Three years later, Political Prisoners still held in Washington, FS.

Posted On: Saturday - January 6th 2024 7:53AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  US Police State  US Feral Government  Race/Genetics  Anarcho-tyranny

The points I was to make in this post that I have in my head are mostly ones I see I've covered already. That was in this post from a year ago (More here). I'll just repeat the first third or so of that post first:
It was 2 years ago today, on a cold afternoon in the capital and Capitol of the Potomac Regime, that some Americans, high from a Trump "Stop the Steal" rally, rioted a bit, trespassed on the Capitol grounds, and had a little fun for a few hours. That afternoon and for the next month or more, I really regretted my not having attended the rally - it was a matter of travel arrangements - I would have likely been right on up there, as that's my thing.

I don't write about the complete Anarcho-Tyranny by the US Feral Gov't apparatus that followed just due to my thinking "it could have been me!" Yes, it could have. At first, I figured, "well, could have been on the news and then probably lost my job...", but I see that the Regime has put more hardship on these simple trespassers than I and most Americans would have ever imagined.

There are various of stories of how the incident was instigated by Feds and such - see American Greatness on Feds Had Informants In Proud Boys and Oath Keepers for J6 for just one such report.

That's very possible, but even if that is all true, that doesn't distract me from the sheer Anarcho-Tyranny of the severe punishment laid down on these hooligans and/or simple patriots having a good time in the "People's House". Even the politicians who exclaim "Insurrection!" know full well that there was no near takeover of the US Feral Gov't that day 2 years ago.
Since Tucker Carlson got ahold of more of the video footage* and other intrepid citizen journalists have slowly broken the story, we have much more confidence in the inside job aspect of the presence of regular Americans, GASP!, being present inside the Capitol building that day.**

In some ways, I say "what difference does that make?", that American anti-election-theft patriots were invited into the building. That doesn't change the fact that these over 1,000 - check for yourself - Political Prisoners are languishing in black- run and operated prisons that, other than the building materials, are not much different from the dungeons of old. As I wrote further down in that year-ago post, in the Summer of '20, antifa Commies and black thugs destroyed buildings, set things on fire, and beat people, all resulting in no such serious punishment. Most never got arrested, and, if they did, got off Scot free.

It's the Anarcho-Tyranny and Banana Republicanism of it all is that has me incensed. However, the point about the aid of Feds of various sorts instigating the "Capitol Breech!" aspect of this does mean something important. I'd thought of the Potomac Regime and Lyin' Press arm of it as having taken full advantage of the event 3 years ago, in the same way as they took advantage of the latest nasty flu bug out the Orient. However, if they had planned from the very beginning - well before Jan. 6th of '21 - to encourage this little bit of fun by American patriots to happen specifically so that they could scream "Insurrection!" and have talking heads worry about it and discuss it for the next 4 years***, that would mean they are smarter and even more evil than I'd thought. I don't discount that at all.

Today is also a day to remember not just the late young Ashli Babbitt, murdered by Capitol Cop Michael Leroy Byrd, but 3 other Patriots killed that day.

Regarding Mrs. Babbitt, a $30 million wrongful death lawsuit has just been filed by the family against the Feral Gov't. Additionally, or along the lines of that process, even more information on the incompetency of black cop Michael Leroy Byrd has been uncovered.

Regarding the other 3, I have written nothing about them so far. Rosanne Boyland, of Kennesaw, Georgia is said to have not been crushed by the crowd or overdosed from drugs as the Regime Media has been reporting. I've read that she was beaten many times with the baton of, yep, a black cop of some sort. I know nothing about the other 2 yet.

As for the other side, Peak Stupidity discussed the death of 1 of the 4 supposed killings of Regime members in The Battering of Sick Nick. (I also was given some info in person about this from another Capitol Cop a half year later.) All those stories seem to fall apart upon closer examination and late-released video footage.

Yet I encountered an otherwise reasonably bright woman last month who is completely down with the Regime narrative. Yes, it was an insurrection, yes, 5' 2", 110 lb Ashli deserved to get shot from 15' away for climbing through a broken window opening, and all these 1,000s of insurrectionists should be executed. Yes, there are intelligent people like this. I'm guessing they spend a lot of time in front of the TV.

There's not gonna be any easy way out of this. If there's one thing Americans have learned from the events of January 6th, '21, it's something John F. Kennedy said 60 years ago:

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable"

It didn't have to go this way. The Communists just keep pushing though. Like those scorpions, it's simply who they are.

* Some regard that as the explanation for his departure from Fox News.

