Good news from New Mexico

Posted On: Saturday - September 30th 2023 5:06PM MST
In Topics: 
  Liberty/Libertarianism  Guns

This picture is from a CNN article. They wanted this picture to scare readers, but it made my day instead.

This is a short follow-up from our post New Mexico Commie Governor declares guns health emergency from a couple of weeks ago. Even when I wrote that, I was behind in reporting that this New Mexico attempt at a gun ban is a feel-good story. We could sure use one!

I've read a few more posts on the resistance to the unConstitutional, arbitrary, and capricious (yeah, OK, egregious!) action taken by the overly emotional New Mexican Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. (Women high-office politicians, yeah, I'm agin them.) I like the title of this one by Mr. Dan Zimmerman of The Truth About Guns. He says Gun Owners Owe New Mexico’s Inept, Authoritarian Governor a Debt of Gratitude.

Not only are the good New Mexicans of Bernalillo County, which encompasses the city of Albuquerque, scoffing at the ban, but even the local and other State politicians of this D-squad-dominated State not going along with it. The problem with the Governor's move, per Mr. Zimmerman:
It’s one thing to be a budding authoritarian who doesn’t care about violating state law and individuals’ civil rights. It’s another thing to be an inept, incompetent authoritarian. For that, we call all be thankful for New Mexico’s Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.

Grisham isn’t just your run-of-the-mill anti-gun Democrat politician. She’s also a bumbling fool who — we can all be grateful — is terrible at her job and clueless as to how the laws and constitutions of New Mexico and and the United States work.
Good, but as Dan Zimmerman continued, explaining how a more logical, organized, unemotional politician would have done this "right", I kept thinking "Hey, hush up - don't give them any ideas"

One lesson of this story is that well-organized large groups of patriots can do a good job of resisting the Potomac Regime and its minions. That would be gun owners / 2nd Amendment advocates. Say what you want about the NRA, but they have 5 million members. There is Gun Owners of America and others. The patriotic would-be resistance to the immigration invasion, arguably an equally important problem at this time, just don't seem to have quite the manpower ready to go outside and do that resisting.

Americans right now are depending mostly on the Texas National Guard, as we've posted about here and here and with new news and video from VDare's Eugene Gant just today: More Video Of Biden’s Border Treason: Border Patrol Cutting Razor Wire, Fist Bumping Great Replacement Illegals.

Anyway, congrats to the good Patriots of Bernallilo County and New Mexico! Thank you, inept government "leaders" everywhere. Thank you for reading and writing in, Peakers. The list in my head of future posts is long, but available time is short. Happy Sunday to all.

The Alarmist
Monday - October 2nd 2023 3:02PM MST

@MrMod, Mr. T said that in the public space of Trump Tower, which a New Your Kritarch has now unilaterally ruled he has no right to administer as the principal shareholder and executive of the entity that owns it.

Hate to say it, but a fork was stuck in the USA last week ... our judicial system no longer feels any need to even bother to pretend to follow the law.

As for that moron who pulled the fire alarm, he was a former school principal, so he can’t be all that dumb, amiright? Way to knowingly interfere with a session of Congress ... isn’t that worth a couple decades in prison nowadays?
Monday - October 2nd 2023 1:19PM MST

Adam Smith said: "Mr. J1234..."


Mr. Moderator: good point about J6. I saw a clip of Marjorie Taylor Greene making the same point to a group of reporters, but their reaction was basically, "Did you actually SEE him pulling the fire alarm? Did you actually SEE the video of him doing it?"

Suddenly evidence seemed as important as the accusation to the media. How funny! It's a function of the people involved and their party affiliation.

Monday - October 2nd 2023 6:15AM MST
PS: Thanks for writing in, J1234! Re your last paragraph, Anarcho-Tyranny is the big thing now. People will get away with a lot if they are the right people. In the meantime 1,000 or more J6 protesters and worst case, rioters, have been in jail for 2 years, many without any trial. Yes, Garfinkle would have been hung long ago were our Founding Fathers in charge.
Monday - October 2nd 2023 6:13AM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, re: Trump, I agree completely. He said the right thing at the right time, there in the lobby of that hotel or office building summer of '15. He meant what he said. I guess he thought by continuing to run his mouth on the subject (and others we wanted to hear about), to his great acclaim for 1 1/2 years through 4 years of a Presidency, things would magically get changed.

