The Big Sort and the decline of Egging

Posted On: Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 6:16AM MST
In Topics: 
  Media Stupidity  Liberty/Libertarianism  The Future  Geography  President DeSantis

Still got my hat!

... in Florida and hopefully in the rest of the country? Peak Stupidity would in no way have watched an NBC News story, but The Gateway Pundit was disgusted by a certain story about Florida, as Ben Kew discussed, in NBC Runs Pathetic Hit Piece on Free State of Florida, Claims People Fleeing The ‘Culture War’.

In the article, the numbers for this alleged exodus of these Culture War losers are given extremely vaguely.* However, the concept of some exodus of people who are not happy with the politics and culture, as we assume others moved down there FOR it, is interesting. Gateway Pundit takes the stand:
Florida has become hot property over recent years, providing newcomers** with all round sunshine and an escape from Democratic insanity of states such as New York and California.

This is largely due to its Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, who led the way against the COVID tyranny and ensured that Florida remained free while other parts of the country were under indefinite house arrest.

In its article, NBC notes that although hundreds of thousands of people moved to Florida, many also left the state and moved elsewhere:
NBC's testimony to the Judge:
While hundreds of thousands of new residents have flocked to the state on the promise of beautiful weather, no income tax and lower costs, nearly 500,000 left in 2022, according to the most recent census data. Contributing to their move was a perfect storm of soaring insurance costs, a hostile political environment, worsening traffic and extreme weather, according to interviews with more than a dozen recent transplants and longtime residents who left the state in the past two years.
Insurance has gone way up there, and yes, you'll get worse traffic when multitudes of northern refugees swarm a place***.

Extreme weather? Yes, Florida has extreme weather. It's hot a LOT. It doesn't ever really cool down, and Floridians will tell you it's freezing out when the outside temperature is in the high 40s F. They are science deniers, as we up north know that water freezes at 32F. However, that well-known meme with the two guys in space suits would be handy here: "You mean Florida is experiencing extreme weather?" "Always has been."

As for the hostile political environment, I am not sure if NBC is exaggerating, OK, lying a bit here, with this eyewitness testimony:
Costs and politics were also enough to cause Noelle Schmitz to leave the state after more than 30 years, despite her son having a year left in high school, and relocate to Winchester, Virginia. She said the politics became ever-present in her daily life — one former neighbor had a massive Trump banner in front of their house for years, and another had Trump written in big letters across their yard. When she put out a Hillary Clinton sign in 2016, it was stolen and her house was egged.
Well, if it keeps them off the screens ...

Please continue with your testimony:
“I saw my neighbors and co-workers become more radicalized, more aggressive and more angry about politics. I’m thinking, where is this coming from? These are not the people I remember,” Schmitz said. “I was finally like, we need to get the hell out of here, things are not going well.”
Was "Trump" written in flowers, was it made with monkey grass inserted into the regular St. Augustine, or did she mean the homeowner mowed it that way? Either way, that takes some skill and effort - much appreciated!

Egging, well, if you grew up in a certain era, I don't see how you would have gotten to adulthood without having egged a house or two. We egged a couple of houses, and it wasn't even out of valid anger over the political ideology of Communism and the Hildabeast. We were just bored shitless.

Wait, what judge and testimony are we talking about here? Think family court.

Whenever Peak Stupidity discusses the America's deep divide, our very favorite member of Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene comes up. (Her support or lack thereof by commenters demonstrated the divide in that post, and here's a follow-up.) I'd forgotten that MTG has been praised here long before - over a year ago we posted Irreconcilable Differences as grounds for a National Divorce. The division of America along appropriate political lines to separate the greatly polarized population as a "national divorce" is a good concept. Unfortunately, the deep division doesn't align nicely with State borders, and often not along county lines either.

What if we could sort ourselves out around State borders before this national divorce? It'd be akin to dividing up the many kids, the cars, and the real estate before the lawyers (governments) get involved. "She likes to be with me more, and, well, I don't drive a stick, so you can have that one." "You can live in the city place, because you can't take care of all the equipment on our land out in the country. I get the other kids and the tools."

I do find it hard to believe that there are people who are offended by an attitude in the population and its State government that's pro freedom and against anti-White wokeness and lawlessness. Governor DeSantis just beat Big Mouse, he has gotten the Florida University system to eliminate all D.I.E. departments, and the State has passed a law making it easier to boot out illegal squatters on one's property.

Are they against all that? Do they want to start up Sanctimony Cities in their own new back yards? That's hard for me to believe, but if they want to get out of America for these reasons, more power to them. Let's all sort ourselves out. This is very cost effective for U-Haul, if nothing else.

Make America (and a few dozen other States) Florida, and make the Potomac Regime New York and California!**** Let's run a Big Sort.

PS: As for the political feuding among neighbors, even if I believe NBC News, I find it only fair. I've lived among BLM banners on churches for many years, the stupid yard signs (only taken down after burglaries), and the Ukraine flags flying in American neighborhoods, with most of the latter down now besides one nearby.

Yet, we haven't removed any or egged any of said houses. Is inflation making egging cost prohibitive now? Hmmmm.... more likely the decline of egging is due to the doorbell cameras. ;-} OTOH, what are we to do with all those extra eggs from Easter Sunday? It's very tempting indeed, and if it can get U-Haul just one extra sale ...

* I looked at population growth in Florida, here - there are a table and a graph showing growth there for 2.2 decades, from '00 through '22. There's a lot to this, though, what with natural births - deaths growth to be accounted for before getting a net influx. More difficult would be determining (for me from the internet anyway) where new residents came from and where those leaving went to. Their reasons, well, NBC talked to a dozen people - that's 12. So, they know nothing more than I do about the numbers.

** That's the old use of the word "newcomers", I assume. We're not talking illegal aliens, but then, they are involved in all this too. We'll give you your Sanctimony Cities, if we can keep our IC cars.