** Even if I hadn't gotten in that day, I may have had solid knowledge on all this, which I'd have loved to have reported. There's nothing like actually being there. An example of that is Mr. E.H. Hail's report of the goings-on at the Jan '22 Washington, FS anti-vax rally. That link is to the short Peak Stupidity post - Mr. Hail's post is Scenes from the “Defeat the Mandates” rally (Washington D.C., Jan. 23, 2022) and thoughts on its place in Corona-Panic history. I only watched a chunk of it via live-streaming, but Mr. Hail was there.

*** That's not just on American TVs and internet browsers either, BTW. I had meant to put into my my quick take on Chinese TV that this "insurrection" was being shown and commented on right there on that hotel breakfast room TV. That was 2 1/2 years later... in China!

The Alarmist
Monday - January 8th 2024 10:25AM MST

The peoples of the West have decided nothing; they merely follow, like sheep, the path of least resistance to the ends planned for them by the Criminal Elite, who want to cull as many as possible without raising suspicion, lead many more to dead ends of their family trees, and return the remainder to a life of serfdom that was the natural state of commoners for the majority of human history.

The wonderful experiment of liberty and improving living standards that was made possible for the masses by the labour shortages arising from the Black Death of Medieval times is coming to and end.

It will take more than a minor riot to put an end to that. The ‘Right’ might try it again to contest the 2024 election ‘results’, but the forces of Darkness will use the occasion to unleash a Nika-style solution on them, even though there is no Belisarius-type to be found in America’s military.
Dieter Kief
Monday - January 8th 2024 1:21AM MST

The Alarmist asks how much Hollywood is involved in Ja. 6 story:

The constitutional democratic separation of stately powers is what's in the way of wokeism, Alarmist. Principles and being /acting principled in the enlightenment way is giving way to the regressive (=pre-democratic) archaic ideas of us vs. them. - Us vs. Them is indeed Hollywoodesk, in that it allows to emotionalize the public sphere and the political discourse (which implies to sacrifice rather abstract priciples lie the seperation of stately powers - and even the thought of the necessity of an opposition!) 

One way in which that goes very wrong is that it strengthens our human tendency to act self-centered and thus prefer grievance, and preserve/cultivate the perspective of suffering from unjustices etc. (! - see: Grievance-studies detection of Boghossian/Pluckrosed/Lindsay).

The democratic process with its institutionalized contradictions is ideally the realm to counteract group-narcissism, but now these (as I said above: Psychologically/mentally Regressive!) self-serving energies dominate.

Two studies, both on Steve-Stewart-Williams Website last week, show clearly that the regressive tendency of the us-vs. them mindset is destructive and misleading. 

Emotions should always be controlled by the ratio. Btw.: The Christian morals to be aware of the human condition as imperfect and a cause for suffering is replaced by the woke version which focuses on the own suffering/grievance and the other side's evil. Since the other (the conservative/ the somewhere-side) is looked upon as basically evil (=Trumpist/Facist) free speech falls out of the equation.

So this is what Steve Sailer calls the dilemma of the coalition of the fringes (it's inner impracticality (Jordan B. Peterson) reformulated from a social-psychological standpoint as the tendency to manipulate/eradicate: The democratic constitution's separation of forces and free speech  and juridical equality (= the core idea of law) in favor of equity.

Narcissism and holding a grudge (s. Grievance-studies idea!) 

West has given up on progress and shifted to safety and risk-aversion (=a confounding dynamic of the wokist regressive/narcissistic tendencies)

Universities have become super-leftist and against free speech! = univocally leftist!!

PS - It seems as if Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Christopher Lassch have seen this coming more clearly and - much - earlier than others. Lasch's ability to predict the decline of our elites (see Peter Turchin End Game) and of the (media-) mainstream in general is impressive and what astonishes me most in this context, is how little he is referred to by those who understand .n.o.w. quite well, what's going on - the likes of Jordan B. Peterson, Boghossian/Pluckrose/Lindsay,Jonathan Haidt/ Greg Lukianoff (The Cuddling of the American Mind) et. al. (Steven Pinker, Steve Sailer, Ron Unz....)

One of Lasch's central ideas I want to quote - written ca. in the eighties:

It became clear to him, Lasch wrote, 'that none of my own children, having been raised not for upward mobility but for honest work, could reasonably hope for any conventional kind of success'. Rewards, he concluded, went to those who 'knew how to exploit institutions for their own advantage and to make exceptions for themselves instead of playing by the rules'. He went so far as to speak of 'the unwholesomeness, not to put it more strongly, of our way of life: our obsession with sex, violence and the pornography of 'making it' '.

