what we can at our own personal, family levels. However, the crazy, woke, genderbender stuff going on now makes even Feminism seem tame? This is so far gone. There is no political solution (thanks, Police) at this point, but that doesn't mean it won't all change. It's the usual "hard times create strong men" story. We've been through the rest. The financial stupidity will be the first to peak. Once, things get real, Mother Nature will reassert herself. I don't see it being pretty. We'd have been much better off had this female stupidity been nipped in the bud 50 years ago.

PS: Finally, something to think about with all this, as the 3 women did near the bottom of each of their stories, is that the problem now is not the low fertility alone but having that along with massive immigration. There's NOTHING wrong with a decent country as America was, and Japan still is, having the population top out at 200 million, with is slowly falling. The Big-Biz/Wall Street guy tell us this is terrible because they want Moar Sales. There are others who see a shrinking population as bad, but I don't know if they could explain why.**

No, a small intelligent population is the stuff of the Science Fiction books of the 1970s with the HAPPY endings, not the dystopian stories. Japan, BTW, is a great example of the stupidity of this thinking that more people is better. I lost $20 to my wife on this, but Japan is smaller than California.*** California is crowded, resource-wise and politics-wise (if that's a way to put it) with 40 million people. Japan has 140 million! Last I checked, a couple of years back, it had lost a whopping 1 million in population! Big deal. Even if it's to be 50 million down by '40 or '50, I don't see any problem with that. It could have been 225 million or something here and slowly sinking, and that would NOT be a bad thing. Space is good! Don't believe the underpopulation "doomers".

Unlike in Japan, which has mostly resisted the Globohomo push for open borders in the nice countries, the problem we have in America and Western Europe is the immigration. The immigrants are almost all foreign-foreigners, as lied to Americans about by Ted Kennedy in 1965. The native type of people are getting overwhelmed.

PPS: If you submit to the link that reads "submit" - about the Moslems - you'll see that it goes to Peak Stupidity's review of Frenchmen Michel Houellebecq's novel Submission. I will totally forget that I've written something sometimes. This was one, and I just read it. 2 points: Written in '15, this book is a near-future story, and that near-future is 2022! Secondly, the main character and narrator of the book is an example of a man with the same selfishness as these women described in the posts here. The difference is, women get the final word.

* Yeah, I know, this Monty Python reference doesn't quite work here...

** It's not 1922, when you'd need lots of young men for the army..

*** I was guessing Japan was just a tad bigger.

**** I guess Mrs. Shriver asked them all most of the same questions.

***** That was Part 1 - here is Part 2.

The Alarmist
Saturday - May 21st 2022 4:34AM MST

AI, you forgot about the need to sink the boats.
Friday - May 20th 2022 7:43PM MST
PS: I liked the cartoon and the "laughing my Azov" joke, Alarmist.

Mrs. Shriver is pretty based, was anti-Covid-Panic - even using her economic worries as written about in The Mandibles to try to convince people to back of on the LOCKDOWN crap - and very honest. Keep in mind that she is not an original NY City or London person but grew up in North Carolina. It think her kids would have turned out good for society. (The husband is a lefty though, as Mrs. Shriver notes in some bio material.)

That Bill interesting, Adam. After it expunged "Oriental" from other laws, it had to work on itself, because you can't explain all that without using the word itself. A law that changes itself. Hmmm, does it have to be voted on again, once it changes? What if it doesn't pass then? Recursive laws are something the US Constitution didn't cover - probably because the concept is nuts!

That Meng is a real Cultural Revolutionist. Who let her in, again? (Or her parents - probably raised by ex- and still-Commies). Meng would be a better name for a black cat like that one than a worthless human being.

Mr. Corrupt, yes, reversing both of those items are very necessary, if we could that by ... 1990? I'm glad you have a little hope left, though ...
Al Corrupt
Friday - May 20th 2022 6:50PM MST

We need to stop subsidizing the wrong people IRT breeding. We don’t need more baby mommas, we need people who will actually grow up and pay taxes, not spend their lives in jail and providing sperm for another 5-10 baby mommas.

In addition, we need to stop feeding Africans… all it does is encourage further breeding.
Adam Smith
Friday - May 20th 2022 11:07AM MST
PS: Good afternoon,

Satanic? Nah...


Baby Girl is too sweet, gentle and shy to be satanic.
(But she is one hell of a hunter.)

Off topic...

Today is the 6th anniversary of the signing of H.R.4238...



The Alarmist
Friday - May 20th 2022 10:44AM MST

It’s a double-edged sword: Do we really want women like Ms. Shriver reproducing? They are smart, but they tend use their intelligence to further the dark side of humanity. Cats are Satanic, but useful for mousing, I guess.

Today’s moment of Zen 1: https://xkcd.com/2620/

Today’s moment of Zen 2: A Russian reader, seeing a CNN story on Ukie Azov troops being “evacuated” from the Azovstal steel plant, commented, “I’m laughing my Azov.”
Friday - May 20th 2022 6:35AM MST
PS: Joker, some of the changes would have been avoided completely, even gone in the opposite direction. it's the Welfare State and the 1965 Immigration Act that set the direction of demographic change in America in the wrong direction. Right about the same year too? Could someone have planned this all? You'd think even the Soros types would WANT things to go this way. How does it benefit them or their offspring?

Europe must have had its own 1965 moment. Yes, you couldn't have made it worse other than by killing Gadaffi who was holding back the black Africans. They also say he was killed because he wanted to trade for oil in gold or anything other than the US dollar.

Speaking of infinite, does Hell even have enough room for all the people responsible for all this?
Steve Miller as the Joker
Friday - May 20th 2022 6:26AM MST
PS Hyper demographic change will cause problems.
The change would have occurred gradually over time but the globalists want it now as the leaders are all elderly.
Taking out Gadaffi was really about kicking off the not so Great Replacement for Europastan.
Cats and boxwine are for the out of the game ladies.
Isn't that cute this faux environmental concern as they let in tens of millions of replacements but then again commies don't give a rip about anything but perpetuating their power.
There is nothing infinite in this world and the new lifetime CPUSA voters use water at an alarming rate.
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