*** Charleston, S. Carolina is a great example of this.

**** It's just a real shame about California, though. It's simply the most beautiful piece of land with such a great (physical!) climate.

Comments (11)

Peak Stupidity is FOR the alleged Depopulocalypse - Part 4: The Big Caveat

Posted On: Monday - April 1st 2024 7:02AM MST
In Topics: 
  The Future  Race/Genetics

This is continued from Part 1 - - Part 2, and Anecdotal Interlude of a series. Those posts were put up Sept. 8th, Oct. 3rd, and Nov 16th of '23, respectively, so I don't expect any reader to have been anxiously awaiting this one (either). ;-}.

Due to our becoming more timely lately, mostly due to our material often coming from stories on The Gateway Pundit, Peak Stupidity has dropped the ball on some of the older polemic/speculation series. The only reason a continuation of the important "Depopulocalypse"* came to mind at all was my reading of a Science ALERT. OK, no, it's not some loud, flashing alert on my phone - I've deactivate all that crap. This was a link on Instapundit and a reminder of this series, Birth Rates Are Plummeting in Most Nations, And The World Isn't Prepared. I thought this would be a good article to get my thoughts going on this subject again.

Wrongo, Kebler! For a "Science" site, the article had a significant lack of maps, tables, and graphs, like, there were none. OK, well, why post here? Peak Stupidity's impetus here is similar to that for the recent posts Four Dead in Illinois and The Banning of Existence for motor vehicles. They contain some stupid statements, and that's part of what we are about here, pointing out stupidity where we see it.

This article does, in it's own stupid manner, that of writer Jess Cockerell, point to the big caveat that we had to get to before getting to the interesting stuff. Here is that big caveat: All the discussion about whether lower, even MUCH lower, populations of humans inhabiting the nations of the world in the near future are a good thing or a bad thing, WHY things are going in this direction, and what could or should be done were it going to be a bad thing are a moot point, if the World's Most Important Scariest Graph, most of it a projection, ends up being accurate. That's the Big Caveat. Without a way to change that graph, or the kind of effort to stop the migration of people that nobody has the guts to do anymore, the would will be (more!) inundated with black Africans.

Why discuss more affordable family formation in the future with lower populations, is lower female fertility a fundamental problem, should we try to fix this, will it sort itself out, how will old people be taken care of, is the problem only with the transition**, ... etc.? Why care about any of this if our future is Africa?

So, that said, let's make it implicit in future posts on the that the discussion is based on the assumption that we are NOT turned into Africa west, Africa north, and even Africa east. (Yeah, Japan has been holding its own, but a recent VDare article was not so solidly encouraging about its prospects against the nation-wreckers.)

Now to get to the real stupidity, there are Mr. Cockerell's quotes from the Lancet paper he used to write his Science Alert!, who were "an extensive team of international scientists":
By 2100, one in every two children born will come from Africa, which already contributed one third of the world's babies in 2021.
"Heh, heh, he said 'contributed', he-he-he-he ..." More from Biostatisticians Natalia Bhattacharjee, and Stein Emil Vollset:
The authors say "ethical and effective immigration policies with global co-operation" will be crucial in managing the population crashes many countries are due to face.

"Once nearly every country's population is shrinking, reliance on open immigration will become necessary to sustain economic growth," Bhattacharjee says. "Sub-Saharan African countries have a vital resource that ageing societies are losing – a youthful population."
Import youthful Africans to keep our nation's populations up... but then, whose nations would they be? They say you can't fix stupid. I'm not even going to try. For Biostatisticians Natalia Bhattacharjee and Stein Emil Vollset, it's inlaid in their jeans.

PS: Oh, or was this some sort of sick April Fool's joke gone wrong? I wish...

* As before, I'll point out the 3 long posts by substack blogger "John Carter" and his Postcards from Barsoom site that got me started: Depopulocalypse
Depopulocalypse II – Solutions That Don’t or Won’t Work
Depopulocalypse III – From SINK to FLOAT

** I can't write that word, say it, hear, it read it, or even think it now without hearing Beavis or Butthead in my head... or both of them. "Heh, heh, he said 'transition", he-he-he-he!"

Comments (5)

The Resurrection

Posted On: Saturday - March 30th 2024 8:51PM MST
In Topics: 
  Genderbenders  Lefty MegaStupidity  Websites  Bible/Religion  Zhou Bai Dien  Holiday from Stupidity

This evening's Peak Stupidity post was to have been about that humorous Babylon Bee-worthy, but true, story I mentioned a couple of weeks back. I even have pictures ready. However, it's late, it's been a long day, and there's some bad news about the internet. Also, holiday greetings are in order, They relate to the bad news, and also to some stupidity out of Bai Dien, aka Dark Brandon, but really the Potomac Regime in general, on this holiday.

H A P P Y     E A S T E R!

That's tomorrow, of course. Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the good news, aka, The Gospel(s).

Now, with the semi-related bad news. Not to compare himself to Jesus or something, but Peter Brimelow of VDare posted some bad news last night about the site in which he draws a parallel regarding this important website (and foundation). He wrote “IT IS FINISHED”—NYAG Letitia James Crucifies I am in mental shock about this news that VDare could, I guess, WILL be, taken down.

Just before this news, by happenstance, I was doing some thinking on some way the Foundation could extricate itself from the tentacles of the tryannical Black! New York Attorney General and just that State in general. Now, I've read not just the short "TL/DR" version of Mr. Brimelow's explanation of the trouble but also the long versions and Mrs. Brimelow (Lydia) on this in both her Tucker Carlson interview and another hour long interview with some other guy. I get what's been going on.