No, OK, he did get some things done, but I was disappointed in the guy from the time he lobbed missiles at Syria.

"One of hundreds of things [the Minuteman group], of course, but not to be ignored entirely." Agreed, Mr. Hail. There have been lots of "little guys" and "little movements" that together have helped get this existential issue in front of the public.

However, and this relates to the traitorous A/G Garfinkle and the like, along with your last paragraph here, my take on it is that the ctrl-left, Globalists, Communists all of them figured about 5-10 max years ago that it was time to get this all out in the open and wrap it open. They figure they have won the cultural and economic war on the people by this point. They have no problem in putting all their plans out into the light now. Them against us. It's pretty clear.
Monday - October 2nd 2023 6:05AM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, I remember well the MInuteman group. I may have even called someone of the group about it, wondering if it would have been worth it with the short time off I had to go down to the border and help.

That was already well after my TV watching days, so I don't know how vilified the Minutemen were on the "news". It was indeed a more sane time than today though.

I was surprised that this group wasn't taking any action beyond spotting and warning the BP. I suppose anything else would have been illegal based on something or other, but they were vilified for just simply spotting illegals. From what I recall, it was they they were ineffective that the movement didn't continue after a year or two (whatever it was). That was due to the US Gov't, even almost 20 years back, not being on the side of the people at all, even some rancher on the border whose land was getting trashed and whose family was threatened.

I imagine many of the good BP agents at the time appreciated the efforts of the Minutemen, but the invasion was to continue, per the powers that be.
Monday - October 2nd 2023 6:00AM MST
PS “Large well organized groups” is the key. Even when those criteria are satisfied, pick your spots. Make sure that they know that taking you out will come with a high cost to them. In the right spot, they might decide that discretion is the better part of valor. In the wrong spot, be prepared for a very bad outcome. Unfortunately, which spots are “right” is difficult to determine beforehand. If there is ever any serious resistance, there will be casualties.
Adam Smith
Sunday - October 1st 2023 10:01PM MST
PS: One moar music video for Mr. Hail & Friends!

Happy Monday!

Adam Smith
Sunday - October 1st 2023 9:29PM MST
PS: Greetings Mr. Hail!

I hope this message finds you well...

I do remember the minuteman movement. A few fun links...

This one is a doozy!...

And a couple music videos...
(I know how you love music videos!)
(Have you ever heard of the Chapman stick?)
(I only learned of it tonight. Just a few hours ago‽)

Cheers to your health kind sir!
Happy Monday morning!

Adam Smith
Sunday - October 1st 2023 9:13PM MST
PS: Good evening, everyone,

Mr. Alarmist... I really like the 1st gen Camaro. Very cool cars. I'd imagine they are good investments if you can keep them in a climate control(ish) box and otherwise maintain them. Take them out occasionally for a gentle ride in the sun. Very cool car.

Mr. J1234...


Sunday - October 1st 2023 6:37PM MST
"This is really really incredibly stupid stuff.. after all everybody older than early childhood should know that you don’t pull a fire alarm lever unless there is really a fire. It says 'FIRE!' right on it."

More departure from principle by the left: They tell you the First Amendment needs to be reigned in because, after all, you can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater, then they pull a fire alarm in a crowded legislative building.

By law, he needs to be charged, convicted and incarcerated. But will he? I don't know. Black privilege is pretty string in some quarters.
Sunday - October 1st 2023 5:25PM MST

-- Recalling the Minutemen of the mid-2000s --

"The patriotic would-be resistance to the immigration invasion...just don't seem to have quite the manpower ready to go outside and do that resisting..."

Does anyone remember the "Minutemen" movement of the mid-2000s? It involved an attempt to do exactly what you suggest.

I don't remember how it ended, but it was demonized as racist and undermined. Good people liked to point to it to say "We shouldn't be like those BAD people trying to stop migrants (An attitude that got Europe its disastrous 2015-16 Migrant Crisis).

