From VDare: An antifa Feel-Good story and a story of Strife Importation

Posted On: Saturday - January 13th 2024 2:07PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  alt-right  ctrl-left

Of course, the regular reader will know that is up top of a short list of Peak Stupidity's favorite sources of material. That's due to that the immigration flavor of stupidity is the most critical one when it comes to the any future of America. I'll comment on a couple of them today.

Because the overall idea is to save the "historic American nation", VDare must cover the Cultural Revolution we are undergoing in addition to the pur flat-out Population Replacement Programme*. From Jason Kessler, VDare's man in Charlottesville, VA (and the long political and legal aftermath), has reported Four Antifa Goons Who Attacked Charlotteville Unite The Right Protesters Are Dead. What Gives?

I'll tell you what gives, Mr. Kessler. What gives is their vital bodily systems, and that's some very welcome news. The Commie scum Donald Blakney, William Lovell, Robert Mellado, and Caeden Famiglio are gone from this World, having left at fairly young ages. Why? Why ask why? Mr. Kessler suggests and speculates on 1) Murder, 2) COVID vaccine deaths, 3) Drug overdoses, and/or 4) Normal heart attacks. In his post, this veteran of the '17 Charlottesville skirmish Anarcho-Tyranny asks for readers' theories. How about, because God does mete out justice, and maybe life is fairer than we (can) realize?

Though he sounds mostly pleased, Jason Kessler does worry about these deaths and lost witness testimony. I'm no lawyer, but I guess I could see where the other side may help the cause of those caught in the Regime Anarcho-Tyranny, still 6 1/2 years later. However, 3 days after this good news post, he had some more good news about the legal battles: MORE CHARLOTTESVILLE NARRATIVE COLLAPSE: Prosecutors (As Well As Judges) Forced To Recuse In Unite The Right Tiki Torch Persecutions. (Yes, tiki torches are said to be dangerous weapons of fire. Anyone recall a homemade flame-thrower used there that day? I do - it was by one of the antifa Commies.)

Regarding the current North v South game of IAHP (Illegal Alien Hot Potato), VDare writer A.W. Morgan recently reported Great Replacement Update: “Migrant” Ethnic Gangs Form In Tent City, Two Illegals Fight About Woman, One Stabbed And Dies. This business is happening in New York City. One thing New Yorkers (the city) have been very proud of for years is that, instead of being hateful, xenophobic bigots like those Texans, they are very welcoming people with yard signs even, proclaiming this, and they have spotlighted New York City as a Sanctuary City!

All are welcomed. There are no such things as illegal human beings, A Sanctuary City is a place for all of us to get along in perfect harmony. New York City is an environment of safety, harmony, and tolerance, so all you violent new migrants can just get the fuck out and go back to Texas!**

That's what I'm getting out of this anyway ... but, wait, that was to be another post. (We're rolling, but we'll expand on this later.) The point here has to do with the importation of all manner of foreigners from the 4 corners of the Earth. Peak Stupidity mentioned the Swedish practice of important relatively equal numbers of Iraqis and Iranians in Importing a Civil War, in Sweden.

Ah but, in America large-scale immigration is just of those nice family-values- (and refried beans-) laden Mexicans, as it is still unfortunately envisioned by most Americans. Yeah, well, that does mean that significant areas of the country become parts of Mexico or Guatemala, but you can drive around them on a half tank of gas or even drive through with the windows down. Yes, there are the unfortunate violent gangs with that UK spy network-sounding name out of Salvador that we didn't expect, and, well, the cartels are supposed to stay down there ...

The latest 8-10 million man surge is another story, but even before this, it's not like we haven't been getting foreigners from places like Haiti, Guyana, Senegal, and other countries that even most undergrad Geographers wouldn't bet their student loan money they could find on a map. Are they all to get along swimmingly once they set foot on the Magic Dirt™ of multicultural-experimental America?

Americans are supposed to be tolerant and get along with all these varied peoples, pretty much by law. Why can't these other people all just get along with each other? A.W. Morgan excerpts the New York Post:
They said some of the migrants around them have split into “camps” based on their ethnicity and native countries, with Hispanics, Africans and Haitians occasionally at odds, while many are armed with knives and typically petty crimes can be rampant.

“Everyone has a knife,” migrant Mauricio Pinto said.

Moroccan migrant Nabil Jajhlaq added, “There is a lot of stealing.

“If you put your phone down or your charger for a moment, they take it immediately. Any of your stuff that you don’t have they will take.

“There is
[sic] definitely camps,” he said.
The've kept their weapons, but they must have accidentally left their family values at the border. We're importing strife is what we're doing. Hopefully we can soon switch to exports ... for the balance of trade.

* Since Peter Brimelow, founder and head of VDare, is from the UK, I made the spelling error on purpose to show solidarity.

** Shades of Michael Scott? Yes, he's been a big influence on my life.

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