I'm no lawyer. I'm no accountant. I'm no finance guy. However, what I read leads me to conclude that the problem is VDare is trying to continue playing by the rules, that is, the old rules, that the enemy does not play under. There's got to be a way to get the assets somewhere, OUT of New York, claimed back by the donors and re-donated later, maybe, and get started in a new, America-friendlier State. Leticia James and company know that they can use your honesty and straightforwardness against you. You've got to change your whole mindset. There's got to be a way. Damn the lawyers, full speed ahead! I hope that VDare can be resurrected. It'll take more than 3 days.

Lastly, on my go-to site, The Gateway Pundit, I ran across multiple posts about Bai Dien, and also Comrade Hochul, Governor of New York, claiming tomorrow for a quite different holiday. That'd be Transgender Day of Visibility. After we stop laughing and/or projectile vomiting, many of us who may not have had it really sink in yet may finally realize: Yes, they hate us. They hate everything about us! They are rubbing our noses in the dirt with this Satanic nonsense. ("They" would be the ctrl-left, Globalists, Communists, whatever the term, of the Potomac Regime.)

I hope and pray there is some infinite wisdom behind all these things. This usurping of a Christian holiday for the Genderbender stupidity by Dark Brandon seems to be a bit foolish on the Regime's part. They are moving too far too fast. Christians who've turned the other cheek 7 x 70 times, 490 for you innumerate folks in Del Boca Vista, might be finally ready to resist and maybe even start kicking ass.

Well, that wasn't very positive for the day of the Resurrection, was it? Let us be thankful then and lay off the internet and all the bad news it brings, for a special Sunday, anyway.

Comments (9)

The Banning of Existence for motor vehicles

Posted On: Friday - March 29th 2024 9:04AM MST
In Topics: 
  California  Global Climate Stupidity  Cars  Environmental Stupidity  Zhou Bai Dien

I already include the Rush song in this past Saturday's post, but here's another Motor Law: Eight States Plan to Ban the Sale of Gas-Powered Vehicles as Joe Biden Issues New Rules to Begin Killing Them Off. I really don't think it's going to be that easy.

As with the last post, you and I both - well hopefully more than the two of us are involved - are probably sick of going over and over the stupidity of this Climate Calamity™ deal. I realized, as the Kung Flu PanicFest finally tailed off, that this thing was not close to over. However, I did not expect it to become the biggest overarching excuse for Globalists/Communists to take over large parts of the world's economies. Thanks, little Miss Thunberg. I gotta' feeling you're gonna reGreta your whole childhood.*

So again here, it's just a couple of lines from the GP story that had me wanting to write a post. This is about State, not Feral, law:
Delaware and Colorado, for example, last year finalized rules that require 82 percent of all new cars to be zero emission vehicles by 2032. New Mexico announced last July that it will set its own annual targets for the sale of zero-emission vehicles. But none of these states have endorsed the 2035 ban.
How does that work? As highly stupid as it is to prohibit the sale of vehicles based on unsound, unfinished modeling of the Earth's climate (what, with the explanation of the ICE freaking AGES not even clear), I see that laws are put on businesses and people. You can't buy this. You can't sell this. Wait, that sounds like ... well, that's not this post.

What I don't even get the stupidity of is the rules against there BEING less than 82% - where in Sam Hill did they get that precise number? - EVs. I mean, these laws are not restricting or mandating sales, not manufacturing, not purchases, but BEING. These cars must not BE here! But, but, what if they are? What are the sentencing guidelines on cars existing where they shouldn't?

"You there, yeah, you two F-150s and you three Toyota Matrices! Yes, you need to be beyond that (State) line. Stay behind the line, Sirs! I WILL use lethal force. OK, that's it, get on the autorack. Quit resisting! Watch your hood there."

At least New Mexico specifies sales... because, you know, it's not like anyone can drive one of those evil IC-engine vehicles in from Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, or Colorado, or diagonally across the Four Corners from Utah. The latter be Navajo country. You may end up in a showdown. Then there's the stretch of the N. Mexican border with Ole Mexico. Nobody gets across there alive! It's no country for old cars.

* "I've gotta climata modela you no canna' refuse - but youra agonna reGreta it." [Caution: Joke in Progress.]

Comments (16)

Four dead in Illinois

Posted On: Friday - March 29th 2024 7:04AM MST
In Topics: 
  Race/Genetics  Guns

♪♫♬ "... gotta get down to it, teens keep cutting us down.
What should have been done long ago?
What if you knew one and found him dead on the ground?
I would have run, had I known."

IIA patriots have been saying this for years. If you somehow succeed in banning guns from those who don't respect the laws anyway, next you're gonna need knife control. This has been illustrated so well in the formerly-United Kingdom, where just that is going on. It's really about the PEOPLE, people. The Gateway Pundit reports Four Dead, Several Injured in Stabbing Spree in Northern Illinois — Suspect in Custody.

This story from Rockford, Illinois is about a mass stabbing, not shooting. Four people are dead. 7 others were injured. The USA Today article linked-to in the Gateway Pundit Post makes it sound like this didn't happen in the hood itself. It doesn't read as if the victims are all hood rats.

As for the mass murderer,
... a 22-year-old male suspect was promptly taken into custody for questioning. However, still no ID was released.
Dang, it's too bad they couldn't get more info out of the guy. All they know is he's 22 y/o and a man, a man of some color or other ...

Due to the unfortunate location of Chicago, the State of Illinois has more than its share of laws involving and against purchasing guns and carrying them. That may or may not have stopped some of the victims from defending themselves against death or bodily trauma. Those laws DEFINITELY didn't stop this mass killing, though.

I only posted about this particular story due to a part of a statement I read from the Rockford Chief of Police:
“This is a pretty painstaking event,” Chief Redd expressed. “My heart goes out to the families right now who are suffering a loss.”
I don't know. I guess you don't have to be a man (or woman) of letters to be a Police Chief, but... "painstaking"? Did the Chief mean that this mass murder in Rockford was painstakingly planned? I seriously doubt that. I don't think that word means what Chief Redd think it means. Better axe the internet next time.