The end-result of the Minutemen Movement of the mid-2000s was very little changed at macro scale. There WAS a slow-down later on, but it was definitely more associated with the Great Recession of 2008-2011 and some millions of self-deportations by Migrants. On this point, see also my graph of share of white-births by year in the USA, 1920s to 2020s, the long pause in the downward-push.

The Minuteman Movement of the mid-2000s was explicitly a border-control volunteer group was akin to a militia of olden years, in that it was just normal people serving without pay. I believe the excitement around it at the time contributed to the later Trump movement. Trump is still today a mystery. A flawed, narcissistic man found success out of nowhere, in mid-2015, and today possesses a tough-to-crack personality-cult across the land, solely because he demanded a border wall and deportations of the migrants and refugees. That's it. That's the main reason, perhaps the only reason. And the Minuteman Movement, despite being contained and undermined, provided a jolt of energy that may have stayed in the system years later. One of hundreds of things, of course, but not to be ignored entirely.

It's hard to remember what the Minuteman Movement was, now closer to twenty years on. Despite the fact that the Minutemen were harassed and undermined, the mid-2000s were a considerably less-stupid era in many ways (proven by their lower position on the scientifically-determined Peak Stupidity graph), in which "border enforcement" was a kind of obvious-centrist position. Today, it seems almost certain that Attorney General Garfinkel would put a thousand agents on finding charges against every Minuteman, or doing a mass-treason trial if necessary. (Treason against the true, parallel-constitution in place since the late 1960s or 1970s).

By the late 2010s, ten to fifteen years after the Minutemen stopped their patrols (their organization undermined and harassed out of existence, after two years or so of demonization), a weird and almost-surreal form of hysteria had taken over, and there was no longer a border-enforcement consensus. Everything had become angry, and so much was irrational. The act of following so-called "news" became just a sports-cheering affair, or live-action drama affair, in which most "news"-followers were hooked into an out-of-control mega-system designed to keep them outraged and rational thinking banned. (And then came the ne-plus-ultra of this state-of-things: the Corona-Panic. Following shortly by the Anti-White Pogrom of 2020.)
The Alarmist
Sunday - October 1st 2023 3:56PM MST

I once tapped a keg that explosively covered me with beer. Wouldn’t you know that was the night the State Patrol took an interest in my ‘69 Camaro SS convertible. Fortunately, I hadn’t had any to drink.

Happy Sunday, y’all.

Adam Smith
Sunday - October 1st 2023 2:49PM MST
PS: Good evening, Mr. Moderator,

30 in a 25! Oh my! Seriously though, just write it down backwards a few times and you'll have it. You can even sing it to the same tune as the abc song. SRQ is the only part I'll occasionally flub, but if you say it fast most people won't notice if you mix it up a little.

Kinda on topic, but did you notice this...

Apparently they passed some new gun law that outlaws open carry in Connecticut. Says it bans "assault weapons" and high capacity magazines too. Pretty sure this is blatantly unconstitutional.

Cheers! ☮
Sunday - October 1st 2023 2:15PM MST
PS: Nice story, Adam.

I used to get pulled over a lot, but that changed, well before the latest stand-down during and subsequent to the PanicFest.

Mostly it was the car I've been driving. That last time I had 2 beers in me - but that's a lot for me - the cop pulled me because "I blew past him"... at 30 mph in a 25 zone! I did question that "blew past me?!" bit, but kind of quietly, as I didn't want him to smell any alcohol. He didn't even give me a written warning.

I would not have been able to get through 5 letters backwards quickly, but that'd be the same were I sober.
Adam Smith
Sunday - October 1st 2023 1:42PM MST
PS: Greetings, Achmed,

I've only used the backwards alphabet trick one time on the side of the road. This was a long while ago. (Before the cops went crazy.) I was still under the legal drinking age (probably 18?) and I was speeding in my 1978 Chevy Luv pickup late(ish) one night. Cop came to the window and said he smelled alcohol. He probably did because the girl in the passenger seat was pretty lit up. I did admit to having a few drinks, which was true. It's probably a good thing that I didn't have more.

