The Sentencing of Derek Chauvin

Posted On: Saturday - December 23rd 2023 7:32PM MST
In Topics: 
  US Police State  Race/Genetics  Anarcho-tyranny  Legal Stupidity

This is one of 3 follow-up posts I wanted to write after the Peak Stupidity our review of The Fall of Minneapolis. If you're not familiar, that documentary is about the George Floyd death, the famous cop most directly involved, Derek Chauvin, the ensuing madness in that city soon after, and the trial/sentencing/jailing of Mr. Chauvin and 3 other cops, all shown from the view of Law Enforcement supporters.

The 1st such follow-up post was Fall of Minneapolis - Last Responders. This will be the 2nd, and the 3rd is somewhat on a different topic really, maybe to come, maybe not.

I had to go back to the video and scan back and forth to get just the scene I wanted, shown in still above. First, as warned* on the previous follow-up post, we are showing an image that may bring the reader bad memories, maybe even nightmares of that sick Kung Flu PanicFest era. That's from the scene in the courtroom when Mr. Chauvin, the guy with the mask, is being read out his outrageously long sentence of 22 1/2 years in prison. No matter if one cannot read autopsy reports, saw no video besides the one the Lyin' Press kept feeding him, and doesn't even try to get away from the Narrative, the worst charge he might expect is some level of manslaughter.

Yet, people are sentenced to 10-20 years and let out for good behavior in half that time for straight-out cold-blooded murder. Derek Chauvin was railroaded by an anti-White legal system and pressure from Black! and Communist shysters and thugs that held a standing threat against the jurors. I wouldn't call him a Political Prisoner in the sense of the J6 thousands, or some of the Charlottesville Unite-the-Right heritage defenders**, but his sentencing was highly political.

The reader may understand the point I'm about to make better if he would go to the video in that review post, right to 1:13:09 into it, to be exact. It's hard to read a man's face when he has one of those Kung Flu masks on, but I can really get a feeling of what the guy was Mr. Chauvin was thinking, leading to thoughts of what I'd be thinking. That led to my thoughts here, starting with: "I wonder if the guy had handcuffs on right then in the courtroom?"

Why? I don't know what he expected. I suppose he didn't expect to get stabbed 20-odd times by someone associated with the Feds a couple of years into it. He may have expected he wouldn't be treated well in a system with black guards and prisoners, though this may be why he opted for the Federal charges/sentence. Either way, if he does the whole 22 1/2, there won't be very much life left for him. He was born in 1976, so being incarcerated from his age of 45 during sentencing to 67 or 68 is terrible.

What happened to him was political, and that judge and others in the courtroom were part of it. My thoughts upon watching Derek Chauvin receive his sentence went along the lines of why wouldn't this strong and physically experienced cop decide to just put the whole situation "right", right there in the courtroom? Were his hands free, or even if not, could he have grabbed a gun from a bailiff and shot the whole place up? What exactly would he have to lose by doing that? This was his last chance at enacting ... something.

Those are dark thoughts, but it's what came to me when I saw the look in the man's eyes. I'll tell you what - we'll lighten up on Christmas Day.

* Caution: Reader discretion advised! There are references in this post to pieces of video containing very bad memories of plexiglas and face masks. Rated PG-19.)

** Many say that the Charlottesville episode of Anarcho-Tyranny was a direct ancestor of the J6 episode.

Thursday - December 28th 2023 11:56AM MST
PS: Sorry for the very late reply, Seneca-44. (Is that as in, PA-34, non-turbocharged, that is?)

Yes, I saw the cop lie. That part was blatant either fear-induced of simple anti-White lying to help put this man away. I'm trying to remember if the court would not let evidence from the police manual be introduced. I remember Chauvin's Mom and maybe another person in this movie show the very pages.

Perjury is almost treated like no crime at all anymore. There's not much honor left. Basically, when people talk about what witnesses say, if they say obvious lies, it's basically, well, can the jury be convinced otherwise, or how will the case go with this having been said, never "well, when this is over, this witness will be in his own trial." Can anyone recall a recent case?
Tuesday - December 26th 2023 11:29AM MST
PSToo bad The Fall of Minneapolis will never reach wide circulation. Of course, for most of the current US population they will never see what they don't want to see even if it is laid before them in cinematic clarity. I was struck most by the outright lying (also known as perjury) by the black Minneapolis Chief of Police with respect to the impramatur given to the Maximal Restraint Technique documented in the training manuals. In the absence of a state prosecutor who is interested in prosecuting crimes, I cannot imagine anything will happen despite the clearest written documented evidence of perjury most of us will ever see.
The Alarmist
Monday - December 25th 2023 4:04PM MST
Monday - December 25th 2023 1:35PM MST
PS: "These are likely to be the left wing death squads that the Biden regime (or its successor) use to deal with the 140 million or so “Deplorables” who at most thus far have shown up unarmed to protests against the machine, despite owning most of the 400 million firearms owned by private citizens."

As you say, the 2nd Amendment hasn't been made use of yet. Nobody wants to be an "early adopter", so to speak, because that does not pay off. How long will we wait? Will it be until these newcomers have voted in more and more gun/ammo restrictions? Will those people "jump the gun" (pun originally unintended but handy) and try to do this quickly, perhaps setting off the scenario that lots of patriots have prepared for? Or, do they understand the frog-boiling strategy?