Wait, how'd I guess?! Ha, after reading that, I quickly went to duckduckgo. Survey search result blurb says: › story › news › 2021 › 08 › 31 › rockford-police-carla-redd-named-first-female-first-black-chief › 5616341001
Rockford police Carla Redd named first female, first Black chief
Redd joined the Rockford Police Department in 1998. She was a patrol officer, field training officer, community services officer, detective and sergeant before becoming the first Black woman to ...
How'd I already know that, you axed? Don't axe me no questions, and I won't tell you no lies. (Oh, the Skynyrd song is in this other post.)

Comments (10)

Peak Stupidity's strange new respect for Donald Trump

Posted On: Thursday - March 28th 2024 5:13PM MST
In Topics: 
  Lefty MegaStupidity  Political Correctness  Trump

I get and like that expression, but the "strange" ought to be left out here, really. My respect of the man from what I see in the clip below is not so strange. It's new only because I didn't know him back in the day.

Other than knowing he was on TV with some show about "you're fired!", I'd not heard much of this guy until about '08 when he was on suspected AntiChrist Øb☭ma's case about his place of birth. Then, for another 7 years, I didn't follow him in a literal or virtual sense until that amazing Summer of '15.

The rest is recent history, of course, hopefully to be a bigly enlarged saga in the coming years. Peak Stupidity has included plenty of words disparaging the shortcomings of the ex-Pres, but we have never faulted him on the Political Correctness stupidity, now enhanced as Wokeness. Fighting that crap is probably what Trump is best at. Well, he was the same 31 years ago.

At a Congressional hearing in 1993 Trump testified to defend his then near-monopoly on gambling, ooops, errr, gaming, in the northeast (his big venue being Atlantic City, NJ). There was new encroachment into the business by the Connecticut Indians (as opposed to the Connecticut Yankees). I'm not here to argue whether Trump was right about the mob infiltration or the business end of things. If you want the biased Washington Post view of the whole thing, look here. I got there inadvertently, but I do like this bit:
Trump had arrived late to the hearing. The chamber was packed with people, including a class of first-graders whose school was built with Indian casino revenues.
Haha! Yeah, great role models for the kids there, both in the casino business and in the US Congress!

Additionally, the article says that Trump went way off the "script" he'd been told to stick to by his business-end handlers. Going off script is another thing Donald Trump is very good at. This is off-script, and I love it!:

"... that you've approved... you, Sir, in your great wisdom, have approved ..." ;-} Outstanding!!

Man, standing up to this piece-o-work George Miller must have been a blast for The Donald. Note Congressman Miller's holier-than-thou attitude at the end there. This was no ordinary lefty Congressman from California. Put it this way: Per wiki, Congressman Miller "has been considered Nancy Pelosi's most trusted confidant, with conservative columnist Robert Novak describing him as 'her consigliere, always at her side.'" George Miller, of the 7th District, which includes much of State Capital Sacramento, screwed , errr, served the country for 4 solid decades - 1975 to 2015. The video above is from the middle of his Congressional career.

Lastly on this guy, and keeping in mind that being voted against 424-1 doesn't have to necessarily be a bad thing (Ron Paul may have been on the low end of that one), we see this on wiki:
Miller's biggest defeat was when he lost 424-1 in congress for his amendment to House Resolution 6 of 1994. His refusal to make provision for homeschooling caused the national home school community to lobby the whole congress against Miller's amendment to the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994.
Did I mention George Miller was a scumbag?

It was heartening to see young-vintage Donald Trump do anything but cower to that man with his shocked PC bullshit. I respect him for that in 1993, and I respect him for the same thing in 2024. Nice job!

PS: I did skim through iSteve comments under his recent Pretendians post (as referenced in our quick post designed to show lots of skin). That's where I found this one. I could not find the great Sopranos scene with something similar, but without asshole Congressmen.

Comments (8)

Hotel look-up scam - finally to the point

Posted On: Thursday - March 28th 2024 1:22PM MST
In Topics: 
  Internets  Websites  Big-Biz Stupidity  Scams  Customer Care

See, this is what happens often at Peak Stupidity. We write posts to give background for a point, interesting or not, and may never get to the point itself. I did remember this time. Those background posts are on the old ways of looking up people and businesses: Let your fingers do the walking - - The days of the HuWhite pages, and The Yellow Pages - Factoids and Fun.

Though I've been using and switching out various search "engines" - see our post Peak Search Results - I have found bing the best for one particular thing. That thing is the looking up of business phone numbers, most particularly local ones.

From bing search results - use the phone number by the map.

As the discussion under those background post covered, particularly that by commenter E.H. Hail, the whole way of doing many things is less orthodox and structured now, the time of ubiquitous internet. For this task, here's no more "Well, duh, look in the Yellow Pages, of course!"* On the internet, you try this, and you try that. Maybe you find a site that's good for your needs for a while. Later that site goes to shit, which is, from my experience, ALMOST ALWAYS the case.

So, yeah, for some years now, has been great for me when it comes to getting those phone numbers and addresses. (Sometimes the maps even help, as I can see which location of a chain of businesses is closest.) Luckily for me, as opposed to the case with weather sites**, for example, I have not had to scramble and find a working replacement for this important function yet.

Bing has phone/address info for all over the country. When doing some family traveling, I've tried to get numbers to call hotel desk people to get what I can't learn on-line. I don't know if this could be called an actual SCAM, per se, but one has to be really careful to get the search result, on bing, this is, that has the map along side it in order to get the real honest-to-God hotel phone number for, like, the actual freaking hotel! If you readers are still interested here, see first the "Hampton Inn Kingman AZ"*** search results for bing, and then, seeing as how I'll try them sometimes, those for duckduckgo.

From duckduckgo search results. Address is right, but phone number does not get the hotel.