The fine obituary from which this quote stems is from The Independent:
Obituary: Christopher Lasch /The Independent
The Alarmist
Sunday - January 7th 2024 11:47AM MST

Notice that the three they just advertised in Florida are about as dangerous redneck looking as they could hope. Those are the kind of pictures they plan to show us running up to the election, to convince the goodwhites that the Dems are on the side of ‘Our Democracy™️‘ and all that is good in the New USA that they’re Building Back Better.

Is it just me, or are we living the script of a real turd of a Hollywood production?
Sunday - January 7th 2024 10:51AM MST
PS: No, they won't back down. They certainly don't ever admit they are wrong, much less apologize. They double down, even when they KNOW that the public - most of us, anyway - doesn't believe their lies.

"Show trials during the summer, in the run-up to the election?" I woudn't put that past them It'll be infotainment for those on both sides.
Sunday - January 7th 2024 10:25AM MST
PS The Left got stuck into the “insurrection” story. There’s no way that they can walk it back now. If anything, they have to ramp it up, as they seem to be doing. Show trials during the summer, in the run-up to the election?
Sunday - January 7th 2024 8:44AM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, I spent lots of time, 2 1/2 hours watching video interviews just yesterday - I'll post them, both about the Kung Flu. I want to thank you for informing me about the low-info "density" of the Clay Higgins talk with Tucker Carlson because I had had it in my mind to watch that one. I still may, but I will heed your warning.

Along these lines, I have been reading Gateway Pundit as of late, and I saw 2 posts this morning about both Trump's and Bai Dien's takes on the Jan 6th protest. I gotta say, I was really hesitant to click on the Trump video - as much as I like his attitude and agree with him, he talks in circles, so I didn't know how long it'd take to get to the part being pointed out. Thankfully, GP cropped out all but the point in question.

As for Bai Dien, BTW, he sounds like a robot, a very sleepy robot.
Sunday - January 7th 2024 5:46AM MST

-- Congressman Clay Higgins says he has proof that 200 is minimum number of FBI assets in January Sixth crowd at Capitol --

Since you mentioned Tucker Carlson, I'll add here that I watched his recent interview with Congressman Clay Higgins, of Louisiana. That man has spent more than a year leading a major investigation into how many paid FBI assets there were in the "January Sixth" crowd, especially those who led the way into the Capitol.

I don't know if the interview is worth watching because the informational-value is low per time spent.

I can report this: According to Clay Higgins, hiss team has strong evidence and reason to believe that TWO HUNDRED (200) is the minimum number of FBI "assets" (paid informants and others, the exact roles being uncertain but ties to the FBI established) who were in the crowd at the Capitol; and many of them, he says, were instrumental in encouraging the entry into the Capitol or even leading it.

Tucker Carlson editorially suggests that he (Carlson) is convinced that "January Sixth was a set-up," a position he already was at a long time ago. But the way Tucker Carlson operates is that, for now, he won't apply the same skeptical lens to Charlottesville 2017, for which there is considerably MORE evidence that it was a "set-up." The two scripts are similar, anyway.

You can find the interview on Youtube by searching for "Tucker Carlson Episode 61":
Dieter Kief
Saturday - January 6th 2024 6:15PM MST
apropos Bill H's remark: a satirical note
Just to make clear how dangerous Jan 6 was, President Joe Biden spoke of the six policemen killed without any weapons being involved: Imagine that - six dead, no shot. This is heavy insurrection stuff we were facing there. Oh so spooky not least!
Saturday - January 6th 2024 2:46PM MST
PS: "You Can’t Be Pro-Insurrection And Pro-American,' Says President Of Nation Founded By An Insurrection"

I saw that one on Instapundit, Alarmist. Thanks.
The Alarmist
Saturday - January 6th 2024 1:55PM MST

Life imitates the Bee...

'You Can’t Be Pro-Insurrection And Pro-American,' Says President Of Nation Founded By An Insurrection
Saturday - January 6th 2024 12:45PM MST
PS: I don't get sickened so much, Bill, due to my not watching TV, nor anything more than stumble/bumble clips of Zhou Bai Dien. That doesn't mean this narrative has not been going on though.

Is it really 8,000, or is that just another brainfart by the Big Guy. Trump is known to exaggerate and to plain make up numbers too, but it's not due to senility, just laziness.

Bill, you did you part in containing Communism. However, regular Americans not in uniform did not due their job in fighting the INTERNAL Cold War.
Bill H
Saturday - January 6th 2024 9:01AM MST
PS The aftermath of that even has sickened me beyond belief. Biden made a speech yesterday near Valley Forge, fulminating at length about the "six policemen who were killed that day" and bragging about having put eight thousand people in prison for unarmed opposition to his tyrannical government.

Makes me wish I had not worn the uniform and defended this nation against the Soviet Union. We would have been better off never to have reached this point.
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