Yes, I'd better get cracking. The "Community, Community, Community" part of Prepping, as opposed to "Bullets, Beans, Band-aids", is a lot harder to implement.
The Alarmist
Sunday - December 24th 2023 9:41PM MST

More than 11 million migrants, mostly men of military age, have illegally entered and settled in the USA in the last two and a half years. Two US Senators have openly called for them to be allowed into military service in exchange for a fast track to citizens. Others have called for them to be eligible to serve as police officers in the communities they occupy. These are people who will gladly use force against US citizens against whom actual US citizens might be reluctant to use upon mere orders of an authority of questionable legitimacy.

These are likely to be the left wing death squads that the Biden regime (or its successor) use to deal with the 140 million or so “Deplorables” who at most thus far have shown up unarmed to protests against the machine, despite owning most of the 400 million firearms owned by private citizens.

The Second Amendment is meaningless in the absence of some acceptance of how bad things really are and a willingness to exercise the right as originally envisioned by the Founders. The sorry outcome of the Scamdemic shows that too many are willing to get along to go along rather than holding evil culprits to account when they refuse to accept responsibility for their mistakes or misdeeds and stand down. The only acceptable answer to left wing death squads is an equal but opposite force.

Happy Christmas, Peakers, from the right side of the ocean now. Vive la Révolution. If you haven’t mapped out your local AOR, identified the neighbours who will be useful in securing it, and provisioned accordingly to get through 2024, you’d better get cracking.

Sunday - December 24th 2023 8:12PM MST
PS: I couldn't agree more, Mr. Blanc. I do think it can be stopped and reversed though.
Sunday - December 24th 2023 1:31PM MST
PS Derek Chauvin is Exhibit One for the status of white people in 21st century America. And it’s only going to get worse.
Sunday - December 24th 2023 7:13AM MST
PS: Very good comment, J1234. The Duke LaCrosse team rape hoax case was before my time as a blogger, and I think it was before I read Steve Sailer*. There was one blogger whose handle will come to me today sometime, as referred to a lot by Glenn Reynolds, aka, Instapundit, who I used to read from regarding this story.

"It occurred to me that Mike Nifong, DA in the Duke LaCrosse case, was the last prosecutor to actually be held accountable for his misconduct...but then I checked online and he never was held accountable, not really." One day in jail, and then you declare bankruptcy - the lawyers like him know how to do this best too...

Nowadays, it's the "prosecutor shopping" that introduces the Anarcho-Tyranny and railroading. Those Glynn County (Brunswick, GA) 3 had 2 prosecutors, I think, who decided there was no valid case against them. Then the vicious left rabble just kept on going and found one that imposed ridiculously high/unusual sentences.

Thanks for the Bob Dylan suggestion, Mr. Keif.

* It gets confusing because I know he's written about it at least in passing long afterwards. (Similar in type but not scale, as that UVA(was it?) Rolling Stone rape-on-the-floor-among-broken=glass hoax.)
Sunday - December 24th 2023 7:05AM MST
PS: Adam, I have read and commented about the ridiculous sentence given to James Fields before. I don't know what kind of brain fart it was that had me miss noting that - I was comparing J6 and C'ville, and forgot the one individual somehow. Thanks.

His crime was at very worst some mild sort of manslaughter. That he feared for his life with people trying to smash into his car, and that the roley-poley he backed could also have died from another cause*, and, finally, if you get to the kind of technicalities the other side does, he wasn't very bright, all would have gotten him no more than a few days of initial jail time, were he of the ctrl-left.

* I'd have to look into the autopsy on that one - probably more clear cut - impact injuries vs. long-term stuff.
Dieter Kief
Sunday - December 24th 2023 3:16AM MST

There's a Slow Train Coming - Up Around the bend (Bob Dylan, 1978 at the height of his Gospel-Years - still true - - -).

Merry Christmas-Eve to ya' all around here!
Sunday - December 24th 2023 1:25AM MST
PS -

This Chauvin series made me think of all the messed up high profile cases over the last 30 years, and the prosecutorial misconduct associated with them. It occurred to me that Mike Nifong, DA in the Duke LaCrosse case, was the last prosecutor to actually be held accountable for his misconduct...but then I checked online and he never was held accountable, not really. He was taken to court on ethics charges for his misdeeds, but was only disbarred and sentenced to one day in jail. ONE DAY! The players brought civil suits against him that totaled many millions of dollars, but Nifong only had a quarter million in assets, so he filed for bankruptcy and paid next to nothing.

The activists who complain about qualified immunity for cops ignore or cheer on qualified immunity for prosecutors (if they are afrocentric prosecutors, that is.) Nifong's prosecutor job was an elected position, but even after the ethics came to light he was reelected to office, thanks to a large number of black constituents in his district. (Thanks again, blacks, for living down to my very low expectations of you.)
Adam Smith
Saturday - December 23rd 2023 10:41PM MST
PS: Good evening, Achmed,

Much like the J6ers or the Satilla Three, Chauvin 𝑖𝑠 a political prisoner.
Compared to James Fields, he got off easy...

James Fields, 23 at the time, was given 𝑡𝑤𝑜 life sentences plus $561,000+ in fines, court costs and restitution. The Justice Department is (was?) seeking to seize his "inmate trust account" which had $759.86 (in February of 2023) according to the report above.

Pretty harsh for a case of vehicular manslaughter. (Anyway...)

Happy Christmas Eve! ☮️
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