Note that on either site's search results page, the first blurbs are NOT for the hotel itself, but from "Guest "", Reservations", along with your usual "Trip Advisors" and "PriceLines", "" etc, and the big overall hotel chain itself (as opposed to the brand). My laziness has me reading off phone numbers from the results blurbs, if they are there. DuckDuckGo is the bad one about this, for me anyway. They'll have the numbers, and, without having searched for the area code for the city, I may figure 855 is one, not a toll-free number. (See PS's discussion in that 3rd background post on those "800" numbers and proliferation of actual area codes.) Even the result with the map on DDG has the misleading info.

I end up mashing (virtual) buttons to get to the front desk, and I end up on the phone with India. I don't even KNOW THAT for a little while because it might be the •Indian owners of this Patel Motel at the actual desk in America. The language accent barrier causes this realization to take some time. So, I ask about the pool or the gym, and then I finally realize this guy is a long ways from this hotel, be the latter in Kingman, Arizona, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, or Brazos, Texas. It turns out said desk is in a cubical in east Bombay, where, well, the guy on the line might not be the type to ever go into a swimming pool due to ... the many Hershey Bars left there by the guests(?)

You just have to watch it. I think bing is best. Look for the local map and what you are sure is the area code for the city before calling. The big booking sites want you to get to their reservations lines, outsourced to wherever. This is not a rip-off scam, but it's one that wastes time. Time is money too, after all, and calls to India are stressful. Stress can turn into money too, so there ya' go. I hope bing will keep one of their best features, their improved replacement for the Yellow Pages.

PS: In doing due diligence here, I did call the (928) number. The phone rang easily 20 times, making me wonder if this was the correct number after all. It was - it was just that the poor clerk (a White lady) must have been doing other work. I felt bad saying "sorry, wrong number" after she must have run over there finally. That's better than, "sorry, Ma'am, just some Peak Stupidity due diligence work." "What?" "You mean you've never heard of us?! Here's the url, got a pen and paper phone handy?"

* Even when there were competing Yellow Pages, back near the end of that era, there had to have been lots of overlap, and one would just keep the books together there near the phone... those that hadn't been already used up at the shooting range ...

** That post was not about the weather forecasts on phones. It was titled Darksky goes Dark.

*** I give this example semi-randomly. Hmmm, maybe,per this TakiMag column about Steve Sailer's new book, this will be the secret meeting place for one of his events in or yeah, kinda near, Los Angeles yeah, that's the ticket....

... No, it's not, but for those hostiles who can't read more than a couple hundred characters at a time, well, we'll see you in Kingman! Here's the phone number for the Hampton Inn - (855) 605-0317 - I'll be at the swimming pool laughing my ass off.

Comments (2)

Noticing by Steve Sailer, coming to a porch near you

Posted On: Tuesday - March 26th 2024 7:16PM MST
In Topics: 
  Pundits  alt-right  Books

What I noticed a few times recently was that my 3* copies of Steve Sailer's brand new anthology, Noticing: An Essential Reader had not come. It was a relief to find out that this was just due to it not having been released yet. Today is the day of the book's release, I noticed. (Thank you, Mr. Hail, for the reminder.)

There are no ratings or reviews here on Goodreads or here on amazon yet. That makes sense, so I don't see that as nefarious... yet. However, our Peak Stupidity readers may want to add these, once they've read this book.

Peak Stupidity will review the book, but I cannot say if it will be very detailed. If most of the essays are ones I've already read on his blog (linked-to above) then there won't be that much to say more than to relate which subject matter is covered.** For someone who has not read him, I think you'll like the writing. Mr. Sailer has noticed quite a few things that others either miss or do not choose to admit to noticing.

I hope Mr. Sailer will get lots of exposure, make some good $$, and get lots of support. Even if you don't like his work, for you, your purchase of this book could be akin to my biggest reason for voting for Trump.

This must be a blurb on the back:
“If the meritocracy were real, Steve Sailer would be one of the most famous writers in the world. Someday historians will revere him. In the meantime, read this book.” — Tucker Carlson
Pretty good publicity!

* 1 for me, and 2 copies for friends or LittleFreeLibraries nearby.

** You could go to his site, search for the posts on the various topics, and read loads of comments in lieu of a review.

Comments (30)

Brace, brace, brace! ... for the Climate Calamity™

Posted On: Tuesday - March 26th 2024 8:26AM MST
In Topics: 
  TV, aka Gov't Media  Global Climate Stupidity  Media Stupidity

Disclaimer: This map is a couple of days old, and it's all guesswork anyway. Peak Stupidity will not be held responsible for your roof.

Peak Stupidity has been meaning to have some interesting discussion on former Climate Calamitists* who've seen the light , that is, lack of proven, working models of the Earth's climate. This is not that post.

No, there's nothing new here. It's the same old look at the Lyin' Press and its continual attempts to make every weather story something more, something about which we need to do something... NOW! ... with your money and more rules! However, 1 to 2 feet of snow coming to a big chunk of the country is still a story. These ones would have gotten lots of views before all the Global Climate Stupidity, but then again, it's been so long already, that that time predates the www.

Per ABC News, via yahoo, via logging out of email, US braces for major storm, 16 states under winter weather alerts. This is about a week after Spring officially started, and a week before Easter. No, it's not unheard of. (Shhhsssh... if you say it is, then they'll call it that wild and crazy weather that's an integral part of the Climate Calamity™, per the new, new mathematical models.)
On Sunday, 16 states from California to Michigan were under winter alerts as the next big storm will be dropping heavy snow and causing travel delays through Tuesday.
Yeah, it's colder than normal. I've noticed. The media has just got to do some "explaining":
While snowstorms in the central U.S. aren’t rare for this time of year, much of the area affected hasn’t had much winter weather in the past few months.

Minnesota and Wisconsin are fresh off their warmest winter on record, with snowfall less than half of normal in cities like Minneapolis.