So... He had me blow in the little straw (only time this has ever happened) and while we waited for the results I rattled off my zyx's. He was pretty impressed. (So was my friend.) (I don't think either of them ever heard someone say the alphabet backwards before that.) I also passed the breathalyzer. (I was young then and I didn't know not to play simon says on the side of the road or that you can refuse a breathalyzer.)

Anyway, after passing the breathalyzer he said he wasn't going to write the speeding ticket because I was funny.

Good times! Happy Sunday! ☮
Sunday - October 1st 2023 1:34PM MST
PS: I saw the latter comment of yours, Alarmist, and even went to the article. If you find any English version, please let me know.

I'll try one of the translating sites, I guess, too.
The Alarmist
Sunday - October 1st 2023 11:19AM MST

Guam capsizing is a function of how well you distribute the extra weight. Maybe it will just sink slowly beneath the waves, under the rising Sun, no doubt..

BTW, Mr Sailer did not approve my comment about Sweden’s need for right-wing death squads, but he did approve the one about the 14 y.o. Swedish girl who, with her boyfrend and a couple of his friends, captured, tortured and hanged the 26 y.o. middle-eastern migrant taxi driver who raped her. The youth of Sweden are starting to see past the bulls*** their parents have inflicted upon them. Coming to a neighborhood near you???


Sunday - October 1st 2023 8:33AM MST
PS: Oh, and a big one: Birthright Citizenship, aka, bug-out babies, has to end NOW, retroactively?
Sunday - October 1st 2023 3:50AM MST
PS: I think right now, this week, and these last 2 years, yeah, the immigration invasion has been the most important threat to us. (If a major gun ban had been implemented nationwide during this time, then it's a toss up.)

Major deportations will HAVE to be implemented or we are indeed toast soon, Alarmist.

That's it, Adam. Were my site easier to search on - or even having the possibility - I'd have pasted in a link too. Was the useful to you reading of the alphabet backwards very recent, Mr. Smith? I'm glad you practiced!
Sunday - October 1st 2023 3:46AM MST
PS: I do remember only Hank Johnson and his worries about the capsizing of the Island of Guam, SafeNow. (In fact, I"m pretty sure I posted it on this site.) He had a legitimate concern... for a really ignorant person.

From the story, it sounds like this lady Governor read about some kids shot - probably the usual "suspects" and got emotional and impulsive. She didn't plan anything, and she didn't care about no stinking Constitution that might be in the way of her temper tantrum either.
Adam Smith
Saturday - September 30th 2023 8:29PM MST
PS: Completely off topic, but...

(And I'm not sure why I'm even posting this comment‽)


Fun Fact!: Sing the alphabet backwards on the side of the road = no ticket...

Just sayin'

Cheers! ☮
Adam Smith
Saturday - September 30th 2023 8:15PM MST
PS: Will Guam Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean?

You all know the thing!

Happy Saturday! ☮
Adam Smith
Saturday - September 30th 2023 8:08PM MST
PS: Will Guam will Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean?

Hank Johnson investigates. ☮
The Alarmist
Saturday - September 30th 2023 7:30PM MST

The picture they won’t show, the one that might actually scare more than a few Americans, is a group of military-aged males raising a Venezuelan flag on US soil upon illegally crossing the border.

Bwa ha ha ha ... who am I kidding? They’re coming with hearts full of luv ❤️

BTW, how long would President [name the Repube of your choice] live in a city whose streets are controlled by MS-13 if they dared to use US special forces against the cartels in Mexico?

In any case, within two years, DC will start to look like Cartagena, Bogatá, and Carracas in many unpleasant ways now that President Gas has allowed the largest invasion in history to happen on his watch.
Saturday - September 30th 2023 6:49PM MST
By coincidence (or synchronicity), just today I read about how Squad Dem. Rep. Jamall today pulled the House fire alarm, “thinking” it would open the door. Of course this got me thinking about Guam capsizing, which is to say, how peak stupidity-like certain high-level politicians can be. And now comes this essay about the stupid failure of the governor to do easy X, Y, and Z. This is really really incredibly stupid stuff.. after all everybody older than early childhood should know that you don’t pull a fire alarm lever unless there is really a fire. It says “FIRE!” right on it.
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