On the southern tier of this storm, the clash of cold and warm air, among other factors, will contribute to a potential multi-day severe weather outbreak from the Southern Plains into the Deep South.
Yes, that's called frontal activity, aka, weather. Note that the writer, one Leah Sarnoff, pointed out that warmest winter on record in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Nah, it doesn't work like that. Weather stations are in specific locations all over these States. Is this some average of all the stations or just a few records here and there in cities/towns in those 2 States? I suspect the latter. For what I think is a probably correct bit of rectal extraction, I'd have to guess that a warmest or coldest record reading is set in some location every week in the US in the winter and summer, or at least every month. It sounds like Leah has done some cherry picking - that should have been done in Michigan, in which sits, after all, the Cherry Capital of the World.

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I didn't start because reading 1,100 comments is not something I have time for today (or any other day). However, I've looked at these occasionally before under these stories, and I would see most commenters being onto the scam.

I thought about this, and I really yearn for the days when people could just discuss the weather without politics being involved. "How are you all doing up in Buffalo?" "Well, I was worried about the roof, so I swept it off, and then I just stepped down onto the 'lawn' without a ladder." "We've still got firewood left after the mild winter. Did your kids get any sledding in? It's great here!" That kind of thing is what the internet COULD be for, but no....

* Spell-check doesn't like that - Calamitites, maybe? (It doesn't like that one either.)

Comments (9)

Peak Anarcho-Tyranny?

Posted On: Monday - March 25th 2024 7:01AM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Anarcho-tyranny  Big-Biz Stupidity  Kung Flu Stupidity

I don't know who this Julian's Rum is - I got this meme either from Ann Barnhardt (she likes memes, and hates the Commie so-called Pope) or off VDare. It doesn't matter, but it was a nice job. This is the best example of layer upon layer of Anarcho-Tyranny I've seen explained, and so consisely. Those layers are put on by Big Gov and Big Biz, working hand-in-hand.

Due to obligations, Peak Stupidity posts will be short like this or nonexistent through Wednesday.

Comments (4)

The Motor Law

Posted On: Saturday - March 23rd 2024 5:45PM MST
In Topics: 
  Music  US Police State  Cars  The Future  Zhou Bai Dien  Totalitarianism

... and Congress need not worry its pretty little head about it. Biden Regime to Finalize Regulations Targeting Gas-Powered Vehicles This Week.

The smell of volatiles, gasoline to be precise, permeated my old Red Barchetta American sports car for a couple of days. It took me 1 hour total to fix it: discovering the cracked fuel line, getting 6' of 3/8" I.D. reinforced rubber line for 13 bucks (I kept 75% of it for after the Motor Law), and installing 18" of new line with the 2 hose clamps.

I'll give E.V.'s credit for being simple, but this old one is not complicated either, and guess what? I'm not turning it in to Zhou Bai Dien based on a bogus excuse of some Climate Calamity™.

Peak Stupidity embedded this great 1981 Rush song before long ago. (From Moving Pictures) Drummer Neil Peart's lyrics were Libertarian with a bent toward Science Fiction. Well, the future is now.

My uncle has a country place that no one knows about.
He says it used to be a farm, before the Motor Law.
And now on Sundays I elude the eyes, and hop the turbine freight
to far outside the wire where my white-haired uncle waits.

Jump to the ground as the turbo slows to cross the borderline.
Run like the wind as excitement shivers up and down my spine.
But down in his barn, my uncle preserved for me
an old machine for fifty-odd years.
To keep it as new has been his dearest dream.

I strip away the old debris that hides a shining car,
a brilliant Red Barchetta from a better, vanished time.
We'll fire up the willing engine, responding with a roar.
Tires spitting gravel, I commit my weekly crime.

Wind, in my hair, shifting and drifting...
Mechanical music ... adrenaline surge.

Well-oiled leather, hot metal and oil, the scented country air.
Sunlight on chrome, the blur of the landscape, every nerve aware.

Suddenly ahead of me, across the mountainside,
a gleaming alloy air-car shoots towards me two lanes wide.
Oh, I spin around with shrieking tires to run the deadly race.
Go screaming through the valley, as another joins the chase.

Ride like the wind, straining the limits of machine and man.
Laughing out loud with fear and hope, I've got a desperate plan.

At the one-lane bridge I leave the giants stranded at the riverside,
race back to the farm, to dream with my uncle at the fireside.

Well, you either like Geddy Lee's vocals or you don't. The guitar leads and the harmonics by Alex Lifeson are exquisite.

Per Neil Peart, these lyrics were inspired - he couldn't get a hold of the guy with questions - by one Richard Foster, who'd written a story of the sad future of motoring for Nov. '73 Road & Track magazine. It was called "A Nice Morning Drive".

Comments (22)

The Yellow Pages - Factoids and Fun

Posted On: Saturday - March 23rd 2024 1:33PM MST
In Topics: 
  General Stupidity  TV, aka Gov't Media  Humor  History  Americans

See, from earlier, Let your fingers do the walking and The days of the HuWhite pages.

Jim Rockford, up to something or other...

Regular Peak Stupidity readers will know that, from the bygone days of decent TV shows, before I quit the whole TV deal a quarter century ago, The Rockford Files is our favorite. One can find about a dozen posts on the show here. I did my best to find Private Investigator Jim Rockford at a phone booth but also looking through the yellow pages, as he did in a number of scenes. Sorry, no luck yet...

That'd have been perfectly plausible. Though Jim would have had a big 2 or 2 1/2" thick Yellow Pages book back in his trailer, along with the same for the White Pages, I don't think they could have covered all of Los Angeles County (with another for Orange County.) even back in the day with half the people. As Mr. Hail discussed in the comments on both sets of books, business and other activities were generally more local in 50 years-ago America.

What'd you do when you couldn't find that specialized v-belt at the local (probably non-chain, even) auto parts store? You had to work with people, like, YES, talk to them and all and get helpful referrals and that. Maybe you'd have to drive a ways on those LA freeways, and then possibly look up the business for its address and phone # when you got nearby.

By some point, businesses that wanted to go nationwide were able to get "eight hundred numbers", as they were called, i.e. phone numbers starting with 800* in place of an Area Code. This was so that customers would call to begin with, as not many people wanted that Ker-Ching! from the phone company every minute, racking up bills for calls that might have been a waste of time. These nationwide sales companies would pay the charges instead. I assume they got volume discounts.**

Because my Dad was no early adopter of credit cards (before debit cards), or more like, very sane financially, I remember having to call up an 800 for him to order a tennis racket with my CC. Those numbers did the trick before and during the first dozen years of internet commerce, or even the present day for people like me who really just like to get a human on the phone.

There aren't many phone booths left now, but those there are can't have the phone books hanging by a piece of aircraft cable, as in Jim Rockford's day. It'd be a tremendous waste to print them. I do wish I'd accumulated a hundred or more - the neighbors would have helped - before they were a thing of the past. Those things were great for the shooting range. A .22 LR round went only 2/3 through they yellow pages from a foot away. They were great for experimentation.

Now for the couple of stories. Regarding the 1st, the background is that, well, these books came out once a year. If you had a business, you had to arrange for your ad in, say February, or nobody but existing customers, or those from word-of-mouth, were going to beat a path to your door, or at least telephone. To ensure you were serious (I guess), one had to have a "commercial" or "business" line, in order to put an ad in, whether one line, an inch on 1 of 3 columns, or half a page.

Wait, but once your ad was in 10's of thousands of Yellow Page books throughout town, what if you stopped paying? Aha, well, your phone line would be disconnected. Yeah, but some people are too clever by half ... half a page ad, that is. My friend's brother put in that huge ad that must have cost $500 or even thousands monthly back in the day. He paid one month. When he quit paying, they cut off his line... but, he'd put his sister's phone number also in that same ad, so people would do business that way. I assume she was OK with that ...

Then, as seen on The Rockford Files and real life, there were these lazy or not-so-bright people using phone booths that didn't carry writing instruments and paper, or hadn't such a good memory. Instead of writing down or memorizing the number they'd found for 20 seconds, they'd just tear out that portion of the page, White or Yellow pages. It showed a disregard for any future users of that book who might have needed info off that page or the back side. This says something about "a people". Something tells me that it's not something you'd have seen in Germany, Scandinavia, or Japan but more so in Italy or Greece... not in China just due to it being too wretched then to have phone booths, yellow pages***, or phones... yeah, and in Los Angeles, on TV, and knowing the place, in real life.

They showed this sort of behavior on The Rockford Files, and that was humorous and endearing. Then too, at times, while waiting for an answer on the phone, Jim would look up his own PI ad, just to make sure it was still there. He'd see the line-drawing of his face doctored up with, what, a booger hanging from his nose, a doobie in his mouth with smoke curling up, or maybe some disparaging remarks made by one of his competing detectives? I was partial to doodling stubble on the face and John Lennon glasses, myself.

Hey, now you all have smart phones - you can put the call on speaker and surf the whole internet during the call. We had no internet. We had to make do with doodling doobies, boogers, stubble, and John Lennon glasses in the Yellow Pages. It was a different time, you understand ...

* Eventually, there were enough of these numbers assigned - could it really have been in the neighborhood of 8 million? - that the phone companies branched out to 888, 887, 877, etc. (They just couldn't match actual area codes, the number of which would soon expand greatly, what with fax machines first and then mobile phones.)

** You'll still see those numbers around. They must be for legacy land-line-only folks. Otherwise, what's the diff - there's no charge for long distance within the country.

*** I mean, who were you gonna call, the Communist Party, the feed corn ration card office, or the nearest commune?

Comments (5)

The Pretendians per Steve Sailer: Squaw or no Squaw?

Posted On: Friday - March 22nd 2024 6:41PM MST
In Topics: 
  Humor  Political Correctness  Female Stupidity

Now, that we have your attention here at Peak Stupidity... Now, that we have your attention... hey, staring at female humans is toxic masculinity - please stop ... though no longer active on the site (due to time constraints only), we are not above reading some of Steve Sailer's posts on VDare. His latest of many is Life Expectancy—How To Find Where The Pretendians Live.

"Pretendians" is Mr. Sailer's clever term for pretend Indians, those White women (for the most part) who fake society - at least their colleges and/or employers - into believing that they are Indians. (That is, the Casino tribes, not the Tech Support tribes.) As with Fauxahauntas - and thank you, Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren never fooled most of us. She fooled whom it mattered to fool, those giving away easier admissions and employment and those who could be virtue-signaled into giving out undue breaks and respect.

Regarding his post, Mr. Sailer uses his stats in a novel and clever way to try to figure out where the greater percentage of Pretendians vs REAL Indians live. He has written much more on these women before with other examples and ideas, IMO.

I'm not writing this post to argue against Mr. Sailer's method - I think it's fairly sound. I'm writing this because I swore off of writing comments on the Unz Review site, but I really wanted to so badly.

Why do this many White ladies want to pretend to be Indians? (More and more seem to be getting de-feathered as of late.) Is it all just the benefits? Mr. Sailer understands woman as well as I do, and he notes the Pretendians tend to be: ... typically left of center white women in academic or government jobs who have decided that they aren’t what they appear—regular white women—but are actually American Indian princesses who are not only glamorously attention-getting but also eligible for affirmative action.

Yes, women like to be considered glamorous. I think, deep down in their female lizard brains, these women want to be thought of by men who've never seen them as wearing loin cloths. That's all there is to it. Maybe it's cross-legged inside a private tipi or in a sweat lodge, glistening with sweat, wearing a loin cloth. That's the way I see it anyway... then I see a youtube video of Elizabeth Warren talking feminism on the Senate Floor. Ruined! The whole thing is ruined, I tells ya'!!

Oh, and the women above? They may be Pretendians, but squaw or no squaw, they are hot!

Comments (11)

Los Rooferros - such a deal!

Posted On: Friday - March 22nd 2024 5:01PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Economics  Race/Genetics

As a Libertarian site, Peak Stupidity is, OK, I am, down with the economic idea of Division of Labor. That is, in a smooth-running free-market economy, whoever is best at and/or more efficient at the work is, via the magic of pricing and Supply & Demand, the one who ought to be, and ends up, doing said work. I don't extend that concept to include invasions to our country, though.

Secondly, it's a personal quirk, I guess, but I like to be able to do whatever work I can do myself, on vehicles and my house, in particular. Therefore, I've only had people do work on my house less than a full handful of times. Once, it was the city, after I'd accidentally sawn through the gas line - fixing that was not my area of expertise, my having never worked as an EOD "technician"! Then, there was our roof. I'd done 2 smaller jobs, and I found roofing pretty straightforward, but there's an economy of scale problem - I estimated a week's work, and the weather forecasts don't accurately go out nearly that far.

Roofing is one of those jobs that's been long ago relegated almost solely to illegal aliens and other Hispanic young men. Privatizing the profits, but socializing the losses works wonders, well, depending if you are on the private or public side of it. It's easily been a couple of decades since I've seen more than rare occurrences of OTM's (in border patrol parlance, but then there are Other Than Mexicans on roofing crews, from Guatemala and what-have-you). It's a pretty lucrative business too, with often the one White guy running the business and doing sales. That's too bad for those Americans replaced, both White and black.

I wasn't there, but I would guess it was probably a crew of Americans who did the roof of our house back in the mid-1980s. It was a decent job*, as I'd only done a few spot repairs since, with 30 years having gone by - an ACTUAL 30-year roof.

For my required (re-)roofing job,I made an effort to get a crew of 3 White guys. Seeing as this job had been decades coming, there was no rush, so, when I saw the guys working on a house across the road, I hired them. I wish I could, but I can't say their work was splendid. I had to point out one spot of bad wood that they were obviously otherwise not going to concern themselves with. Additionally, the lead's estimate for the materials that I bought was ridiculously off - 50% over in shingles and paper, and even the nails. This was a simple roof, so I had a much more accurate estimate from 2 minutes of back-o-the-envelope mental calculation.**

So far, so good, is the story, though, after almost a decade. In contrast, a nearby monstrosity of a house built ~ 1 1/2 decades ago has one of those high and complicated roofs. It was done by Mexicans, as was all the building of that house. Regarding the latter, that construction was not stellar. Upon the house's first sale, there were crews of various sorts - roofing, siding, HVAC, etc., there for 6 months afterwards, off and on, but mostly on, to repair all the problems discovered during the inspection. That had to be $75,000 by my rough estimate. The builder lost his ass on the project. I know this because we had a semi-heated discussion in which I twice noted that he'd lost his ass. After twice replying in a small Lebowski manner that "That's just, like, your opinion, man...", he admitted finally that "Yeah, I lost my ass."

Well, recently there was a Mexican roofing crew going up on that. same roof, working under a friendly White man who told me "you just can't do this work without illegal aliens". Yeah, well, that's just, like, his opinion, man... but, anyway, I'd thought they were going to fix some bad spots. (It IS, after all, a complicated roof.***) Nope, they redid the whole thing. Lots of the roofing could be 3rd generation, after only 1 1/2 decades!

As with Cheap China-made Crap, you may think you're getting a good deal upon the sale. After the 3rd go-around, it turns out to have not been such a deal. As for American society, as a whole, it's never been a good deal, and it can't be, no matter how good the work. Well, maybe if ICE only let in former German BMW engine mechanics....

PS: I didn't argue with the recent-day privatizing the profits guy. He even said, IIRC, that you can't do otherwise when all the competition is doing this. It was too nice a day to argue about it.

* ... in addition to the materials - the shingles and tar paper - having been of good '80s AMERICAN quality.

** Were they that bad at math or greedy for extra material for a future job? I'll never know, but I kept 4 of the extra bundles for repairs, a little tar paper, and one bucket of nails, and the rest went back to the store for a significant refund.

*** It's very nice to have a lower one with decent slopes upon which I can walk on and check out comfortably. That won't last forever, alas.

Comments (6)

Boys, we're in a tight spot

Posted On: Thursday - March 21st 2024 6:36AM MST
In Topics: 
  Global Financial Stupidity  Economics  US Feral Government  Taxes

That's from some guy who tweets about stuff - that's all I know about him. It doesn't take a PhD in economics or anything else to understand when one is in a tight spot an un-recoverable financial hole. Were the US Feral Gov't an individual, he'd have to be regularly changing phone numbers, cashing all his paychecks the day he gets them, and buying used non-electronically-repossessable vehicles by this point.

A little more from the Independent Sentinel site is here:
Personal income tax is half of what the government takes in. That isn’t good.

About 50 percent of federal revenue comes from individual income taxes, 7 percent from corporate income taxes, and another 36 percent from payroll taxes that fund social insurance programs. The rest comes from a mix of sources.
Well, it's more simple, and it gives more understanding of the situation, to just say that last month the US Gov't had to spend just under 1/3 of all money taken in on interest payments on that $34,000,000,000,000 "note".

Peak Stupidity has warned this nation many times. The financial stupidity will be the first one to stop, due to, what CAN'T go on, WON'T go on.* The rest of the stupidity may die with it, but, as we've also warned, that's only if the result isn't that we go Communist. In that case, as stupidity goes, the sky's the limit.

PS: This post's title comes from Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?

* H/T due Herb Stein, from what I am told.

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